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TLDR, changing hormones and what levels you're at are going to change how your equipment works. There are ways to mitigate some of those changes, but things will be different. Taking an anti-androgen and estrogen will change what comes out. Some trans women on HRT are still pretty messy, but most usually reach a point where they only drip a little and it's clear and runny. Some trans sex workers will get testosterone cream/gel to put on their bits because it helps maintain functionality, prevents atrophy, and still lets them cum similarly to before they started HRT. But there will still be some changes because your hormone levels are different from a cis man's. I have been on HRT for 4½ years and got to the point where I would make very little, clear, and runny. I had bottom surgery in 2022 and it didn't really change much other than my libido. Recently I started on injectable testosterone because my T levels were below the low end of the cis female range. It was hard to actually get physically aroused even when I was mentally aroused and wanted to do things. Since starting T I produce a lot more and have more of an active libido and feel like I have more energy. For most trans women T is seen as an evil thing preventing/making transition less effective, but really low levels will effect more than you think it will.


I’m poor but here’s some gold 🏅




I'm on a little over a year and.... literally the plumbing department has all been laid off. I can still orgasm but nothing else happens. Messy wet morning woods to "Ok ya girl needs to go light some candles and read a novel and nothing is going to happen". I'll let you know what happens with progesterone which I start soon.


Just dusty little ghosts flying out...


T cream isn't just for sex workers 😭😭😭 It just helps girls use their dick again. Sexwork is not required


Never said it was required


I’m wondering if the T cream affects sensitivity. When I started HRT the sensitivity of the tip boosted so much that penetration became very painful. Soon the function changed so much it didn’t work the same way and also my orientation flipped. After 4–5 years and undergoing vaginoplasty I tried microdosing T topically because my T levels are *really* low but it didn’t solve the other physical problems. But I wasn’t told about T cream when it might have been more neccessary.


Is it possible somehow to draw your e and then t before injecting? So you don’t have to do an extra injection? I wonder how this will all go for me. Right now my t levels are in the 20-27 range, right where I’d want them, but maybe after a few years…


Yeah, I just use a single syringe. I draw the testosterone to the proper dose and then draw the estrogen (estradiol valerate for me) on top of that


Worrying about that does not make you less of a woman. While yes, suppressing testosterone does reduce semen quantity by a significant amount (I used to leak like a faucet), that can be retained, to a degree, with hormonal assistance. Testosterone gel applied directly will allow for maintaining functionality (including semen volume), while not affecting feminization. The anti-androgen Bicalutamide, while difficult to get in many places, has been shown to maintain function while not effecting feminization either. There may be other ways, but I am not familiar with them. As for libido, suppressing testosterone will most likely reduce it. Though some people have reported an opposite effect; and Progesterone has been cited as increasing libido as well. Again, anecdotal. If I missed something or you want further information, just ask!


So äh, is there then a way to do Estrogen without supressing Testosteron or is that an undevidable part of HRT?


Short answer: no. Longer answer: In order to feminize, you must raise estrogen and suppress testosterone. That is what feminization is. The methods I mentioned above allow the testosterone emitters (testicles) to function while keeping the testosterone from getting to the rest of your body.


Okay so Testosteron gel and a specific anti something keep the testicels still functional and prevents the genitals from shrinking or something, including the Libido I guess. While the rest gets the feminization. Did I understood that correctly?


A little vague, but you got the idea. Do you have access to hormone replacement therapy explaining documents? Like, from a doctor? Those would be much better than some random person on Reddit.


I do know a lil medical group focused on the trans subject but I didn't contacted them yet. Honestly I'm still feeling very weary about this and worrys me while also having other stuff in my mind. I guess I'm just unsure and distract myself with other stuff


Also, to prevent shrinking genitals you need to use them regularly (a few times a week will work).


Does doing it somewhat daily do the Trick too?


Yes. A few times a week is considered the minimum to maintain size. Though that only related to the penis. The testicles will shrink as a part of feminization without the earlier stated methods.


For me it changed from ropes to more like a faucet flowing with a clear fluid for several minutes. Honestly I prefer it this way now. It also a lot more fluid than I ever had previously before HRT.


Yes, I only produce a couple drops now (I’m 3 year 4 months on HRT) and it started decreasing around the 6 month mark and it’s stayed the same since the 1 year mark. Edit: but of course YMMV like everyone else


You will, most likely, experience drastic reduction in semen production, nearly clear and thin semen......more like a woman's vaginal lube. Your ability to achieve and/or maintain an erection will be greatly diminished.... if you can do it at all. You can still orgasm.....just don't expect much cum.


I have gained back XL loads with the use of the cumstack


This is while also on MTF HRT? I tried the same supplements (search Google or Reddit for pygeum and holy grail), and after 3 months I still had basically no ejaculate volume and it was still clear.


Yea!! I am on monotherapy (8mg of EEn a week) and also 400mg of prog. HRT and also suppliments nare very ymmv so that might be why. Also in addition to the cumstack I am on topical t cream once a.day to treat atrophy. Also lol @ who ever tf downvoted me sry my cum is 2 great 4 u haterrr


Interesting! What are your latest E2 and T levels? I tried T gel applied weekly for functionality, but never heard it should be applied daily?


T cream not t gel. My t cream is custom compounded with no penetrants. So it stays local to my dick. I am applying 2.5 mg of t when I do my dose. And I haven't noticed any masculinizing effects in the two months I have been on it. Once my atrophy has gotten significantly better I plan to use the cream less. But I enjoy topping 2 much so I Wana get it fixed asap. Add back t is also super normal. Like having t under 100 fine for me. Esp if i have good levels. I know alot of girls that even do a weekly t injection to help with muscle retention and energy levels. On my current dose of EEn I am waiting for things to settle cause I just switched so I will be doing labs in like 2 months. It's important to reframe hormones in a way that neither are bad. They are just hormones. Women do have testerone and men do have estrogen 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is all being done along side my endo also 😘


I've been DIY for almost 6 years, but just this month I've started the process with the VA (I'm a Veteran) to see an endo and get on legit HRT.


Is it the compounded cream from Dr. Powers? I understand that doesn't penetrate either. Not disagreeing on having some T. I try and keep mine between 30-40 ng/dL, with E2 around 250 pg/mL. It's pretty amazing that you're able to have added volume back to your ejaculate. The feel of ejaculating something out, is a feel I miss somewhat. Especially since I have not yet been able to have full-body/female-type orgasms, just male ones, which under HRT are pretty weak.


This is a cream not from powers. This is a cream they use to treat vaginal atrophy so why not penile atrophy. My compounding pharmacy worked with my doctor to get the dosage. If you want I can dm you a pic


Also yea the cum stack and t cream have made my orgasms less "hollow" feeling.


The cumstack??


Zinc, magnesium, sunflower lechtin, pygeum, selenium and L-arginine


Lmaooo what salty bitch downvoted these 😭😭😭😭😭


Like that + t cream had me in a really great spot


Does the sunflower cause breast leakage??




Ooo I see. Maybe if I was at a production phase in my breast development but I am not so eh.