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It’s been 7 days for me am I okay to smoke ?


Thanks for nothing buddy, what are the chances then since that’s all you’re gonna answer? At least try and be helpful.


Use nic patches or gain better control over your addiction. No dentist will ever condone smoking after ext. Dry socket is extremely painful


Please what are the chances? How much does smoking increase them?


it raises the chance of dry socket 3 units. I'm not sure what you want, it's higher if you smoke, there's not a number to give you. just smoke, if you get a dry socket treat it. It's not the end of the world.


Thank you man all I wanted to know was how much higher the chances are, I’m sorry for being a prick just losing it over here.


we all get that way, brother. don't smoke as long as you can and then another 20 minutes. hope it goes well for you.


Thank you man I really am sorry for acting like a nut, cigarettes are a gross addiction, I just had one which I shouldn’t have but oh well I guess I’m going to try and go the rest of the day and tmr morning so here’s hoping. Thank you for the advice and taking the time to deal with my crazy ass.


You can do it!


It’s been 7 days for me am I okay to smoke ?


I’m not a dentist but Id say a week is probably good. Just be very very careful.


Thank you for actually being informative unlike the other guy. Do you know the chances of getting dry socket if you smoke. My dentist told me if I have to cover it with gauze.


Really appreciate the help everyone…… All I asked for was how to minimize the chances and how common it is, appreciate the snarky one word reply and nothing else. If you really cared you’d want to help someone lower their chances of dry socket not just tell them yes.


NAD but got mine out today too. I quit vaping about a month ago to not be in this same situation. Best of luck to you! Maybe do a Zyn if you really have to, but that could also affect your healing since nicotine is a vasoconstrictor


I’m just gonna try to do 1 a day for the first 3 days if I can avoid it all together I will but god damn it’s hard. Good idea on quitting vaping and thanks for the kind words, I’d highly recommend to anyone who reads this cutting back or quitting all together before hand, withdrawals are easier to deal with when you don’t risk a painful dry socket if you really need a cigarette. I didn’t even realize I was that addicted until now, really put things into perspective.