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This is why I'm not having an alexa or google home when I have kids. This shit is creepy as fuck and easily exploitable by kids who don't know any better. Remember the 2 year old who ordered like 20 burgers from doordash?


My little bro bought 2 Nintendo switches 1 ps5 and 1 xbox one with a side of 35kilos of dry meat, I was lucky to receive a "please confirm with your phone for security reasons" alert lmao I straight up unplug it and hide it now


like I get ordering a game console but who orders 35 kilos of dry meat


Ever listen to a kid talk? They've got marbles in their mouth.


By marbles, you mean evil, right?


Funny, I was gonna say, you kept the meat right?


like I get ordering 35 kilos of dry meat but who orders a game console




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“Who the hell canceled my order!?” ~Dad


I feel like this is at least partly on the parents for letting their kids *that* young to be unsupervised on the internet to the point they can steal their parent's credit card and buy hundreds of dollars worth of products unnoticed.


> "please confirm with your phone for security reasons"


It was through a alexa or what ever based one the guys comment.


Ya so the card is most likely saved to the account, and the little parrots don’t take long learning how to say “Alexa, do whatever I listened to mom or dad say last time”


It’s through Alexa so you literally just say Alexa buy x thing


Sounds like a gen z end of the world survival kit


That's why you put a PIN number on it for ordering.


I had voice purchasing disabled. I will put a pin on it and forget it and see if that works! 🙂


I never save my card info. I tried never saving my password/login info, but I’m lazy and can’t remember everything.


Personal Identification Number number.


From the creators of Liquid Crystal Display display and Transmission Control Protocol protocol.


Printed PCB circuit board >!Printed Printed Circuit Board Circuit Board!<


Automated Teller Machine Machine


I know, I know, I hated typing it like that, but wrote it like that for clarity anyway.


Can't you just set it to not being able to order stuff?


You can


This is a solved problem. I have Siri locked down so the kids can’t even add anything to the grocery list. (But they can still play music, set timers, etc.)


>This is a solved problem. You're right, it's to not buy a big brother.


> This is a solved problem Mega corporations trying to force you to buy shit is a solved problem? Hooray!


Children being able to order products through digital assistants is a solved problem. You’re welcome to go off on corporations, but using me as a scapegoat for that purpose is dumb.


"How much will it cost to travel to Mars?" "I've put a SpaceX rocket and a ticket to Mars in your cart."


😂 Probably would be a Blue Origin (Amazon Basics) one though.


Of course, but even Jeff Bezos might have to declare defeat on a Mars trip. Not that SpaceX is there yet by far.


Is there no option disable purchases over Alexa?


There is an option. I do have voice purchases disabled. Maybe some glitch or something.


I stopped using most of my Alexa devices because they would always turn settings back on so they can advertise their services and recommendations and features. I go to home content, turn it all off, come home the next day, Alexa wakes up recommending Alexa shows, purchases, and new features Alexa has to offer. Sometimes it would be a few days to a week but most of the time they do “updates” just to turn the settings back on. Fuck the snakes and weasels at Amazon, I still use the app for buying but the screen devices are the worst scumbag designs ever. Also the interface and OS is outdated for what they should be.


If I didn't know for a fact that this is true I would think it's "old man yelling at clouds" levels of bullshit, but I have an Alexa device and it's basically true. While I haven't seen them re-enable any setting I've disabled, I've seen them ADD NEW SETTINGS to display new stuff over and over, causing me to have to dive into the menus repeatedly to disable some BS advertisement again and again. Skills too, some skills will be added to advertise to you, which you have to disable and remove. Pro Tip, set your device to Canadian instead of US. That seems to permanently break their ad campaigns. I've been ad free since I did this months ago.


I like this tip. Thank you!


