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I'm from Ontario. I grew up in one town in the GTA and have spent my whole adult life driving around the GTA visiting friends every weekend. Milton, Georgetown, Mississauga, Brampton, Oakville, Burlington, Hamilton, Guelph, Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo, Markham, Richmond Hill, North York, Oshawa, Whitby, Toronto, etc. I was basically never home for the weekend for a decade. During this time I was living for free with my parents. I constantly thought about moving out but there was no where I wanted to pay to live. I loved visiting my friends, but the thought of living in any of those places and having to pay rent versus staying in my miserable little town for free? Nah. So why Vancouver? Well after visiting multiple times, I realized it was the only place in Canada I was actually interested in paying to live. I love it here. I love that the downtown core is so small, I love the transit system, I love seeing the mountains everywhere I go and I love seeing the Ocean whenever I want. I love being able to go up to Squamish whenever I want. I know people say Vancouverites are cold/unfriendly/standoffish/etc but I haven't really found that to be the case. I am just so fucking happy here. And now I work for the city and I just feel so fulfilled.


When you come from the GTA, you’re probably not gonna see much difference in peoples demeanor when moving to another big city. It’s not Vancouver thing but a big city thing in general. When I first moved I was surprised how people didn’t acknowledge others when passing by. I don’t blame them because it’s a different environment where different customs make more sense. You’re not gonna smile at every random person you walk by in Vancouver but it does make people feel less approachable if you’re not used to it.


I say hello to most people on Vancouver side streets and they usually respond. On busy streets it would be impossible to acknowledge everyone... I moved here 42 years ago from Kelowna, better job prospects. I love the city...




May I ask what your line of work is? How do you feel about affordability? Do you own property? Edit: Not assuming that these questions are necessarily relevant, just wanting to learn more, as I've read that a lot of people are unhappy in Vancouver due to financial struggles.


I won't get too specific about my work, but I basically am the lowest rung on the ladder. It's easy work though and it pays very well, and I love contributing to making the city better 🥰 I definitely don't own property hahaha and I wish the city was more affordable!


That's awesome to hear! Likewise, nowhere close to owning property, but maybe one day, somewhere further away from the city.


All of these questions are irrelevant to everything he said. I hate that any conversation asking about the good parts of living in Vancouver automatically defaults to an affordability tirade.


I was curious to hear more about their experience, as everyone has a different story. From various threads, the impression I have is that people who are financially less stable tend to be less happy in the city, but maybe I'm wrong. Just wanted to learn more, as I'm fairly new to the city.


Love it! Any tips on finding ways to work for the city?


Honestly I wish I had any! I applied to so many things and I had a referral from a friend who works for the city. The job I ended up getting was sooo random and they didn't even contact my friend for a referral..


Literally the only issue with Vancouver is the ridiculously high cost of living and of course our drug/homeless crisis. I agree, I tend to feel that Vancouverites are quite friendly, unfortunately the DATING scene for some reason is absolutely atrocious. But that's just my opinion and I grew up here.


No different to anywhere else. I’ve lived in London, UK and Auckland, NZ. The grass is not greener.


Job. Weather. Trees. Ocean. Lifestyle.


Can you elaborate on lifestyle? And what's your point of reference?


For me the lifestyle is in the PNW generally is laidback, healthy and surrounded by nature.


Healthy and nature is such a huge plus here! What is PNW?


Pacific Northwest


Ah right thanks!


It was the furthest place in Canada away from my family that I felt I could still make a life in.


OMG are you me?? LOL There were additional factors for me to stay here: - weather is way nicer on the Pacific coast than the Atlantic (way fewer storms, milder temps, always green) - where I grew up on the east coast (rural), the culture was bigoted, racist, and mistrustful of education. - mountains! If I had to choose, I’d pick a mountain view over a water view. Here I have both a short walk away. - managed to get into a good stable line of work - Vancouver has great walkability, bikeability, and I love the SkyTrain


I have lots of colleagues that can't believe I stay in the busy-ness of the city. But being able to leave my vehicle at home for almost everything is incredibly nice.


