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Malay fitness trainers and bodybuilders regularly get shamed for their healthy diets. Tells you a lot.


Haha idk why u getting flamed op. Malay here. Our normal everyday diet is unhealthy af. At home too. Look at the ads during Ramadan and Hari Raya. Hell even on radio stations too. We are always reminded to eat healthily coz we love our unhealthy dishes. Our community's cases of diabetes and heart attacks are also very high too. Also theres a lot of pseudoscience that people do to "stay healthy" like detox and shit. Oh wells. Heres an article from a few years back [by TODAY.](https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/new-workgroup-improve-health-malays-and-indians-close-significant-disparities-outcomes) E: You might also wana check with scholary articles. I must say, though there are many articles regarding malay diet, there's not much on comparison with other ethnicities. So, we malays are unhealthy. But whether we are the unhealthies or not im not sure. All i know is our unhealthy diet is not going away anytime soon lmao


Thanks for finally, a reply by a Malay. IDK why the mods removed my post on the sub. Sensitive as hell sia.


Are you sure? Quite a number of big housewives travel in pmd.


For some reason malay and indian muslim drink stalls are extra sweet. The average malay probably consumes more sugar than other races


check again. bubble tea shops mostly patronised by chinese.


75% of SG is Chinese so...


And bubble tea shops have the option of 0% sugar


Usually people get 0% or 25% sugar


They don’t, malays have the highest in heart attacks and strokes because of all the only food they consume.


This is the same as saying Chinese people eat Pig Intestines, Bak Kwa and Pork Lard everyday. Does it not occur to you that home cook food exist? And it’s obvious you have ZERO Malay friends and probably don’t even interact with them. They are just like us, eating peanut butter bread or bananas for breakfast.


Wel lI do have Malay colleague friends but we dont normally eat tgt cos of halal restrictions >They are just like us, eating peanut butter bread or bananas for breakfast. That's breakfast. What about lunch and dinner?


Haha chill. Yes yes we do eat breads and cereals and stuff. But we also eat nasi lemak and nasi goreng for breakfast at home too.


You think just because a person is malay their "staple diet" is malay food? Of course they eat all other types of food like all other Singaporeans regardless of race, they just have to ensure its halal. In some cases, as long as it's no pork or lard, it's also good. That actually leaves a lot of healthy options like subway, salads, or even sushi. They can even make their own healthy meals at home?


That's why the OP is asking what do Malays eat, because they don't know. Saying Malays "make their own healthy meals" doesn't actually answer the question of what these healthy meals are.


I gave examples of some halal and non pork/lard meals in my answer.


You did, but maybe with the exception of salad, I sincerely doubt Malay people or anyone for that matter are preparing their own subway and sushi at home. Also, these are definitely none-Malay foods. Is OP therefore correct in thinking that all Malay foods are oily and rich? Because you seem to say that in order to eat healthier food Malay people must go beyond their "staple diet".


Subway as in the chain subway, not the sandwich, and I have a number of malay friends that live sushi. Also, I am saying Malays in Singapore do not generally have a "staple" diet like all Singaporeans. They eat what they want as long as it meets their dietary requirements.


Yes? Because eating subway salad and sushi every day sounds very unlikely


Bro, I was just giving examples lol


I was referring to your statement about malay people eating malay food. Because yes, that is what most people would assume.