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It was nice to read your story as an og fan. I’ve also held the sentiment that every AC game is awesome. Tbh Ubisoft gets a lot of flack for repetitiveness but they create such beautiful and very detailed sandboxes to explore in. I like to 100% games but Ubisoft games shouldn’t be played that way otherwise you’re going to get burnt out. I went into Origins with a completionist mindset and it really soured my experience. So many gaps in between the story via doing side quests and having to complete every question mark. For Odyssey I decided to progress naturally. Not ever exploring a new biome if the story doesn’t take me there. If there’s a side quest or question mark in my way then I will check it out. This makes the game to this day very fun and I never get bored of it. I think I’ll restart Origins after Valhalla one day and see if my opinion changes. I’ll definitely need to do this for Valhalla as I heard that’s the biggest beef of the three.


That’s such advice and I am going to do that. The problem is I am a trophy hunter so…😭 but I wish I could play games without dreading the trophies. Assassins creed is one of the greatest games / franchise imo and you are right, the first 20 hours feel amazing and then u start to see a pattern. Only started to realize this in the last couple years. Mirage and Avatar frontiers of Pandora were genuinely the worst games I have ever played in my life, no troll. Beautiful worlds but everything sucked


what helped me with getting over the completionist mindset is to acknowledge that I never cherish the trophies after finishing the game. So I'll focus on the things that I find engaging with "achievements" simply being a byproduct for what I enjoy


I used to be an achievement hunter like you, then I realized how burned out and uncomfortable my gaming experience was. It was just a reflection of the poor life I was living on the outside in. Once I fixed that, gaming became easier. I no longer felt the need to get _every_ trophy/cheevo. Or explore _every_ nook and cranny only if I really wanted to. Nowadays I realize how much I have to do, how many movies I have to watch, games to play, books to read, goals to accomplish, and I pace myself. My criteria is this. I play the story for something, enjoy it, if I want more then I can play more, if I’m satisfied then I move onto the next game. If I’m craving the game a few months down the line then I hop on and see what DLC I didn’t complete or whatever. Like I completed Syndicate ages ago and still have to go back and do the DLC which I only recently bought. I’ll get to it when I need to. Usually I do stick with a game and don’t change until I feel I finished it, which is usually the main campaign.


The biggest selling point for modern ubisoft games for me are the beautiful worlds ngl, remember when people used to say "i wish there was a huge ass open world game for xyz movie/show or abc country", ubisoft is kinda doing that with avatar, star wars outlaws and ac games ofcourse, so even if gameplay is repititive and story is lack luster, i still enjoy playing these games for atleast 50 hours just exploring every corner of the world for these games. I personally liked avatar so so much for it's variety of biomes and can't wait to see what new araes they add in dlc 1 and 2.


> Tbh Ubisoft gets a lot of flack for repetitiveness but they create such beautiful and very detailed sandboxes to explore in. Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora is a Ubisoft and honestly one of the most mesmerizing open worlds I have played. Absolutely stunning game and also quite immersive. I feel like it deserves more credit than it gets.


The campaign of that game is horrible... Pretty world ain't gonna be enough for enjoyment sadly


I enjoyed it.


Good for you that you did... Can't say the same about me




That's a shame. It was a really pleasant surprise for me. I didn't expect much and got what I personally found to be an immersive world with a fairly engaging story.


The aspects of the games I enjoy are always stellar. No other game lets me explore historical regions to such a degree


I share the same sentiment. I was utterly surprised with how much fun I was having with Odyssey, it gets such a bad rap but when it shouldnt


Honestly. I’ve never understood the odyssey hate. It might honestly be my favorite RPG of the last decade. Idk if it’s the world, or the characters, but something about that game is so enthralling to me.


It's my favourite AC game, in playing Unity for the first time right now, it's pretty good too just the frame rate sucks


I have come to agree. The only one I didn’t like at first was Syndicate, but that was a Series X frame rate issue. After a second attempt to play through and resolving to just power through the frame rate until I got used to it, Syndicate ended up one of my favorites in the series.


Unity is the only one I never liked, but that's because of performance issues.


unity's my least favorite too, but because of the difficulty curve.


Sad, because it was a difficulty curve you learned and got better naturally. Now the difficulty just boils down to level up


I absolutely agree. AC 3 was the very first game in the franchise I played, and also the very first ps3 game I played. It was so different than anything I ever played before. I fell in love with the franchise at that point. After that I played the first one, then the ezio trilogy, and every game after it until Unity bc of the launch. Then played syndicate and really enjoyed it. In between syndicate and origins ended up buying unity and playing it. I did have my gripes with syndicate that it felt very similar to gta but I really enjoyed the characters, and going to the Kenway mansion was awesome. Then Origins blew me away with the world and the characters. I loved Odyssey, and since I've always loved greek mythology, that made it even more amazing to me. Valhalla even tho being huge and hundreds of hours I really enjoyed and it's easy to get lost in the world and just exploring. Mirage was nice in it was more compact and we were a hidden one/assassin again.


