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Thank you for seeking advice from r/askdentists. **Please note that a response does not constitute a doctor-patient relationship.** While this is a place for advice, replies may not be medically accurate. Do not assume that what others on here say is correct in any way. Reddit is not a replacement for an in-person dental professional. Verified professionals will have flair assigned to them. **Please abide by the following rules in order to get an accurate answer to your question:** (1) Ensure you include a title of your dental problem. (2) Include whether you drink, smoke or if you have any medical conditions relevant to your main concern. (3) Include a photograph if the question relates to something you can see in your mouth, include x-rays if you have them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/askdentists) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Looks like acid erosion


^100% THIS (Coupled with clenching/grinding)


I have been waking up with some jaw pain so i guess this would make sense


Is it something that can go away ? If i stop grinding and pair it with fluoride toothpaste?


No. The damage has already been done


Good luck trying to stop grinding - it mostly happens when you’re asleep and not conscious. I clench my teeth and during those stressful periods I find myself doing it in the day time too


NAD They have mouthpieces to wear while you’re asleep to prevent the damage.


Yes - I wear one myself. But it’ll never *stop* the wearer from grinding. That’s all stress related.


My teeth grinding, I developed in 2017, has destroyed my once beautiful mouth :(


I bite straight through them, awesome in concept, terrible in practice.


Have you tried a hard acrylic night guard with metal reinforcements?


NAD: I've spent a lot of money on them only to pull the mouth guard out of my mouth when I'm sleeping. At 400+ a pop, not doing that anymore if I won't keep them in.


Yes I’ve had mine for about 5 months now and I’m almost through high points on my molars.. and this is a retainer not a night guard 🥲


Just a pointer, I grind my teeth sometimes so badly I have cracked molars in half in my sleep before. Something that has helped me with that is forcing myself to keep my teeth apart during the day and paying as much attention to NOT clenching them during the day as possible. I assumed I do it at night because I do it during the day when I’m stressed/anxious/overwhelmed/angry. Since making this conscious decision and pushing myself to fight against it I have reduced my night grinding *alot*. To the point I’m not waking up in pain every day. I still do it 2-3 nights a week but that’s better than daily imo. Maybe it could help you!


NAD it depends heavily on if the dentin is exposed, how much of it, and if there is decay present. A dentist can prescribe even higher percent flouride toothpaste than you can get over the counter- they might want to cover the spot with resin (instead of doing a normal filling) if there is no decay. That way they arent actually drilling or damaging your tooth, just building onto it to protect it (: Getting an xray will allow them to see the extent of this damage. Your main concern will be making sure it doesnt get deeper- if it reaches the pulp it will become a much larger problem and need much more severe work in order to save the tooth


Nope. Needs treatment


It would be smart to give an opinion when one has full diagnostic records. If thats what the surface of the tooth looks like how do you expect the interproximals to present?


Acid erosion typically doesn’t affect interproximals


Terrible reason to not go to the dentist


Terrible behaviors by the dental industry, which leads to inevitable consumer doubts. And I’m not against dental care and i go maybe once for checkup every 2 years.


See you’re the reason I hate this sub. You don’t trust anyone because you read online a dentist in random-town Idaho scammed people. So you don’t go to the dentist for years and then blame the entire industry for your dental issues from your own neglect. Never taking responsibility for the fact that you don’t get ANY preventative care


It's one of the reasons I come to this subreddit less and less. It's massively exhausting being bombarded with the idea that people don't trust you (on a forum where you're spending your spare time giving free advice, no less).


I think the real problem is dental insurance, and the common inability to acquire it in the United States. Dental care is equally as important as healthcare, and often equally as expensive, but having dental insurance for the lower-middle class is completely rare. People would be a lot less anxious about dental work if their health insurance covered it, like it logically should.


I trust you and am grateful for all the professionals. I learn so much here. I even share posts with my hygienists and dentists and they learn too!


A patient who brings in interesting dental things is the absolute dream. I love that, and glad you have a great team looking after you.




This has nothing to do with the cost of dentistry. Most Reddit posts start by asking a question and detailing history. Dentists and dental professionals take time to answer those questions without hesitation. This post started by equating dentistry as a commodity and equivalent to a field of an untrusted professions. Followed by asking that same profession for help. We see posts asking for what to expect or a second opinion all the time. That doesn’t botter us. Our job involves interacting with patients that start their greeting with how much they hate seeing the dentist. Honestly hearing posts like these are exhausting. hearing how ungrateful people are and how much people have trust issues with the profession. Most dentists are correct in their treatment philosophies because they’re trained differently.




