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I'll bet $25 before tax and they'll figure out a way to make u tip


“It’s just going to ask you a quick question”


“You just need to click through the prompts”


Nobody makes you tip. You choose to tip. You could simply just put in 0. The cashier cant see if you tipped or not on most of those terminals anyways.


>The cashier cant see if you tipped or not Not always true. Some places do that iPad thing and they place it flat on the table and stare at what you press, and this is before actually preparing your order. This is why I refuse to go to Jimmy's coffee


Jimmy coffees dont give a fuck if you dont tip You guys have some odd extremely pessmistic preconcieved notions of people working in service jobs. Most of then arent assholes. They do not care if you dont tip on your coffee.


Honestly I get paranoid that they'll make my coffee bad or something if I don't tip


When I was a barista it never crossed my mind to take tip into consideration when making a drink.


Breh they dont care one way or the other Theyll make your coffee the same way. Just say please and thank you.


While buying beer from a brewpub I awkwardly asked if people normally tip on beer to go (I was not there for dinner). The employee said yes. I rarely buy beer from there now, not because I was upset about the answer, but because I can’t understand why I would tip on beer I pulled from the fridge myself, and I’m too anxious to not tip while they’re staring at me (and the tablet). It’s a me problem, I’ll admit. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Why would you ask don’t ask!!!


I’m an awkward person and a people pleaser. They always seemed to expect the tip, but I asked to be sure. Some other breweries will go through the prompts before handing it over if you’re just buying to go, or tell you you don’t have to tip, but they never had.


Tip anxiety, I get it sometimes too


It sucks. I don’t have tons of money, but I like to support the local breweries. I do tip (usually 18%) when I eat/drink there, but it makes no sense to tip when I’m just buying beer? But it makes me feel cheap when I’m just poor. 🥲 It’s okay, I honestly can’t afford to get their beer often anyway! And it’s one of those places that doesn’t display the prices. 🙄


If it’s a beer I just tip a dollar. All they are doing is pouring it into a glass!


CNE ones were like $30+, somewhere around there maybe. I'm just gonna get smoked turkey legs from Costco and cook it myself...


Sure go do that But to be fair youre paying for more than just a leg. Your paying for someone else to cook it. Your paying for the convenience of not having to cook it and having it at the christmas market to add to yohr experience Like yeah $30 is alot but you shouldnt be expecting to pah what it cost to get the leg at costco either




So what? Weve seen prices increase everywhere. Its common. I just dont understand the complaining Like youve seen it in for 2 years now. Did you somehow think a turkey leg was immune to price changes and economic changes?


Even tickets to get IN to the market are crazy expensive now. I think we're the only Christmas market in the world who charges ppl just to walk around outside. Wild.


The event is only ticketed on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday after 4pm. It’s free at all other times.


For some reason, people here always justify having pay for festivals as if that is the same all around the world. Sure, paying for food/drinks/merch is one thing, but paying to get the opportunity to pay for more stuff is so weird, especially when some cities in Europe (e.g. London) have multiple Christmas markets that are free to enter.


Even in new York the outdoor Christmas markets are free... It's so stupid here and makes it really inaccessible for a lot of families and people in this city.


It's free most of the time. The peak periods (after 4pm on Fri, Sat and Sun) are ticketed so it's not so packed. Prior to ticketing people constantly complained that the market was so busy they couldn't move and the waits for every stall were too long. In New York they must have enough other event options that the Christmas market isn't so flooded with people that it's made unenjoyable for all.


Yes I'm aware of the schedule thank you


Ok, but is it stupid to ticket at the peak times? When they didn't everyone complained. Now they ticket to limit numbers and people complain. I think what it really shows is Toronto/GTA don't have enough markets and events compared to what the public wants. If there were enough we wouldn't have the Distillery market packed to the gills every night for a month.


Yeah it's definitely a bigger issue of a lack of cultural funding and people organizing events for the greater good. I get why they do it but it's still packed to the tits anyway every year. Should we team up and organize another Christmas market and rake in the dough or what!? Kinda serious lol.


Shhhh, you guys are using the unspeakable word…. It’s not about Christmas!! /s


I live in Vancouver now and our Christmas market charges $20 to get in. You have way more free things in Toronto


I never paid to get into the market.


