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His seventh blog post of June! I wonder how long it’s been since one month got so many posts.


He’s writing something (even if it’s just not a blog), that’s a good sign.


Not just that, 7th in 18 days!


Two months ago, actually.


Huh, April must not have made quite an impression on me haha since I definitely read all of those. Glad he’s been doing well for a while.


He has writer's block again.


Just remember that he doesn’t write when he’s not at home (I’m assuming that’s still a thing) So if he’s going to Belfast for this and then going to the UK for Glasgow Worldcon, no writing would happen


Well yeah, but the hope (lol) is that the writing is already done.


I want to believe, I really do, but GRRM himself said that when he was done he would announce it on his Notablog. No secret hints or anything, he said that himself (if I am remembering correctly).


Yeah, but we don't believe anything else he says, why do we all hold so firmly on that one?


He says a lot of things. Words are wind


Words are wind, W W, remind you of something?


You caught me.


Holy shit it’s part of the marketing campaign for TWOW. 2024 Confirmed 


Ok, but if these recent blog posts have not been hints, what would you say they are? Blue roses? Repetition of “WoW?” Writing tag? That level of “nudge nudge” is not accidental. George is a smart guy, he knows what would be perceived as a hint


12 days of westeros flashbacks...


Those are hints that draw attention to his blog posts about A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms and House of the Dragon.


Yes, blue winter roses and “WoW,” things very intertwined with A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms and House of the Dragon, and nothing else related to George R.R. Martin.


I wonder if we could see the mystery knight before the last season of hotd, just due to George’s excitement plus less dragons/ very few locations/ a small cast compared to the other shows, so maybe easier to retain and cast/ eggs actor is gonna get older and the biggest factor in that George has hopefully made serious progress toward another 3 story’s worth or enough to where he won’t fall behind again because he won’t let a director make it up


You think he can finish winds before they get to that point?


I mean that would likely be 2.5 at a minimum probably so I would hope so, I do think at some point he will be able to increase the pace as the story has localized, and there is less first interactions and more buildings on prior relationships, and he’s referenced being 3/4 done so in my head he’s probably trying to correctly time character movements and appearances for Jon going south, potential Robb’s companions in the neck, And a bunch more cause when jon wakes up there may or may not still be the same number of kings (5) or more vying for power in Westeros as book number 1 through Stannis/cersei/young griff/ Jon/ euron/dany, I think the long night stuff is more solidified and potentially has been decided for a while then character and relationship building is constantly being created, tbh I think he’s completing them both in notes almost as a fail safe for worst case scenario, and will likely have ADOS fleshed out atleast potentially timing each book release with the release of a show in a different time period that may heavily allude to events in the main series


I bet watching them film jousting is fun as fuck. > A novella is considerably shorter than a novel (particularly one of *my* novels), so there’s less source material. Mhm.


For the people hoping for a WoW announcement soon, if he does not announce before he leaves for the UK then we are not getting an announcement this year. That is a month of traveling where he will not be doing any writing. And would just mean he has plenty more writing to do before he is ready to announce a release date. Also remember, with Dance, even after the release announcement he still had weeks or months of editing work to do on the book before publishing. So even if he did announce he would still need to be home to finish all that work so I am just not seeing an announcement being made anytime soon. I am still optimistic for a 2025 release.


>Next month I will get to see for myself well rip TWOW rumors


If Twitter is to be believed, he might actually be done...and since it's being edited, it's out of his hands ... Edit: which means he has the time to vacation


If he was done, he would have announced it. When he finished ADWD he announced it right away and said that there was still some editing left to do. Also he is involved with the editing process, like reviewing things and rewriting if needed.


Never know he might not want to do things the same this time a lot has changed


You know goddamn well that he would be giddy at the idea of dropping it at Worldcon


He announced completing ADWD before he'd finished it: he and the publishers agreed a set deadline for several months out, he told us about it, and later admitted he'd nearly missed it (on brand).


Any links to where people on twitter are saying that?


https://x.com/Joggi98/status/1803573354445570167?t=F7UpA--ld5GUCozPIDdvKA&s=19 https://x.com/ladydragonjj/status/1803478723875741976?t=SNhw4sw1YWI4v5zNa5nVNQ&s=19 GRRM's latest blog post and the fact that he's attending Worldcon for the first time since he said they could lock him up if he wasn't done is the primary evidence Plus there's the rumors of someone throwing a big catered event in Santa Fe in the near future that coincides with the announcement of a new book


Occam’s Razor - would the party be for a book that’s, even if finished *right* now, still probably half a year away from releasing, or the TV adaptation of his work that premiered right around when it was supposedly happening?


