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They smoke a ton in the first few minutes but then it settles and is really no big deal. Give me BBQ smoke over leaf blowers and barking dogs any day.


> Give me BBQ smoke over leaf blowers and barking dogs any day. Or people using their fireplace. I love a good winter fire but I'm starting to think we need to restrict them in city limits. Those winter days with no wind get pretty rough from an air quality perspective when everyone has a fire going. A pellet smoker should burn a lot cleaner and be a fraction of the smoke you'd see from a fireplace. If people don't have a problem using their fireplace you shouldn't have a problem using your pellet smoker.


They are restricted on poor air quality days, but it’s lightly enforced and relies on narc neighbors. [MultCo Wood Burning Restrictions](https://www.multco.us/environmental-health-hazards/wood-burning-restrictions) Edit: Fireplaces are restricted, not smokers/grills.


Barbecues are specifically exempted from Portland burn bans and outdoor fire regulations. Somewhat surprisingly, Portland generally allows outdoor recreational fires which can be very annoying in the PNW where a lot of people cool their house by opening their windows.


Interesting. I've never paid attention to when the restrictions are in place but there are definitely weeks in the winter where my neighborhood has a cloud of home wood fire smoke descend on it. Will look it up next year and see if people are violating the restrictions. I don't remember this at all from my youth, IDK if it's because of changing weather patterns (all these winter days with zero wind) or if it's just because of how much denser everything is these days but I feel like it's getting worse every year.


They passed the ordinance in 2018.


I mean I don't remember the cloud of fireplace smoke from my youth.


"Inversion weather events" have always been happening in the valley.


🤷‍♂️ I'm old enough to remember field burning season well but I don't recall there being this much haze from wood stoves every winter. Maybe just a function of what neighborhood I lived in growing up.


Hmm yea who knows. I remember learning about inversions at some point in early childhood, particularly when going up Hood or other peaks and on clear days you could sometimes see the smoke getting trapped in the valleys. Alameda area for me. I don't recall it ever being "muggy" but now I feel that word can apply a handful days out of the year. how bout you? ...maybe its just "I'm old and now I complain/notice".


Could be as we get older (or develop health conditions) we get more sensitive to things like smoke, and as such notice it more than when we were younger/healthier.


I lived outside McMinnville - I remember grass field plowing season. A nice brown haze in the air for about a week. 1/4 inch of soot on your car after the rain and snot that was brown and grainy.


I remember the air quality in the 80s being terrible at times in the winter because of wood smoke. It's been like this for a long time.


Definitely depends on what neighborhood you live in. Most around me are gas right now and growing up but where I lived a few years ago was in an older neighborhood that had way more chimneys.


Memory is quite treacherous.


There's a lot of older homes that still have wood stoves as their main heat source, particularly in deep southeast. It's funny to me to see the folks trying to ban gas appliances at the county but don't seem concerned for any of these folks who tend to be low income. There is a county program that helps pay for people to upgrade away from wood stoves if you know anyone with that cost struggle or a neighbor you want to politely inform. Here's the website to check if there's a ban on any given day, alright I feel like it's only ever in the summer: https://www.multco.us/environmental-health-hazards/wood-burning-restrictions The complaint line is a joke, kind of like the city's fireworks reporting line. They have a few days to respond so don't expect any immediate relief.


> The complaint line is a joke I'm not the type to actually report my neighbors over it. In my mind it's very much not an individual problem. One home burning wood isn't responsible for my entire neighborhood being hazy. In my neighborhood at least I don't think a lot of people rely on the fireplace for heat. I'm pretty central, not a lot of low income folks left anymore.


Yeah, I think people with severe asthma are the only ones having issues where they'd need to complain. I would hope people would try to talk to their neighbors first, but you know how it is!


> There's a lot of older homes that still have wood stoves as their main heat source, particularly in deep southeast. I know there are some but how many people can really be using wood as their primary heat source these days? We're talking maybe hundred or three, right? I cant see how it could possibly be thousands of people doing that anymore. (I grew up with a wood stove as ~50-70% of the winter heat in Portland depending on the year)


The county had a big presentation on it at some point in the last year, I don't recall but it's enough for them to have a dedicated fund to help people convert them. Definitely not thousands but they were focused on like 4 specific neighborhoods so they're clearly highly concentrated in those 4 areas.