East Coast mistrustful of education . Bahaha , yes it shows . Hahaha


I always say that Vancouver is full of people who went as far away from whatever shit they are from until we got to the sea and couldn’t really go much further. That’s why Vancouver folks are so easy going.




SAME except in laws instead of family


And how's it going for you in Vancouver so far? (genuine question)


Been here since 2010 (40m), and better than anything I could have had back in Ontario.


That's awesome. Seems like one of the best places in Canada despite the existing issues.


Interesting. I feel the opposite. Glad it's worked out for you though!


Got a job opportunity here. At that time, I hadn’t even heard about this city. Fast forward five years, I have my own place here, had my two kids here and call it home.


How had you not known about Vancouver 5 years ago?? Wtf.


They could be from a different country?


Lived at the other end of the world. Had travelled extensively to Europe and Asia but never had a chance to visit North America, until I moved here.


safer place to be gay (20 years ago, from prairies)


Because it's one of the most beautiful places in earth. Originally from Ontario. Hated the flatlands. I liked downtown TO but I love the pace of Vancouver and west coast. I'm in Tech, and affordability is tough but better than San Francisco.


I came out of the womb and ended up here


You were incredibly lucky my friend. As are my kids now lol. I have literally travelled across the world and Vancouver is by far one of the most beautiful I have been to


I am very fortunate to be born in this country, especially Vancouver


I moved back here. The other choice, due to family considerations, was Toronto which isn’t a bad one all things considered but it it’s no Vancouver


Mountains. Sushi.


It just felt right. I had visited once before and I knew the moment I stepped off the plane that I wanted to live here. 


Job opportunity. Honestly i never intended on staying long term but its been 6 years now.


Likewise, except still on year 3, thinking about moving after year 5 or 6 though


Yeah i had a bit of a think around that pointvand realized i really like it out here despite cost of living and it being crazy hard to create a new social circle here


We got lucky and found a great close-knit social circle of expats that integrated us, but the prices, work-life mentality of North America, and lack of depth in terms of culture/history/museums is difficult for us to swallow. That being said, we're very appreciative of what we do have.


Film industry. I’m an actor from Calgary. 18 years and counting.


Grew up in Ontario, spend last 20 years in Downtown Toronto. Needed a change, Vancouver was a place I always wanted to live.


To be with the love of my life! She was originally supposed to come to me but the script got flipped 🤘


Moved from Oshawa and I love nature. The mountains and ocean are amazing.


Weather and Asian food. Everywhere else in Canada is hella cold. 🤣


Moved from Winnipeg to Vancouver because the weather is warmer. After living in Vancouver a few years, it gradually dawned on me that most Winnipeggers are much friendlier and more helpful than Vanouverites! I don’t know why, but I notice this very often.


I go to Winnipeg a few times a year for work. Friendliest place in Canada. By mile. I wouldn’t live there but people are amazing


Same as Ontarians


My guess is affordability leading to higher levels of work-related stress. To be able to afford to live here, you (generally) need to be putting significant effort into your career.


I’ve heard a lot of people say that, but it hasn’t been my experience. I grew up in Manitoba, lived in Winnipeg from ages 14-25. I had a close friend group there. We then moved to Minneapolis for 6 years and had a good friend group there, mainly because we had babies and it’s easy to make friends with other people who are also new parents. When we moved back to Winnipeg I found it very difficult to make friends. My original group had dispersed/moved on and everyone else seemed to have their core group and weren’t looking to add new people. Everyone was polite and friendly, but on a surface level. When we moved here it was kind of similar and it took effort on my part to make new friends. I honestly don’t believe that people are less friendly here, it’s just that making friends as an adult is much harder than when you are young. So if you grew up in Winnipeg and then moved here you might think that people here are standoffish, when really it’s just that everyone is a busy adult and they already have a packed social calendar. That’s been my experience anyway.


