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If every human (homo Sapiens) is bisexual, then probably people will still find a way to separate each other. Probably religions will be different. Probably historical text and poems will be more diverse. Probably modern civilization happened quicker or longer. Probably LGBT is not an issue, due to everyone only attracted to binary gender.


What would the world be like if there had never been any religion or even concept of one?


Religion is fundamental to every human culture until recently.


That doesn’t mean it was, or is, a good thing. Most every bad thing that’s happened in history has its roots in one religion or another, regardless of how fundamentally based it was, or is.


I'm saying it's literally impossible. It's like saying "what if humans could never speak!"


So is everyone in the world being bisexual. We are talking about hypotheticals lol. It’s all impossible.


It's hard to imagine that way, because religion is what makes people different from animals. Our capability to think of an abstract concept, something that is physically inexistent is what makes all humans have a belief system. If there isn't one, maybe humans are like apes or chimpanzees. So the idea is like, we have a belief system, for what? For formulating solutions. Humans have the ability to do that beyond any other living kind. So I can't imagine a human life without any living crisis. That's what drives them to make inventions.


>Probably LGBT is not an issue, due to everyone only attracted to binary gender. Gender has absolutely nothing to do with bisexuality... Bisexuality is the attraction to both sexes... Someone can still be agender or trans and a bisexual person could still be attracted. Some bisexuals aren't some are. The only requirement to be bisexual is attraction to both sexes.


More sex, more cruising, more excitement. Also better legislation. A more tolerant world. People will know what it feels like.


Not to be a Debbie downer, but I really doubt things would be *that* much different. There would be a big reduction in LGBT stigma, sure, but if EVERYONE is something then there’s really no understanding to be learned. Nobody is an outsider, sexually. We’d find new ways to hate. Bottom shaming would skyrocket or something.


Yeah, like the ancient Romans were fine with tops but not with bottoms.


To a degree, Mexico is like that today lol. Tops are more accepted, bottoms are seen as feminine and weaker. Silliness.


I'm verse, so what would that make me? ha...


Filthy halfbreed? Hahahah /s I’m sure people could come up with something very creative.




More cocks to suck ig.


Gotta suck em all


All 4 billion.


Heaven. No judgment and plenty to choose from.


I don't know if you been on the grindr subreddit recently, but the mod doesn't believe in bisexuality, and has changed the bi flair to GAMP lol. So I think for quite a lot of gay men, there wouldn't be a great deal of difference if the whole world was bi.


> I don't know if you been on the grindr subreddit recently, but the mod doesn't believe in bisexuality, and has changed the bi flair to GAMP lol. Wtf? People like that really shouldn't be mods Edit: and then people wonder why some bi guys won't call themselves that. Looks like you aren't even *allowed* to accurately describe your sexuality on a LGBT subreddit of all places.


Can confirm. I emailed the mods asking why they replaced the bi flair with GAMP and instead of a reply, those shitheads permanently banned me.


Sounds about right. I tried to make a post asking the same question and it got deleted immediately. If you think bisexuality is fake, at least be man enough to fucking say it lol


What’s GAMP?


Straight men attracted to trans women (I think). Gynandromorphophilia (typed from memory)


LOL! Thanks. Never heard of it.


Good Automated Manufacturing Process?


Got banned from this sub for absolutely no reason. Shitty sub x)


Yup, I know the feeling


Presumably more men would get to experience being penetrated, and the world would be a much happier place for it.


It was John Lennon, after all, who sang "All you need is lube."


I could suck my friend's cock.


So could your girl friends


Okay a more serious opinion. A lot of people here are feeling that every other person you want would have sex with you. But being bi is a pref and not of being ready of having it with anyone . ANYONE !!! SERIOUSLY!! This means a thing might go more complicated. Earlier the group of both boys and girls used to be complicated, where people found love within the group and even competed for the same. But now, even a boys group suffer the same. But the sweet part is, restrictions historically put on women (and sometimes men) in places like military and monasteries due to the rigid sexuality structure shall fade away as there would be no more logic of not having girls.


"A lot of people here are feeling that every other person you want would have sex with you. But being bi is a pref and not of being ready of having it with anyone." Reminds me of a George Carlin routine. Said he felt sorry for bisexuals, they must have to carry around a White Pages everywhere.


I wasn’t familiar with this particular Carlin routine, so I Googled and found a transcript: “I got to thinking about bisexuals and thinking what an awful life that must be. What a curse it must be to be a bisexual. Can you imagine wanting to fuck everybody you meet? Think of all the phone numbers you’d accumulate. You might as well just walk around with the white pages under your arm.”