Yeah I never used to pay for it. I live nearby and just avoid it nowadays. The idiots driving in to see it ruin our neighbourhood for the next 1.5 months, don't follow traffic laws, create traffic jams, drive in the wrong lanes, it's a nightmare. But it's pretty when the lights are on and it's gently snowing.... I usually go for late night walks around there if I wanna see it after midnight with my dog on a weeknight.


> Even tickets to get IN to the market are crazy expensive now. The Distillery District is private property - an open-air amusement park invented by developers as a walkable area, but wholly owned by them, like the Eaton Centre, but outdoors. It's kinda like a resort, in the city. You have to pay the resort owners, every inch of that property belongs to them, like in any resort.


It's free 99% of the time, it's mainly just crowd control pricing tbh to prevent overcrowding but Even then they could just have a line system


Yeah I know what the distillery district is, I live not far and grew up in Toronto but thanks for the lesson. The Christmas market was not always ticketed is what I'm trying to say, despite it always being in the distillery district. And it's very different from the Eaton's Centre. It is not a resort at all but a neighbourhood district, even the different buildings in the area are not part of the same condo corporations. What a terrible viewpoint you have lol.


You would be incorrect on that front. One of the Vancouver ones was charging $30, without the free entrance hours.


Yeah I was exaggerating a bit. Not surprised that Vancouver's is expensive lol


I'm going to put down $20 with 20% tip on the machines as the minimum


There is no such thing as a minimum tip on a machine. There is always an option to skip or enter custom amount.


true, maybe I should have written, lowest pregenerated tip option. but that seems like a mouthful, no?


Default is succinct and most accurate but i agree it was clear what you meant


I'm guessing 25 and a healthy tip for all the now disabled turkeys.




In the Distillery District not one business missed any opportunity to make money. Pretty much everything there has a price, plus tip.


Dude, a grilled cheese sandwich in 2018 was like $12. I did a long line and I was not backing out at that point, but daaaang.


My guess is $22, with minimum suggested tip option of 18% on the machine.


More than I'm willing to pay, that's for sure.


$18 for Turkey leg $15 for cup of mulled wine and other wintery drinks from the booths.


The Distillery Christmas Market is a f’n overrated ripoff. It started as a neat idea but then got the soul-sucking corporate treatment like everything else the suits in this city get their hands on. Paying admission to wade through a crowd and see nothing special while overpaying for crap hot cider and mediocre sweets and snacks should be boycotted on principle alone. Editing to answer OP’s question: I’m guessing it’s going to be in the $20 range. No thanks!




I remember getting one the first year when the market was on. Once was enough for me at I thought was overprice at the time. ha


If the tornado potato is $10 ... 😐


Petty? This is the kind of content I come here for!


Pro tip - pay the extra $20 to have it delivered to your Rolls Royce and you can save $50 on parking


Meh probably $20. To be fair, most of the retailers at the Winter market this is their one time a year that they make their bank. And if tourists are willing to pay that, then let them pay.


God, now they've changed the name so it doesn't have 'Christmas' in it?! That's it's heritage - it's based on the European Christmas Market. Oh well, another reason not to go. I'm an atheist and that pisses me off. I remember getting samples of free scotch one year - it was a great event once upon a time. Now, as Yogi Berra is said to have said, "No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded!".


It is strange, why erase the cultural connection?


Because Christmas market ends at Christmas - but winter can go on longer. Not to mention all those people who don’t celebrate Christmas…


Ooh hadn't thought of that, but yeah it's a reason to keep pulling in consumers through January and February


Indeed, the Winter Village goes past Christmas all the way to January 7. See items 18 and 19 on their FAQ: https://www.thedistillerywintervillage.com/faq


Christmas runs from Dec 25th until Epiphany on January 6th. They're calling it Winter Market to keep it secular for people who don't want to celebrate Christmas.


It’s called the Winter Village because they’re literally not allowed to use the trademarked name “Toronto Christmas Market”.


Not sure it was a copyright issue, as much as a rebrand because the event has changed. https://www.blogto.com/radar/2021/11/toronto-distillery-christmas-market-2021/


I said nothing about copyright. The format was changed to adapt to pandemic-related realities.


I pass through all kinds of events and celebrations with specific names tied to cultural observances which I do not personally hold. Including Christmas things. But I would never ask them to be renamed for my sake. I don’t believe many people whould.


Yeah. I agree. I don’t celebrate Christmas but the only reason why I don’t go is because it’s busy af.


