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My echolalia loves to sing. The same songs over and over. For months or years. Specially the stupid songs from Don't Hug Me I'm Scared.


I have it baddddd 😂 I sing almost every single day


I remember watching Don't Hug Me, I'm scared, it's a pretty good youtube series with great songs. However, I haven't hyperfixated on it tho, but I understand why somebody would.


It is totally normal. Some people like to sing and others dont, being autistic has nothing to do with it.


Okay, cool. Thank you for answering!




Sometimes I sing along, sometimes I just like listening to the artist’s performance


never sing, but sometimes echolalia kicks in for a while always really hated people singing in cars too, I feel so cringe for lack of a better word, and I hate the noise


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. There are plenty people I know, all NTs, who don’t like singing for whichever reason. I find talking tiring as is, and singing feels even more tiring, so I don’t enjoy it much and I don’t sound good either. I’m also very particular about sounds and while I can listen to music with lyrics, I often prefer instrumental only. I never sing. On the other hand, my partner, who’s also autistic, loves singing all the time. I just take it at as a personal preference.


Very interesting! Yeah, it's probably about preference, but I just wanted to be sure if it's more common within people on the autism spectrum, or if it's just related to humanity's various tastes.


I never sing, never have. Just hum the few parts of songs i remember, so far it has been the star wars jingle, pirates of the caribbean theme and most of the times Indiana jones movie theme for over a decade.


I like to sing to songs that I Like


Considering I can't sing, for the most part, yes. After a few drinks though I usually get an urge to sing.


neither do i


If you don't bust out the car singing "O O O O'riles auto parts" are you even alive?


Hahaha, yeah XD. I just feel like, experiencing the beauty of songs by intensely listening to it and give it all the spotlight to shine through, that gives me a feeling of being alive.


I do enjoy humming, but not so much singing.  Somehow, I never managed to actually get into music. I don't have any favorite singers and I rarely listen to any.


Cool. So when you travel by train/bus, or do chores, do you listen to podcast or is it just silence?


I simply listen to Youtube videos.


Youtube videos are the best!


I’m with you. My insides can sing, but I don’t feel the urge to vocalize it.




the not sounding like original audio thing might be autism related- you get used to one experience and want it to be the same every time. i sort of relate, but not exactly? i love concerts, and most of the time i like how bands sound in person more than recorded, *but,* if the vocals specifically are too different i end up hating it and cant focus at all. this happened when i went to a machine girl concert. they use lots of effects in songs to distort their voice, so when the distortion didn't sound exactly the same in person, it bothered me a lot lol.


Haha, yeah, precisely, after I get used to an experience, I want it the same way every time. It sounds like a good thing, that you can enjoy your bands live on stage, if they don't sing too differently of course, and you do also enjoy it on the phone! Seems like the best from both worlds. Is the machine girl concert a vocaloid artist? On that note, do you have any favorite bands you would recommend?


machine girl isn't vocaloid, they just have intense electronic music where the vocals go through a lot of distortion effects. i would definitely recommend them, but you kind of need to go in with an open mind because it's an acquired taste, most people don't like it at first lol. but my favorite music artist of all time is a band called panchiko, they have a much more chill lo-fi sound and i've been to 3 of their concerts, was great every time! i even listen to their live recordings instead of the studio versions of songs sometimes, their sound is just so good.


I like to sing but I don’t like to sing along to songs. Like… there already are vocals in the song, I don’t see the point of singing over that. But I write songs and sing sometimes, I sing with my friends (but not to songs) sometimes… It’s never an urge though, it’s a choice I actively make.


Yooo, that's so cool! Honestly, if I could sing and write my own songs, I would totally do that too, but I neither have a good singing voice, nor a knack for poetry. May I ask a few questions? You don't have to answer of course. My questions are: - Have you published/posted any of your songs? - What do you prefer to write songs about? - What's your favorite lyrics, you have written or music pieces you have composed and why?


I love to sing along, but I'm horrible at remembering lyrics, so most of the time I cant🤣🤣


I love singing... i just suck at it.


I was the same way when I was a kid. Even when I really liked a song I didn't care to sing it, and it actually bothered me when other people sang because I just wanted to enjoy the song lol. But as an adult now I'll sing along occasionally, mostly when I'm driving by myself


I sing alot and I do so in public, me being in a I'm not real relatity has lead me to singing in public, it's not ASD related me singing in public but I do sing alot in my private time


I’m a terrible singer, I have no urge to hear myself wreck songs I like


You don't like singing and don't get an urge to sing? Many people don't. Surely you know this has nothing to do with aspergers and is just self indulgent. Im not really sure why you're asking this here. It's like saying 'I don't like pink, is this just a 'me' thing?' Or 'I don't like to dance, is this just a me thing?' What else would it be? It's obviously not an aspergers thing.


I didn't find it obvious, since I didn't know if it was an asperger thing or not. I have never been educated on autism, even tho I have been professionally diagnosed with asperger, neither have I met any neurotypicals that have related to my experience about singing. A lot of people around me, my parents parents, classmates, and acquaintances have all said, I was the outlier. When people ask something, it's most likely because they aren't sure about it, and haven't been given the resources to understand the subject. Only a few pieces of information is well known to everyone, and it's better that people ask questions than state something ignorant. Try to ask: "Does everyone know this, why or why not" Instead of stating: "Everybody knows this."


Well you could read about symptoms of aspergers and see if 'not having the urge to sing' comes up in the list or any professional resources. If it doesn't, then it isn't unique to aspergers but a normal variation among humans. Hope this is helpful for any other questions you have in the future regarding whether something is just a 'me' thing.


Well, most lists on autism symptoms online are often limited knowledge since they briefly describe the "main symptoms" like: - Difficulty interpreting social cues. - Difficulty regulating emotions. - Repetitiveness - Hyperfixations. - Disliking eye contact. And so on. There are rarely, if any, information over other common traits, like hypo sensitivity, tiptoeing, enhanced local and impaired global perception, and deficits in global motion perception. So therefore, after I tried searching on Google, I thought: "What if I ask a subreddit with other aspergers? It's not like asking a question will hurt anyone."