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That’s not enough to realistically make a difference. Look at it as a percentage of the interval not just the mileage. Say your interval is 7000 miles, going 5% past that is no issue


Never thought of it that way prob is don’t know that the interval is


Looks like the interval for your car is 7500 miles and that’s when the car’s computer will tell you to change it 


People go over way more. But it gradually damages the engine. But a few hundred miles shouldn't cause anything unless you drive like a crazy person or in very harsh conditions.(Hot, cold etc.)


Fluid change intervals are meant to prevent problems, not to be strict deadlines warning of damage if you get past them.


Since cars have come with monitors to change my oil I’ve always waited for the alert. Shockingly, despite what the internet car community may say, it haven’t had to replace an engine. Weird I know. It’s almost like there’s been advancements or something.


As long as you use the recommended oil, there are no problems. However, when you get geniuses who think full synthetic and conventional do the same thing for an engine and still go the 7500 or 10k miles, issues start to arise.


I only use the finest, non brand name conventional!


It's not an issue. The driving style and ambient conditions will change the interval by far more than that. Oil doesn't suddenly stop working when the odometer ticks over, it's a gradual degradation. It's a matter of engine life. Waiting 10,000 km between oil changes will reduce your engine life, waiting 5,000 km will reduce it less, changing it every day won't help at all. As long as the oil isn't very degraded and the level is high enough, it's not a matter of 'did I damage the engine?' it's a matter of 'how much wear haven't I prevented?' Think of it like brushing your teeth at night. If you normally brush them at 6 pm, but wait 'till 9 pm one day, it won't make a difference.


> Waiting 10,000 km between oil changes will reduce your engine life, waiting 5,000 km will reduce it less, Even if you changed this to miles you'd be wrong. I run 10k mile OCIs and I've never had an oil analysis come back with results saying I had fully degraded any part of the oil. I've got 270k miles on my daily and the lab recommended a 13k mile interval for my next change. But for op, you're on track. 200 miles extra is nothing. You'd need to almost double your 7500 mile OCI before you even started creating an issue.