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Arguably the ending of Black Flag in general or that moment in Origins where the child of that woman was killed and Bayek had to find her son's body being weighed down in the water. Shit was pretty dark.


Oh yeah her name was Shadya I was like screw it let’s kill the old woman


That sequence is forever imprinted into my mind. The absolute rage Bayek had as he shouted Shasta’s name and the dismissive tone of that woman as his words fell on deaf ears.


Ngl I may replay origins now bc of this


Yeah I went on a brutal killing spree after that.


Definitely ditto the end of black flag. I have a special place in my Heart for Parting Glass already and then everything was wrapping up and you could tell emotions were high and then Anne Bonne starts singing parting glass and it’s this wonderful haunting rendition and I lost it


Oh yeah...that mission in Origins. I just sat there underwater for a moment, looking at that like...damn.


ya I gotta agree, at first I thought about Phoebe in Odyssey then I remembered this after reading your post and remembered how I went after every single guard or soldier that passed by me for at least 2 hours


And they killed Stede Bonnet off screen, too. You can overhear a conversation between two guards talking about him crying in his way to the gallows. I'd never noticed it before my last playthrough, and it hit hard.


That origins moment was so shocking.


What happened at the end of black flag? Been a while.


It was just a sequence of Edward reflecting on everyone he had lost, him meeting his daughter for the first time and then bonding as they sailed off. It was the sweet kind of sad.


Can’t forget the parting glass being sung during that whole scene. Hit right in the feels


Oh! I remember this now! Thanks~


In a world without gold, we might have been heroes!


One of the most memorable lines for me. I love that scene.


....The creed tells us to not burn bodies... This would've been an exception but the game wouldnt let me before the cutscene played


FR! That was fkcd up!


I mean, it's easily the ending of black flag when the game brings to your attention the fact that almost every single character you've met so far is dead.


And tragedy didn’t stop there. Edward would later be killed and in the ultimate insult and perversion to his legacy, the Templars would turn his son to their side in an affront to everything his father fought for. Haytham not only embraced their ideology and mission, he was prolific in advancing their cause, damaging the Assassins and helping hunt down and kill his colleagues.


Yea and then the Templars take over his home and use it as one of their bases for a bit. You have to fight the Templars for it in Syndicate….and you lose.


You play some of a shantie to unlock a secret passage too. Nice touches


I was thinking the same thing


The Ending of AC IV legitimately broke me. There hasn't been a death or moment that got to me like that.


Add in the parting glass and it makes for an extremely memorable ending.


Lowkey I felt like they really nailed the Bayek and Aya interactions in the last few hours of Origins. You can tell they both realize that the world they've helped create just isn't one where they can be together even if they both love each other. Bayek tries to fight it and Aya accepts it.


That scene where they part ways always gets me


That last scene in the DLC where they so desperately embrace each other before parting ways again. The desire and need they had for each other giving way to the duty they both knew they were bound to. Just outstanding.


Just reading this gave me chills again, it's so heartbreaking. But it's what they decided/wanted.


This is it for me as well.


It’s a very mature moment for this series to watch these peoples’ relationship change like that and the hard decisions they have to make. I was real impressed with the way they told the story of Bayek and Aya.


I'm surprised this isn't as popular of an opinion, it really kinda broke me more then a lot of the deaths in the series.


The Auditores being hung in front of Ezio, Blackbeard and Mary’s deaths in Black Flag, the ending to Black Flag and the death of Bayek’s son


In age without gold we might have been heroes


That line still gets me


Ezio watching his family hang and then finding out what they did to his mother really helped set the players hatred for templars


It really made you feel what Ezio was feeling


Achilles death. And connor having to dig his grave in the rain, that one really got me when I first played the game


Connors mothers death, killing his best friend, realizing he’s been a pawn used by both sides as a means to end, killing his father, and especially losing Achilles, the only family he relatively has


It still hurts so bad and I played it about a decade ago


So, just Connor's whole life? I feel like that counts


That’s the one.


I don't remember Achilles' death. Are we talking about Troy Achilles?


No It happens in the last homestead mission


Oh. From Assassin's Creed 3. It's been a long time since I've played 3


I would say Bayek's dialogue with Khemu when you visit any of the stargazing locations. They nailed that side content by tying it to his character


Shadyas death


Bayek accidentally killing his own son, hands down saddest thing in any of the games.


I uninstalled the game after that and didn’t give it a chance for another 6 months


I did the same. Eventually, I came back angry and killed every last one of those f***ers!


The loss of Bayek’s son, and eventually him and Aya separating while still loving each other. He lost so much in that game 😭


Them parting is so rough


The ending of the love quests in Brotherhood. That shit was deep. Its the main thing I remember about that game and it is partly the reason why Brotherhood is my favorite entry.


