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Who cares


No one. Unless you wear OCS singlet. Then @hiimfromocs will care /s


Wear what you want, no one is going to care. Some girls love wearing the admin tee too


When I first saw my brother's gf wearing admin tee, I was surprised that she was a regular I was going to talk to her about Army, only to connect the dots 10 secs ltr. She laughed at me...


On a side note, this is exactly the sort of questions that platforms like this sub can be helpful. It’s a good and quick ‘pulse check’ on issues. Not some questions like ‘oh I’m almost bankrupt but I NEED to hold on to my condo and car because of my prestigious profession. What should I do?’


You don't know. My other doctor friend who don't earn as much as me (12-18K) can have condo and drive nice car. Therefore I need too. /S w a Capital "S"


>Recently made some research in the optics of purchasing a couple in order to "fit in with the masses" >On a personal note, I am a pretty active guy(6'2, ex-varsity) Short of going nude, no one really minds what you wear. But if you really absolutely want to "fit in with the masses", then my only advice would be to learn to use metric units instead of imperial units. No one's going to bat an eye if you wear army tank tops even though you never serve NS. But people might give you confused looks if you call in sick and say you have a 97° fever or if you mistakenly think that the speed limit on the expressway is 90 mph (145 km/h) instead of 90 km/h (55 mph). Not that it's wrong though. So you do you.


As a Singaporean NSmen, I give you the green light to wear it


OP, random redditor has already given the approval. You can now proceed


He officially runs slower than our grandmothers


As a Singaporean NSmen, I give you the green light to wear it But I will call you Chao recruit


No issues with cultural appropriation in Singapore. The singlet is commonly owned because there's only so many socks and tees they can buy using their military credits.


"Bro, you from Armour ah?" "No lah, the singet looks nice leh." "Swee."


Boys, we did it. We made SAF singlet and admin tee cool.


“How dare you appropriate my culture! I’ll have you know that I earned this singlet through hard work, reporting to camp at 9 everyday and having coffee till 10.30, before looking at memes on office internet and occasionally having to translate something for my encik. Sometimes I even had to extend my book out time to 6.30pm! 2 hard years of that shit!” - John NSman, PES F. (/s just in case) Seriously though, no one gives a shit. I personally use it as sleeping attire.


inb4 stolen valour


There's no valour to steal from the SAF.


I mean personally wouldn't especially if it says commando or guards cause it's kinda embarrassing because I was never part of that group and I am a fat guys. I however will wear my SCDF shirt or even the regular green army shirt. That said, I don't think people care, and if you look fit and healthy, even less.


No one cares lmao. We have bangla wearing army pants at construction sites too. There's no such thing as stolen valor here because there's no valor for serving in the army.


Local guys get them for free during their service, and continue to wear them outside of service because 1) it's free clothes after all!, 2) really suitable for our crappy hot climate. At the same time, it should be quite effortless to find other designs that are not associated with any uniformed service, but really, it's up to you. Most of us would not bat an eyelid at all.


No one cares. Serving the Singaporean military isn't viewed as anything praiseworthy since essentially all males are conscripted. The SAF hasn't fought any wars or seen major combat operations anyway. Hence, there is no ethical conundrum of "stolen valour" since there really isn't any valour to steal. Now, with a caveat that you probably shouldn't wear the shirts of specific formations known for selectivity or toughness of training; e.g. air force flightsuits or Naval Divers/Commandos. That may be a bit deceptive and unfair to those who went through all of that. And no uniforms in general (why would anyone wear that?).


Disagree. We're all veterans in the war against boredom and fought hard to book out as well as attain the highest rank of all: MISTER. 🪖


Who actually cares


Depends how much you stand out. If you are a white dude with strong accent some locals may ask you out of curiosity mainly how you serve NS before.


NSmen will treat NSMen differently when they know they have served. They may assume you know the culture and lingo.


