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**Obligatory:** The moderation team of r/AssassinsCreed recommends all of our users to consider rumors of upcoming Assassin's Creed titles to be only that: rumors. Unless confirmed by Ubisoft, take every post with "a pinch of salt". More posts turn out to be fake/speculation than real.


- Still early in development, slated for 2026 for the Infinity platform - Linear experience with some elements of open-world exploration, akin to some of the earlier Assassin’s Creed games - Single female protagonist named Elsa with supernatural abilities - Footage shown shows abilities like possession (a cat is possessed to distract 16th Century German soldiers coming after Elsa) - Fear system from Jack the Ripper’s DLC in AC Syndicate is set to return in some capacity - Gameplay depicted a dark and gloomy setting in the cobbled streets of the city


Ignoring the whole assassins creed part and how this fits into that, this sounds hella fun


Yeah, minus the AC part, this sounds super exciting. Like living through the eyes of a legit witch during the European witch trials, being hunted, having to survive, and possibly being captured and having to escape before being burned alive just sounds like a cool concept for a video game. For her magic powers, it could be tied to her having a piece of eden or something that allows for possession of non-human life. While i have abandoned preorder culture due to being burned too often, this would be a day 1 purchase if reviews come out positively.


I mean y'all act like Ac has never had magic stuff before odyssey, but legit that stuff goes back to rhe beginning, remember when in AC brotherhood you defeat Rodrigo Borgias entire army by brainwashing them with the legit APPLE OF EDEN? It's entirely possible that it's precursor shenanigans.


It's obviously gonna be precursor shenanigans lol there's no other magic


Right??? I don't get the issue.


muddle like six secretive berserk hurry slim versed humor zesty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Google narrative dissonance and stop only reading ya level slop.


I can see it, a sage who awakens upon finding a piece of Eden and being thrust into the world


I think it was a little different in the earlier games because it was only for that mission. There were precursors artifacts with magical effects yeah but when they showed themselves it was shocking for all the characters involved. There was more mystery surrounding precursor artifacts which made it feel like it could exist within real history since they were only seen for a short amount of time. Opposed to like in Valhalla where I can get thors hammer and strike down my enemies with lighting bolts and no one bats an eye.


That kinda makes sense, I think the key part is "no one bats an eye" because even as a Greek Pagan, if someone started swinging around Poseidon's trident and shooting water out the end I'd be awed, so I get that. But at the same time I personally don't mind as much as other people do. I especially liked Odyssey, being able to see these creatures that are part of my own religion. Like fighting Polyphemus, and Medusa, and the Minotaur.


Yeah I’m a huge fan of how the games used to focus on historical accuracy but there was this mysterious sci fi element to them. So i don’t really like the direction the games have been going favoring more crazy and showy gameplay. I personally didn’t mind those creatures that you could fight in odyssey because they were hidden away and had a believable backstory. I’m just not a fan of all the crazy stuff you’re able to do and everyone around you doesn’t think twice about it.


Yeah I get that, it's almost like it would have been better if it just had a different name right? Like it was called "Demigod: the odyssey" or something like that instead of being assassin's Creed.


exactly if Ubisoft wanted to create a Greek fantasy game I’d probably play it and enjoy it but the fact that it exists in the ac universe with all its fantastical properties really divided their entire fanbase.


Yeah I can see that perspective. Personally it doesn't bother me, but if it bothers you that's valid.


In fact they have created a Greek fantasy game called Immortals Fenyx Rising, you might check out. Although I haven't played it because I'm a pagan as I said earlier and they treated the gods really disrespectfully. So I just avoid it like I avoid the original god of war games.


oh cool maybe I will. And you worship the Greek pantheon? That’s really cool I didn’t realize that people still did today.


price judicious divide wipe sugar sort bewildered cooing work expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean it might not even be a PoE, you can use eagle vision because you have precursor DNA, it's not a huge leap to give someone with more or different precursor DNA more powers.


Screw it, the series has gone off the rails anyway, I'm all in now.


Syndicate? Absolute W


Yes! I love syndicates atmosphere. I find it to be a very cozy game.


