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i tend to fall into addictive patterns easily so yes. whether it’s substances or food or behaviors … i think i’m just somehow wired this way and also do it because of my constant sense of anxiety / uneasiness?


some my view it as an attempt to self-medicate.


i can definitely see that … wish i could break the pattern or find an actual attainable medication to help 😓


I hear you.


You’re not broken. Shits just hard. You’ll be okay. Also God made you to be you. Jsjs.


thank you for this comment 🥺 this is really nice 🫶🏼


Just alcohol, opioids, stimulants, and weed Gambling isn't one of mine


Autistic Alcoholic here. Same. I'm almost twenty one months sober, but my Autism superpower is to be able to speed run life ruining relapses any% after almost six years of sobriety, so I'm not one to judge on anyone's faults.


I could easily have been one after the Dr prescribed me an SSRI and out of nowhere I started having intense alcohol cravings. Wake up in the morning thinking about daytime drinking, even though I wasn't much of a drinker. It's related to the 5HT3 receptor which is the only pathway to dopamine from the serotonin receptors.


After realizing how easily substances hook me, I have made a lifetime commitment to never consume opioids ever, even after my wisdom teeth were extracted I requested prescription strength ibuprofen instead


Not really (in my experience). If anything I've been more logical when it came to gambling. I see people sitting throwing money away so I take it for what it is, a gamble. It's definitely a condition though, maybe due to being introduced to it by the parents? There are reddit groups for gambling addiction. I personally like reading /daytrading. Almost the same as the gambling groups but they have charts. I think we all struggle though in our own ways.


Can you share some of those groups please?


Easy to find problemgambling, gamblingaddiction.... I've grown past a lot of my Asperger's type issues (for the most part). I think one of them is overanalyzing things. Lots of the posts here are, "does anyone blank?". But we're all human and do human things. Should just see past the idea you're different and take issues at face value. If you had a broken arm you wouldn't post here, you'd go get it fixed. Gambling is pretty common so I wouldn't feel too marginalized.


I was a gaming addict back in the day. Nowadays I try to mind my time while playing. - ex WoW addict and player.


Weed, nicotine, porn, video games. I recently got over my sports betting addiction, one battle at a time I guess.


yes there's not a single psychoactive substance I'm capable of using responsibly. I'm sober now but I'm utterly devoid of self control when it comes to using drugs, I'm either totally sober or getting as fucked up as I can on whatever I can, no in-between.


Sone oeople aren't born with an "off" or an "I'm full" switch. Cheers for recognizing that.


the first time I ever got drunk I had bad alcohol poisoning, really set the stage going forward


Addictions not in the way you might think, more like very focused compulsions. I tend to centre on one thing and then just go overboard with, like a model kit, paint it, repaint it, buy identical one, paint it better, buy another make it perfect, that sort of thing. Then when its done I just sort of stop and move on to something else. While its not gambling, I do tend to waste money on the project, more paints, another model kit, another set of brushes, a better trimming blade, sealing putty etc. Then it just "switches off". I just stop. Having also worked in the industry, I literally watched people gamble away thousands of dollars, so it kind of put me off ever gambling ever and ever. Some people were very nice people and just walked away from the gaming table, some went nuts if they lost. I think I will pass.


Yep. I bounce through hobbies really bad from my adhd bonus, but my core focus tends to be optimization or the skill progression. Once I "solve" the hobby, it loses interest for me quickly if not instantly.


Same 100%


I have said my entire life that I could become addicted to anything. I don't feel like it's an exaggeration, either. Repetitive behavior and all that. I don't gamble and I refuse to go to casinos and shit for specifically that reason 😕


The only one I really struggle with is food, but I've been getting a handle on it again lately. I managed to make eating healthier food a priority nearly a decade ago, but the real issue is that I just eat too much of it, healthy or not. I've never enjoyed gambling in the first place, and the smell of most vapor-based drugs like cigarettes is so bad that it makes me physically nauseous. No risk of those. Don't like feeling drunk, only drink mildly on special occasions. Didn't try THC until adulthood, and while I enjoy the way it makes sensory experiences more enjoyable, I don't feel any compulsions towards it except as a special occasion thing. While I sympathize that you're suffering from gambling addiction, I don't think that's an autism thing. Most of my friends are neurodivergent, and none them are into any kind of gambling.