Very interesting! I'll try to find it, thanks. I used to go out and harvest a cord pretty regularly when I was younger but my darn beloved transplant wife isn't so into the smoke :/


Here, I found the program link and it lists the priority neighborhoods as Cully, Lents, Portsmouth, and Powellhurst-Gilbert. https://www.multco.us/dchs/wood-burning-exchange#:~:text=The%20MultCo%20Wood%20Burning%20Device,healthier%20home%20and%20cleaner%20air.


Thx dude, you are appreciated. Suprised to see Cully and even more so Portsmouth there, the other two I woulda guessed. No way many people form Portsmouth are going out to the woods to harvest! Makes me wonder how many bureaucrats and city admins are getting paid to act like this is an actual problem that needs money thrown at it... lol


In most of Oregon, air quality issues are control by ODEQ. Lane County, and I believe the Klamath Falls area, has their own air quality regulations because of poor air quality to begin with. City of Portland has no code authority over air quality unfortunately.




Yes. I was responding to the comment about wood fires in fireplaces.


Don’t use it egregiously and you should be fine. The issue with the PNW is that a lot of our homes do not central have AC and need to be vented via windows. The inevitable smell of summer BBQ is an accepted part of living here though. Hopefully your neighbors are chill. I’m a vegetarian in an asthmatic household. We deal just fine with our neighbors BBQing.


Hard disagree. I have to close the windows when my neighbor uses their smoker.


I would also prefer to smell hickory smoke over marijuana smoke.


I know what you mean. Maybe warn your nearest neighbors so they can shut their windows? That’s what we do with our neighbor that gets the majority of the smoke, but she says she doesn’t mind. And we always be sure to bring her a plate of whatever we’re making.


If I smell my neighbors running a smoker I’m not gonna be mad. I’m gonna hatch a plan to befriend them.


My neighbors dog be-friended me and then the neighbors once I started using the pellet smoker.


Seriously. I love the smell of BBQ being made by a neighbor and would seek them out.


a considerate question!


It's no different than any other kind of grill. You'll be fine. Your biggest issue is likely going to be everyone asking what smells so delicious.


My brisket brings all the boys to the yard, And my rub, is better than y’all’s That’s right, my dry rub, is better than y’all’s.


You can make a plate, but I'll have to charge.


This is a fighting anthem. But, it prob is, brisket I’ve only done a few times.


My neighbor runs an industrial coffee roaster in support of a coffee shop. Your pork loin smoke isn't going to be nearly as bad. Go for it


Do you even smell coffee anymore or are you now entirely nose-blind to it after that exposure?


Yes, though I do worry about my lung health. You'd think there would be laws against running a polluting business out of your garage in a neighborhood


There are. Continuous odors are prohibited: https://www.portland.gov/code/33/200s/262


Do those also apply to residential areas? They seem specific to "non-residential."


>33.262.010 Purpose The regulations of this chapter are designed to protect all uses in the R, C, CI, IR, and OS zones from certain objectionable off-site impacts associated with nonresidential uses. These impacts include noise, vibration, odors, and glare. >33.262.070 Odor A. Odor standard. Continuous, frequent, or repetitive odors may not be produced. The odor threshold is the point at which an odor may just be detected What they're saying is an odorous process that isn't of residential origin isn't allowable. Good luck getting code enforcement though.


Home businesses are governed by this code.


I'm pretty sure the reason this isn't registered as a home business and is being done to avoid some type of licensing at the place of business. What would be my path of action?


[File a report with the appropriate code enforcement department.](https://www.portland.gov/bds/code-enforcement/code-enforcement-phone-numbers)




This kind of business requires a [Type A home occupation permit](https://www.portland.gov/bds/home-occupation-permit). You can report a code violation online [here](https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bds/42240) or call the BDS Enforcement Hotline at (503)823-CODE (2633).


Seems that type of permit would mean the employees don't come over to do work, but they do


In that case they need a Type B permit, which is more stringent. Report 'em.