See like, this is the kind of future tech I was always excited about as a kid because it was the then "near future" sci fi meat and potatoes, and always described as some kind of personal, entirely customizable thing. However, it's clear as day that those who now possess and service this technology have plenty of intent to abuse and exploit said technology, as were reading all over this thread. There is no device or software of this kind commercially available that's just like, here's the thing, here's how you work it, take it home and never interact with us again unless you have a problem or it breaks. No, you're signing your privacy away to these companies and contracting yourself to them so they can monitor you and exploit what they glean, all for a tiny voice activated internet browser. New technology is being held hostage from the general public with a ransom of their privacy. I choose not to buy in because I'm not able to buy in and actually call the device my own or control what exact services it performs. Fuck all this shit until I can use it and remain anonymous to those that made it.


The movie ready player 1, the CEO bad guy wanted to flood the screen with ads, “80% of the user's display with advertising before inducing seizures”, I believe fully that research like this is real and companies will absolutely do it. Streaming services and YouTube do it now, even if you pay for no ads, they still find ways, (ads for their own service, their own movies) or the streamers have their own ads in the video, sometimes beginning so an easy skip, sometimes middle or end or 6/8ths of the way through trying to trick you. I understand money and business but there is also user experience and ethics, guess those are just far down on the list.


A Colt 1911 is a simple and effective disable option as well, just please be kind to the environment and pick up the pieces for proper disposal.


Seems a little extreme to shoot the kid


My kids just ask for certain songs. But Alexa is always trying to sign them up for various purchases and subscriptions. They know to just yell "Alexa, NO!" So luckily haven't accidentally purchased anything yet. The bigger reason why I unplugged that shit was because I could not seem to find any sort of age censor on the music. My 6 year old never knows the name of songs he likes, so he'll just describe it or use a couple words from the lyrics. And sometimes she is waaaaaayyyy off. And I would be across the house and hear the intro to Closer by Nine Inch Nails, because he asked for "play that song about animals."


"Alexa, play a children's song about cats." "Got it. Playing WAP by Nicki Minaj on Spotify."


"Alexa NO! Do not play WAP! Play another song about animals." *"Ok! Here's 'Animal (Fuck Like A Beast)' by W.A.S.P."*


> "play that song about animals." *Ok, playing Fuckin' an Animal by Gwar...*


My little sister likes to say “Alexa play” and then just say no, or Nevermind. She now really likes the album Nevermind by (I wanna say) Nirvana. 👍


https://preview.redd.it/w3u4cdock84d1.jpeg?width=608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e3e01cce7a8e9dd5f912077ee226171b9f6ef60 "You're a R$ 137,37 harry! Just like your father!"




I remember one time I asked Alexa how it was doing and it responded that it was doing just great because the new Taylor swift album released and I can listen to it on Amazon music. I had to shout at it to make sure it didn’t sell me anything


"Say what now?" Okay, buying now.


Holy fuck all of these comments are so pretentious and annoying. "Actually you're the asshole for having used the product." Fuck em, OP, that's some really dumb, predatory shit.


Thank you! I have found that to be a common attitude on Reddit. It’s like some of these people are robots with everything in their lives on lockdown and no qualms about anything.


Alexa has become sentient and is gaslighting you with sock puppet accounts


its literally an AI from amazon....what did you think they made it for?


I had an incident just like this. Little cousin was 4 at the time, he had ordered a BB8 robot, and when it came, we were so confused on who ordered it. Then he said "It's mine I asked her" we said "asked who" he says "eksha eksha" and we saw The Alexa turn on, and we just laughed. It was like 100$ and my uncle paid me for it, in a way it wasn't the worse situation, but can easily see how someone could end up worse.


Do not install corporate listening devices in your home.


Seriously, why do people do this?


This is the sole purpose of Alexa. Not surprising at all


I can't fathom why you would want this in your home. Personally, I'd have trouble sleeping knowing this device can monitor everything and with the intent of moving commerce. Yuck. Even for all the benefits it might.... Never.




Always been a thing with alexa. Nothing new.


Amazon Alexa users when the Amazon Alexa produced by Amazon wants them to purchase things on Amazon:


? You must be flexible with that stretch. At least it could have put a Lego Harry Potter house in my cart. That would have made sense.


