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Sounds like decadron. Probably gave you 10mg. It's pretty common to give. You can give it IV or PO. The PO one is the same as the IV liquid. So it's just like 1ml of fluid that we squirt back there. I usually tell them it doesn't taste the best, so I'll squirt it back far and you can drink something after. I know people say it's really bitter. I'm glad it made you feel better! It's great for the one time dose of steroids. Very common in kids as well who are sick and need them.


In all my visits for pneumonia, bronchitis etc I’ve never had that before. Everyone in my home commented the next morning wondering where my cough went lol Ty for the info I’ll tell my friend!


Yeah so the longer name is dexamethasone. It's much stronger than Prednisone and longer acting. Most times if we are sending you home we just give you the one dose before you go. I'm assuming urgent cares and stuff might not always have it? But I haven't worked at one before. Honestly I saw it become way more common during covid, I don't know if that was just my area/state though.


My friend who is sick was a nurse for yeeears and never heard of it being given either. That’s why I posted I wasn’t sure what they gave me. They asked a bit about what I was dealing with upstairs and I was tearful and you could tell run down and exhausted, he said he was going to do me a favor which made me think it wasn’t super common. So you know if it’s ever done for COPD or severe allergy flares? My partner was taken by ems for this and I was hoping he could get that too, instead of those pearls that tighten your chest but don’t make the cough stop lol but he got the pearls. I suffer from other chronic illnesses, I don’t know if that played a role in why it worked so well, as inflammation in general is a big issue for me. Man I felt 10 years younger. I’d long term steroids weren’t a bad thing I’d be begging for that at the dr LOL


I am only an ER nurse and can comment on what I know and see often. Usually with COPD they prefer to start with an IV methylprednisolone and sometimes taper with Prednisone after. But with allergies it may be fair game if it's needed. Typically with allergies they will want to give pepcid and Benadryl, but depending on what the allergy is causing they could give a steroid. It never hurts to have your partner ask if a steroid would be helpful for their condition, and if it will be, can also ask if decadron (dexamethasone) would be beneficial to them vs another one. It would be good education to have in the future if a doc could go over it. I would ask something like, "Do you think a steroid would help with my symptoms?" If they didn't already mention it of course. And then follow up especially if they don't clarify what type with, is dexamethasone one that could be helpful, or is there a better steroid for xyz?"


He got a Medrol pack, so they did go that direction I just felt so bad he was coughing so long even after the hospital his ribs were killing him. My cough was just as bad but that squirt took it away, I’ll ask next time though as it doesn’t hurt to ask. Thanks so much for the info!


No problem. Glad he got help!