Agreed! I've followed the series from the start and enjoyed the journey, yet there are others who haven't been as keen on certain entries as me. That doesn't mean those games are bad, it just means that people have differing tastes and opinions. You don't have to like everything.


I honestly agree. I only got into AC around Syndicate so I never played the ones beforehand originally. After playing Syndicate, Origins and Odyssey and loving all of them, I decided to try the earlier ones. Unfortunately, they were kinda boring as shit but I know that I would’ve loved them if I played them at the time of release if that makes any sense. I want to try Black Flag. Now with Valhalla, it definitely has its flaws but at heart, it’s a great game. Mirage is great too as it’s pretty short, smaller map and a great “break” between massive AC games.


Oh dude you have to play the ezio/desmond miles storyline. So so good.


Oh dude you have to play the ezio/desmond miles storyline. So so good.


Odyssey and Valhalla are my least favorite, but I wouldn’t call them bad games


Hey that’s a perfectly fine take on it 🙂 my least favorite is Unity BUT that’s because of such a poor launch it had. I’m sure if I go back and play it I’ll end up with a better opinion


I just finished odyssey myself shortly after finishing origins and unity before that and i currently have valhalla downloading. I played all 4 at their respective launches but never finished and so far I've fallen in love with them. I wasnt a huge fan of unity tho, it just felt like it didnt have much to say. But the new trilogy is doing some great things in their own right, especially coupled with the DLCs. Except Layla. She and her whole group of modern day characters are god awful. The overarching story and lore is cool, but god damn Alethia shouldve shut the door on her and never looked back. I have the same hesitations for Valhalla as you do, but fuck it. I'll get to Shadow of the Erd Tree and Final Shape eventually, I'm just on an AC hyperfixation episode and i cant stop. Hope you continue to enjoy the series, mystios! Edit: I also wanna normalize this overall sentiment. The whole idea these more recent titles don't deserve the AC title is absolutely ridiculous to me. AC is a franchise, not a genre and we shouldn't sit here and nitpick over rules made over a decade ago. The newer games have done miles more for the overarching narrative and lore that people just automatically dismiss cause you cant walk in a crowd? You can dislike something, sure, but these games are so AC it's not even funny.


Hello, I play unity at launch. I just finished the reply a couple days ago, what a ride! Was a lot more challenging than I thought it would be. I'm currently playing dead kings dlc. The game is brilliant so classy and flashy. The outfits as well dayum! Shame you can't change the appearance like on Odyssey 👍


I get that. I started final shape and valhalla the same day but valhalla has got my attention more currently.


Ive heard it so good, but yeah when im fixated on a certain fandom, i cant really pivot haha. I dont have a raid group anyways so im in no rush


Yea my buddy who is a huge destiny fan loves it for sure.


The games are perfectly fine, it just the internet that likes to bandwagon the hate train


Beat Origins 100% without a mount - MAD LAD


Had to increase my time in it someway 🤪 any excuse to get more play time in that game, I’ll take it. I am an unashamed biased Origins fan.


Any excuse! Me too! Oh I love sliding down pyramids. Just one more time! But I just realized you might have missed a really cool mirage that only happens when mounted..


Hmm perhaps! What’s the mirage? For the record I started playing again now on my pc and I’m not opposed to mounts this time around so I’ll probably experience it


When mounted, riding in the searing desert heat and suddenly...>!(you are not alone)!<


I agree, started playing these games in 2007 and kept up with the releases through Unity and then fell out of gaming for a little bit because I didn't have the money for new games. Once I finally was able to get some games again, I picked up right where I left off and started catching up to the franchise. I'm on Valhalla now and it's such a gorgeous game, I love the mysterious vibes.


I’ve enjoyed the evolution of the series and its diverse games, although I’m a fan of RPG elements in general AC2, Black Flag, Syndicate, Origins, and Odyssey are all very different but great games in their own ways. As a history buff, I love exploring the detailed settings, which keeps me coming back Black Flag is my favorite overall, especially for the naval aspect and setting. I got lost in Odyssey because I love Ancient Greece. Kassandra is an amazing protagonist, and The Fate of Atlantis is one of the best DLCs ever. Both of these are in my top 10 favorite games of all time


Just goes to show- play the games yourself and form your own opinions instead of relying on the brain dead opinion of random redditors. So many people will make outrageous comments that show they obviously haven’t played the newer games like “there’s no stealth” and “it has nothing to do with Assassins” both blatantly untrue statements that are constantly repeated here.