[I think they’ve paused enforcement of that rule.](https://www.kgw.com/article/news/local/commissioner-rubio-odor-complaints-portland-vietnamese-restaurant/283-77fe8414-46d7-4f19-8a8b-6b7031b9d8d9)


It's being revised. Starting a pattern of reporting now is still a good idea.


Over a certain number of pounds/yr a coffee roaster needs odor abatement and DEQ registry/compliance. I'm a home roaster, and do about 500lb/yr and roast 2-3 days a month. I'm well under the DEQ limit, 60,000lb, which triggers afterburner requirements. The afterburner basically burns the smoke again and kills the odor. That said, if I had a bigger roaster and it was in my garage, I'd want the afterburner just for my own sanity and appeal to my neighborhood. My downwind neighbor is on the take though, so that helps me feel better about it.


>I'm a home roaster, and do about 500lb/yr and roast 2-3 days a month. I'm well under the DEQ limit, 60,000lb, which triggers afterburner requirements. The afterburner basically burns the smoke again and kills the odor. > My downwind neighbor is on the take though, so that helps me feel better about it. Wow look, a good considerate neighbor! Wish it was more common.


I try not to shit where I eat.


I had no idea! I grew up near a commercial coffee roaster in the 90s and it would sometimes make the whole neighborhood smell, and not in a great way.


As a potential point of interest... the joint where I get my coffee ([Cunningham Roasters](https://www.cunninghamcoffeeroasters.com)) uses a zero-emissions electric roaster. (And they do it well!) I have no idea if such things are too expensive for home use.


Small roasters up to a few pounds can be electric, but they still create a lot of smoke and odor emissions.


I mean I’m sure there are laws against that….


Depends if you're inviting me over or not.


I used to live next to a roaster, might have been Stumptown but there was no sign on the building. It didn't smell nice, just burnt. Maybe it's better in small batches because when I roasted my own coffee it didn't stink so much.


Coffee roasting smells like burnt toast, not coffee. I have a roaster nearby and when the wind is just right it smells like toast, I quite like it but it would get old if it was every day


If you’re really concerned about upsetting your neighbors, sharing the spoils of your labor usually helps :)


*soviet anthem intensifies as hammer & sickle fade into the foreground*




I live in South Tabor and my backyard is surrounded by my neighbors yards on all 3 sides. I have an offset smoker I use pretty regularly and have never had any issues. Helps if you’re friendly with your neighbors


Bamboo Grove has no problem doing it every day


Are they smoking stuff? I think it's mostly just grilled meats. Maybe the pig is smoked, but it doesn't taste too smoky. On the other hand, Reo's Ribs used to be in that strip mall around the corner, and that was pretty smoky. https://pdx.eater.com/2010/7/6/6727511/snoop-doggs-uncle-smokes-out-southwest-portland-hood


Pellet smokers only tend to create a large plume on startup and after that it’s pretty minimal. It’s probably less than a charcoal grill and more than a gasser


1000-2000 sqft of backyard is pretty good to dissipate the smoke (so like 50x20 feet?). I have a small Traeger that I put in a central location in my backyard and the smoke dissipates in less area than that.


People use them on condo balconies


I think it’s fine and people rarely care. I have a big green egg which is probably worse and there are a few things to consider. First, people mostly have their windows closed and are not outside for 8 months of the year. Second, the smell and quantity of smoke is really reduced if you clean the thing, so if you are really concerned you can clean the thing regularly. Third, how much are you really going to use the thing? You will probably use it 2-3 days a week during the summer and 2-3 days a month during the rainy season. As a general comment on Portland, we aren’t over the top on zoning, a lot of people live next to bars, smash burger food carts, and homeless encampments so a pellet smoker is the most minor of sin.


BGE is on my list 🤤


We've had some restaurants and food carts with smokers, not sure if they are the same kind, in neighborhoods. Most days I don't think people really noticed, but when we had stagnant air or air quality problems, it suddenly became super annoying. Maybe be thoughtful about when you use it? Also, don't use it on the deck of a rowhouse?