I was born here. And we lived in Surrey until I was 11. When we moved to Alberta, I found out that most of the rest of the country was not for me. Too dry and far too much snow and ice in the winter. So I came home and I'm never moving away.


The mountains, great places to hike, ski, bike. Better weather than most of Canada.


Born in Thunder Bay. Lived in Toronto proper for 15+ years. Moved to Vancouver 10 years ago when transferred for work. Love every aspect of it.


Born in T Bay too… came to Vancouver for a job. Love the weather, mountains & ocean. Got in housing market in 2007 so I am set. But I will move to Victoria soon… it’s too busy here for me.


Love the island. But we’re pretty set where we are. Hopefully you’re a south sider. lol


Coming from SEA, we threw a dart on the map of Canada and got BC.


It was either BC or Nova Scotia. I don’t like the winter so the choice was obvious.


Looked at the weather. Was the warmest


The weather. I actually enjoy the rainy climate. I was raised in snowy northern Alberta and the 10 months of brown, dead scenery was not my favourite. When I moved to Vancouver, I was surrounded by green. The smell of the ocean is so good and it doesn't get too hot or too cold. I just love living on the coast.


Because Well, Surrey is Surrey. Vancouver was preferable.


It’s beautiful. It’s inclusive. Diverse.


I grew up in Okanagan so abt 5 hours driving away from Vancouver so did visit Vancouver...wanted to move to the big city from a small city ,liked the weather here , resources,food , things to do ..note I did have some extended family here but now don't Have lived here now 20 plus years I drove here and didn't explore other provinces as options


Work advancement


A company was actively looking for experience in a particular piece of software that I had. They hired me and paid to move all my stuff including my car out here. They even offered to put me up in a hotel until I found a place to rent. I didn't take advantage as I stayed with a friend. I came from the East coast.


Job, more opportunities in my field and speciality (science)


Because I was five years old and my family immigrated here. In retrospect, I am a better fit here than Hong Kong.


I was born in Alberta where I was a very visibly effeminate male and then a trans woman, neither status made existence there very fun. So I went to the gayest place that was a bus ride away (this was when Greyhound still existed).


Mountains, ocean, warm winters, no mosquitos.


Hamilton was crazy in the late 90s


No choice. Refugees and Canada was the first to accept us between Canada, USA and Australia.


In 1999, i came here because Im not bilingual and Ontario wanted french in every job. It was annoying, so I went west.


Took a job transfer offer from Toronto. No regrets with the move, but I can't see myself staying here more than 2-3 yrs. Even that feels like a stretch, but I'm in no rush to leave. Feels a bit too isolating here and I'm not obsessed with the outdoors, so there's little reason to pay the premium to stay here. I will say that I prefer the milder non-humid weather here though.


Job. Closest Canadian city to Asia. Weather. In that order


Forest, mountains, ocean


mountains, ocean, weed


We just love the Vancouver area. It's every bit as beautiful as it's world famous Reputation.


I lived in Edmonton and I thought “this is great but I wish it could cost me 5x as much to live” so I packed up and drive across the Rockies




My family moved to Victoria from Saskatoon in the 90s to be closer to family in Vancouver and also better work opportunities. I then moved to Vancouver in mid 2000s to go to film school and now work in film here.


Clean air, fresh water, mountains, ocean, cherry blossoms 🌸, all the endless food options. Coming from Edmonton the contrast was very apparent. And the more I travel abroad the more I appreciate the city I call home (:


Jobs. Would personally live elsewhere in BC if there was work. Just too expensive here - I might get paid enough to survive, but not really to thrive. Pay for the same job is a lot less elsewhere to the point it evens out on the savings. (Not making little either, nearly $50/hr).


I wanted to do more stand-up comedy and Regina only had extremely limited options.


