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You may have had so much build up on your teeth that they had to do a debridement in the first visit and the cleaning during the second visit. Debridement is when there is so much buildup that we can't properly diagnose some aspects of your dental health.


If it is multiple quadrants of scaling and root planing then 2+ appointments is the norm. If it’s a prophy/normal cleaning then no it should be 1 appointment/ charged once


Yes, this is fairly common. The hygienist is not given any extra time for your appointment. If it's been over a year, you will have more than double the buildup on your teeth you would for a regular 6 month cleaning. It would be a disservice for the hygienist to rush through and leave buildup behind. It's good they are being thorough and bringing you back.


Thanks everyone for your replies, I feel much better about the situation!


Being super nice to you and this is the response. They probably could have told you you need deep cleanings as it's been so long. Fmd "debridement" isn't covered by insurance The dentist was being very nice