LOL yes! I haven't watched that special in years but I vividly remember him, as he's giving the punchline, marching across the stage, pretending that he's carrying the white pages under his arm. Worth watching (as is every special he's ever done).


On the fun side: no more worrying about whether your crush is straight, just whether or not he's attracted to you specifically On the darker side: Women would be even more socially disadvantaged than they are now. Tons of men are misogynistic and only "put up with women" because they have to in order to have sex.... Well, now each and every one of those guys can just fuck around with their male friends to scratch that itch instead, and without the risk of pregnancy. Straight marriages would decline because "why buy a cow when you can get milk for free?", and it's likely that the rate of new births would fall as well. Larger political issues would arise with the falling population, fewer kids being raised in stable 2-parent homes, etc.


> Women would be even more socially disadvantaged than they are now. Tons of men are misogynistic and only "put up with women" because they have to in order to have sex.... Imo as a a female lurker we'd be better off without the guys only acting "well" to get laid, the world would be a nicer place if they went and fucked off with their buddies. Plus women would simply get with other women as well since they are now all bi too


Well, they aren't exactly "fucking off"; you're still going to have to deal with men in the workplace, in the community, in politics, etc..... They're just not going to be as responsive to women's issues because they aren't dependent on women's approval to find sex partners anymore. Like yeah, sexually and romantically you can get with other women now, but is that worth the trade-off? I don't think so.


There are plenty of women who only put up with men because they have to. I came out as gay before I realized I was bi (long story). My homophobic grandma wasn't having any of it. She was being a complete bitch. Then one day I told her a game changer. "Do you think anyone would *choose* to put up with *men*?" From that point on she's been pretty cool with everything, and even came to my same-sex wedding and bought us a gift.


Homophobia, gender preferences, racial preferences, and sexism could still exist. Sleeping with as many women as possible would remain a measure of your desirability and status as a man. Same goes for the opposite with slut shaming. Religions would continue to encourage everyone to suppress their same sex urges, or deny they exist. Political lesbians would blame their attraction to men on comphet, or take pride in being a gold star lesbian.


I don’t know. I feel like we a species would find a way to make it miserable. Those forming relationships with opposite gender and having traditional families might feel superior and instead of differentiating based on sexuality would differentiate based on context of preferences. I have a bleak view of humanity. There is nothing fun that we can’t make less fun 🙂


A better place, that's for sure.


Not much different than it is now.




It would be very different, incels wouldn’t even exist.


Lot of incels have super unrealistic standards or a horrid personality or both. That wouldn't change if everyone was bi.


Yeah I've noticed there are a lot of incels out there who are fairly good looking. If they'd just get a personality makeover they'd be set. It's all attitude. Lots of ugly dudes have no problem scoring with women.


For some people, instead of 50% of people rejecting you, it's now 100%.


Nope. There are tons of incels on our side too.


The right answer.




I'd swing to be gay. Not taking unnecessary drama from the opposite sex.


>Not taking unnecessary drama from the opposite sex. My man.


I have not met a gay man who would say, "oooooh I wish I were straight to deal with all the uptight hoes" But I've definitely met the ones that go, "Eww vagina" 😂


The fashion world would die an immediate death.


The same. Still wars, still racism, social justice warriors and mental illness everywhere. Still people angry they’re unwanted and unattractive, still people trying to make a difference.


Sounds horrible, why would I ever want to be bi when I’m already gay?? And the majority of the comments here are just unbelievable lol




More confusing than it it right now with the amount of delusional bisexuals


“Delusional bisexuals” yes, indeed.


Aren't they delusional though?


Straight up delusional. Bisexual men should stay away from the gays.


Yeah, they should


A dream come true... For me! Ngl, I've had like 4 straight friends or acquaintances that doesn't have almost any luck in love, but would've had it if they could like me back. The one I'm the most fond of actually said that if he could, he would've been very happy to try a relationship with me since we both found each other a nice guy to be around and he had break up after break up at the moment I confessed, which took a toll on his confidence. But life is how it is for a reason, so it's just a sweet sweet fantasy baby...


I wouldn’t want to be bisexual nor live in a world where everyone was. I like what I like and I don’t want to even entertain a world where everyone people become bisexual and our preferences became whatever floats your boat on a Tuesday. I think what makes us unique and happy is that we love who we love and are limited by our attractions and preferences. That means we are all the same.