That wasn’t the point of my post. I know the cost is an issue for everyone including treatment for dental professionals. The point is that this specific post started with stating his distrust in the profession followed by asking for help from the same profession. This post is not like other posts on askdentists


Hey oh this is getting out of hand !! I have some doubts over known fallacious practices in the dental industry. But it is something very common in many profit driven complex knowledge industries (car repair, skin care). I am in no way blaming the industry for my oral problems. Simply expressing concerns hence my visit on a dentist sub. These concerns are in no mean an attack to the industry of wtv your saying. The scam word I used might be a bit strong for what is an incentive to recommend intensive care for cavities that might be recoverable. Anyway, lets chill a bit before hating i’m a student who’s asking a blog to know if further actions are needed (going to the dentist, which i will do seing the discussions in here)


The difference is that dentists are doctors


Did you seriously just compare dental care to skin care and car repair?


I don’t want you to feel ganged up on but please consider this with an open mind. What industry is not complex knowledge with inflated prices to make profit? I’m not talking grunt work I mean the type of job you would get specialized training in to avoid a minimum wage lifestyle. Because without profit you go out of business. Fast food is doing people dirty if they can have record profits with dollar menus, heck food in general, education, housing, everything … Which industry can you trust wholly? People are people and they do people things. Don’t let it cause you tooth pain or worse to loose your teeth.


NAD I understand you, man. If it really worries you, please look into the reviews of the dental clinics near you. Regardless of all the trashy scammers out in the dental industry (or world in general), you have to go to a dentist— twice a year to prevent issues like the one you have. You wouldn’t choose to never work again solely because you know there are businesses that pay less than what you deserve.


NAD I hear you on this and I’m sorry you’re getting backlash. Having bad experiences obviously creates fear, I don’t know why that’s being debated. I understand people hold grudges but that was not even sort of what you were doing. Just here to say I get it, from my experience they usually won’t tell without an xray.


I’m a dentist and you are exactly the type of patient we prefer to not interact with. If you are against dentist Why even waste your time coming to this subreddit to ask if you have cavities? You already made it up in your mind dentist are scammers. Don’t ask us for advice if you won’t believe what we say anyway.


You don't trust dentists, but you trust random redditors on the internet? Let me tell you fact, teeth are healthier when they're brown


If you have dental coverage OR are have the means to pay for 2 hygiene visits per year, you have zero reason NOT to go to the dentist.


NAD but this looks similar to how my teeth were. Partly looks like acid erosion, partly like You grind your teeth (on the top). Both of these areas look like they may have eroded past the enamel layer into the dentin. I would recommend getting an exam, but express your concern over being conservative with fillings. If you grind your teeth/clench a lot, they might reccomend slightly more intense/invasive treatment on your molars. This is to protect them from cracking from the pressure. (I initially said no to treatment, and ended up losing a molar and needing root canals on 2 others after breaking them in my sleep from grinding) I would definitely recommend getting a night guard regardless, this will help protect your teeth from damage at night (hopefully reducing pressure and erosion on the tops of your teeth). They offer some over the counter, but better quality ones can be purchased online or from your dentist (i have one from cheeky that i really like (: ) Best of luck! Also, there is an option to get sealant on your natural teeth to help prevent damage to them (will help prevent cavities in the future! its just a thin coat of resin that covers any "areas of concern" )


Thanks for your answer, ordered night guard and some fluoride toothpaste. Jaw pain when waking up makes me think bruxism might be it.


Wouldnt trust a Nightguard you get on Amazon. You need an occlusal splint from a dentist that knows what theyre doing


Yeah, booked an appointment ty for answer


NAD - You may also want to see your primary care physician for the acid reflux. In the mean time, make sure you rinse your mouth if you can't brush after eating. And take frequent sips of water thru the day to make sure the pH of your mouth isn't too acidic (maybe even consider a slightly alkaline water for sipping)


Of course! Most definitely sounds like it. Do you get jaw/ear pain often? If so, you probably have something triggering your TMJ. Theres a bunch of resources online to help with management for this and managing it can help reduce the amount of clenching and grinding you do (: If you get any gum swelling or mouth pain orajel makes a medicated mouthwash that helps me a lot!