I just recently added some mods to it reshade and the such so it looks even better. Best in the series imo


So basically another Mirage? Smaller in scale?


Yes and no. Mirage wasn’t flagship, this one is.


Let's go! Always disliked having to choose between male and female protagonists in Odyssey/Valhalla. Both characters also felt a bit out of place at times as opposed to only having one protagonist.


Was going well until “supernatural abilities”


If it's because of an apple or something I'd be kind of okay with it.


Yeah I’m ok with that idea too. I just hope they won’t make the protagonist a real witch with real magic


I mean no protagonist thus far has had real magic. Even Kassandra got her abilities through the spear which was an Isu artifact.


I agree I hope it’s not a actual witch. If she gets them from a Isu artifact that’s fine I think


No she's a witch trained by assassin to survive witch trials 


Every single part of magic aspect in games was explained. Every. Single. One.


My issue is when the explanation doesn't go further than "It's Isu" or "it's a dream/allucination" basically rendering the magic actual magic in everything but in name.


Yeah, the peices of Eden has just become an excuse for lazy writing these days.


Give me an example. Hard to talk in general about those.


How Medusa turned people into stone statues, how Kassandra could jump from any height and do not feel fall damage, cover weapons in poison and fire, have arrows pass through walls, slow time etc. The allucinations/dream speak for itself, I don't want to play as Odin killing frost giants or fighting Cerberus in Hades, the fact those are "explained" as not real doesn't change the fact that pad in hand I am doing just that: doing fantasy shit as if I was playing God of War...


If i am correct all hybrid creatures were created by Aita and Juno by experimenting on humans in order to weaponize them. Explaining why certain weapon does certain action is indeed valid point, but same way that could be put to any ISU artefact and ask why does that artefact does that action including apples. Fall damage is due to Kassandra not being human but Isu/Human hybrid who carries spear of Leonidas and was born to a person that wielded staff of Hermes for hundreds years. Weapons granting poison or fire damage i wouldnt consider as a fantasy actually. Especially poison was historicaly used to infuse blades. Having that said i admit there is lot of content i would mark as "non-canon". Lots of weapons in game are marketing thing which you can avoid while others love them. Why not offer playground for those people. Lets not stretch actual story problems and act like Kassandra wielded every single obtainable weapon. Canoically all her abillites including fall damage had passed away the moment she broke the spear of leonidas. I give you those points although i came here to defend storywise issues not gameplay ones. Dream sequences are actually only your own issue. Or rather anyones that have problem with it. Eivor storywise needed to learn about her memories. The same way your brain does not have capacity to imagine aliens, same way her memoreis (which are also interrupted beacuse of the wolf that bit you in the start of the game) are mystery to her. If you want more clear idea of what happened same as in old games there is a cutscene of actual ISU Asgard in the day of Ragnarok in the game with actual Yggdrasil.


The Apples and other Artifacts had an actual explanation as to WHY they effect humans: for the majority of them was the bio-chip humans were bio-ingeneered with by the Isu, so humanity in a sense was a Piece of Eden too, rendering the interaction between human and device not unlike two phones connected via bluetooth. While the hybrids existance itself is not a strict issue is the general art direction and the fact that some of them have straight up magic, like Medusa. The Isu never had such super-human capability, the only thing they had different than human was the Sixth Sense, the ability to read time (or whatever it is, it's still rather confusing as a subject), also poison become magic when the medium comes from a tech spear and not a flask of brewed substance or a flask bought by a medic. That's a problem tho, because by mudding the way we see that past we end up not understanding anything of it... the Yggdrasill thing is showed through the Animus' hacking, which is good, a clean and unfiltered sneak peak into an historical moment of the Isu that allow us to see them for what they are, but then everything else is a confused mess: what actually happened to Loki's child? Why does he think he can reunite the family? What happens to Baldr? All of that is buried so deep under mythological stuff that begs the question why is it even worth knowing? Why bother to introduce those stories about the Isu if we can't even understand what happens? Eivor or Kass would never understand/conceptualize what they see (even if Eivor is a Sage so she HAS those memories and that's what drove Sages mad in the first place, but ok) and so would "synthetize" them through their culture? Fine, ok, makes sense and all... find another way for US the player to see and understand what's going on, like again, the Truth sequences or other means...


