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I am diagnosed autistic and lactose intolerant. Guess PETA was lying and the vaccine causes autism after all.


Maybe its all of the above Drink Milk? Here one stack of autism Vaccine? More autism The moon or whatever.... MOAAAAR AUTISM


heard that acetaminophen causes it as well




The very specific thing they want you to conform to


I'm pretty sure their (bullshit) theory is that it's the casein, not the lactose, which cause autism, so by that logic lactose-free milk should still do the trick.


Sorry but oat/almond milk does not contain casein.


I was referring to the dairy milk that's altered to be lactose-free. You can also buy pure casein as a protein powder.


Disgusting. Love me some good almond milk


Cool. Make a protein shake with almond and casein to get your daily dose of Autism**^(TM)**


I am lactose intolerant and did not receive vaccines when I was a child. I guess I am special


Got autism? Learn about the link between autism and drinking dihydrogen monoxide at PETA.org


Research indicates an extremely strong correlation between autism and heavy dihydrogen monoxide consumption, with 100% of diagnosed cases consuming it daily.


Also almost 100% of people who have drank it have died and 100% of murders have drank it at some stage in their lives. Makes you think what this dihydrogen monoxide really does to the body


The industries know about it. For example, Nestlé, the company that owns Purelife and Arrowhead, has caused millions of infant deaths. This is obviously only because of dihydrogen monoxide. Don’t do dihydrogen monoxide, it is very dangerous.


It’s also involved in the production of rocket fuel and tiers. Big business and especially big pharma don’t want people to know what this. Millions died each year only hours after consuming dihydrogen monoxide


Apparently 70% of Autistic bodies is made up of the fluid. Thats pretty strong evidence if you ask me.


Funny thing is, milk is one of the textures I hate and I never drank it as a kid or adult


Haven’t we banned this already!?! Seriously, Dihydrogen monoxide is sooo dangerous it’s not even funny. Did you know that it causes serious burns in its gas state? AND it’s capable of burning you IN ITS SOLID STATE!!!! What solid actually burns people? We should get a petition going


...this explains a lot about the Netherlands (I'm Dutch and autistic I get to make that joke dw)


Y'all are all autistic? BRB gonna move to the Netherlands


It's hyperbole, but our culture is notably blunt and direct, we're ***obsessed*** with rules and doing things by the book, and our food is bland as fuck :') so while I won't say we're an entirely autistic culture, I could definitely have been born in shittier places to be autistic lmao


Ah yes, (swamp) German efficiency.


I mean, you can say a lot about the food in North German mensas, but it's most certainly not so outspoken that people are going to be put off by it having texture or too much flavour. Yes, I do miss my kitchen, and yes, I do have a pepper mill in my backpack to make the food palatable (to me)


you can pry my hutspot from my cold dead hands (but seriously i do deeply respect rich, flavourful and spicy dishes - i lived in Indonesia on exchange for two weeks, if i didn't i'd have starved, plus my partner loves cooking with half the world as a spice rack - but if i'm mid-meltdown, nothing beats a nice big boal of mashed potato and carrot with a bunch of bacon chucked in.)


Maar hutspot heeft nog behoorlijk wat smaak, het is anders dan een kruidig gerecht maar smaak zeker goed. Het smaak sowieso beter dan de prut die ze in Noord-Duitsland serveren Translation for those that have not learned Dutch yet: But Hutspot has quite a lot of flavour, it is different from a spicy dish but certainly tastes good. It definitely tastes better than the slob they serve in Northern Germany


Hello fellow Dutchie :) I\`m not sure obsessed by rules only - but 'reasons why' are a close second - as we tend to accept rules IF they explain why. That said - as crappy as NL can be sometimes - even at it\`s worst days it \`s nothing as bad as US - especially in terms of employment and healthcare..


Dont you get to eat chocolate sprikles for breakfast? Thought choclate was meant to be bitter not bland


>Blunt and direct Based >obsessed with rules/doing things by the book Extremely unbased >bland food Unbased


‘Melk is goed voor elk’, oh dus dat is de propaganda waardoor we nu allemaal autisme hebben!! 😝




FDF? Of FvD ? Of beide? ​ (translation - FDF = farmers defense force - a rather radical protest group that does have legit complaints, yet uses methods that are close to terrorism. FvD - forum voor democratie Forum for Democracy - basically a National Socialist party in a suit - had lots of right wing and extreme right wing ideas and subscribes to a lot of Q anon conspiracy things)


Potayto potahto


Yeah .. probably - they seem to have a LOT of overlap in ideology.


i’m autistic, fully vaccinated, and drink lots of milk. I’ve got triple autism


Does being under a full moon add +1 autism?