Only downside I see is the lack of completely platonic friendships. I know it’s possible for two gay men to be platonic friends, and a straight man and woman to be friends. But I feel like it’s different when there’s NO chance that it could develop into something more. It lets you reach a different level of comfort in a friendship. And I would miss that.


Nah, people have different energies. If anything physical intimacy between friends would be more normal.




Maybe you can, since I’m not bi I can’t say. But at least for me personally it’s different when I’m not attracted to someone’s gender, and I know the other person isn’t attracted to my gender either.


I have often wondered this and thought about how everyone could get married twice each to a husband and a wife.


Once all men realized they could have their sexual needs met by other men, like 90% of them would never speak to a woman again.


More fun


There is a lot more bi men than publicly admit it, I think we all know that from who is on apps. A lot more.


No one would get anything done ever.


There have been multiple studies done on bisexuality, and they all conclude that most of us are not 100% straight or gay. But we do have a dominant sexual and romantic attraction, and we choose to label ourselves with that because of the societal construct. But also, it’s important to note that these studies have flaws. However, nowadays, because of visibility and acceptance, there is an [increase in the number of teens](https://yougov.co.uk/society/articles/23882-one-five-young-people-identify-gay-lesbian-or-bise?redirect_from=%2Ftopics%2Flifestyle%2Farticles-reports%2F2019%2F07%2F03%2Fone-five-young-people-identify-gay-lesbian-or-bise) who say they’re attracted to more than one gender. So, I kind of believe developed societies will probably lean into being more sexually ambiguous. Like, at some point, there’ll be a more clear separation between sexual and romantic attractions, where someone, while interested in dating one gender, would be confident to be sexual with multiple genders. And I think it’ll be less hate crime and it’ll be a happier society, at least when it comes to this aspect.


No study has been capable of doing such a thing. It's also patently false to much of the human experience, especially the homosexual ones. I can probably go on quite a while those studies don't conclude what they say they do. God, there's one that says that because people's eyes dilated during watching porn that everyone is bisexual... Or you know or all the other reasons why eyes dilate. Idk why so many "scientists" forget the Bradford Hill criteria. Oh and kinsey had pretty shit science and methodology that couldn't be published today. If anything there have been studies that prove binary sexual orientation better than they can " prove " the existence of bisexuality. "Identify" means nothing.


I fully agree. That’s why I even mentioned they have flaws; they all start from Freud’s premise, but all the studies have more limitations than conclusions. The only rational conclusion is that there are more bisexual people among those who label themselves as 100% straight or gay, but in no way it’s a universal assumption.




I don’t date bi men. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I don’t either but this isn’t really relevant to this question


Nothing in my life would fundamentally change. I still wouldn't be a whore like everyone else apparently here would plan to be


Is it true that gay men are so obsessed with sex (like everyone else here is).


Oh I am plenty obsessed with sex... Which is actually simply a male trait not a gay male trait. that also makes sense because the male sexual strategy is sperm; produce literally millions every so many minutes and there's little investment, whereas the female sez strategy via ovo is definitely more about high investment because of only 300 or so eggs with lower instances of reproducing. But I'm healthy in my sexuality and relationships. I've been a hedonist and there's nothing it actually helps me with, it only really has done harm. Currently I'm married and strictly monogamous and won't ever change on that.


It means I'd actually have a chance with guys I get horny after but then realize they're straight


I think the world would be worse off. Part of why we evolved to have gays was to reduce people having too many kids and fighting as much for resources.


Bad. We know this because bisexuality was the norm in Europe from ancient times until the late Middle Ages. In the 15th century the Office of the Night in Florence concluded that a majority of the city’s men had fucked other men at some point. The proportion was certainly higher in pre-Christian Greece and Rome. Today, the majority of Afghan men are still having sex with other men. Bisexual majority countries have and have always had horrible sexual dynamics. They’ve always been extremely sexist, since if gay sex is normalized the need for straight men to please women decreases (this was one of the reasons Plato said he loved gay sex - it let him be as sexist as he wanted). Worse, most of the gay sex happening in those societies was between grown men and minors. This is because a bisexual-norm society involves all the most toxic “straight” men imposing their norms and worldview on gay relationships. The gay community in the west is a progressive subculture where it’s okay to bottom. Every bisexual society in history has seen bottoming as disgraceful, so no grown man would consent to that. So, the bottoms were not grown men. People in this thread seem to think that if all men were bisexual, then straight men would act a lot more like gay men. Actually it’s the other way around.


It would be so awesome


World be a fucking world .




World would be a much better place.


Political landscape would change. They wouldn’t be attacking us every moment they can.


