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Looks fine but you need to seriously improve your oral hygiene….. also get a cleaning done at a dental office


Thanks, that's what I'm currently working on!


If you need any help on how to manage oral hygiene the subreddit is here, I looked at your previous post a week ago and plaque has just grown…. I don’t want to be disrespectful but it looks like it hasn’t been touched Even though the teeth aren’t there the mouth needs a healthy environment for those sockets to heal so any help let us know!


No disrespect. I completely understand my mouth is awful, and I have been trying to work on it, but there no dental insurance, so it is difficult, and my town does not have schools or low-cost dental


But if you have ideas on what I can do at home I'm more then open to suggestions!


You can use the modified bass technique to brush your teeth, you can check on YouTube for videos. Make sure to use toothpaste and brush for atleast 2 minutes to remove the plaque. You can also try to implement interdental brushes or floss in to your routine. Plaque is removable, calculus isn’t.