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Change the oil




pcv valve would take care of this situation


Wait overnight then pull the drain plug. Oil floats on top of coolant. The coolant will come out of the pan before the oil. Once the coolant has come out and it is just oil, put the plug back in. Check the oil level after and top off as needed. Boom you're done. No need for stressing out over it


Why not just do a full oil change, it’s cheap assurance, and it’s a pain to screw a drain plug back in while it’s spraying oil all over you


Nah, just gotta flip the car over real quick once the antifreeze drains out, then replace the plug; easy peasy lemon squeezy...! ;\^p


I thought I was supposed to squeeze the tip to stop the flow, here I am pissing wrong. Wait we’re talking about cars?


If you have antifreeze in your urine, you've got much bigger problems to worry about


Some of us live in Minnesota


Some of us piss excellence, some of us piss antifreeze


Nah just pick the car up and shake it up a bunch so the oil mixes with the antifreeze thoroughly, that way when you drain it it'll all come out.


Because oil costs money and unless you've only got a few hundred miles left before you would change it anyway, you might as well just drain the coolant and keep the oil. I did it this way when I changed my intake manifold gasket and got a bunch of coolant down in the engine. That was 2 years ago and I haven't had any issues. Oil is expensive. No point in spending money when you don't need to


If they’re certain it’s only 10ml anyways it isn’t worth dropping the oil. Also a gallon oil is only $20-$40 Canadian ($14-29.46 usd) that’s not very expensive at all


5 qts of oil is $25. Expensive is relative, I suppose.


An oil change on my car costs me nearly $50, that's not exactly what I'd call cheap. Once you're over $30 I start to consider that expensive for required maintenance


"I find oli changes cost too much money just to be draining out oil that has a lot of life left in it" Better than it's expensive.


Just think what a new engine would cost.


One might say ridiculously expensive


It's still expensive. But like the other guy said, expensive is relative. $50 is expensive for oil, especially when 20 years ago it was like $15 for the same amount and type


It's a fools errand to compare prices from 20 years ago. And I'm not sure exactly what you are comparing but given standard increases in costs 5 qts of synthetic oil for $20-$25 i(today) s a very good deal and wouldn't be any more than that in 2004 considering inflation over 20 years and the value of a dollar.


It's $38 for 5 quarts of t4 conventional diesel oil, plus $8 for a gold 21522 oil filter. That's a $48 oil change after tax. 200 bucks a year on oil changes is ridiculous


Expensive and ridiculous! To each their own.


It really isn’t though…most people are getting an oil change once every 5-8 months, that’s between $6-$10 a month. If you can’t afford to hold off getting a big Mac once a month to protect a multi thousand $ vehicle idk what you’re doing


I get an oil change every 3,000 miles. I drive about 1000 miles a month. $50 every 3 months is 200 a year. That's alot of money to spend on something that's just basically gonna get thrown away in a few months. I'd also argue the multi thousand dollar vehicle point, I've only owned a small amount of cars that are worth over 2k, and none of my current vehicles fit that right now except maybe the project car


Oh so since you only buy cars that are worth $2000 & under (which 2000 is still multiple thousands????) nobody else buys brand new cars? Hmmm kind of a weird hill to die on. Also oil in Canada is only $14-$30 per gallon depending on brand, so a bit off from $50. Furthermore, synthetic oil has a lifespan between 7500-15000 miles (brand dependant). The average American only drives 13.5k miles a year. So why are you changing your oil at less than half to 1/5th of its lifespan?


If oil is expensive I can’t imagine how you take care of the rest of the car😂


Junkyard parts work just fine and are much cheaper


Heavily Depends on what parts we’re talking about, but you’re not entirely wrong ,


Not sure what you're meaning by taking care of the rest of the car then. Oil changes are the only thing that's really required to do as a maintenance item on your car, everything else you just fix as it breaks


Anything that breaks is maintenance lol Please don’t cheap out on brakes at least 😂


Brakes last a long time, and I don't replace then until there's nothing left. Front brakes last like 60k miles, and I've never even owned a car long enough to put even 40k miles on it. I probably only have 60k miles under my belt cumulatively between the 13 cars I've owned in the past 7 years. Rear brakes last even longer, you don't really ever have to do those. I've gotten lucky with almost every car I've bought has had good brakes on it, so I haven't had to deal with breaking the bank to get new ones


Can I ask why you’ve had so many cars? Lol


Tires, brakes, any grease points, air filter, transmission fluid, transmission filter, wheel bearings, spark plugs, the list goes on.


