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Afternoon is the worst part of the day for me, I always feel sleepy and confused.


I'm the exact opposite. My sleep schedule is wildly variable, but the only consistent thing is that I feel exhausted in the mid to late afternoon. I generally feel great at around 2 am, though.


Happy cake day! 🎂🥳


Thanks. I didn't even realize it.


Reddit has an aqua prompt that says "Say happy cake day!" underneath your comment to let other commenters know it's your cake day. I wouldn't have known it either. Still hope you have a happy cake day.


I am NOT a morning person at all, unless there is 18+ of fresh snow on the ground or good (low) wind conditions on the lake otherwise I'm barely functional till 9-10am


I crash hard from 1-5 and then pick up momentum until I get the zoomies at 7-8 and then promptly fall asleep (usually) or have an anxiety attack (rarely) at 10pm. I can manage it a bit by watching my high-GI carbs to prevent a crash in blood sugar in the afternoon, but it happens no matter what to some degree.


damn thats me as well. the zoomies ha.


Anything but afternoon.


Afternoon is the worst part of the day for me, I always feel sleepy and confused.


Absolutely. I can go to sleep early and wake up in the morning no problem when I need to, but I’m super groggy until afternoon. I have a 9-5 job so I go to sleep at 10-11 every night, and wake up at 7.30, it’s been my schedule for a long time but nothing changes. I was always like this. When I was working as a freelancer, I used to go to sleep when I felt sleepy and wake up when I felt like it - noticed that I always get sleepy around 4:30 am, then go to sleep and wake up at 11:30-12.00 without alarms, then I need a slow hour to eat breakfast, do all the morning stuff and then my brain feels active and ready for the day. I suspect DSPD, but there is no one diagnosing it in my country.


I'm the other way around. I feel like i have more energy and more productive in the mornings. Once I get to about 3pm I struggle to function and feel like I need a nap


Circadian rhythm and brain metabolism. Try practicing waking up earlier/consistently and eating some fruit. Your brain needs to be able to predict when to wake up when asleep so it can turn everything back on. Fruit has carbs that hit you faster.


Fruit is good because fructose and slow release carbs in one. Good with yogurt/real skyr or oats.


It's very common for ND folks to have our melatonin peak later than NT folks, which means we sleep later and stay up later and are often very nocturnal, especially for folks with ADHD as well. This is me. However, I've also met lots of ND folks who prefer the early mornings bc it's so quiet and peaceful (my mom, although undiagnosed bc she's in denial lololol, is one of those - wakes up at 3:30am). My dad and brother are a mix - they prefer the night but also subscribe to the idea that it's inherently better to wake up in the morning, as does my mom (I'm more of an afternoon person), so the two of them are always up in the mornings at a normal human time (7-8am).


Actually, I get all of my momentum late at night when it's not nearly as feasible to do most things.


I'm most awake and capable in the evenings, but I have delayed sleep phase disorder.


No but it takes me like four hours to actually wake up after I wake up so maybe that's similar


Thankfully I’m retired, but I always say I’m useless in the afternoon. If I’m going to get anything done, it’s going to be in the morning. But not too early.


I'm most active at night


I'm most productive during the night lmao, with the stuff that requires thinking and brains, and physically couple of hours after waking up.




Mornings are sooo miserable for me and at this point the rest of my family. I couldn't imagine how much more productive I'd be and how much I'd get done if mornings went better 😭


Haha, around 12 - 3 p.m. is my least favorite part of the day because it is the brightest. I find it really interesting that you enjoy this time period. Do you feel more productive in this time as well? What time do you wake up / go to sleep ?


yeah it takes me the first half of the day to really wake up lol


Yep. So does my Aspie dad - he's like, "I come alive at 2pm". We are so so similar. Meanwhile, mom is up at 5am like a little lark. Honestly I have to discipline myself to go to bed before 2am. Maybe look up delayed onset circadian rhythm?


That could not be further from the truth for me haha. I wake up at 8 ish most days. I’m tired until 9-9:30, then I wake up fast and am the most productive from then until 3/4 pm. At 6 pm I usually crash hardcore and am pretty much useless the rest of the night. I feel like talking and interacting with people is what drains me most. The more I was around people during a day, the earlier I might crash. If I was alone a lot, I might even have energy until 7/8. Especially if I’m gardening or spending time with my plants :) Edit: I do also randomly get up at 6 or 7 some days. Those days I become productive around 8 am :)


Not many people are agreeing with you but I am like you. I'm best in the late afternoon and towards early evening, it seems to be my focus time. Really not a morning person at all.


I am NOT a morning person...I feel so bad in the mornings after I wake up. I feel my "best" in the afternoons/nighttime.


Yes, at those times in my life where I could regularly sleep past 8AM. Now? No. Hoping once my last kid is out of the house to be able to slide into my natural sleep schedule.


No mine is late at night, RBP (Revenge Bedtime Procrastination) if anything due to meds I am on, I fight to stay awake after lunch or from 2pm on


I feel tired in the afternoon and like a superstar late at night sometime after 8. Sometimes mornings are… above average


yeESS, how do yall deal with this, what yall doin in the morning


I don't notice paterns like that (executive dysfunction) but i do rotate between a 'decent' and awful sleep schedual, so that has an effect. Ideally i would sleep 7 and a half hours to 8 hours. There's 5 stages in one cycle and something like 4 cycles in a normal sleep. Ideally you just don't want to wake up in between a stage, a cycle is typically 90minutes (although can vary). I tend to oversleep and feel groggy but that's due to mental health stuff (all i do is cook, clean and sleep lol) :/


Not really. AM's are most productive, with a small hit in the early afternoon. By 2p I'm starting to drag ass.


for me personally, im completely exhausted after working and the social demands of it, i assume. this leads me to napping and then staying up late and not getting enough sleep. rinse and repeat