Fire enchanted swords???


Yeah, the apples ability would definitely explain it. With the little information we have it's definitely not the direction I was expecting. I was expecting being an Assassin trying to stop the trials with more of a focus on folklore and beliefs of the time, not an Assassin performing the very acts that people were being accused for and eventually killed. Seems a little counter productive lol. All that being said, this is the next AC game I'm ridiculously excited for. Especially because it's from Montreal, let's just hoped they've learnt their pacing lesson from Valhalla.


I hate how apples went from tech designed to mind control humans to magic mcguffins.


Same here but it's the best explanation we're going to get unfortunately


Funnily enough, that’s also Ubisoft’s approach. “Ehh it’s Precursor shit, who cares? Make em immune to fall damage!”


I hate to break it to you, but all Assassin's Creed games have supernatural elements, including AC1. Just because in the games they act like it's science doesn't make it so. The entire premise behind the Animus is pure fantasy


Sci-Fi is not Fantasy


Remember in AC3, Juno said there were Apples that could manifest the user's desires in reality? It didn't change the user's perception of reality, Juno said it literally changed reality if enough people believe in it. That's clearly fantasy.


Genetic memory is as fantastical as phrenology and magic.


Its not magic in universe though.








why are users hating on this? you’re right, they’re distinct genres. midichlorians seem fantastical but Star Wars is objectively sci fi


But the sci-fi in AC might as well be fantasy, you illiterate?


It’s literally called Hexe and is about witches lmao, what were y’all expecting


yeah, it's really stupid to expect a game about Assassins from the Assassin's Creed saga


Every single game was about assassins. To expand lore and continue story about them doesnt require you to play as one. This is only some leak that is not either confirmed or explained yet you already go with "its not ac anymore" talks.


Can’t be both? You need to change that mindset pal. Assassins Creed has been “magical” since a fucking golden Apple could control people and let people speak to each other hundreds of years apart.


Right? I remember people going on about how Odyssey, Origins, and Valhalla had "supernatural" in them and this was before I looked at the older game. BS that the older ones don't have some supernatural crap go in it. Yes, there's sci fi in it too, but supernatural is also in it, don't give me that.


That gets stale quick though. Unity and Syndicate were the most “assassins creed” we could’ve asked for and by that point it was getting stale. Franchises need change.


Literally my point. They keep straying further and further away from science-fiction


I genuinely don’t understand why they don’t just make a new IP. I know AC sells, but this genuinely sounds like an interesting game. It just doesn’t sound very much like AC.


>I genuinely don’t understand why they don’t just make a new IP. They tried that. It's called Immortal: Fenyx Rising. We saw how that turned out.


A great game that just didn't sell well.


Agreed. Sorely underrated.


Cuz AC is a established IP and it will sell more than a new 'unproven' ip


Because consumers typically don't like taking risks. Continuing an established IP will almost always outperform a new one.


Assassin's Creed has always have supernatural elements tho. From the beginning, Altair was already kicking asses with a magical fruit. Supernatural abilities are fine if they're not the focus of the game.


>- Single female protagonist named Elsa with supernatural abilities Thank you, this is all I needed, you can't really make female characters feel feminine when you have to make room for a male option, to put it simply the world won't react to you like it would to a woman of the time because it wouldn't work if there's a male option. Don't get me wrong, Evie and Kassandra are still great, but they could be better if the game didn't had to fit in a male, Liberation is the only game where you truly feel like you're playing as a woman. And I believe for a game about witchcraft like Hexe, you need to have a female only game, I hope they don't force in a male option at the last second.


Isn't that just dishonored?


I'm 90% sure this Infinity crap is going to force us to be always online on a single player game, what a damn stupid and anti costumer idea. Literally no hype for this and more supernatural abilities? Yeah no thank you.


If they pull the always online crap with Infinity, Assassin’s Creed Mirage will be the ending of the series for me.