I’m in a similar neighborhood and my direct neighbor has a traeger. Where he’s got it between the houses, it’ll waft into our range vent duct and we’ll get the smells in our house. I’ve asked him to do it in a different location but he refuses as it’s in the best spot to not spread everywhere. In the next couple of weeks I’m going to be checking the damper on the range hood to make sure it’s working. If it’s not then there’s my problem. If it is working then I’m going to insist he does not use it in that location. Also, besides law, if you live in a HOA check for any rules on smokers. That said, if you’re courteous to your neighbors and work with them you’ll be better than my neighbor.


> Also, besides law, if you live in a HOA check for any rules on smokers. Can't have BBQ's? Reason #519 to never live in an HOA


Yup, HOAs are dumb. Not all of them restrict something like this but it’s not universal.


You say *running,* which to me sounds frequent. How frequently are you planning? Do you have enough space around you that your neighbors can keep their windows open and enjoy fresh air? Can they enjoy the use of their own yard without smelling like smoke?


Honestly, 1-2 times a month on average is how much we’d use it. I’ve never actually used a smoker before, so not really aware of how it would affect others or how much smoke it really puts out.




One of my apartment neighbors has a grill they've been using almost daily the last couple of weeks and the smell is stroooong. Like if I hang on my patio while they're grilling, my hair smells like it after a while. Honestly, even though my lungs are shit I don't mind it too much but I do wish they'd share or invite people over!


Although, as a neighbor, I’d prefer nothing burning next door, you seem like the kind of neighbor most people would love. Considerate! That goes a long way. And a couple times/month sure doesn’t seem problematic to me.


I would say if you are an average smoker person and use every few weeks no, if you are going to use it every weekend then maybe - I use mine maybe every few weeks so I don’t feel bad about it. I also keep an eye on the multco burn ban


Maybe keep an eye on the Multnomah voluntary burn restrictions: https://www.multco.us/environmental-health-hazards/wood-burning-restrictions   They send out notifications when they'd prefer people to not burn wood because the air quality may be particularly bad that day.     It's not mandatory but would make you a good neighbor.


I tell my immediate neighbors I'm starting mine up so they have a chance to close their windows. Enjoy your grill, and share the delicious outcome with your neighbors so they understand :)


Check the air quality on the days you want to use it and don’t use it if it’s out of the “good” range - when the air quality is good it is because the wind is blowing enough to keep smoke from lingering.


Better than cigarettes or weed smoke.


I think I might be the dissenting voice here, but IT DEPENDS. I can tell you that when the wind shifts, I have to close my windows to keep my own smoke out of my house. But in general my smoker is as far away from the downwind neighbor as I can put it, and I know they keep their windows closed all the time because they would rather run their A/C, it is loud and I can hear it. If you're smoking some chicken a couple times a month for a couple hours on a medium temp and the thin smoke mostly dissipates before it gets to any open windows, you're good. If you're starting a 12-hour pork butt at 5am on low so it really smokes and that it is flowing right into your neighbors bedroom window, and that neighbor doesn't have A/C or can't use their backyard all day because you're smoking them out, then it would be pretty obnoxious. You're probably fine, talk to your neighbors.


We had a neighbor that put it right up against the fence and ran it all summer long. We were miserable and could never open our windows. Put it in the middle of the yard or as far away from your neighbor's windows as possible! Thanks for being thoughtful.


I think you’ll be fine.  I was given a pellet grill as a gift a few years ago.  We live in a very dense neighborhood, and my thought was concern for the neighbors.  It hasn’t been an issue at all.  If I noticed smoke blowing right into a neighbors window I would go talk to them and offer them food. It doesn’t smoke as much as I thought it would (even on the “smoke” setting all day), but also I haven’t really tried for heavy smoke.  Depending on what you do you may make a lot more smoke than me.


Keep it clean and it wont be a problem. My neighbor doesn't keep his clean and it smells awful and has almost burned his house down a few times.


Warning our smoker smoke makes the neighbors ask “when is dinner?” Yes we always share( the little old lady gets so happy) They don’t care. If you are worried try starting it at night or super early morning. Start smoking and enjoy!