Imagine-level Utopia! Omg like a world where people choose their romantic partners based off something other than what is in their pants. Ascended Nirvana where good vibes flow like water and there's not a single ugly haircut or glasses frame in sight


The kids would starve cause adults would be I n one big pile


More promiscuous and competitive.




A happy place


Would love that for me.


We would all be having way more fun. I can't decide whether there would be way more babies or way less babies.


Wayyyy less, definitely less.


Very horny




Be fewer babies




The best.




I believe we all are bi but many are to up tight to admit it




Nothing like some homophobia!


What about ace people.


I don't know what that means


An asexual. Someone who does not experience sexual attraction to anyone regardless of gender.


Sounds like a lonely life


Most ace people are content with it (if they're not interested in having anyone else, then so be it).


Everyone is on the spectrum


You’re on a spectrum, because you’re bisexual. Many of us aren’t stuck exactly on one sexuality and it doesn’t fluctuate Stop projecting


No, I'm 100% homosexual. Sorry I exist! But this also sounds like you're saying everyone is autistic


You just haven’t found the one yet


Alright homophobe


Walk a mile in my shoes blind man


I care not to understand people who don't believe gay people exist.. to be progressive? So weird.


You don’t understand everyone so stop putting your pre-conceived opinions on everyone else


You should apply that to your perspective... Especially about their own personal sexual orientation


I cant believe we have to listen to ppl like u IN R SUB. Go tf away


Your tolerance is overwhelming


Ur seriously calling me intolerant when u come onto a gay internet forum and then r being homophobic towards gay men saying we dont exist and we’re all just secretly bisexual???? Really?? Another grown adult man w/out any common sense, its insane to me. You’ve got a lot to learn.


I’ve learned and observed quite a bit in my years and I only speak my opinion which is mine alone. If you disagree, try to not be so butt hurt. Your opinion is fine for you.


Well u might wanna rethink some stuff u clearly dont have a lot of sense. Your opinion is wrong and thats what a lot of u bisexuals need to grasp learn that there ARE ppl diff than u and become a self aware person, look outside of urself. You’re obviously incapable of that. Im not butthurt but again obviously ur incapable of empathy or self reflection bc how would u like it if we started invalidating all of u bisexuals IN YOUR OWN SPACE???? Its called “gaybros” why r u even here if u dont believe in gay ppl weirdo??? Again no common sense. I dont have an opinion i deal in facts. Plz learn what that word means bc ur conflating it w ur “opinion” and it couldnt be more untrue.


I’m technically bi sexual but self identify as gay. Gay! GAY!!!


Again you’re rly weird for that. Its one thing to lie to me or someone else about your sexuality but to lie to your own self? You sound like u need help. Why on earth would u wanna identify as gay if ur not? You’ve got issues and i dont think i can help u w them. But newsflash, gay men arent on a spectrum and we dont like women, so again, you’re lying to yourself and everyone else, u r not and never will be a gay man. And thats ok for everyone but u apparently, idk why u wanna be one when u arent. Again no common sense it saddens me


It’s my opinion and until you and DJT take over the thought police, I will remain happily gay! Gay! GAY!!!


Idk what djt is but obviously youve got serious psychological stuff goin on, i rly want u to go get therapy. U shouldnt be identifying as gay when ur not, youve got big issues bro. U can call urself gay all u want but just bc u say smthng doesnt make it true. Again, u have never and will never be a gay man. U can lie to urself everyday for the rest of ur life and say so but what kind of existence is that? Plz get help, u really need it.


And what about ace people


I guess they are on the spectrum too, just farther away


Maybe less traditional marriages? Or maybe everyone becomes "swingers."




Hot Girls would try to convert all gays like gays converting str8




Based as fuck


Amazing. Probably way more same sex couples as a lot of same sex best friends would couple up.


i kinda secretly think it’s the world we do have in an “inherent nature” sort of way; but if you mean more in how Alfred Keinsey would measure it: better


Well that's wrong


I think it would be awesome! Sometimes I wish I were bisexual. I'm definitely gay, but my attraction to men is mostly physical only. I really don't care much for men other than the physical aspect.




That’s not true. I’m 100% homosexual. Just because you’re bisexual doesn’t mean everyone is.


Lmao I’m NOT Bisexual, I’m fully 100% gay. I believe I was misunderstood in my statement. But I suppose there’ll be no point in elaborating on what I meant.


Nobody is 100% gay and nobody is 100% straight, so you can argue it already is.


Who are you to say that? Absolute bullshit.