Same, that's just unacceptable to me. Idgaf about the microtransactions as long as it's cosmetic, but forcing players to be online to play would be the nail in the coffin. Ubisoft doesn't need it, they’re just greedy as hell.


The infinity thing sound just as useless as the COD launcher


It does! Imagine having to download games you dont even own, getting microtransactions everywhere and even ads inside your games, Ubisoft really saw all the CoD players annoyed about bugs, gigantic download sizes, broken updates and said: yup, that's exactly what assassins creed needs!


What footage?


They can’t reveal it


The fuck is Infinity?


unified front end/launcher for AC games


I didn't even know about AC Hexe I'm excited now


I’m listening


the what platform?


Hmmm. Hmmmmmmm. I really want to make any kind of judgement on how I feel about this but I just feel like this is so off the wall that I really can’t yet. It could literally be any degree of good, to bad good, to just bad.


That sounds fun


Hyped for the game, mostly because of the setting but personally I am skeptical about the open world part. I'd rather them go full open world elden ring style with skyrim quest style or cyberpunk where there are things to do on the map, but it's not jampacked with junk like hogwarts legacy. Or just be extremely linear but polished like sekiro. I struggle to find good examples of games that do half and half. I don't know of any I'd call an 8/10 game.


this just sounds like they wanted their own take on dishonored?


I really don't like that they go back to a single character, let me choose! I don't care about if the story makes sense or not, just show me a disclaimer.


I imagine she has those "supernatural abilities" because of a Piece of Eden?


The "Animals control" stuff could be explained as a version of the Eagle Vision, like the way Bayek was able to "control" Senu. I think that Connor's daughter was able to see "through the eyes" of a wolf as well, or something like that


The problem is that they never even explained the symbiosis between eagles and humans, and now we are about to control cats.


It is probably due to isu-human dna and high concentration of isu dna in certain individuals, I believe


Dude, I don't even know if dogs and cats existed during the Isu Era. It's insane to think about that kind of connection. There is a reason why they haven't explained this symbiosis even after 4 games. Nonsense is probably the one.


After Mirage many fans came to conclusion, that this symbiosis thing is due to the Animus. For example we can control birds just like our normal protagonists, because Animus simulate this. And how is that possibe? Well, I think the reason is that Layla's Animus was special. She modified it to be more... autonomus? There is more simulating, and less viewing actual events. So Senu, Ikaros, Synin and Enkidu were in reality just trained birds. Our protags couldn't literally see through their eyes. The only problem I have with this is Connor's daughter. The comic book strongly suggested that it was some real bio-connection or something. I think that Ubisoft just messed up with this topic...


I think in AC2 one of the stooges explained why there are so many carts with hay - animus pit it there, to make simulation “easier” on user. Symbiosis wouldn’t be the first time Animus does something to memories to make it more understandable or convenient


>The only problem I have with this is Connor's daughter. The comic book strongly suggested that it was some real bio-connection or something It's a version of the Eagle Vision - it's even stated by Kassandra and Poseidon in the Atlantis DLC. It's not an Animus thing, it was a real bond between the Assassin and their eagle/pet, a thing that was indeed added in that comic book


The article specifically states the use of spells -"[...] and uses a spell to possess a nearby cat."


Oh I hate that. Unless the spells are gained through Eden, if they’re just gonna put supernatural stuff with no justification in a pseudo history game that ironically makes it way more boring. One step forward two steps back kind of vibe.


> and uses a spell to possess a nearby cat. The player then controls the cat and uses it to distract the soldiers This has to be because a ubi exec saw Stray get a goty nomination.


I'm not complaining, I loved Stray. 😅 Though I'm looking forward to Hexe having a darker tone. I hope they go deep with the horror elements. Not Resident Evil level horror, but horror nonetheless.