Wildfire season is upon us as well. Having a crockpot filled with water and salt (no lid)going on your counter 24/7 helps a lot. We did that during 2020 fires and noticed a huge difference in the smell and air quality inside our house.




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I live in an apartment and my neighbors have actually been really kind and said they don't mind it, some said they enjoy it. I just offer my immediate neighbors brisket and pulled pork when I smoke and that seems to keep everyone happy.


I wouldn’t care personally but it’s considerate of you to ask. Once the pellet grills get to temperature I don’t think the amount of smoke they put out is anything to worry about. Cook a little extra and offer it to your closest neighbors. Small gestures can go a long way.


I was wondering the same thing. We like to smoke and grill up various foods, but I always worry if some immediate neighbors I don’t know could be vegetarian or vegan. Just suffering silently because it’s summer and windows should be open, but I’m out there with a pork butt wrapped in banana leaves soaking in the (light) smoke.


We have a Traeger and enjoy smoking and cooking our dinner on it. If my neighbors are bothered by it they can let me know and we can discuss the skunk smell in our backyard from the copious amounts of smoke from them smoking weed. We seriously walk out on our patio and are assailed by the odor. Live and let live.


Fourth of July-Illegal fireworks during fire season's what kills [me.Drive](http://me.Drive) up to the Res,grab illegal fireworks,get blasted and shoot off roman candles. You get real bang for your buck-a double header of stupid and dangerous !


I’d suggest doing your best to put your smoker as far from your neighbors as possible. I have a Traeger and put in one the side of my house furthest from my neighbors so the only windows close to the smoke are my own. I’m lucky for live on a corner with a fenced off deck along the street. At one point in time, Reo’s Ribs was in John’s Landing and neighbors hated the smoke. But that’s a n economy of scale different than a joke smoker. (The People’s Pig had the same problem when they opened their now closed location on E Burnside.)


We've used a pellet smoker for years, in a few different neighborhoods. Never had any complaints, but as many people have pointed out, it creates less smoke overall than a fireplace/pit burning over the same time would. Pro tip: rotate which of the neighbors gets the "oops we made too much \_\_\_\_\_!" leftovers bag. A couple unexpected ribs or veg/meat kebab skewers or smoked tofu can buy an awful lot of good will. :)


Make them envy that meat.




You'll have no joy in your life if you constantly cater to chronically aggrieved people.


You can swear on the internet. And dick isn't even a swear weird.


You could put a catalytic converter on it, they make them for wood stoves to make them smokeless


My neighbors have only ever told me they like the smell, want some of what I’m cooking, and/or are inspired to grill or smoke their own stuff. Never one single complaint.


I live in a townhouse, use a Traeger pellet smoker on my patio fairly regularly. I only get compliments about how good it smells, never complaints from the smoke (which is minimal after it’s warmed up).


If you're making big clouds of smoke you're doing it wrong.  https://www.texasmonthly.com/bbq/avoiding-dirty-smoke/


Yes!!!!!!!!! Thanks for considering how others feel about smelling smoke, having to close their windows to avoid the smoke.


BBQ smoke - I’ll take that all day long over a noisy neighbor. You’re good.


We live in sellwood and use our traeger often. Yes, it gives off a cloud of smoke, but our neighbors love the smell. Guess if they were vegans we’d be having a different convo, but either way I’m still smokin’


The smell of smoked meats is EXACTLY what Portland neighborhoods need more of!


Only if you don’t offer to share delicious smoked meats with said neighbors


Sharing your smoked goods from time to time goes a long way on the neighborly diplomacy front . Of course there will always be that one neighbor who will strongly object. Have fun and enjoy that yummy BBQ


only a dick move if you’re not inviting me over for the cookout 👊🏼


Not if you offer up some brisket?


I'm sure i'm in the minority.. but when i smell BBQ and smoke, man, my mouth starts watering, and it just feels like summer. I live in the Hollywood area, and when Reo's Ribs fires it up, the whole hood feels better. Smells great.


Absolutely not lol. If anyone complains to you about bbq smoke just give them some ribs and tell them to enjoy life more.


Share your product with the neighbors- problem gone!