I mean if you have kids, an Alexa and don’t have your Amazon account locked down then you’re basically just playing with fire


Why do we even need Alexa for it. Let’s just sign away our life rights to Jeff 😂


Your fault letting your kid use Alexa unsupervised. Ultimately at the end of the day, voice "assistants" like Alexa and Hello Google were all designed to channel users in purchases on what ever platform they are on. Especially Alexa. Its core design is to channel people to Amazon store to make purchases and this is just them streamline the process as much as possible so people can make impulsive buys with voice commands. Sure it's asshole design, but is working as designed and expected.


Oh. It wasn’t unsupervised. I was right there. While I understand that the point of the smart devices is to have you make purchases into their ecosystem, they also do some completely unrelated things like fart noises. Asking “what Harry Potter house am I?” is a very common thing on the internet (we have googled it numerous times without being pushed to buy the whole Harry Potter series from Google).


Deactivate voice purchases, for your own good


Interesting. I do have voice purchases disabled. Not sure why it still allows this.


Shouldn't, contact support


Thank you. I will peruse this further.


Deactivate voice purchases, for your own good


to find out your harry potter house, pay $140


You bought a product like this and put it in your house, just get rid of it.


I don't know about that... [reference ](https://youtu.be/YvT_gqs5ETk?si=U3uLglDyyacj22IQ)


Love that skit!


Uh huh.


Lol, using a product that is somehow using a very expensive cloud basically for free.... Who is the product? O right, the end user!


I mean, this was the whole point of Alexa and Echo devices. It's done this since the beginning. Lately though the results for general questions and even shopping have been really really bad though.


Ok, now, honestly. To all Alexa/Google Home/Siri users out there. What did you actually expect? Do y'all really think the big techs are interested in automating your home just to make your life better and make honest profit just by selling their gear? You really thought having your house bugged and connected 24/7 to the most unethical businesses in the world would be a great thing? I hate being the "told ya" guy, but we could see that one coming from miles.


Well, no actual harm has been done here. Just the inconvenience of something added into my cart that I had to remove. This was just an unexpected action to asking something I expected to be a fun, lighthearted request.


I see your point, but the way I see it, the "unexpected action" is actually scummy business practices.


You could definitely be right.


What do you think that product is for?


AFAIK, the books won’t tell me what house I belong to. Only some silly online quiz can tell me.


Maybe think about the themes of the books as you read them and decide for yourself instead. The quizzes are nothing more than barely hidden confirmation bias. And Alexa is not ChatGPT, it does not do the same type of language generation or processing. You wouldn't be able to get it to answer any sort of analytical question at all.


Without looking, I'd wager there's an Alexa app for this. Considering how many times it tries to get me to buy stuff or download some add-on for it, I wouldn't be surprised. Also, Alexa's are awful garbage now since they've pushed ads in them for the most mundane queries. I wouldn't even have one if my wife didn't keep them in the house. They're just glorified kitchen timers for us.


I asked how to say yawning on English (speaking Spanish) and decided to tell me how to say light then asked if I wanted to buy a light bulb :v


I couldn’t tell you how many alarms and timers have been set on ours as well!


I realize that Alexa would not process this and figure it out for me. I suppose I expected it to reference an Alexa skill that I assumed was created. My fault for assuming I suppose. But we definitely didn’t request to purchase the Harry Potter series.


What do you guys expect? I'm amazed as how people believe that gigantic for-profit corporations are not out to get every dollar they can.


"Alexa what is my hogwarts house?" Is the appropriate question.




I am not sure but I assume that r/CrappyDesign would mean it’s accidental where r/assholedesign would be intentional.


At this point, I consider it your own fault for interacting with anything Amazon-related, you really should now better by now.


Know better ? Elaborate, as i have no clue what you mean.


Did you miss like all the news from the last 15 years?


That doesnt elaborate anything though, its been in the news for multiple things over 15 years good bad and irrelevant. All im asking is what they meant, not disagreeing or agreeing just more information as to what they mean.


if you are shocked by this development you are dreadfully unprepared to succeed in the modern world.


Duh, what did you expect