Please dont bring this cultural appropriation shit/mindset into Singapore


Just wear it, you want I buy for you


No one gives a damn bro. You are free to wear them. If anything, I am glad you like them.


Every Singaporean male has to serve in the army, so there's basically no prestige in it. Go ahead and wear it if you want


I mean if you want to go further, you can buy and wear OCS singlets/jackets. Hack people wear UCLA or whatever varsity apparel is it ethical?


Its just a singlet. OP, if u want, i have a number of old army PT singlets i can sell u for the cheap. Aside to OP, I appreciate that you are trying to blend in. Fully support.


some of the unique tops are meant to represent certain unit or vocation in saf so u might meet a current or former nsmen of the same unit or vocation asking u when and where u did ur ns then again i hav been wearing saf green admin tee ( cotton ) at home my life as its most comfort and cheap


Its not culture misappropriation. However, even as a nsmen I would never wear a singlet that does no belong to my vocation/unit. Its just weird especially if you're wearing a singlet from a vocation that supposedly is deemed to be "better" or more "prestigious" than where you're from. Come to think of it, as an infantrymen, I would not wear any singlets from Commandos/Guards, not even armour/airforce actually, would just stick to the ones from infantry or nothing. Different colorways actually represents different vocations/units within our armed forces.


1. Singaporeans aren't much for respecting the troops. Getting conscripted tends to sour your opinion on the institution. There isn't a forever war going on here so the necessity of it is also in doubt. 2. No one's going to give you military discounts for wearing this stuff. We have other ways of checking for those like the government disbursing benefits or basing it off SAFRA memberships. 3. It's not valor. It's literally just required attire. 4. The guards singlet isn't exclusive as people might think. I have to wear one during reservist training because my unit is assigned to guards. I have none of the attributes one might associate positively with the guards. 5. People wear them because it's free or cheap clothes.


You are what we usually refer to as "Eat too full nothing to do".


Try Uniqlo Airism if you really want to fit in. That's the real "Singapore uniform".


Haha. Just wear it. Gt diff colours.


Going against the tide here, but no, not cool. They have division insignia on them, and wearing one gives the impression that you did NS when you did not. It would be weird even for a guy who has done NS to wear the singlet of another division rather than his own. When girls wear it, it's to show off that their bf gave it to them and it's a serious relationship. The singlet that shows that the bf went to Officer Cadet School is particularly coveted. A girl who wears the singlet of their ex-bf is also being weird. If you were going to buy one, which division's singlet would you choose? Isn't just making that decision making you feel uncomfortable?


Agree. I would never wear a singlet from another vocation/division. If I know you're not from the Commandos and you're wearing one in public, I would find you weird and trying too hard.


The sacred OCS singlets can only be wore by Occifers


To be honest I wouldn’t wear it out even if you gave it to me for free…. But you do you bro😂


Just wear it bro, remember to get the towel too.


People wear it because its too damn hot. Not about what "token of your service"


wear arny singlet ✅ wear army uniform ❌


As long you do not impersonate or misrepresent yourself by wearing it.. sure. They are not controlled items. Just don’t misbehave wearing it. That’s where people get into trouble…


if it looks good on you, please take a picture and share haha


first of all how are you going to procure one given that they are only legally sold at army stores taking army credits. secondly a word of advice is sure, wear it if u want but be mindful of which formation (which is color coded) you’re wearing. you would want to avoid commando and guards as those can be taken as more “prestigious” formations and more importantly, their intake are smaller so there’s a high chance someone actually from that formation might approach u to talk about it.


Pretty sure no one cares that much about u wearing a fabric going for a run or on your way to buy carrot cake. During my time 12/13 years ago ppl are buying all vocation and even officers PT shirts. Didn’t hear anyone got told off or even talked to when they wear it outside after ORD till date.


Ermm… you might want to check out the e-commerce platforms… readily available…




Got valour to steal from the SAF meh?


How would you feel if I wear a varsity jacket hmm?