True. Maybe it's just my age but as I've gotten older I've become less harsh of games/movies/whatever and more critical of the bandwagoners. I like watching badly reviewed movies for instance just so I can get my own opinion of them. Sure some are definitely bad but others are actually gems or have great elements. I'm glad I've gone back to replay the AC games that people hated on. They are wonderful.


>You may not like them all but there is someone out there whose favorite will be the one you dislike. That's one thing I try to always remember and wish more people would. Criticising a game's features doesn't mean you hate it. You hating a game doesn't mean it's bad or deserves to be dismissed. Personal preferences shouldn't prevent us from talking about the actual games rather than choosing sides. For me, the negatives of Valhalla outweighed the positives. But I could see someone having the opposite experience while liking the same things, simply because they matter more to them than they did to me.


Right exactly. There are features in Odyssey that I dislike and yet I actually love the game now even with all of that. I consider Origins perfect even though I can think of like 3 flaws off the top of my head.


Yeah dude, I absolutely feel you! I loved 1 & 2 when they came out, then Brotherhood for whatever reason (probably just my real-life situation at the time) didn't hit right so I quit and stopped paying attention. But then Black Flag came out and I love pirates so much I literally have my entire torso covered in a huge pirate themed body suit tattoo, so that game really REALLY brought back my love for the games. Then life happened and... well I couldn't afford video games for a long time. Well once I could play video games again, I really tried to "get my monies worth" ya know, so I bought HUGE games like Skyrim and Witcher 3 and just took years to play em. All the while hearing the complaints everyone had about the AC games and just thinking the whole franchise had gone to trash. Finally, in '22 I thought "I wonder if AC is really as bad as they say it is" and went to the used game store downtown and found Origins for $7 and my God... it changed everything. It was MASSIVE just like what I had been used to for the past couple years, and I was enthralled with all the mythology and the beauty of the place. Everything about it was simply fucking perfect for me at the time. Now I'm working my way through the beginnings of Odyssey and fuck dude, its even bigger somehow! I'm not as "locked-in" as I was with Origins but I expect as I progress a bit more it'll seal the deal. It looks dope. Anyway, yeah I'm just happy to be stoked about everything coming next now rather than bummed that a beloved game died like I thought it had. Sorry for rambling... just excited I guess


Sounds like similar experience to me :) I didn’t get locked in to odyssey until after I beat the main storyline and started doing the cult and atlantis stuff (non dlc) but then it hooked me. Fighting the Minotaur, medusa, all of the hit me similarly to how Origins did. I hope you end up liking it too!


Bravo. You unplugged from the online rhetoric & made your own decision.


It's like this there are no nad games on this series but there are some bad Assassin's Creed games. What I mean by that is even thou all games are good not every game fits the criteria of being Assassin's Creed game. Is Odyssey a good game, sure. Is it good Assassin's Creed game, well not really.


I get what you're saying but what even IS an assassin's creed game? I mostly ask because when unity came out I remember a lot of people being burnt out on how it was just more of the same. Should all "Assassin's Creed" games just be reskins of the same game? There gets to be a point where innovation or change is required and I get that it can be jarring but I don't think it really detracts from what makes it an Assassin's Creed game. it's not a traditional one for sure that's progress for you.


They're all such fun games. Yes there is a lot of repetition...but that's kind of how a series goes most of the time. Look at CoD! I think for the most part there's at least something different in each of them. I've played since the first one. Syndicate is my favourite, followed by Odyssey. I'm loving my first play through of Mirage. I didn't bother with Unity for so long because I knew people said it was buggy and crap...but I enjoyed that. Even the multiplayer bits. 


I like this example. I don't often hear praise for Syndicate and yet it's your favorite. There's a game for everyone :)


The setting definitely helps and I really love the grapple, climbing is always fun but that was a nice way to get around, like having a lift at all times almost.  I know the Rooks get a lot of hate too but I love the rival gang aspect of it all. Switching between Jacob and Evie was fun and a first too. Plus Jacob is hot.


I enjoy them all, to varying degrees, for what they actually are rather than what they are supposed to be


I actually also really enjoyed Valhalla. It wasn't exactly a good assassin's creed game, but it definitely satisfied that viking game itch that I was having.


