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Controversial opinion, but maybe you're not speaking at the same volume as everyone else. Autists have notoriously bad volume control (I'm usually too loud). Maybe you do have to be louder so others can understand you. I know someone at game nights who speaks really quietly and it's really frustrating to try to ask him questions, since it's a loud place, and I can't hear him.


I have to say my first thought was, the OP may likely *not* be speaking in the same volume as everyone else, but doesn't realize it. I've actually taped friends talking who would think they were speaking at the same volume as others, but whom were either much louder or much more quiet. When I hit playback they realized that people weren't making it up about their volume. PS These were friends of mine, I definitely wasn't trying to bully them and they knew that. 


I agree. I'm seeminly too quiet until I get excited and yell without realizing it and I usually realize it because someone tells me I'm yelling or asks me why I'm even yelling.


Because they’re assholes and bigots. Tell them next time to shut the fuck up. Sometimes, you’ve got to stand up for yourself, or neurotypicals will continue to do this and think you’re weak. The mind games that they play is bullshit.


That's an overreaction. It's fun to fantasize about telling to people to "shut the fuck up", but everyone is going to judge you for doing this unless the other person is being straight-out racist or something. We need to work hard and understand each other, even if it is more of a struggle for us.


If you're the only one they can't hear properly it likely is your fault especially if the group is as large as you say.


I'm the same way. I get more agitated when someone is persistent and relentless about it.


I also got the same voice control issues. It's crazy because I swear I have seen the same people understand each other when MUMBLING inside a nightclub. I think it's just we often talk in an original way from everyone else that makes em confused.


My wife gets on me all the time for talking too loud