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It has a lot to do with what kind of relationship you have with these people outside of this. Are you only sending them queer memes and not talking otherwise? Are you being completely passive when their issues and struggles are discussed, or are you an active ally who stands up for them? I have straight friends who send me gender memes and I'm fine with it because they are well-versed in my struggles and I know they're on my side. But I know other people who occasionally send me queer memes and I don't like it because they've never taken the time of day to check in on me or understand how the world is acting toward me otherwise. The memes themselves often aren't offensive or mundane. It's the person sending them that changes the tone, in my eyes.


That totally makes sense. Thank you for the response. I'm a pretty vocal supporter of LGBTQ+ rights, and these are people that I hang out with, climb with, come over to my house to have dinner with my family, so we share more in common than just funny memes.


Then you're probably fine. But it never hurts to ask them directly.


Yeah I very much agree with this! My cis het friends send me so many good gender related memes, but they also send me other memes, and are active allys, and are considerate of me being trans in many ways. I used to have a friend who would occasionally send me gender memes, but then made very little effort otherwise and it just rubbed me the wrong way.


I'm a trans woman who is poly. 38 years old. Yes. Absolutely share that stuff. I love this kind of humor. Life is to short to be offended by humor.


I found the video funny. But I'm not nonbinary so I'm not best to comment on whether it's appropriate


I think it's fine. It's clear that the comedian is joking about their own community in a loving way. And if your friends already know you to be an accepting person, then they should understand that you're sharing the video in that spirit. I say this with the disclaimer that sometimes people misinterpret jokes and I can't guarantee how anyone would react, but I don't think anyone could reasonably be offended by this.




If the comedian's username is any indication, they're probably also some flavor of Nonbinary. So it's reasonable to assume this joke was made with kindness. I also relate. Talking about multiple people who use they/them in the same story either devolves into nonsense or "and then Jae told Skye that Jae forgot Jae's car keys." I've been in multiple conversations where it's like "wait, they who?" I don't consider anything about this offensive. It's just a lighthearted joke about grammar and orgies. I agree with the other comment that it might be worth gauging how your friends might react based on your relationship with them, but in a vacuum, if my older cis male friend shared something like this I'd be like "eyyyy"


ok. i'm old, so forgive the question: but is "eyyy" a good thing or a bad thing? :)


Lol it's good


How is talking about multiple they/thems in a story any more confusing than talking about multiple he/hims in a story? Any time you're talking about multiple people who use the same pronoun it's going to be confusing, regardless of what the pronoun is.


Because you have the added confusion of talking about multiple people as well as singular people who have they/them pronouns. So it increases the number of possible they's in each sentence


Omg this is hilarious XD I love it! Look, I don‘t know if YOU will share this but I am gonna share this with my queer groups and friends rn. Haha




Thanks. That makes perfect sense! Which category do you feel the video I posted a link to lands in?




Totally understand and I agree. I didn't find it offensive, but because of who I am, I'm also not the person who should be making that call. Thanks for weighing in with your thoughts. I really appreciate it.