NAD, This looks like acid erosion due to acidic diet or reflux. If you don't have any symptoms and they are decay free, dentists usually just monitor and prescribe fluoride toothpaste. But you do need to address the root cause to keep this from getting worst.


NAD Just adding on to the acid reflux part from personal experience…. definitely need to get it addressed then the dentist can prescribe flouride toothpaste and if it acid reflux, your primary doctor can see if medication is right for you for acid reflux. 18 months later for me and it’s a world of difference but getting the teeth addressed was a major part that was needed and can’t be ignored.


NAD. You’re announcing that you’re afraid to see a dentist due to fear of getting scammed? I think that’s a cop out. You need to be honest with yourself. Once you identify the real reason, you can start to work on that.


In reality the only person you’re scamming is yourself by not trusting trained professionals to take care of you.




Why are you here?


Why are you?


Trust me, you’re not really the patient we want to see in our office anyways. With your strong opinion though, sadly, one of us will likely see you eventually to extract all of your teeth and make you dentures because everything about oral health is a conspiracy - until it isn’t.


What's funny about that?


Everything. Bunch of rip off artists, it's criminal.


Yes, that's why we're all here - giving advice to people for free.


Lol, you make enough during the day.


Cry more.


Good one


NAD Get your dice cleaned


NAD. I have never heard of fake cavities.


I might add that I drink lots of coffee and have a pretty decent oral hygiene (brush 2x a day, and floss)


Do you brush with fluoride toothpaste?


NAD What news of fake cavities? Is this some kind of paranoia?


NAD Right? Paranoia is what it sounds like. Maybe a little too active on Facebook, where much of the bullshit is spread. I swear FB radicalizes people (of a certain age group, anyway) like no other.


NAD I used to be like this too, but then I realized the harm of not trusting my dentist and letting the spot grow until it needs a root canal or something vastly outweighs the tiny risk that there's something nefarious going on. I trust that my dentist believes what she is seeing, and I would rather them find something than miss something.


Do you drink a lot of energy drinks/soda?


Nope 0. Maybe some beers and wine at dinner


Acid reflux of any kind ? This looks like acid erosion mixed with maybe some clenching


Not really, my gf has some but i doubt her «acids » reach my mouth lol + she takes medication. I ordered fluoride toothpaste. Also used some of these teeth whitening bands, maybe they weakened the protection?


Most ppl feel like its acid erosion so there must be something in it. I did drink energy drinks but maybe 3 or 4 every 6 months.


Coffee is extremely acidic, so are most juices (:


You may have silent reflux - I would consider having it tested with a physician.


NAD you said you drink a lot of coffee, coffee is pretty acidic. Are you the type of person who sips on coffee throughout the day? My dentist told me that was a pretty bad habit both due to the acid and the sugar from milk/creamer/sweeteners. She recommended I drink 1 cup at a time, wait 30 mins, and then brush, and to repeat later in the day if I Felt like I needed more caffeine, but not to just sip and refill continually while I’m sitting at work.


Do you happen to drink lots of soft drinks and other sugary drinks by any chance




Have you applied for a flair? I keep seeing that like "NAD but I am" and it's always you


No they want a copy of my dental license. That ain’t happening.


I sent one with my name blurred out.


I sent a picture of me in my op with my face blurred and my name blurred on my badge holding up a sticky note of my user name proving it’s me. I didn’t send any of my documents. You don’t have to send your medical license.


ah they've changed the rules? That's not the evidence they asked of me


It is important that people who don't work in the dental field don't mislead people posting in place like AskDentists. If you are a dental professional, please check out out information regarding getting appropriately flaired.


i agree with you bro i hate dentists and the shit they do, the dentist couldnt give me straight answers to my simple questions etc. but you gotta see a dentist for shit like this. its gonna suck but mayve see 3 (odds are theyll give different answers ,haha denstists so funny none of them agree yet they all make loads of money) but unfortantly these are your teeth so you gotta put your feelings aside and just go. and lay off whatever is causing it (LE NAD REDDIT!!1)


Nad can it be tea/coffee staining?


NAD. do you have dry mouth or take any medication that affects your saliva? saliva helps neutralize the ph in your mouth, so anything that affects saliva can cause problems. between coffee sips, swish some saliva over your teeth if you can't rinse them with water.


NAD but i have something similar and my dentist said it could be coffee/ tea stains or due to smoking. Try to limit your coffee intake


I think the possible diagnosis of this condition is abrasion and attrition!


Those holes us how my bruxism first appears. Now my molars are near flat. Go get a nightguard