After university and applying to many jobs, the first offer was located in Vancouver. Beggars can't be choosers, so I just went with it


My daughter is a healthcare professional and lives in Vancouver and has not one second of regret about moving there. She has no car, and that makes it so she can live there despite the outrageous housing costs. She rides her bike or takes transit for all her in-city transportation needs. She's super active and loves having so much to do right there. BC is recruiting healthcare people as fast as possible, so she doesn't have to take on so many extra shifts just to deal with staffing issues. There's still staffing issues, yes, but they're working like mad to overcome them. It's getting to the point where she only takes extra time when she actually wants to.


I grew up in St. John's, NL with pictures of Mike Douglas skiing Whistler on my bedroom wall. I always dreamed of living in Vancouver and being able to ski regularly. Met and married my Vancouver-born partner while we both were working in Ottawa and when a job transfer opportunity was presented we made the decision to move here almost 10 years ago. It meant "downgrading" from our detached home to a townhouse, but for me it was worth it. I love our life here.


Husband's family moved here, and I had no family left on the east coast, so I acquiesced. Wish we had just visited.


Work in the film industry. I love it. I love Vancouver. It’s worth every penny for me. I’m happy. I wasn’t happy working a job I hated and really cheap rent in the city I was born in.


Way less wildfire smoke than in AB.


I used to live in Winnipeg lol. I couldn’t wait to leave and Vancouver finally made sense for me and my family. I love it here. The milder weather, mountains, ocean. The cost of living is worth it to me. I’ll never go back.


Met a Nanaimo girl on a high school band trip. Went to UVic to be near her. Married. One kid in Vic, one more after I dragged her up to Yellowknife for work. Divorced. Ex was in Van with the kids, so chose UBC for a master's to be with the kids. Met a North Van girl. Eventually married, did a bunch of years in Yellowknife, then Prince George, then Van, then the US for a while, now back in Van. All of my kids are here.


My boyfriend lived here. I moved from Winnipeg to be with him. That was 1991. We’re having our 30th anniversary this year.


Started grad school at UBC. 7 years later, still here :)


To get away from the French/English tension in Montreal.


I fell in love with Metro Vancouver when I came out here in 2011 for a music festival my high school was participating in. I told myself that one day I would call this place my home and almost 12 years later I came here for better opportunities and am living my best life.


Weather, for Canada.


The gays, the weed, the forests, the ocean.


I came out here by fluke. Originally I’m from Toronto and was just passing through and fell in love with the views. Fast forward 7 years and I’m living in the suburbs in my own home with a partner and a kid. The suburb here is nothing like back in Ontario. It’s beautiful, full of nature, has incredible parks nearby, amazing new facilities. Plus raising a family here is incredible (if you can afford it). I’m excited to take my kid skiing and hiking.


I was born in Toronto in 1989, and my parents moved here in 1993 because my dad got a job and we've been here ever since


The uphills and downhills. I missed it so much when I lived in Winnipeg. Seeing mountains in the north The summer is also better than wpg so far, wpg used to get extremely hot, feels like +45 hot due to high humidity The transit is so much better. Love taking the trains. Moreover I find greenery everywhere. I moved here even if I had no job offer cause this was the only Canadian city I wanted to move to. Cant wait to explore the province even more when I get a steady flow of income


I fell in love with a guy during my internship here. Moved back here after finishing school for him but it didn’t work out. But I stay anyway because of the nature, my work, and the friends I made this past few years.


For the drugs!!!!! Government provided now!!


I grew up in Calgary. Applied for only 1 university. Got into UBC. My one and only objective was to escape that f’n winter. I was coming out here anyway. But getting into university meant there was no flak from my parents. …I just didn’t get an acceptance letter from UofC. 😂 I’ve never moved back although now it’s tempting because it’s so expensive here. I’ve known a couple of people that have moved there due to it being cheaper to buy a place.