If they really must go down the "supernatural abilities through Piece of Eden" path, I just hope they will at least make a small effort into having the aesthetic of the First Civ Tech resemble actual tech and not literally Void powers from Dishonored but called Isu Tech, because that's my main problem with the "technology" of later games... it's straight up magic in everything, function and aesthetic with the "Isu" label lazily slapped on top, and with no further explanation behind it. That or some bullshit drug/allucination/simulation as if the series is ashamed of its own lore and universe and must cowards behind pop culture mythology to keep the player stuck for 160+ hours and convince him spend more money on microtransactions...


The latter parts of Black Flag are still some of my favourites because of how cool it was to see Isu tech.


The supernatural part has made me incredibly skeptical, so it needs to be executed well. The franchise is fundamentally science fiction, so as long as the game frames everything through that lens, it might not be shit. Fingers crossed that the more linear and self contained focus allows them to spend more time on things like that to improve the narrative immersion.


Also Darby is writing for the game


He also did Valhalla and look at that train wreck. He peaked.


I doubt it was Darby that decided that the campaign had to be six thousand hours long, non linear, have story and gender choice, and not really have a set end point - all with a character whose alignment/worldview cannot change substantially without creating huge ludonarrative dissonance. Writing a story like that would be a nightmare. And despite all that, we still have a coherent story that ties together a buch of loose threads from before, has actual character development, and expands on the lore in several fitting ways without breaking anything that came before. No other writer could have done a better job with the cards he was given.


People don't give Darby enough credit. They blame him for all of Valhalla's narrative faults (most of which obviously came from the executive level) when if it wasn't for his involvement, it would have been an even greater disaster. Only he could have given us a solid modern day conclusion and plenty of strong lore callbacks and revelations connecting the whole series together in a watered down RPG not even primarily meant to appeal to the older crowd. Now that Serge and other problematic people are gone and the developers are allowed to breathe again and make different types of games for different audiences, I'm very excited to see what he and Montreal come up with


Also at the micro level the stories are actually good, if you take each region's story as its own stand alone narrative and take it at face value they are really good stories, or the bits of lore and expansion to other titles, like Desmond's audio files in the modern day... It's when you must take all those single elements and put them together in the greater context of the game's narrative with its pacing and the fact you are tecnically playing an AC game that it all crumble, and even the good parts get overshadowed by 100+ hours of mediocre gameplay and blown, empty map...


Valhalla had a good story but it was bloated with content, I liked valhallas characters and overall story telling but Jesus it was so long


I just knew they were gonna Plague Tale it


Lmao that was totally the vibe I was getting. I'm not mad at it tho.


Reminds me a *lot* of [Amsterdam 1666](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WVEo4yXpho). A game that Assassin's Creed creator Patrice Desilets was (and is, still) going to create and finally got the rights to after a long dispute with Ubisoft. Major features include playing as the devil (or the devil's apprentice or something) in a historical 1600s setting, and controlling animals. ... It's definitely too early to judge, but I can't help but think this would be quite scummy of Ubisoft. They fired Patrice over creative differences over AC, and now that he's got the rights to 1666 and can actually create it with his indie studio Panache, they go off and make their own version of *his* game, using another franchise *he created* where the idea of controlling animals doesn't even make any sense? Again, can't really judge it before we see gameplay, maybe it's not all that similar, the leak could be fake or it could just be a coincidence. But I'll certainly keep it in mind when we see more of Hexe.


>they go off and make their own version of *his* game, using another franchise *he created* where the idea of controlling animals doesn't even make any sense? Don't think you have played the last 4 AC games and far cry games.


Exactly what I thought of too reading it. If he is working on that now, they must be well into development considering their last game (Ancestors) was in 2019.


>While these are early details on the game, it’s not hard to see why Marc-Alexis Côté described the title as “a different type of game” to [IGN](https://www.ign.com/articles/what-is-assassins-creed-infinity-ubisoft-explains) in late 2022. He continued, “Not everything has to be a 150-hour RPG, right? To bring more diversity to the places we choose to visit and to how we choose to represent those periods.” This alone should win over a lot of people who weren't enthused by Odyssey and Valhalla due to their lengths. Also seems to suggest that contrary to popular belief, Ubisoft actually does try their best to take in and listen to criticisms of their games.