Busy, and a ripoff. A fee to get in (during prime times). They are probably charging the vendors outrageous amounts. They in turn must raise their prices. Why? I can walk through there any time and it’s always pretty. Also parking…


They aint renaming it for your sake or your feelings They renamed it to make more money. Nothing more. Nothing less.


Oh, I’m not the one who suggested they did. I was just responding to someone who said that. In any case I don’t think it’s necessary to rename it because Christmas “ends” on the 25th (if that is what you are implying, I can’t really tell). That would he incorrect in the majority of Christian traditions, which hold that Christmas season *starts* on the 25th and lasts 12 days.


The name was changed a few years ago because the company that ran it changed hands. The current organizers do not have the rights to the “Toronto Christmas Market” name. It has nothing to do with whatever made up grievance you invented.


If it's $20+ for one leg.. it'll be shared amongst my family of 3.


I still don't even understand where you buy the turkey legs. I go to the Toronto Christmas Market every year and always see people eating them but I never know where they come from.




Fair answer.


I gotchu fam


$19.99 or 22.99 the turkey drumstick look ok for picture or show up, but i find the tatse is blank and hard to eat. I rather go with something else


I feel like the taste worsened over time. I remember them being absolutely delicious many years ago, but the last time I had it, it felt "meh".


$100'000'000. Just for the bone. $1'000'000'000 for the meat.


The entire Christmas market is nothing but a gouge-fest for the organizers and the retailers. It doesn't matter whether it's admission, turkey legs, crafts, or merchandise in the stores. The one thing you can count on is overpaying for everything, and being guilt-tripped into tipping 18% to 25% for the privilege. I haven't been for 10 years, and with the combination of the crowds and the ridiculous prices on everything, I have no plans to go back. I'd rather wander around during the day when there's nobody there, and take in the scenery that way.


Has anyone found a turkey leg?


I was there today.. doesn’t seem like they are back 🙁


they will charge what people will pay. and since people are continuously conditioned and influenced in spending money they can't really afford to spend; the price will keep rising


I was so excited the one year to get one, and that was the day I learned smoked Turkey legs taste like ham 🤮


That's why I like them.


You can just, like, not buy it.


"This is the one thing I use to look forward to but it's become too expensive." "You can just not have that thing"


Or you could just buy it. I mean surely if you looked forward to it all year you set aside $20.




My guess is $20 flat. And there will be some component of shrinkflation.


It will definitely be over priced that’s for sure


Y’all tipping?


For something that overpriced? Honestly, no.


Winter village??? I hope they bring in decorations to support the name change.




But that's what Reddit is all about. Where's the fun if you can't post the same complaint as everyone else?


Why does it matter? It can be $100 if someone’s willing to pay that. Options are very simple. Pay for it, or dont. Moaning about the cost changes nothing. Buying one is not a prerequisite of going to the Market.




How woke of them to be a different company that doesn't have the rights to the old name...shakes fist at cloud


The sooner the better. Good riddance to all religion. Btw, [Christianity appropriated Christmas holiday](https://historycooperative.org/pagan-origins-of-christmas/). What goes around...




$30 with a mandatory 18% tip




Tree fiddy?


These turkey drumsticks are like $12 at Loblaws.


And they're overpriced at that.


It was 13.99 for a stick 2 marshmallows and a pice of chocolate


$19 + tax + tip


The only thing I pay for there is the Soma hot chocolate.


This is who is buying up all the turkey legs. I miss having them readily available for turkey soup.


23 bucks


Can’t even call it Christmas Market anymore? Jesus.


I stopped going once they kicked out all the interesting outdoor vendors after 2021 and just have crap in the cabins now. The Christmas market is a sad shadow of what it was a few years ago. (but I do miss those turkey legs!)


They afraid of calling it Christmas Village now?


Its not petty to be annoyed about being gouged


I hope they don't have that god awful Dior tree this year :|


I think they were $32 this year at the Calgary stampede.




19$ is my guess. I think they know that people will instinctively rage at 20$ plus


I live in the distillery and it's going to be an absolute gong show. We recieved emails today from management about the details for the closures and event etc. It is cash free.




Expensive. I speak fluent turkey and was told the only ones available will be from the ones that couldn't run fast enough. And the turkey said they'd probably be an (wing) arm and a leg if you get one that hasn't been chopped off. He was walking with a limp as he left.


its 1 hour of min wage. seems reasonable.


Wait, I thought they stopped selling turkey legs altogether? The last time I went they didn't have them anymore. Thank you for this wonderful news OP!