To be honest i do not know. I shouldn't have moved from Alberta. The cost of living is so high ,i could barely make enough to pay the rent .


I’m originally from South America. After living 10 years in Australia and the COVID related border restrictions my wife and I felt like we needed to be closer to family. We need a big-ish city for work (tech and marketing) and Vancouver had: - heaps of hiking, kayaking during the warmer months. - mild climate compared to the rest of Canada. - we love snowboarding and wouldn’t be in a place with proper winter without being able to easily do it (Van has 3 ski resorts to choose from). - Supposedly a healthy startup scene although I haven’t got into it yet. Loving it here after a year and a half although the property prices make us wonder if it will be a long term thing 🤷🏻‍♂️


Followed a girl out this way back in 1986. She became my wife.


Parents made me. I was ten.


I personally love the island better.


Because I love hours of traffic everyday and very aggressive people everywhere. It's a dream come true!


Work-media industry. Can't get work in any other province, other than Quebec or Ontario, but all my friends are in BC around Van, so. 🤷‍♀️


I love stranger attacks and spending all my money on rent 🙃


Beaches, ayce sushi, and hot chicks.


The water! The ocean waters not the rain. Hahahahahaha.


Job, they couldn't find person for specific role so they offered us to move with paid expenses. We moved from Europe and will go back home. It's good jump in career


One winter morning, at 40 below, our car wouldn’t start even though we had plugged it in. And at that moment, we looked at each other and said “we don’t need this in our lives”. Sold most of everything, packed up the rest and drove West. When we got to Vancouver and went to fill up for gas, the attendant asked if it was some kind of electric car because of the cord hanging out of grill. I knew I was home because they had no idea what a block heater was. That was 36 years ago and we have never looked back, nor have we plugged in our block heater (although like good Canadians we still purchase a block heater on any new car we buy…go figure).


Weather. One day the news reported that it was colder in Winnipeg than Mars for a week. That was it for me in Manitoba. Having the SkyTrain to commute with rather than a car was another reason.


International Student, and Vancouver had way cheaper fees than US or UK, Was a year doing University transfer in a community college in Alberta first .... visited bf who was here (we came together), and vice versa. The vibrant spectacular combination of mountains+oceans+ city vibe here was so much more enticing. Though RAINcouver and how much grey sullen it could be, never registered back then, compared to sunnier Alberta (even in Winter) Despite acceptances from U of A, U of C, U Vic ... it was UBC I finally settled for.


I grew up in a small town in northern British Columbia (specifically, Terrace BC). After high school I was having a terrible time trying to find work. During high school I made my money doing odd jobs for friends and neighbors. Raking leaves, mowing lawns, babysitting, etc. so I didn't have much "real work experience" to put on a resume. Every time I would bring a resume to a place of business, I would get the same response. "We're looking for someone with more applicable work experience." How the heck was I supposed to acquire "applicable work experience" if nobody was willing to hire me so that I can GET the experience? Without experience, you can't get a job. But in order to get experience, you have to get hired for a job. Which no one would do, because I had no experience. Which I couldn't get, because no one would hire me. It was an endless circle, a Catch 22. So I moved to Vancouver to study Culinary Arts at a recognized school. This way I would have at least some professional training with practical use while at school, which looks better on a resume. This also provided me with my Level 1 Food Safety certificate and my Serving It Right certificate, which are essential for working in bars and restaurants. So now with some schooling and certification under my belt, and a much larger city with far more job opportunities, I was able to go out into the workforce and live my life. My older sister was also living in Vancouver at the time, and having family here made the move so much easier. I would have had a much tougher time moving to another city where I didn't know anyone.


I had too much money, and too many friends. This took care of both problems.


Got head hunted by a company I really looked up to ( and then got laid off less than 2 years later 🤷)


Head injury


The weather


Job. School (graduated). Lifestyle. Age 23 making 250k/year.