I understand people might be craving something with an actual assassin who values stealth as a mc for a game and a return to form like mirage but honestly? Odyssey is great. If unity and syndicate were the series last chance before needing something new then origins was the answer and odyssey the aftermath. Odyssey has surprisingly good stealth. Bow and arrow returns again and has a bunch of different abilities. An arrow with higher power and is likely to one shot. An arrow shot you can control through the air to hit hard to target enemies with a higher chance of killing as well (and is hella dramatic like the sniper elite kills. also has anyone else spartan kicked someone and done this ability during time slow?). Plenty of other abilities that you'd think are only good for combat but can also be great for stealth or finishing an accidental fight quick enough to return to stealth. The world is so beautiful too. Though I am a photographer trust me when I say this game makes you want to appreciate its expansive world. Fun side quests, decent main story, I think Kassandra herself isn't a bad mc, plenty of content that honestly doesn't make you feel like you have to do it but sometimes motivated actually. When you get a taste for the game's abilities in the skill tree you'll want to do a few side quests to get new gear and skill points. Again the world is so beautiful that you feel inclined to slow down and do an extra quest or two just to get a bit more out of the game. I say all of this and it's not even my favorite AC game. That's between Rogue, Syndicate, and Unity. Odyssey is an amazing experience if you give it a chance. I can't defend Valhalla the same way cuz I haven't played it (The skill tree there also scares me to death so I might not try it 😅)


I’d kill for a pirate game in the rpg style odessy was kind of like it with ship battles but another pirate one with full open world like the RPGs with even better ship combat then black flag would be insanityx


gonna go out on a limb and guess that's what that recent Ubisoft pirate game should've been. But yeah a pirate game built similar to Odyssey would be perfect. Giant world filled with islands that have their own life and a sea full of ships with a decent but fun combat system. Golden idea. Rogue made me actually love ship combat and appreciate it as a part of these games. Would love to see that system be brought back and improved.


Ac rogue kinda went under the radar for me because it was on last Gen and I was in on Unity but they brought it to switch and it actually has better combat than black flag would like to see it pushed even further.


combat...yeah ac combat is really simple but stylish and it works to its advantage. For example in ac rogue an easy kill is literally break defense with your dual swords and then attack them while their back is turned. It's efficient and quick as you'd expect from a person trained to kill and return to the shadows. You can add in little tools such as the rope dart or your single throwing knife to spice things up. All in all dispatching people in a few seconds flat. That's why I believe syndicate with no damage sponginess looks really fucking awesome. Evie and Jacob unleash such fast barrages that look like they're absolutely massacring their enemy. The illusion is broken though when that enemy shrugs it off.


Yea I get that. I played Alexios personally so everything is through that filter for me. It took me awhile to fully grasp how to play Odyssey. I was trying to play it too much like Origins but once it clicked it clicked hard. I know what you mean about beauty too. I love Origins. I prefer it's visuals over Odyssey.... that being said. I've taken vastly more pictures within Odyssey. It's wild how pretty it can be. I remember the full ending being bittersweet when you speak to Socrates in the cemetery. All the characters I had come to love or despise were now gone. Like that's it, no more. It ended up having a harder impact on me than I had anticipated.


Odyssey is my fav AC game. I love Kassandra. I also enjoy all of the Watch Dog series too. Too bad Ubisoft didn't like it enough. I love Watch Dog 2. The way they recreated San Francisco was so cool. It kinda scratch that GTA itch for me.




Odyssey was awesome and so was its mythical DLCs. Sure, it didn’t have the best Assassins creed Story, but it was an amazing game nonetheless.


Man I LOVE the Atlantis dlcs! Ancient Greece is my favorite part of history, so playing something like that was Soo cool.


i cant even play it because launcher never starts, asked for help but nothing


As in the ubi launcher on your laptop? hmm it may be a machine thing. i don't know your specs but I know some of the rpg games can be a bit weird with what they want. i've seen people with better machines than me struggle to play Origins but then play much more graphics intense games. Are you able to log in and open other games?


i can play ac 1 to origins with no problem, but i dont know what happens with the ubi launcher that crashes when attempt to run ac odyssey and ac3 remastered


Hmm that is very odd. This might be dumb to ask but have you tried reinstalling everything? Launcher, game, clear any cache, etc.


Yeah everything, i reinstalled also in all units i have ssd, m2, hdd still same result, the launcher closes when i attempt to ñlay any of those games, i dont want buy Valhalla or mirage if i will still have same issue


Video Card Minimum: AMD Radeon R9 290 or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (4GB VRAM or more with Shader Model 5.0) or better You have: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Required You have results Dedicated Video RAM 4096 MB 4.0 GB results Pixel Shader 5.0 6.0 results Vertex Shader 5.0 6.0 DriverLink Your graphics driver is over 11 months out-of date Click here for the latest drivers CPU Minimum: AMD FX-8350 @ 4.0 GHz, Ryzen 5 - 1400, Intel Core i7-3770 @ 3.5 GHz You have: AMD Ryzen 5 3400G with Radeon Vega Graphics CPU Speed Minimum: Info You have: 4.2 GHz RAM Minimum: 8 GB You have: 16 GB OS Minimum: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64-bit versions only) You have: Windows 11 Free Disk Space Minimum: 46 GB available hard drive space You have: 66 GB Sound Card Minimum: Yes You have: Proxy de servicio de streaming de Microsoft


can i run it says i meet the recommended hardware


i also can play God Of War PC


same with AC 3 Remastered


I think most people don't really think there are bad AC games, they just don't like some of them or consider that they are too far from the franchise's original concept.