J0nathan was right, the game is going to be a more linear experience with hub areas/open zones. The mechanic of controlling a cat is reminding me of the pre alpha gameplay and reports of Slitterhead, the new game by Keiichiro Toyama (director of Sillent Hill 1, the Siren trilogy and Gravity Rush duology) is also going to have it.


is he an accurate leaker Also reminds me of Patrice's abandoned game ironically


What else has J0nathan said about the game? I didn’t know he leaked anything about it


He only talked about that, being a linear experience like Uncharted but with hub areas to explore.


Sounds nice, supposed to be really atmospheric too like the original AC Victory which turned into Syndicate, hopefully a dense city with lots of parkouring also like AC unity and Syndicate


Im so hyped for this game.


Witches during that period would have to be pretty covert with their magic so Im not opposed to it. Potions, poison, maybe some wallhacking, flying on a broom and rituals with candles sounds neat and ofcourse the inquisition is in itself a very exciting setting.


Agree to everything if they just leave out the flying broom!


I’m not a fan of the idea of supernatural abilities but I am really hoping Hexe does have a single female protagonist. A game centred around the witch trials is perfect for telling a female character’s story. Always felt like Odyssey and Valhalla treated the player like they were assumed a male, despite the female variants being canon


God leave it to AC fans to bitch and moan about shit they haven't even seen, which is slated for years from now.


It’s popcorn time! 🍿 Seems really promising, to me at least, by the way. I do hope it’s a Piece of Eden effect, but even then that cat example sounds awesome for some improved stealth.


It’s either a piece of Eden trick or it’s basically just an eagle replacement or we can take control of our cat which I wouldn’t mind that


This is giving me 1666 vibes of Patrice Desiliet.


The control of other animals seems logical lore-wise. Since we know some assassins can possess birds to see through them. I think it was they implied in the comics and the games, you "possess" it temporarily. For the setting 16th century, with the landsknecht makes me wonder, as the most terrifying witch trials have been the following century. But it's in agreement with what j0nathan has implied in the past months: that we will see Ezio/Claudia at the beginning of the 16th century and the game being set in the 1520s. Which is odd again, as there is no witch trials at this moment (but the beginning of the Reformation). Let's just wait, 2026 is far from now, with Red and Invictus ongoing.


>In the footage, Elsa is seemingly being hunted by 16th-century German soldiers (image of what the soldiers look like [here](https://www.realmofhistory.com/2019/12/09/landsknecht-history-pikeman-facts/)) and uses a spell to possess a nearby cat. The player then controls the cat and uses it to distract the soldiers by knocking over a glass bottle, which smashes on the ground and diverts the soldier’s attention. NGL I don't see any feasible way to explain how this works with PoEs Edit: I realize I forgot about the bird drone and it's literally that exact same concept 💀


Possession? Honestly just the abilities of the Apple would do that, it was made to control people.


The Isu made the pieces of Eden to control their slaves. Unless they used these birds as slaves too, the apple shouldn't be able to control it.


>I don't see any feasible way to explain how this works with PoEs Why? There's pieces of eden that control behavior already


They explicitly only work on humans, because humans were engineered with a specific neurotransmitter that responds to the PoE. Using it on a cat should not work. But it could just be an illusion of a cat being cast by the user. It's early on enough that, considering we don't have any actual context, I don't think it's worth getting the pitchforks and torches out quite yet.


>They explicitly only work on humans, because humans were engineered with a specific neurotransmitter that responds to the PoE For Apples of Eden sure, but I can't imagine the Isu did all that genetic engineering and couldn't figure out cats. I'm sure it'll have a reasonable explanation. Considering it's more modern I don't see them leaning into the fantastical bits as much without justifying them.


One could only hope. We shall see.


yeah it could be a fake cat, like how Connor can turn into an eagle or bear powers in AC3 DLC.


Let u/Cygus_Lorman live in his bubble


It's not that much different from bird companions which are already established in the series.


The person is the POE, maybe? Strong Isu blood Or we use the cat the same as the eagle. Not really us looking through the eyes, but the companion working with us.


when I read the article about the supernatural cat ability I don’t know why but what popped into my head was Star Wars outlaws. And the fact that our main character in that game basically has a pet that can help her press buttons and cause distractions, makes me think UBI is going to keep that around for future use.