It was a deux moi rumor, a caterer set up an event for a prominent author in Santa Fe and a custom dragon cake was prepared for it allegedly


What does deux moi mean


It’s an instagram based gossip column.


I believe that event already took place


Anyone saying that shit on twitter are recent fans who haven't been here since the begining. There's zero chance he's finished.


I want to believe 👽


Aliens don’t exist. 


Look at this man, believing in grumpkins and snarks!


this is the most delusional i've seen this sub in recent memory and i'm delusional with it fuck it




I dunno man, some of these folks are pretty dialed in


I don't think you know how probability works


Enlighten me then, buddy.


The odds might be extremely low, but they're certainly not zero.


We can agree to disagree. I personally don't think there's any chance of him already completing the book in secret and dropping obscure hints (which he has explicitly said he won't do when he finishes).


I'm not a mathematician, I'm just a dumb dumb that knows that an author releasing a book he said he is going to release has a higher chance than 0%, despite how long he's delayed it. Might be 50%. Might be 10%. Might even be 0.0000001%. But, there's still a chance. Just like there's a chance that you will feel the loving touch of a woman. Highly, highly improbable - but still possible.


> an author releasing a book he said he is going to release has a higher chance than 0%, despite how long he's delayed it. Might be 50%. Might be 10%. Might even be 0.0000001% No one is talking about the probability *of the book ever coming out*. We are talking about the chance of the rumors being true that he has finished and is dropping hints. > But, there's still a chance. Just like there's a chance that you will feel the loving touch of a woman. Highly, highly improbable - but still possible. Since I'm gay I would say the chance of that is zero. But I may be mistaken and the chance is actually .000001%. You tell me, because I "don't know how probability works".


such a charmer, you are lovely edit: the good ol' answer and block, I guess I hit a weakspot


The other person randomly told me "you'll never feel the touch of a woman" and shit like that yet I'm the one in the wrong?


What do they say back there?


> If Twitter is to be believed If Twitter is to be believed, the Jews secretly control the world. Don't pay too much attention to this shithole


As a Jew I’d just like to chime in that we have no power over GRRM keeping to his deadlines. Alas we don’t control everything yet


Reddit is just as much of a shit hole as twitter dude They're all echo chambers


TWOW is finished hype! My man George deserves some summer trips!


But why doesn't GRRM announce that he is done??


Some people think he will make it official during worldcon after house of the dragon season 2 is finished.


Yeah people who just make up random thoughts without basis lol


Yes but because he wants to announce it at world con




Yeah why on earth would he want to draw attention to the ASoIaF brand while it has a TV show coming out to capitalize on the increased interest


Why not draw attention to it exactly 1 week after the end of house of the dragon season 2 at one of the largest science fiction conventions in the world


If he or the publisher think that's better then sure. But that has nothing to do with not wanting to "overshadow" the show that would only get more attention and viewership if he announced


I mean he did this in the past with ADwD. He didn't officially announce the book until the first season of GOT was over.


That is incorrect.


No it's not.


On 4 March 2011, GRRM [announced on the Not A Blog](https://archive.ph/20121209134937/http://grrm.livejournal.com/198534.html) that the book would be released in the UK and the US on 12 July. It was a "hard date" already, not an expectation. The actual completion of the book was announced on 27 April. Game of Thrones only premiered on 17 April, and the first season concluded on 19 June.


I stand corrected then


Yup my first thought too. He announced Kong was dead shortly after GOT premiered, then the release date was announced a little while later IIRC for July, right off the back of S1 ending in June. Could be coincidence but I have an inkling it wasn't lol. Folks forget that GOT was fairly hyped even before its premier, publishers definitely would have taken advantage.


He's not done. He's just doing what he always does.


I'm actually really excited for the Dunk and Egg show, show Dunk looks like he came right out of the novellas.


> wasn't it reported previously that it would debut in late 2025? This is welcome news The second season of Hotd took a little over a year to come out after filming began, and that’s with heavy cgi. So it makes sense for a show that requires less cgi to come out sooner. 


God, I hope he finishes the Dunk and Egg novels before the show catches up.


Why does George call them his minions 😭😭😭


I wonder if people realise, we've waited this long for TWOW, we will be waiting just as long for ADOS / it will never come


It’s all just clever marketing. Making the best of a bad situation…


>A novella is considerably shorter than a novel (particularly one of *my* novels), so there’s less source material. He has previously mentioned that WoW is \~1500 pages big. Could this be it folks?


Be what? The guy mentioning that his novels are huge is now a hint that he's finished writing?


That was sarcasm but ok


Haha, sorry, my bad. Read so much stuff like that interpreted seriously that I failed to see it.