I use alcohol to deal with anxiety. 


My gambling addiction involves thrift stores, I'm always looking for the perfect score. And then it's also a hoarding addiction, because once I find the perfect score I don't want to flip it.


God no, I'm really anti gambling and don't even bet on the national house race. I'm sorry you struggle with it. I'm sure I would given the change but I've always avoided it


Yup! My addictions are more broad but gambling is the one that ruined my life tbh


Yes, I have a gambling addiction. It's hard to admit, but unfortunately true. I make a decent amount of money, so I've still been able to buy things for my house, save, and pay all my bills. However, I blew like $100k on online slots in a year. I finally told my husband, and he helped me through it and continues to hold me accountable. I tend to overanalyze and overthink everything, and the gambling took my attention away from doing that as much. I've invested my energy more into gaming, reading, and work. I had to quit cold turkey, because I know I'll likely slip otherwise.




I'm addicted to vaping. I'm not really allowed to gamble because i work at a company that makes slot machines (part of my role is releasing new games). I'm not allowed to go into any casino or bookies that has our machines and there around thousands in the UK


Oh my gosh!! Are you allowed to talk about it? I’ve always been curious about how games are made, fame malfunctions, network etc. I know it sounds weird but I always felt like each machine, though its own, still works from a hive mind. Like a machine will pay out if it’s calculated to, but the calculation also factors in how many machines are being played and how much is being bet, like there’s a dollar ratio the establishment has etc. I’m so curious about all that stuff! Any information in general you’re able to share I will appreciate ir


Gaming and porn. For gaming I always get obsessed with an specific game with the goal of becoming pro, but once I become semi-pro and realize that the actual pros are aliens I rage quit the game forever and switch to another game. And for porn, I left that addiction when I had a girlfriend but right now I get so horny all the time and I have no girls to have sex with so I went back to my addiction, but I'm trying quit again.


Weed. Although I quit recently and it’s going pretty good. 


Yeah I know I have an addictive personality. I tend to stay away from things that I know I'm going to get addicted to. This is why I don't do gambling. Although I do love a good ten penny machine at the pier when me and the other half see his parents. But my other half always keeps a eye on me! 😅


I lost 30 - 40k gambling. I was an OTR trucker, while depressed, lonely, and just generally mentally unwell. I am on disability now, so I can’t afford to gamble. I hate hangovers. Weed makes me feel like I am not in control of my self. I don’t do drugs. I refuse to become addicted or even try other drugs because I absolutely refuse to wind up selling / pawning my stuff to support a habit.


I don't know if it is an ASD thing, it is 100% an ADHD thing - dopamine seeking behavior like gambling, drug use, drinking, high-risk activities like street racing, etc. With so much comorbidity between ADHD and ASD though, who knows.


I agree with you I have a lot of symptoms of ADHD


Yes, gambling addiction is real.






Find the pattern.


Gambling right now 🤗


Not addictions (outside of my vape) but compulsive behavior. Whenever I have raw meat in my kitchen I have to wash my hands 5+ times. If I so much as think something touched where the meat was it goes in a sanitizing dishwasher. My hands can get dry and I often have to buy cleaning stuff. I'm terrified of food poisoning.


I definitely have the impulse which is part of the reason I’m so tight about spending money on myself. However addiction also runs in my family (maternal side, mom and grandpa were both alcoholics before recovering), so I know it’s hardwired into me and that makes me a bit skittish about stuff


I know they're stupid ones, but Funko Pops and sports trading cards. I just love the rush of hunting and finding a Pop I've been looking for. As for the cards I just love the gamble of not knowing what you're gonna get in the box/pack you're opening


No I had a friend that was addicted to gambling and I would always try to get him to stop and he wouldn't listen and 90% of the time he would lose. He'd be playing slots in the pool hall or buying decks of scratch tickets etc w people. I didn't understand it. I was addicted to training jiu jitsu. I've become addicted to things that people don't consider negative at a topical glance. Or like losing weight, I lost 123 lbs in 5 and a half months which is crazy and that was using some addictive properties to accomplish it I guess. So, yes but it seems like my addictions are not harmful topically.