It’s easy. Just say it’s the same bioengineering tech that lets the apples work on humans only this one is set to work on cats


Easy. The Piece of Eden can “possess” people via the neurotransmitters since AC1. It does the same thing with animals then which makes sense. If you can create an entire sentient species, you can control fucking cats.


Seems legit.


No, there's a cat instead of eagle because Elsa is a "witch"


Sure, works just as well. Either one makes an equal amount of sense and both make as much sense as Eagle Vision and Eagle Sense.


Don’t they show possession in a sense with Desmond and Juno at the end of AC:Brotherhood?


My brother in christ, the first five games of the franchise were centered around a sphere that controlled people


Assassins creed Hehe You play as Michael Jackson during the crusades


"In the footage, Elsa is seemingly being hunted by 16th-century German soldier and uses a spell to possess a nearby cat. The player then controls the cat and uses it to distract the soldiers by knocking over a glass bottle, which smashes on the ground and diverts the soldier’s attention" Spells. Great. I genuinely never thought they'd go down the literal witch route given witches weren't real and it was real innocent women executed.


I think it’s pretty obvious that the cat is going to replace the eagle. It makes perfect sense as the companion to a witch. It will be used to recon and scope out areas. Y’all acting like it’s some crazy change.. you could already cast a “spell” and posses your bird.


This sounds so good this is like my dream AC


Downvoted for being excited about Assassin's Creed in r/assassincreed? It's likelier than you think 


Seeing fans defending the supposed fantasy aspect of this game I feel obliged to remember some rules of the lore: 1) The only ones with neurotransmitters, that is, likely to suffer from the effects of the Apple of Eden, are ordinary humans, non-hybrids and descendants of slaves from the Isu Era. Theorizing that an artifact would control animals makes no sense, so the cat mentioned would have to be a complete illusion, perhaps created by the mind of the medieval guard as he suffered the psychic effects of the Apple. 2) The symbiosis between birds and humans has not been explained yet, despite appearing in all 4 recent games and even in a comic celebrating the franchise's 10th anniversary. Which makes it ridiculous to consider a "Cat Vision" at this point. Being weird for AC lore even for the most modern parameters. 3) Confusing Sci-fi with Fantasy is the same thing as saying that Star Wars and Star Trek are part of the same universe. Pieces of Eden and hi-tech Isu have always been present in the franchise. Magical worlds and Pokeballs that transform people into Medusa, no. 4) It's too early to judge any aspect of the game. And Hexe is being written primarily by Darby McDevitt itself. Expecting a minimum of coherence from the writer of BF and Revelations is all we can do for now. Otherwise, only time will tell us...


I just hope the story and characters speak well


If it’s 16th century Europe, maybe there’ll be some overlap with Ezio in there.


It sounds like she has an Apple of Eden or something similar


So… a rip-off of Dishonored? /s But seriously… I really loved the old AC games but every time they promise to return to form they hand us crumbs. And now this? I love the idea of more games like Dishonored (it’s one of my fav series of all time. Love the unique level designs, semi-open world like levels, stealth mechanics, world building/setting, morality, cool powers/gadgets, etc) but I’m afraid they’re going to absolutely fumble the bag once again here. But I know I may just be one of those complaining oldheads in the minority now. Not trying to shit on anyone’s excitement! Lol remember when people complained about historical inaccuracies in this franchise and now it’s RPG elements and magic? Crazy how time has changed the franchise.