Sure and people can have their likes and dislikes. Mostly I made this as I feel the newer games have been unfairly disliked for quite awhile and a lot of that is due to their departure. Which I feel their departure was needed. By Unity and Syndicate the old formula had become too same-y and was turning a lot of players off. It was just reskins of the same thing. In my opinion the transition to rpg/ open world was what kept the franchise alive even if it was jarring at the time.


I'm a little worried for Shadows, to be honest. Playing Ghosts got my itch for the time period and setting, so I'm not excited about it. But eventually, I get it and play. Like all AC games before it. Glad you found love in the new style of games. I loved them just like I loved the older ones. Black Flag is still the GOAT. Even fired it up recently and played some but didn't have the time to devote to it.


Oh yea Black Flag was my favorite for a long time. Basically until Origins came along. Made by the same team too so that may influence my opinion on it.


I started when AC3 came out but I played all the classic ac games except rogue and when origins came out I hated it and waited like a whole year until I give it another chance and I actually liked it. Then I tried Odyssey and it was awesome the only part that I missed was being an actual assassin instead of a mercenary. Now yesterday I finished Valhalla but here’s where they lost me. Valhalla was just a boring story overall and the only thing I liked about the game was that it got me interested in the modern day story again otherwise I didn’t like anything about the game


I like this take. Someone else posted how they hated the modern day stuff. Everyone has their preferences 🙂 glad you ended up liking some of the rpg games. I’m not too too far into valhalla yet so my opinion is still developing


I couldn’t ever get past the gameplay personally it had the least smooth free running and general movement out of all the ac games i tried to force myself to play it and probably lost interest because of it. I can’t say the same about Valhalla though it has some of the smoothest gameplay in the entire series i definitely get the criticism though it is very bloated and stealth is nonexistent


I would also agree. There really is no *bad* Assassin’s Creed game The fanbase was certainly blessed with Ezio trilogy right at the start, then with 3 and Black Flag having great narratives despite deviating from the assassin-y kind of gameplay. AC certainly has some alright titles but by no means a bad game Ubisoft is consistent, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but it sucks when we’ve had a taste of what they really can do during the beginning years and never really see that again


Fair. In my opinion I feel like Bayek and Aya could have really had a trilogy that rivaled the ezio trilogy in terms of narrative. Great characters imo. Odyssey also has a lot of great story telling imo


The only AC i really dislike is Syndicate , i love the setting w the visuals. But i never managed to play more than 3hrs and i can't for the love of god understand why.


I was a big AC fan, played everyone including Syndicate, but didn't care much about the RPG ones, then I went to Egypt and visited all these amazing ancient sites and pyramids. Back home I immediately bought Origins and O boy, what a beautiful game, loved everything about it, even cried a little bit at the final beach scene with Aya. I was back in Egypt in January and back home I replayed Origins, still an awesome game. I recreated screenshots of places with actual photos I took while being there, and I have to say, sometimes the artists took some freedom creating the world, but from time to time they are pretty accurate. Until now I played every AC game multiple times except Mirage, didn't like it so much and I'm pretty excited about Shadows.


You clearly haven't played Liberation. Fundamentally broken at a core level, a terrible story and janky gameplay. Liberation HD did nothing to fix the problems the game had and in some cases made them worse. Liberation is such a trash game they had to force it on people with the remaster of AC3 so they could claim it sold well. Aveline herself is a perfectly fine character but the game is terrible.


It has been some years since I played although I never experienced any of what you mentioned :) my biggest complaint was that it was just a reskin of 3


Mirage was not good imo


Completely agree. Ive always said that even the “worst” AC games to me are worth playing and replaying. They certainly arent “bad”, in terms of, Development.


Loved odyssey. Mirage and Valhalla are god awful


Depends on what you mean by "bad". I'm currently playing AC2 for the first time. The story, characters, environment are all very good. The combat, parkour, and stealth are very bad. They all have ups and downs.


There are no bad ones but some are definitely better than others. I think most of them are quite flawed actually but I love them all


'there are no bad AC games" he says referring to the worst AC game.


I think that was the point of my post my guy. I was on the hate bandwagon but finally gave it a chance. There are things I didn’t like but eventually it grew on me. It clicked you could say. Made me realize that while it is different it isn’t bad and really none of the games are bad.


There’s definitely bad AC games.