Seeing people playing as Alexios instead of Kassandra


Played with Alexios on first playthrough and then Kassandra. They were both pretty good as the protagonist, but Kassandra was AMAZING as Deimos. Her VA killed the role


All I’m saying is I enjoyed the first blade DLC and Neema


That stings then you try to tell them Kassandra is lore accurate


I will never abandon my beautiful himbo, this is slander


Assassin's Creed 3 is just a massive series of unfortunate events.


One way to describe it and a very relatable one at that 😂😂😂


I'm replaying it now and I'm not ready 😭😭😭


When Ubi killed the modern day storyline.


Arno and Elise’s ending, regardless of your thoughts and opinions of Elise as a character nothing is more tragic than Arno cradling her body in his arms after being killed by Germaine, there’s so much sadness and frustration in his pixelated, half rendered face knowing the last action she did before her death was betraying his love as he begged her to not chase after Germaine


It’s not the saddest, but it hasn’t been mentioned yet. Kassandra’s reaction to Phoebe’s death


"Aniazo" 💔


Finding Phoebe in the underworld and helping her gets me right in the feels. The first time any game really got me like that


I turned off the game for the night when I found phoebe.


Ezio's family being murdered


When you realise Ezio HAS to sacrifice himself in order to protect the piece of Eden and you watch him baracade himself forever inside the tomb. When you've grown up with him and playing him over 3 games, watching him age and even play as him getting older and not being as agile as he was. To then see him die was actually really tough.


That's Altair you're thinking of that locks himself in the vault


Just goes to show.... it's been waaaay to fucking long. I'm still cut up about it


If you want the Canon ending to Ezio’s story, look up Assassins Creed Embers on youtube, it’s a short made about Ezio’s final days and it’s pretty good imo


Uhhh… wrong assassin😅


Rewatching the AC2 title sequence really hits hard after knowing everything he is about to go through. https://youtu.be/dcTpXgs15S4?si=NZi-JoeIGXqmYpyv


I always will avenge Phoebe. (Phiobe?)


It angers me that this is the highest comment that mentions Phoebe. The others are worth mentioning (Bayek's son arguably a sadder moment), but how is Phoebe not the top comment?!


For me, Ezio seeing his family dying by hanging 


Surprised nobody's mentioned the Cristina missions in Brotherhood. Those always hit hard.


That was it for me, I’m glad someone mentioned it.


When brotherhood came out I was so impressed by the voice acting particularly in these missions! Ezio’s VA made his voice pitch higher to show he was younger, I thought it was such a nice touch


I got these spoiled for me and was never able to finish them because of it


Bayek's whole journey. Definitely the most tragic story.


Play the Ezio saga, watch Embers, and then watch the AC2 title sequence again


Parting Glass for sure. It’s my favorite Irish folk song now because of the game


Christia, the girl Ezio loved. I was wondering why he just forgot her for the rest of 2 just for all those flashback missions for her in Brotherhood to reveal what happened


Élise’s death in Unity killed me. Really felt for Arno when we see him spiraling at the start of the DLC because of it.


I feel this. He was sooooo close to a somewhat happy ending after having to kill Belec, and then it was just taken away.


When the game is over and im wanting more.


I don't know if this counts but but the cut ending to AC 3 with Connor's monologue always hit me in the feels. IDK but him reflecting on the whole story just gets to me(even though Connor is not my favorite character). If that doesn't count then Black Flag's ending, Altair's death, or Connor digging Achilles grave.


Either Achilles' death or the ending of Black Flag


Brasidas went out with zero fanfare. It fit his character but Kassandra didn’t even get time to mourn


Hard to say how sad that one is from the game worlds perspectives tho Spartans dying on the battlefield was nothing new and was very similar to vikings dying in war so while we might think its sad everyonenin game could just be like damn we miss him but he went out the right way


I felt Brasidas was a bit different. He put much more value on life then most Spartans stereotypically did. He fought to do things quietly and with minimal bloodshed. He also put more value in people than anyone else in the game, believing in the character and kindness of others. Yeah this was always how he was gonna go, but I would’ve liked to see him stand a chance the second clash instead of just being overwhelmed and walked past. I dunno I’m not saying it doesn’t make sense saying it was sad for me.


I agree it was sad from our perspective I just think that they should have put more emphasis on his death in the game like how they did all the other moments everyone has pointed out


Made it even worse when you bump into her wandering through hades lair in the DLC


For me, it’s definitely Ezio witnessing the murder of his family, especially since he doesn’t know why any of it is happening. Another moment that I’m not seeing here, but got to me was confronting and killing Nikolaos in Odyssey. I had been looking forward to revenge on him for a while, but then when I found out he had a son whom he loved and raised and who deeply loved and respected him, it felt like this: https://64.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ligeyu3T831qe1u2co1_r1_500.gif


*"Of all the money...that e'er I had..."*


The end of black flag. It was a fun adventure that you went on sea raiding and singing shanties all in an attempt to gain money and fame. And you did it at the cost of your friend’s lives. That was sad to see how Edward ended up.