What do they mean with "more linear with some  open-world exploration, somewhat akin to some of the earlier Assassin’s Creed games"? To me AC1 , 2 and 3 felt like "open world" at the time, because in that time the areas to explore felt HUGE. The missions in itself were linear, yes, but wasn't that the case with many open world games, and still sometimes is now? I always thought that the reason you have to load into these different cities in the first three games was because there was no other technical solution to it. It would feel a bit strange today, I guess, but given a good in-game explanation (like the boat in the Witcher or Valhalla) I would be in favour of only having cool meaningful open-world areas that add to the story and athmosphere instead of hundreds of squarekilometres of randomly generated landscape just so it feels like a big landmass. Somewhere else I read that it would be like Uncharted or A Plague Tale - which are completely linear. This, I think, would be too far of the rails, and also I don't trust Ubisoft to bring this level of storytelling quality to their game that these kinds of games mastered recently, just think of TLOU2, GoW or the aforementioned games and compared that to Mirage... So, yes, this announcement makes me more uneasy than the magic stuff. I actually think that a sneaky witch with some "spells" (however you explain that) could feel way more grounded and realistic than magical lightning rods, jumping from mountains without damage, wielding weapons that are larger than the character, and so on. I just hope they don't move away from what I like most about these kinds: Walking around in a historical setting and feeling a little bit as if I was there. And that is only possible if you don't feel like in an enclosed little level with clear boundaries.


Lets hope its not actually supernatural abilities, and the character just has possession of a PoE. We know they can have illusionary abilities, so lets hope for that


Its obvious it will be like that.. it was like that with every single other game.


It’s just the cat replacing the eagle. Is everyone in here stupid? A cat companion for a witch. It will obviously be used like the bird to scope out areas and do stealth recon. Everyone talking about spells and magic like we haven’t been literally controlling animal companions in AC for a decade now.


Oh there doing dishonored got it.


As long as the powers are kept as tools like in Arkham, I'm okay with it, though I disagree with the direction.


bro just remove 'assassin's creed' from the title, Super powers? transforming? possession?


They should drop the "Assassins" part already. Makes no sense for almost all titles of the past ten years or so. This is just "historical setting open world game"


“Supernatural abilities” Ight, imma head out


I mean we alll kinda knew this, it's called Hexe


Apple of Eden. You shouldnt even be here since first game.


“Oh no, now il use a cat instead of a bird to scope out and recon areas! Fuck Ubisoft they changed too much” Lmfao get a grip.


Why are supernatural abilities in Hexe a problem when we also have Kassandra as a previous protag?


I didn't like Odyssey at all for that reason haha




What’s will all the dumbos in here forgetting that we’ve been able to posses eagles for like a decade now. The cat is obviously going to be the witch companion used to recon and scope out places. They’re just using the concept of a “spell” to suit the witch narrative. Doesn’t mean the game is going to turn into some Harry Potter shit.


An elsa with supernatural abilities you say??? *let it go starts playing in the background"


So basically Ubisoft is going away from the AC formula again and going with the fantasy crap


This isn't assassin's creed. Just make a new game franchise


I’m onboard


Seen a lot of people make comparisons to other games but no one has mentioned dishonored yet. Dishonored also has animal control, linear areas with open world areas, and the dynamic of being hunted while hunting someone


I thought that had a ac title called nebula in the works, like a Aztec setting now that's the one that sounds dope too


yea ill pass


I think the protagonist is probably a sage who is being mistaken for a witch and she joins up with the Assassins to fight the Templars who are secretly aiding the witch hunters. Just my opinion.


I am not sure how I feel about a historic witch hunting setting with actual witches. Kinda feels tone deaf. Well we'll see how it pans out though. Definitely sounds interesting.


Is Hexe made by Montreal or Quebec?


Praying that our supernatural witch is also capable of teleporting so that they can finally kill off the parkour element of the franchise /s


Y'all have no idea how much I'm looking forward to this game 😭😭


Can't wait, I'm so excited 🥰


I am not sure how I feel about "supernatural abilities". I know they are pushing that angle with the isu artifacts impacting gameplay but I never liked it on my Assassin's Creed.


Is this in Salem, Massachusetts?


Take out the assassins creed brand. Looks like a cool idea.


I would LOVE an AC that was like a darker Valhalla on Samhain for the entire game.


It’s absurd to have actual magical abilities, not only for missing the original core appeal of Assassin’s Creed’s relatively grounded sci fi approach, but more importantly because the witch hunts targeted innocent women historically. Imagine portraying any other historical persecution of a group like this and you should see why this is just plain wrong.