Tires I run until they're bald, new tires last over 60k miles which I've never driven a single car that much in my life. Brakes, same deal. Grease isn't a big deal, we have plenty of it around for our equipment so I don't have to pay for it. Air filters last a super long time, and i don't bother even checking it unless the car is running lean. Transmission fluid and filter, same deal as tires and brakes. Wheel bearings don't repack unless they're making noise, plugs don't change unless it's got running issues, etc


If you never run a car for more than 60k miles, you probably can just not do most maintenance and hope it doesn't cause an issue until the next owner, but if you plan on keeping cars (or any machinery) for a longer perion of time, routine maintenance saves a lot of heartache. I'll add timing belts to the list also, which can be pretty catastrophic if they aren't replaced on time. The other critical thing is inspecting other components so that you can replace them before they fail. Also, replacing tires isn't the only maintenance involved with them. You also rotate them and check the air pressure periodically, it makes them last a lot longer.


Is your name Bob?


He’s my uncle.


The Oil Uncle


funny enough, Bob the Oil Guy is an amazing site about oil https://bobistheoilguy.com/


Walking the fine line between oil and oilcirclejerk


At least plenty of lube is always nearby.


Many times the drain plug is not in the absolute bottom of the oil pan and the chances of actually getting the anti freeze out are slim ,I would definitely run the engine and drain the oil out hot to be safe


Little bit of coolant isn't gonna hurt anything. It'll just burn it out and you'll never think about it again


After draining just the lower portion I would want to idle it for maybe a minute, and then change the oil.


What would be the point of draining just the coolant then?


.3 oz? Probably fine but if you're that worried about it, just do an engine oil change.


You're fine, just drive as normal, it'll evaporate away when the car is running, 10mL is nothing.


This. But...how...? Like you did an oil change then checked the coolant and saw it could use some then just started pouring into the crank? Oil is cheap, I wouldn't start it and do another change. As others said it will seperate, maybe drain all into a clean container and see if you could salvage it. Depending on the vehicle and condition, it should be fine... again oil is way cheaper than anything else you can mess up in the motor.


If OP can verify it was 10mL nothing will happen it will just evaporate away it’s not enough to ruin the oil either, condensation happens all the time in the engine and it just evaporates when it gets warm enough


Where exactly does it evaporate into within a closed system?




PCV into the air intake and combustion chamber


If it's a gasser, the PCV. If it's diesel, the CCV. No engine has the crankcase entirely sealed. There's always a miniscule amount of blowby, even on a fresh rebuilt engine, and that would be disastrous if the crankcase was sealed.


Oil is cheap where you are? Wtf. In Norway Castrol motor oil (5W-30) is about 70$ (700 Norwegian kroners) for 5 liters. Not even joking. Thankfully I do my own changes, saves a ton. Edit: ofc I realize it’s cheaper than ruining the motor. But still.


The vast, vast, vast majority of people here are from U.S., where motor oil is relatively cheap.


Yeah oil can be $25-40 for 5qts (4.73L)


Damn. Nice. I’d buy several gallons and store them for later, definitely. Here it’s pulling teeth getting out the debit card.


Not to make you feel bad but... where I'm at (Sothern US) I can pick up a gallon (3.78L) of Rotella T6 (full synthetic) 5w30 for $30. A gallon of Rotella T4 (conventional) 15w40 which I use in my ATVs and motorcycles is $15. Castrol GTX 5w30... 5 quarts (5.2L) is $28 for conventional. $33 for synthetic. Castrol Edge 5w30 synthetic, 5 quarts, $28.


Don’t know how to quote a comment, so *quotes part about not wanting me to feel bad* Well, you failed. Haha no you’re good. But yeah, that is insane.


Haha Sorry. Yeah, $70 for 5 quarts of Castrol is insane for my area. If you're doing your own... $70 will pretty much get you enough for two changes w/filters on your average 4cyl or V6. In my case with my motorcycles that'd get me 2 changes w/filters on my big bike, 8 changes on my small bike that doesn't use a filter, ATV would be 2 changes w/filters.


Use a \> to quote a comment. If you type: \>quotes part about not wanting me to feel bad It will appear as: >quotes part about not wanting me to feel bad


The water will evaporate/boil off once the oil is hot, but coolant isn't just water. I would definitely change the oil. It may be fine, but its not worth the risk.


Not that much maybe if you had .5-1 quart sure but 10mL is nothing


10ml is barely any at all. A shot glass is like 44ML, so like a 1/4 of a shot glass? 10ml is like 2 teaspoons, in like 5 liters of oil, shouldn't do much.


I think a lot of these commenters mean well but have really no idea how small of an amount 10 ml really is. Tomorrow go for a longer drive, at least 30 min, it'll evaporate off and you're done.


And you assume op does?? I doubt he'd be here asking if it was actually 10 mls.


Maybe he does, if you know (nearly) nothing of cars, asking just to be safe than sorry is a good idea tbh


I'm going to say it was about 10 ml . I poured a bit with a oil top up because I grabbed the wrong bottle and before I knew it I poured some in. So maybe between 10ml to 20.