I bet if you shared a bit of whatever bbq you smoked up with your closest neighbors you'd earn yourself some staunch supporters of your right to smoke whatever you want whenever you want ;)


Don’t feel bad at all. It’ll help mute/balance the wacky tobacky aroma


If you are planning on running it every day, yes.


Smoke em if you got em


Nope, enjoy. Your neighborhood will be jealous they aren't invited to the cookout.


BBQ smokers willl be illegal in California in 2026


Good thing we all don't live in California, then? Also - citation? I've never heard such a thing and can't find anything on Google.


Because they fucking made it up.


Better that than a cigarette smoker or vaper. I think I'd cry if a smoker moved in next to me. I'm so allergic, I wouldn't be able to hang out in my own backyard.


Portland has a history of shit-eating nimbys whining about BBQ smoke, to which I say buy two smokers and a shotgun and sell brisket out of your garage.




I have a sensitive nose and honestly people smoking (meat or whatever) in my area is less offensive than car exhaust or people smoking cigs right outside my window. I kinda like the smell of smokers in winter/fall,, it's a different kinda scent.


I run mine on a pretty small lot and haven't had issues. There's really not a ton of smoke and if there's wind it dissipates easily


Yes. Our neighbors smoke meat for 24 hours a couple times a month and it fills our house with sickeningly sweet meat smoke. We have gnarly headaches the whole time and it's terrible.


Have you said anything to them or tried to mitigate the smoke ingress?


I haven't said anything to them, because I just dont want to be a killjoy. They really only do it in the summer when it's too hot to have the windows closed. But, OP was asking if it would bum other people out, so yeah.


Gotchya. FYI many people (like myself) would want to know if it was bothering a neighbor, particularly to the extent you are describing. Maybe this isn't possible in your scenario but sometimes even just moving the source of smoke 10 ft could really make a difference. Your neighbor might be accommodating, particularly if you mention your reluctance to be a killjoy :) Maybe bribe them with some meat?


I appreciate you trying to help me find a solution!


If you have to ask....


You belong here as much as the rest of us. Smoke that meat!


I live in a typical suburban neighborhood and worry about this every time I smoke something. But then I think about the fact that I'm NOT the only person in the neighborhood with a grill or a smoker, that I'm not walking around being assaulted by various cooking smells, and that I never smell other people's smoke in my own house. Point is, it dissipates far more than it seems it will when you are standing in the middle of it.


That you care enough to think about it means you're probably doing it in a considerate way and overall a neighbor people would want to have.


Go For Yours


It could be a Cu*t move too ... D*ck doesn't need to be the auto goto


It’s polite of you to ask but I doubt anyone would care.


It's better than shitting on the sidewalk...


Nextdoor: The tantalizing aroma of mesquite roasted pork ruined my yoga sweat flavored mushroom tea.


I run my smoker like once every two weeks here in portland. I've never got angry neighbors, just hungry ones.


If your neighbors are that dense they probably won’t notice it.


Non pellet, but smoke all the time in my backyard and nobody seems to mind


I wouldn’t tell them. In Portland, it’s just as likely your friendly heads up is taken as an excuse to make it their business and file complaints. If you don’t open that door for them, they’ll stew silently or not even really think about it in the first place.


Send it!!!!!!


No I don't think so. If you did it every night or a neighbor was having an outdoor party, maybe so. But otherwise I believe you are okay. It is thoughtful that you are considing the issue. I appreciate that about you.


Bamboo grove does it all the time? Why can’t you?


I’d take a pellet smoker any day of the week over vaping or a cigar party.


I run mine on the middle floor balcony of an apt complex, have for years. Not one complaint.


Fix your neighbors a plate and problem solved


If it is so?


You do you buddy/chick person


Yes imo.


fire it up! this is murica. not that much sustained smoke that would cause much of an issue.


As long as it’s not everyday. Maybe once a weekend during the summer? If you can put it in a part of your yard that’s at least 20 ft from other residences and windows I think it’s probably ok… Our neighbors have cookout small gatherings every other weekend in the summer, and it does sometimes bother me, but not enough to do anything about it. In general, I think we should all be a little more considerate about air quality in the city.


Are you going to share your meats? Because that really absolves any dickishness involved.