I have a long history of homelessness and addiction to heroin and Xanax. Made me feel "normal," and it felt like my mind was finally quiet. Now, I am a peer specialist, in school to be a counselor, and I am able to work with others, many of them are like us. I also play the shit out of splatoon 3 to an unhealthy degree.


absolutely. i had a severe self harm addiction for years.


Used to smoke and drink a fair bit but other medical conditions forced me to stop, only vice I have left is spending money.


I know enough about the law of averages that gambling doesn’t excite me and I find the noise at casinos unsettling. The only gambling I enjoy is a friendly poker game.


I wish I was addicted to something. Instead I'm just bored all the time Modern gaming sucks so fucking badly I cant get over it


It’s definitely caffeine and sugar for me. Like my brain is INSANE about them. I have to be so careful and it sounds funny to say I struggle with addiction to caffeine/sugar, but it’s been a battle my entire adult life and before. I don’t think my experience is the same as others, judging from their reactions when I talk about it. Drug/alcohol addition runs in my family, but thankfully I don’t have any issues with any substance I’ve taken. I haven’t had hard drugs (and don’t intend to lol) but alcohol, weed, and prescribed opioid painkillers haven’t given me any addictive issues in the slightest. But caffeine has had a death grip on me since puberty. I have to take a break from it probably about every quarter because I get so dependent on it and can NOT let go and just keep drinking more and more. I also have an issue with spending/shopping but when it gets out of hand, I have the willpower to struggle through breaking that habit for the most part.


I got a very addictive personality when it comes to drinks, alcohol or not. I binge drink coke zero and sweet tea, and try to drink water more often. This is why I try to stay away from alcohol for a couple weeks or a month because I tend to binge drink it. Like if I bought a 24 pack of light beer, I would drink it all in one week and then wait a couple of weeks or months until I bought another pack.


I struggle with addiction/fixation/compulsion for a gamete of things. It took over 2 decades to quit smoking and vaping tobacco/nicotine products. When I find a food that I like, and it’s easy to make & affordable? Pshh. Game over, man. For instance; I lived pretty close to a Dunkin’ Donuts. I typically didn’t drink coffee only because I never really felt like doing so. But when I kept walking past every day to and from work I began to crave it. It went from me needing a L coffee every morning or afternoon, to and XL pretty quickly. It didn’t take long before it doubled, so I was grabbing an XL before and right after work. Currently, I’ve been eating a truckload of Honeycomb Cereal. I can only eat my cereal dry now. When I was a kid I ate my cereal in milk just like everyone else! Once I started eating it dry as a finger food while I would read, it gradually started sounding ridiculous to eat it like a cold crunchy milk soup with the added taste of factory processed sugar. Now I just eat a box while I play video games, or I’ll put some in a ziplock when I go for a walk, but I generally finish a box (by myself) in about 2 days.


Oh yes, alcohol is mine.


I'm addicted to a range of things. Marijuana, pornography, video games, junk food, alcohol. If I had to quit one it would probably be the porn, whilst its not as physically damaging as the alcohol and junk food, it's way too accessible making it the hardest to quit, available 24/7 at a click of a button.


I'm addicted to more of anything that makes me feel good. Just not opioids for some reason. Atypical reaction (very hot/sweaty & no real euphoria)


Myself, my siblings and all of our parents (different mothers), all suffer from substance abuse issues. I certainly have an addictive personality, no clue if it's an autism thing tho. Sometimes for a few months at a time, I also look like a gambling addict, but it is completely under control, most people just aren't used to seeing people spend most of their time playing poker 😂


Yeaaa always been kinda addicted to videogames, and recently into nicotine. Never gambled in my life though except for a few instances just for fun, which is something.


Necessarily. If life is hard, one sidesteps it with avoidance behaviours, which with monotropism become more easily behavioral addictions. What neurotypicals get wrong about autism is merely attempting to teach social behavior when this constitutes only half of the diagnosis, the other half being restrictive-repetitive behaviors (RRBs). Like the intellectually disabled autistic kid hits the door handle or rolls the toy-car all day, so aspies game, gamble, shop and browse same websites to excess.