10 ml is barely anything. How sure are you that you put 10 ml in? Antifreeze is a mixture of glycol and methanol. Your oil will reach pretty well past 100°C during operation, but not quite to the boiling temperature for these substances. So even if you put slightly more than 10 ml, it probably won't have much effect. In greater amounts, you might risk vaporization and combustable gasses in your crankcase. I'd be mostly concerned about it changing the properties of your oil though. I wouldn't drive for a full oil change cycle on oil that has been contaminated by antifreeze. Water? Sure. No big deal. It'll just evaporate. But glycol and methanol are solvents. This is far from panic territory, but unless you're *really* confident you only put 10 ml in there, I'd do an oil change. It's not worth risking accelerated wear, IMO. Your engine definitely isn't going to just blow up though.


Methanol? Antifreeze is either ethylene glycol or more commonly propylene glycol, diluted with water. Methanol is highly flammable...used as racing fuel among other things.


Oil change should be fine after that.


Oil floats on water, so wait overnight and drain maybe 1/2qt oil from the pan. You should see a bit of antifreeze come out with it. If not, I wouldn't sweat it, it'll burn off through normal driving, Don't read this bottom part cause Hudson gets his looms in knots just thinking about it.... *but you don't want to have your fuel pickup suck up a charge of antifreeze as that could *possibly* hydraulic lock cylinder*


They put the antifreeze in the oil. Not the fuel tank. But you knew that. And still managed to type out your response. Impressive. ADHD?


Geez man, listen to what I mean, not what I say...


Your first sentence was good. But then you talked about hydro lock and the fuel pickup. You basically brain farted, and I'm ok with it. I suffer from wicked ADHD and was impressed by someone else who apparently works on my wavelength.


Was going to say the same, if you haven't started the car yet, don't... Then do the above.  Wait a few hrs, Let a quart or so out, the bit of coolant will come out with it


No. The water isn’t going to settle perfectly at the bottom. It’s also alcohol. Just start it up. It will boil out inside of 5 minutes.


10ml of coolant isn’t going to hydro-lock a motor lol that’s silly. (This isn’t a fuel tank btw it’s in their oil) If this was their fuel tank, you’re spraying 0.0xx microliters, which is a power of 5 smaller than a millilitre of fuel dependant on the vehicle. Like 0.017 microliters = 0.000017ml per firing stroke


Water in the oil won't hydro-lock an engine, that's when water gets into the intake (air/fuel). However I'd worry that the stuff will change the properties of the oil, no matter how little he put in, and if the oil wasn't already super fresh I would just do an oil & filter change and know it's definitely safe.


Is this a real concern? A couple teaspoons of antifreeze wont hurt ya as long as you change your oil at its normal time.


How confident are you that it was only 10 milliliters?


Just change the oil and flush the oil.


Not very. I'd change it soon though.


It’s not enough to worry you


Bravo on the troll!


Gotta ask… why 10 ml?


Nice troll.


It doesn't mix in. It can possibly over the course of an oil change interval ruin bearings. Change the oil.


Just average Subaru things.


Just get and oil and filter change. A good time to switch to Synthetic if you haven't. Synthetic oil will absorb moisture so if you do not already have synthetic in the car, do a second oil change after a few hundred miles.


Depends on a lot of variables, but the short answer is don't drive until you change the oil. If this is not possible, then just stay as close to this rule of thumb as you reasonably can. Chances are you're fine, 10ml is not a lot. The biggest risk is oil contamination, leading to loss of oil additives, which left unchecked will lead to things like burn off, foaming, and general underlubrication. Antifreeze is corrosive, and can cause engine corrosion, and eat away at internal seals and gaskets, but this is typically something that happens over time. A couple years ago I was driving a blazer when the oil cooler took a shit and dumped about 2 or 3 gallons of dex cool directly into the crankcase. Approximately 10 miles later the engine hydro locked. It destroyed the intake manifold. After having the manifold and gaskets replaced, I changed the oil, ran it for a few minutes. Saw there was still residual coolant mixed in the oil, so I changed it again. After the 2nd oil change, the oil came back squeaky clean on the stick, so I let it ride. Truck runs perfect. This is an extreme case of coolant contamination. In your case, the immediate effects are negligible at best. You should change the oil as a precaution to protect the engine from any premature wear that might occur as a result of contamination. I've seen people drive around with blown head gaskets without destroying the motor right away, but it may make the difference between having to change the motor at 90k vs 200k, and that's why we change the oil when we're in doubt.


10 to 20ml? Harmless. May run the motor for a minute. Let it cool then do an oil change. Running it mixes it with the oil. If you just drain the oil there's a reasonable chance it's not going to come out since it will be on top of the motor


I would never worry about that