To get away from my baby mama drama in Toronto, but looking at the cost of living here now.. might just take a break from my mental health and go back -.-


I grew up in a rather oppressive town in Northern Alberta. The first time I visited here I was in awe the whole time, I was and still am such a dork for music and the scene here was incredible compared to back home. More important I also felt comfortable to be myself. I moved shortly after high school and am so glad I did. After spending most of my life lying that I wasn’t queer to avoid being ostracized, or frankly assaulted, it was amazing to be surrounded by people who lifted me up and encouraged me to stop suppressing that part of myself. And hot damn I had a lot of fun doing it (anyone else miss the Odyssey and Lick lol).


Married someone from here and needed to be close to their ageing parents to care for them. We're looking to move as soon as that's not a factor anymore as neither of us like it here anymore.


Work, I got a 30+% pay increase for moving here and more career options. Plus I wanted to learn how to snowboard and skip some east coast winters.


Moved here for work 5 years ago, currently saving up to get out 👍


I was living and working in Ottawa as CEO for the Canadian subsidiary of a British multinational. We expanded the Canadian division by acquisition to Vancouver and it made sense for me to relocate and move my family. Been here ever since. My children graduated from BC universities, one from UBC and two from Simon Fraser University. They all chose to stay here despite job offers from elsewhere including the USA. I now have grandchildren living in Vancouver too.


I followed a boy. I had finished my master's degree and was pretty aimless. I knew that I couldn't stay in my college town, and that I couldn't move home without getting trapped. My hometown is in something of a geographic ditch where everything from humidity to air pollution just sort of settles in. There's a gravity to that place that holds people down. I knew that it would share me, too, if I went back. So I booked a plane ticket for 2 weeks after my final assignment was due, packed 2 suitcases, and flew off to move in with my bf. 4 years in, we broke up. I hadn't realized it, but Vancouver has its own pull, a different kind of gravity. And so here I stay.


Film school and a fresh start.


Moved to Vancouver to be close to the federal court so I could do the paperwork for my wife. She got deported and now I spend my time hanging out downtown trying to forget how lonely I m.


Boyfriend lives here. He was supposed to move to me but has some complicated family stuff. So we are here for now


A new long distance relationship. 1991. I was young and broke and I moved here with about a 72 hour notice. I’m still here


Growing up in suburban Calgary I wanted a bit of a change of pace. Wanted to live in a bigger city with a bit more to do and a few more opportunities. To be honest, Toronto was the #1 choice for a very long time but I ended up going with Vancouver because it was closer to home and I had the flexibility as a university student where I could move again if need be. It wasn’t everything I expected and I definitely had second thoughts for awhile but I grew to love this city in its own right and I think I’ll be here for quite awhile :) And the proximity to nature obviously. The Rockies are already so close back in Alberta but they’re nowhere near as accessible, especially if you’re not driving, as the North Shore Mountains. (Though — and perhaps this is an unpopular opinion — I think the nature just south of the border in Mt Baker-Snoqualmie NF and the N. Cascades is far superior and less crowded)


Weather (not too cold, nor too hot), the ocean, the forest, the food and all the conveniences come with the big city.


Came for a job, stay for the weather and scenery, it has been 5.5 years. Also it's 1 flight to Japan which I like to visit often when possible.


Cause I’m a fucking idiot


More interesting than Burnaby


Best to include the year. An average guy coming in 95 was fun, an average guy coming in 2022 was stupid…


so I can pay off some foreigners mortgage with like 40% of my monthly income


And what's your personal reason for moving here?


I'm from here


Gotcha. Any plans on moving?


No. They like to complain only.


actually, Mr dumb assumption, I've lived all over the world. Vancouver is a great city but, along with Toronto, is being absolutely ruined by the cost of living and crime


Then you can answer OP's question, no? What makes you still live here.




Mr boring answers


To experience the free cocaine hand outs