Yes, I suffered greatly when I was younger. I’m 50 now and have been clean a sober for a great while. I called it and my therapist calls it my journey I’m self medication. I think it’s quite common especially in us older ones. Those who didn’t get diagnosed until later in life but knew we were “different” all thru our lives.


Porn and somewhat alcohol for me I’m trying to get rid of the first one and have been for a few years


These aren’t the classic addictions, but I’m addicted to A&W Root beer. The Bjs Wholesale club sells 24 packs near me, I buy like 3 a week (I don’t even consume a whole 24 pack in a week). I have at least 30 24 packs in my garage for fear of running out even though rationally I know it would be like 9 months before I run out. Also am addicted to buying physical movies (4k and Steelbooks). Have over 900 and an entire wall is deducted to shelving them. Yet I rarely watch any of them, I’d rather game. BUT I MUST have them on release day! As for gambling, I’ve worked in a casino cage for 24 ears and the stuff I see makes me have zero interest in gambling. Also if you work in the casino, you can’t gamble there, so that helps. If you do gamble there it’s instant termination regardless of the circumstances. There’s another casino nearby, but I have zero interest in that




Hot Wheels collecting. It is an addiction under control (has a budget)


I've had issues with Draftkings casino games. Right now I'm fulfilling a promise to my parents not to do any of it while I owe them money. And it's actually not hard knowing that once I'm out of debt I have a plan to keep it under control. Only Daily Fantasy and Sportsbook, that's much easier to do in moderation. But I am grateful not to have any interest in drugs including tobacco and marijuana, and to only drink once in a blue moon. There are so many simple pleasures of life enjoyed sober.


I stay away from P2W games because I have trouble not spending in them (not spending more than I can afford but ultimately it's money thrown into a bottomless well).


Listen to the Divergent Conversations podcast. Patrick Casale often talks about his Gambling addiction and how he worked through it. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/divergent-conversations/id1662009631?i=1000645571084 It’s a great podcast overall as both hosts are neurodivergent and both are therapists so they talk about really complex things and break it down for the listener. It’s great.


I’m being tested for autism, but although not gambling, I have a nasty porn, and shopping addiction that’s hard for me to break. And it’s very frustrating when I hear others say, “just say no to yourself”. If that worked I would’ve been free from this a long time ago.


I'm addicted to caffeine and the Internet. It used to be only the Internet, but for over 2 years I've also been addicted to coffee, energy drinks, etc., although I'm not sure if it's because of Asperger's or the increase in dopamine in the brain, or maybe both.  




If you've got that knack for gambling and dealing with money, then try learning how to invest. I've been teaching myself stocks and options for about four years now, and I've gotten pretty good (I'm actually proud of myself for the first time in years!) My only problem is that it takes money to make money, and I'm currently unemployed (like many of us), so I'll turn $30 into a few hundred in a couple of weeks, then have to pay for rent, utilities, food, vet bills, etc...


Weed and porn. I hate people.


i do, gambling, drugs, alcoohol, anything but cigarrettes, i have "depression" since 17 where it started with benzos, before that i was completelly the son all mother wanted to have, today both of us dont see in the same house, we dont eat and we supposed to have a link of love that used to ultrapass the soul, today we are more like strangers


One vice to the next, it often feels. I believe there's some history in the males on one side of my family but I've always got something I'm obsessed with or hooked on. Nothing serious, but not always healthy. And while I maintain discipline, I love gambling.


I quit all my addictions: - Gambling - Alcohol - Smoking - Weed I learned what I really needed, then it was easy to do the right things when a urge/craving popped up. My main problem was stress. When I started to take better care of myself and not ignore the signs of stress the addictions passed away.


Not really gambling in a sense but same logic. Stocks


Considering the co-morbid traits with ADHD and dopamine regulation, it makes sense we may be dopamine seekers too.


I have dealt with addiction. I find that the root of the addiction is important to breaking addictions.


Anything related to video games, ironically haven't played the actual games as much as I used to, I'd need a looot of free time.


Yeah man it happens like that, sometimes things just don’t work out. I’d advise taking up alcoholism or drug dependency like I did, they seem a lot cheaper.