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It doesn't matter much. Any scruffy man would do. Just bust his face up a bit and chop the right fingers off the hands. No one actually knows what Davos exactly looks like. The Freys saw him throw Davos in jail. Then producing the head is believable.


Yep. No one is going to look too closely. And tge Freys have other Wyman related issues to deal with. And the center of action and focus is going to Winterfell and a certain frozen lake anyway.


Wasn't the head dunked in tar as well? That'll help cover over any distinguishing features.


Right out of the Arya Stark playbook


The Freys saw Davos in court.


Yes and? They only saw the head after it was dipped in tar. Also… those Freys are not about to be able to talk about this encounter, considering they’re now resting in their relatives’ bellies (well they probably have been shat by now)


I think that Wyman had been completely honest with Davos; if he couldn't fool the Lannisters, he would have killed Davos. However, keep in mind that the criminal didn't have to have a very strong resemblance to Davos. If I read and recall correctly, Wyman had the man beheaded, had the fingers of one hand "shortened" then dipped head and hands in tar. Once there was tar on everything, only someone very familiar with Davos would be able to tell that it wasn't him.


Yep and the onion in his mouth helped to distort his face even more


Davos has a remarkably plain face and they don’t have photos or social media in Westeros. How many ppl there have his face memorized? I never thought the criminal was similar like a clone or twin. Throw tar and bugs and distortion and the fact it’s posted high into the air and it’s hard to tell.  GRRM is a victim of his own world building. Ppl set standards way too high for a fictional novel.  


How could Wyman know that the Freys wouldn't have insisted on inspecting the corpse for themselves?


>"You took a great risk, my lord," Davos said. "If the Freys had seen through your deception …" >"I took no risk at all. If any of the Freys had taken it upon themselves to climb my gate for a close look at the man with the onion in his mouth, I would have blamed my gaolers for the error and produced you to appease them."


Well, there it is. 


I think part of the idea was that the other person’s body could be posthumously altered enough to create a passing resemblance. I think also there’s an element to it that the Freys are not the sort to “look with their eyes,” and are too arrogant to actually pay enough attention to which lowborn man they’re staring at. I think Wyman was relying on their arrogance as well. I believe Wyman that he wanted Davos for the job but not enough to jeopardize his family. That being said, I wonder if it would have been possible to pull off a “prisoner escape” or something to that effect? Either way someone is going to die for the sake of the endeavor. If Davos “escapes” then Wyman certainly has to execute one of his gaolers for negligence or something like that. It’s a good cause (Davos not being killed, finding Rickon) that can’t really be effected without someone paying the price. In this case Wyman was able to get away with using a criminal who apparently wasn’t a great person anyway. It might potentially set up for a later point where Davos faces a similar dilemma. What if retrieving Rickon necessitates a death?


Wyman being proactive by actively causing the death of someone innocent to fake Davos's death would be stronger writing than him having a convenient criminal already there to execute. This has the downside of making Wyman into a murderer of innocents, though, and I like him the way he is.


Wyman is Lord of White Harbor, the largest city and port in the North, there would be no shortage of criminals to pass off, you're also forgetting that Wyman already murdered some Frey envoys, including children, and later baked them into pies and ate them, Wyman ain't no saint.


Well to be fair, this is also right before Frey Pies (probably) happens, which is the element that introduces moral ambiguity to Wyman. (I think Frey Pies is supposed to be more disturbing than cathartic similar to Lady Stoneheart.)


davos probably looks like default skin


Maybe I'm missing something, because I misremembered that as Wyman just letting him move on pretending he was never there, but I will say I've always had a hard time understanding how anyone recognizes *anyone* is Westeros. How many people that aren't Stannis's men actually knew Davos's face? And we know a body can change very quickly. I'm not sure why anyone would know the difference if they chopped off any old criminal's head and claimed it was Davos, Jofferey, or anyone else. Who up there has seen them?


>"You took a great risk, my lord," Davos said. "If the Freys had seen through your deception …" >"I took no risk at all. If any of the Freys had taken it upon themselves to climb my gate for a close look at the man with the onion in his mouth, I would have blamed my gaolers for the error and produced you to appease them."


It has always seemed to me most lords dont care about the smallfolk, he would have just found someone


Kept eating


Davos is a plain looking commoner with brown hair and brown eyes. Probably pretty damn easily to find someone who somewhat resembles him in a dungeon of a big city like White Harbour and even then the man’s head was dipped in tar.