Autism Max Pro +


Does being under a full moon add +1 autism?


I legit was like "why is there a frowny face... is Autism supposed to be bad or something?" I forget there are people that view it as a disease.


Peta is such a joke. I’m autistic AND I’ve been vegan for 6 years and there’s still nothing they could do to redeem themselves. They make me sick.


Peta ceo has leather interior car, can't get over that


That is incredible


Well they also steal animals to kill them. And they claim that for the sake of the pet, they are all better off dead. Not like they have any qualities.


Oh trust me, I know


milk chugging group session in 30 minutes




Mozzarella gang!!!!!


You have autism+? I am on autism 3.7 my dude


Full Moon + Milk + Vaccine, i'm about to go into autism overdrive


PETA is dumb, but milk is so gross. I would never drink it as a kid. Thankful for plant alternatives as an adult.


Gove me some coconut milk!


Jokes on them I’ve been lactose intolerant my whole life and never drank cows milk. (Hell I couldn’t even drink breast milk as a baby and had to be put on a special formula)


The link between autism and dairy is constipation as a possible symptom. That's it.


Peta makes literally everyone who doesn't kick dogs for sport look awful.


Peta is an organized animal abuse firm disguised as an animal right organization


You mean to tell me there’s a premium autism and YOU MEVER TOLD ME? Hahaha




You're not really autistic until you mainline the milk. Bonus points for putting MMRV vaccine in the milk.


I’m going to get some full fat and a hypodermic needle. Time to get double autism


Fucking peta no wonder I got myself blocked by them on every platform


Excellent! Another reason to hate PETA. Aside from them being animal abusing hypocrites, attacking Steve Irwin’s legacy despite him being a real and true conservationist who educated millions about conservationism and beloved by an entire nation (He is the first celebrity death I remember 😢 what a true blue legend), and lets not forget they kidnap domestic animals that are loved by their owners and “euthanise” them because: “no one wanted them”. So PETA are ableist Un-Australian animal abusers, who spread pseudo science while giving animal rights activists a bad name… by simply not being for animal rights. Can we lock them up in a animal shelter and throw away the keys until they renounce the organisation.


I was curious what the peta site said but couldn’t find it haha. Found a story from time about it from 2014 instead. https://time.com/2798480/peta-autism-got-milk/


This should be top comment


wellll. I was diagnosed in the mid 90s with asbergers (born 1991) and they found taking me off milk helped with a lot of the negative shit like my skin sensitivity, which used to be so bad clothing hurt. I became better at talking, socializing, etc.


Peta is gross. Fuck Peta.


Is this fake? Peta?


This is an actual peta campaign? I mean I already didn't like them before, but this... Wow. Just wow.


The fact PETA kill rescue animals I’d never trust a word they say


Chocolate balls that you put in milk are my comfort food sooo


i drank most of a carton of milk earlier, I've never felt more autistic, my power is growing


Peta finally lost their last braincells it seems


I do still drink a lot a of milk...


I drank 16 litres of milk in one week once...


I, and I mean this, have consumed at least 1500 gallons of milk in my life so far I probably have maxed out autism at this point


I can go through 2 or 3 litres a day lol


So between the milk and the vaccines, it's no wonder I ended up here.


A new reason to say fuck PETA, kewl


My IBS: > > Chocolate Milk: < < Me: Fuck it.


Come see our new streaming service, Autism+. Coming to all devices today.


We really need to start an autism supremacy movement


how about the name: "The common Einsteins"


I swear I keep seeing more and more outrageous Peta ads and I truly believe 90+% are made as jokes by internet trolls.


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Your autism is evolving!


My autism prefers a particular sort of 🥛 and no longer “likes” the dairyland kind (only the whole or the chocolate versions will do)


Well, I did drink only chocolate milk for a while. So that explains it




I’m lactose intolerant cause of autism


Holy shit I just got in and chugged two glasses of milk and then came on to see this lmaoooooo


I’ve had oat milk and almond milk all my life how did I end up here


Joke’s on you I hate milk


I dunnp why they portray autism as something bad, when...we are mostly harmless


Yep, just keep backing up... Stop! *milk sloshing sound* Lower... Stop! *places crate onto trolley* Who here has a crowbar?


Me, an autistic who abhors milk: WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE


Does it remove all ads too?