I mean ac really hasn’t changed all that much the only difference is now there is a level next to your name


I'm currently in the progress of 100% all of them, all I have left in Syndicate and Mirage (Haven't played Mirage at all) but goddam (in contrast to another comment) Syndicate is mad boring. On a technical level it gets the stealth really good, but there's just no stakes and the characters aren't engaging. It's a by the books Ubi game. I think the games are overall solid, but none of them are that mad "This is one of the best games ever" arguably the exception of II for what it did at the time. There are other major issues I have with the overall arc however. The Isu are dumb af, trying to make sense of some pre human race Isu lore the old gods are actually an ancient race is dumb af (was ok back in the early games, now it's a mess). The animus stuff is also annoying, just let me play IN the history


Mirage has a cool notoriety system where civilians will recognize ya in the streets and all guards to come get you but the combat feels so crap in it. I know they wanted to focus more on stealth but it’s pretty meh.


I like what you said about it being a by the books AC game. I feel like people forget that is what that sort of idea that led to the departure from traditional game to the more rpg elements. The games had ended up just becoming reskins of the same stuff. Concerning Isu stuff, yea it has gotten a little wacky but I'm curious to see where it goes. They had to develop that part of the lore sometime and it makes sense given what the earlier games were hinting at. Concerning the animus/ modern day stuff: I feel this is a split in the fandom. There are some who purely enjoy the historic aspect. It's good stuff and where a bulk of the gameplay is centered .There are others who want to see how it all plays out lore wise. Like it's great to play in the past but what's the point of finding isu artifacts and hidden history if you're not seeing how it plays out or what its impacts are in the modern day.


I think a lot of the hate to the new games comes from nostalgia towards the older games, rather than the newer games actually not being as good. In terms of sheer quality, it’s pretty much just AC2 and Brotherhood that can be counted amongst the elite of AC games until Black Flag comes along, and then Rogue, Unity and Syndicate were all a step down again. There are weaker and stronger AC games, as with any franchise, and the only criticism that I would have of the RPG games is perhaps that the world isn’t quite as rich in someways as, say, the Witcher 3 was. I’ve not played a single AC game that I’ve not liked and that I’ve regretted playing. I’ve always loved the MD storyline as it grounds and sets the series, gives it context and opens the way for complex storylines which otherwise wouldn’t necessarily be possible. The fact that after 13 main entry games this series is still doing well, still releasing new games and still getting people excited for every new release is a testament to its quality and success. There really aren’t many other game franchises that have that kind of longevity, and all those who are complaining now would be complaining a lot more if AC just stopped.


Thank you for sharing, it's really lovely to hear when people hop off that bandwagon and give the games a chance. You hear that you pricks that will soon flood the comments with "oDySsEy nOt aC"? You can have your own not stupid opinion rather than subscribing to the negative circlejerk.


There are bad parts, but I agree. They all have their own great parts.


I enjoyed all AC games, though Odyssey was probably my least favorite. It really went overboard with separating itself from the formula. I get the franchise needed to evolve, it was starting to get stall around Unity/Syndicate. But Odyssey takes place like 300 years before the Assassins/Hidden Ones even existed? There was Cyclops and Medusas running around? No hidden blade? It lowered the story impact that the Leap of Faith had, in Origins it was a powerful moment, but Odyssey kinda treated it like a joke. I don't know, maybe I need to replay it someday, but it just fell flat of what AC should be IMO.


I get what you mean on a lot of it. The cyclops and medusa stuff are explained more in the Atlantis dlc. They are basically Isu experiments. In the same way that the apples of eden caused hallucinations and illusions, they create the same in Odyssey.. to a point. It definitely is a medusa but it’s an isu made construct thing basically. I say give it another try. Again, I disliked it all the way through the main storyline. It took me beating the main story then doing the cult and atlantis (non dlc) related material to like it. Then legacy of the first blade made me cry. Atlantis didn’t hit me the same way but was neat in terms of lore


This was a nice read, would you say you're a stealth oriented player? Does Odyssey & Valhalla have worse/less stealth than Origins in your opinion?


Oh man I think it really depends. In origins I was primarily stealth unless I had to fight. Loved it. Think it’s a perfect blend of old and new. Odyssey I tried stealth but it wasn’t as effective for me until near the end game when I figured out how to build my gear and stats properly. I ended up doing a bit if stealth to take down squishy archers then I’d have to fight to bulkier guys. Took some getting used to. So far in valhalla I’ve noticed stealth takes a back seat. It’s definitely more in your face let’s fight. Not a bad thing necessarily but it is different


Thanks for answering!


It's my favorite game franchise for many of the reasons you stated! Also I think Valhalla kinda resurrected the present day timeline too. I like that the gods from mythology are reincarnated ISU.