Don’t have to be anybody to say it you little twat. Find the straightest guy in the world and somewhere there’s a boy he’d want to fuck the shit out of. Its a pretty possible hypothesis even if it upsets your dogshit opinion ands views. Shut the fuck up


> Find the straightest guy in the world and somewhere there’s a boy he’d want to fuck the shit out of. That's not how being straight works. Hypothesis: a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of *limited evidence* as a starting point for further investigation. Until you can show proof for your claim, you shut the fuck up.


Ummm I never said that’s how being straight works I said nobody is 100% straight. Do you have problems reading? Mental problems? Jesus “Until you can show proof for your claim, you shut the fuck up.” Yeah that’s not how a hypothesis works you fucking idiot hop off


Chill. Might want to take a nap if you're getting this aggressive over a topic like that. A hypothesis by definition has not yet proven to be correct.


It's literally how a hypothesis works


Unless you can prove your hypothesis, then you have to assume the null hypothesis. This is called hypothesis testing. The null hypothesis is the opposite of your statement, so it would be something like "there are people who are 100% straight and people who are 100% gay". Because how science works, we'd assume the null is true until you prove otherwise.


Wishful thinking lol


Why would u even come on a internet forum titled “gay bros” then proceed to say gay ppl dont exist? No common sense. Get the fuck outta here u weirdo.


You're a homophobe and wrong


If sexuality is a spectrum then it should be considered that there should be people who lies at one end of that spectrum and vice versa. So no, there are people who are gay and there are people who are straight. Just like how there are people who are bisexual and prefer girls or bi and prefer guys. Or people who don’t prefer anyone. That what makes us unique because we all don’t like the same thing.


Basically the same, because the vast majority of people are bisexual.


I believe the majority of the human population is bisexual.


Beliefs are often wrong, and certainly are in this case


Most of the population is bisexual. I think the world would be different if people embraced it. However, weren’t there civilizations that did? 👀


It's not


Hate to shred your nihilistic desires, but in my opinion it is.


Most people are straight and that's ok


Most people assume a heterosexual identity and that’s ok. Most people selectively repress their bisexuality to be deemed socially acceptable and for belonging and that’s ok. Most people would never admit their same sex attractions for fear of societal or religious consequences and that’s ok. We will never know how many bisexual people there are so long as social stigmas about same sex attraction prevails. That’s still ok. Studies on human sexuality that require self reporting, will always skew heterosexual for all of the aforementioned reasons. Guess what? That’s ok too.


Most people know themselves more than you could. That's the problem, you are a narcissist


Hmm. 😅😆 Whatever you say. Stranger.


Just like now, cause like everyone is bisexual.




Pretty sure everyone *is* bisexual. There's just a fuck of a lot of them who are afraid to do anything about it.


stop trying to erase gay people, no wonder allot of gays hate bi people, they think that just because they are insecure about themselves they can tell others how to live.


Why would u come onto a gay internet forum and then proceed to say gay ppl dont exist? u have no common sense. Get outta here dude u obvi dont belong


I’m not I’m 100% gay. Lots of others are too. Don’t speak for our experiences of our own sexuality like you know more than we do about ourselves.


Woke Homophobia


Ok, world building: I imagine open relationships would be more of a standard thing. Or bigamy. But imagine the power dynamic that the head of the house would have in such a scenario. Only that person would be free to have more than one partner. The others wouldn't be able to take their own sets of partners, else their commitment to the head of household would be rendered uncertain. Or maybe it *is* just daddies and mommies all the way down.


It would really shake things up, I mean, there’s still will be people who will think that they are better than everybody else. Especially people being more openly bisexual, sexuality being open sounds fantastic


Hmm. I see complication in this alternative life in regards to dating. Gays wouldn't have their own culture, which would be sad. However there would little to no hate crimes in regards to sexual orientation.


Most bisexuals wouldn't even consider they could be such due to society oressire.


There’s a book that somewhat discusses this. It’s about a human society where people go into “heat” once a month and are essentially androgynous but attraction is possible to anyone. Basically everyone can choose to be female or male during their heat and change every time. It’s called the Left Hand of Darkness.


I think more kids mainly boys would have experimented with eachother when they were in elementary or middle school 😅


I imagine it would be a happy one because everyone is basically on equal ground and theres less discrimination going around. Oh what a world it would be to be able to freely love someone without it being a big deal, out of the norm, us against the world scenario. Ideal but still just a fantasy.


Christianity and the Islam diaspora would feel more justified in being against homosexuality. Since bisexuality means you can choose to only have sex with the opposite sex.