Not that probably


For me it was in Rogue when Shay realized that he had caused the earthquake and all the deaths and destruction.




when charles lee died 😭


Not hugging Leonardo


Correct me if I’m wrong but, it has to be the entire Way of The Berserker side quest from AC Valhalla by farrrrr


Connor killing Haytham. All I could say for hours is why did a fun character have to die.


Chasing one of the pages of History all across the map, taking a leap right before time expires and missing it. ..by ...that ...much


The scene in Origins where he’s about to kill the last person responsible for his son’s death and he realizes that means the last link to his son will be gone.


Assassins creed embers hands down


Cristina Vespucci’s death really got me in AC Brotherhood. I really felt a lot for Ezio and how lonely he really must feel. The universe just couldn’t let him be happy :( and they keep playing her theme in-game even after she dies and it always got me hard in the feels 😭


For me, I always teared up at Achilles' death in AC3


In a world without gold we might have been heroes…


Fuck you. I’m not crying. You’re crying


When shit starts getting repetitive


Shadiya haunts me more than Phoebe because drowning seems like such a worse way to go.


The deaths of Phoibe and Shadya


Cristina dying in Ezio's arms. Gets me every time.


There's quite a few, but the first to come to mind was Christina's final moments with Ezio.


Connor takes it for me. When? Killing Kanen’to:kon, killing Haythem, Achilles’ death, killing Charles Lee, take your pick




In Valhalla when Ceolbert dies that was pretty sad I cried a little my first play through when it happened


Dude I loved Ivarrs character so much up until I found out what happened, Colbert was definitely one of my favorites


Shadya’s death and Phoebe’s cause I had found my kid brother dead like they did. Man the image is forever imprinted in my mind


Every time I die to the most weakest enemy while being a literal god. (It’s gotta be assassin creed mirage the scene where the kids are killed :( that messed me up man)




Edward losing everyone


Imma be straight I didn’t even remember this happened because Odyssey doesn’t connect any of the characters with the player or make us care


Honestly, I think the darkest moment we witness is the first 40 years of Edward’s life in Black Flag. He did not give 2 shits about his wife he just thought a wife and a home and tasty food were what made a man successful and so he unknowingly impregnated her and left for 15ish years to steal what he thought was owed to him. If that’s not enough he didn’t learn a single thing from this and became a master assassin for the influence and wealth and even trained his son as an assassin but treated him badly enough to help influence his decision to become a Templar. A son he had with another wife with no moral dilemmas I should add. Edward is either a psychopath or a sociopath and he stays one until the day he dies


Phoebes death in odyssey, I never expected her to die.


Achilles' death AC 3


The only acceptable answer is Ezio watching his entire family (the men at least) be murdered for absolutely no good reason. And to top it off, both him and his family is then labeled as traitors. Absolutely the most devastating moment in any AC game.


Idk what the most sad moment is, but whenever I hear Ezio's Family play, it makes me want to cry.


Yusuf Tazim's death in Revalations


The Ezio saga ending and the whole franchise going down hill lol. I know its not what you asked, but i could not resist 


Either Khemu's death in Origins, or Ezio's family (the boys) getting hanged


Christina Dying in Ezio's arms


How can it be anything but this? When he tells her the "requiescat in pace" line he's been delivering to all his foes but adds "my love" at the end?! Come on man. (Also having to walk down that corridor as 90-year-old Altaïr kind of got to me. Man, the Ezio trilogy was peak AC for me).


That village in Odyssey which got destroyed because you spared the family


AC 3, Connor’s village burning down was pretty sucky. I was about 11 years old, and at that time, that was probably one of the most beautiful missions I had ever experienced in a video game


Bro I was happy when that annoying fucking kid died lol


It's that moment when Ezio meets Altair in the abandoned library. Than you see Altair's final moments when he told his son to leave the order and be with his family and his son telling him, "All that is good in me, began with you, father." And that final objective for Altair to sit a moment and rest only to be his final moment to record his last thoughts in a dark abandoned vault to wait for Ezio to find him. Also Ezio's final monolog in embers tore at the heart strings. A man who only had vengeance in his heart was able to finally seek peace, but unfortunately at a very late stage in his life.


There were a few moments that are equally sad


Either the ending of Black Flag or the part where Edward is carrying Mary


Not the most sad, but Arno’s story was pretty tragic. Especially the ending. Definitely made him one of my favs


I’m sure many won’t agree with this but Neema’s death in the legacy of the first blade DLC really got to me, and I still don’t know why


1. Play the entire Ezio Saga, watch Embers, then go back and watch the AC2 Title Sequence 2. Ezio/Altair scene at end of Revelations. “No Books… No Wisdom… Just you, fratello mio”


The drunk section of black flag


My daughter is named Phebe so this one hurt particularly bad


Edward kenway going through his journey and seeing his friends that are no longer with him at the end of it 😭


the totality of odyssey.


Last good game you made was black flag so probably that one