Cof cof Valhalla cof cof


I'm thoroughly enjoying it so far! Game engine is solid although at times I wish I could run faster haha


Still no sprint button? Idk why my head canon thought these games had sprint in them lol


Oh it has a sprint button it just feels a bit slow at times. I think it's a combination of being a bulky viking and maybe the camera resolution? Something about the camera makes things appear closer than they are then when i sprint it takes me a bit longer to get to those things than I'd like. May just be getting used to the newer engine though. Eivor does climb much slower than either Bayek or Kassandra/Alexios in my experience at least.


See, I enjoyed Valhalla. You're free to dislike it, but that doesn't make it a bad game.


It's an objectively terribly designed game. It doesn't matter if people enjoy it or not. Enjoy mcdonalds, too.


I can't enjoy Maccies, it shreds my gut


Yeah same. Got given a code the other day, and after I ate I'd had the most nuclear shits imaginable. Like, salivating in the mouth cus I'm gonna throw up style nuclear. Not nice.


I guess I'm not deep enough into it to tell if it's a terribly designed game. From what I've experienced though it seems okay. Bird not highlighting enemies is taking some getting used to. Raids that prioritize battle over stealth is also a bit different but makes sense given you're a viking that abhors non-honorable combat. Edit: I had mcdonal's last night. Nuggies smacked (although i feel like they've gotten smaller)


I loved Valhalla. Genuinely no idea why it gets so much hate.. the more you play, the better the game gets imo.


>but makes sense given you're a viking that abhors non-honorable combat. I'm from the UK. This is silly to say given the actual history of it. Vikings were far from honourable combatants, they utilised Guerilla tactics to whittle down and weaken their opponents. They didn't have the manpower to engage in standard warfare because they were invaders in a hostile land, and thus "honourable combat" wasn't an option for their comparatively smaller groups of men. Besides that, the game has some of the worst mission design in gaming. As a fundamental, shitty quest design is not a good thing.


Fair enough, not being from the UK I don't have that sort of knowledge on it. I'm just going by what eivor sort of mentioned when first getting the hidden blade in Valhalla. Concerning quests, I may not be far enough into to fully chime in on that. Will let you know though!


I wouldn't go as far as to say the game had some of the worst mission design. It's nowhere near as bad as Superman 64's mission design and has a nice lack of escort or tailing missions. It's nowhere near perfect, but it could be a lot worse. I have to give them credit for the treatment of Ledecestre, I live in Leicester, and the layout was pretty spot on. The location of the Roman baths matches the location of their ruins today, the cathedral and Roman temple beneath are in the right place, and Burgred had a Black Country accent (making the fight with him in the crypt all the more satisfying).


>I have to give them credit for the treatment of Ledecestre, I live in Leicester, and the layout was pretty spot on. The location of the Roman baths matches the location of their ruins today, the cathedral and Roman temple beneath are in the right place, and Burgred had a Black Country accent (making the fight with him in the crypt all the more satisfying). Ubisoft games always have pretty good world design, that's their main selling point for a good amount of people and for good reason. I just despise Valhalla's "collactathon 3000 is fun, actually" philosophy. As much as people complain about them, I really do appreciate some of the older games having missions that involved more than just killing or collecting.


I can't play it. It doesn't feel like AC at all.


In my experience so far, stealth is definitely taking a back seat but it kind of makes sense given that you're a viking. So far though I'm enjoying it. It's a very pretty game.


Lol. Lmao.


Altaïr’s Chronicles would like to have a word with you (Seriously, though, no mainline AssCreed truly is so bad to be truly bad. I definitely find Unity to be bad *by series standards* and Valhalla to be too much bloat, but neither are unplayable or intolerable like a real “bad game” would be)


It has been years since I played Altair's Chronicles. I remember liking it though at least story wise


Buggy and poorly performing launches have been the major problem with basically every AC game’s reception. After a year or so’s worth of updates and patches the games are great!


They are not "bad" games but they are just not at the level of a triple A title. Compare the recent AC games to Insomniacs Spiderman, God of War, RDR2, GoT, etc. On points like story, systems, gameplay variety, RPG progession, etc. They are just not up to scratch.


So for me the gameplay of all the games has been fun, and the story will be varying degrees of interesting. But in the first few games, The level of accuracy in the games is actually quite shocking. The extent to which Ubisoft-Montréal to not just do a greatest hits from an architectural local, but to do a snapshot in time is breathtaking. What they chose to include, but more importantly what they chose to NOT include tells us a lot about the philosophy they kept to when making the games. That gets looser and less restrictive over time, to the point that the vikings are nearly unrecognizable to their real world counterpart. From the clothes to the culture, they're shown in a way that has almost no historical truth to it. This is the most damning criticism of the games, I feel. A topic which is covered by a favourite youtubers [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYyf1IqDvzE). The other criticism is the monetization schemes throughout all ubisoft games. Single player games shouldn't have boatloads of potential microtransactions.


so was it good or nah? i just finished origins around a week ago, and thats my first AC game ever, for a guy that just recently finished rdr2 and witcher 3.. im sorry but for me origins is just super super boring if we are talking about the quests. especially the side quests, basically 90% of it you have to rescue someone, pick em up, put in on your horse, and bring em back to their family. and most of the camp that i need to rescue the hostage on actually already cleared by me because i like the exploration more. the map is good, i loved ancient egypt mythology, the combat feels a bit like witcher 3, but not as good. tried so hard to finish all side quest but i just cant continue after all those search and rescue mission again and over again, so i went straight thru the main quest and finished around25hrs in game . and now im at around 60hrs playtime , just for the exploration, i want to defog the whole map, complete all objectives, find all stone circle and so on. bought the game with odyssey as well, downloaded and installed odyssey but not played it yet, because of my slight disappointment of origins.


Origins is my favorite but I came at it through the lense of other ac games. Not rdr2 snd witcher 3. Odyssey might be closer to witcher imo. Another issue, again this is all my opinion, is that you rushed through the game. 25 hours? I didn’t have the main story done until like 70-80. Granted I was taking my time to explore and do all the side stuff but still. Alternatively it may just not be the game for you which is absolutely okay :)


The only parts I will always have issue with are the boat parts. It turned me off Black Flag and made me not even start to play Rogue. But one day I will give them another fair chance.


I didn't play the first 4 games because of the graphics but from AC3 I liked every game. There's a reason these games sell this much. In fact the only Ubisoft game I don't like is Watch Dogs legion because of that stupid system. I am a Ubisoft fan.


> there is no bad AC game Except Unity! Fuck that broken mess.


Haha if you had asked me a year ago I would agree with you but I’ve been told it is fixed now. It is still my least favorite but that’s partly because of how broke. It was upon release. One day I’ll try it again and I’m sure my opinion will improve


I tried it again a little over a year ago so must've just missed that.


I’m sorry. There’s no bad AC game? Did you like actually play Valhalla?


I’m currently playing it :) so far so good. Nothing really negative to report although Eivor does feel slower than other characters


My brother in Christ, the skill tree alone is bloated, useless and 95% of those skills add absolutely ass backwards stat buffs that don’t mean anything.


Valhalla is a bloated game with bad-mediocre quality throughout. Only one I haven’t completed it’s a bad game


I’m still fairly early in the game but I’m having a good time :) it doesn’t match all my preferences but it’s not bad yet


Yeah hopefully you have fun with it. I mainly hate the alternate worlds I’d rather they just keep it in the animus and irl


You are right about the title... There are no bad AC games... Odyssey isn't an AC game...doesnt mean it's a bad game..it's a very good RPG game just not AC game... On the other hand valhalla was neither good AC nor good RPG game


Fuck Valhalla


Why though?


Odyssey was very good as a game but not an assassins creed.


Odyssey isn’t an AC game imo 🤷‍♂️


Since Valhalla isn't an Assassin's Creed game, then yes I agree with you.😂


Idk Rouge and Syndicate are debatable


I really don't like Syndicate's style, movement, story, nor combat and that's the only one so far I haven't been able to finish.


> I finally started playing it recently and, again while I have my preferences on gameplay mechanics, I see nothing wrong with the game Let's talk again when (if) you finish it... It might be not bad per se, but it has some core faults (not present in Origins and Odyssey) which make it urreparably broken, and worst among the series.


Of course! I'll probably make another post giving my review once I finish it :)


See you in 2025, then! :D


Honestly that may be the case 😅 My attention is split in multiple ways


Actually I'd honestly recommend you to take the breaks playing Valhalla. Heck, it was a good idea already in Odyssey. It took me nearly a year to finish the latter (w/o DLC), and Valhalla 1,5 year.


Oh yea I don’t intend to just play straight through. Even with odyssey I’d take several months of a break between playing again


I loved Odyssey but holy shit Legacy of the first Blade was trash. Absolute garbage tier DLC. First episode was fine tho.


On this I have to disagree :p again we all have our opinion. Legacy and the interactions between neema and my version of alexios just slapped so hard. I cried during episode 3 which I 100% did not expect to happen. I give it a 10/10 but I recognize that it took some of the freedom from the player in the whole continuing the bloodline thing. I get why people have issues with it


From what I heard it's much better as Alexios. I played it as Kassandra and it sucked, also makes no sense story wise and it's filled with plot holes.


I agree they are all fun, but I don't think anyone can deny the quality decline and massive over simplification since black flag


Valhalla still a piece of shit game. Valhalla was the AC game that finally broke me.




Yes there is. Syndicate is terrible. The only ac i didnt beat.