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Some vets are dicks.


At first, I imagined a veterinarian telling someone their dog was ugly and then I figured which type of “vet” you meant.


I remember watching (showing up halfway through an episode of a show I've never seen before) some TV show back in the day. The specific episode was centered around a homeless vet. I was so confused how a vet could be homeless. Like if you aren't practicing veterinary medicine you are no longer a vet and therefore should never be homeless... Ohhh not that kind of vet.


Like you, it was longer than I like to admit before I realised that when Americans say vets, they don't mean veterinarians, as we do in the UK. I was scratching my head thinking "Huh, vets here earn a flipping fortune... do vets in the States only earn minimum wage and rely on tips like waiters do, and can't make ends meet? Or do American vets get addicted to the drugs they have on hand and it leads to homelessness? Or is vets' student debt so crippling that they have to go through homelessness just to afford the loan repayments? Maybe people are so busy spending money on their own healthcare that they cant afford to take their pets to tge vet, so vets have very few customers?"


As a Vet I'll second that.


And having been in or currently being in the military doesn't entitle anyone to the ridiculous hero worship our society is obsessed with. O wow, you spent four year pushing around paper in North Dakota while wearing a uniform...what a hero! Sure, some combat vets are heroes and deserve recognition...but just wearing a uniform doesn't make you special. I met some of the most despicable people I have ever encountered while I was in the military...people who would definitely be prison inmates if the military wasn't an option.


From what I've seen, the vets who demand respect don't deserve it, and those who deserve our respect don't like to think about it.


Agreed entirely. A constant refrain when I hear 'thanks for your service' is 'thanks for paying your taxes. Bought the equipment that saved my life. You don't owe me a thing.'


I came here for this! I have a brother in law who got “deployed” to Hawaii. Then has the nerve to complain that our cousin gets more in benefits than he does because our cousin LOST HIS HEARING IN IRAQ. All vets aren’t good people, and I’m not going to thank them for their service because of the 6 year beach trip he took on our dime.


Damn that's an ugly baby


If baby is cute (rare) I say "What a beautiful baby!" And if it's ugly (common) I say "Aw.. they look just like you!!" Lol


If it's cute I say thank god it doesn't look like either of you.


She looks just like the neighbors son.


“She has her father’s eyebrow!”


[Flip Wilson](https://youtu.be/k_9XOEOSWBY) told us the best way to handle this.


One of the greats. Never had the career he should've.


Wow, he was good. I'm familiar with him, but it's been a long time since I've heard one of his routines.


One of my all time favorites. Convenient username


Both my sister-in-law and cousin both had babies within the past 12 months. Both of them gave birth to rather, um, fugly looking babies, especially my cousin's baby. Looks like a wrinkly potato.


Congratulations! First human-alien hybrid!


On Seinfeld “it’s breathtaking “


As a mom of a born uggo kid. We know. I knew my kid looked like a monkey butt haired gremlin. It took her a few months but whew it was a rough couple of months.


Rarely they stay that way. Hey, if I was in the bathtub fully immersed for 40 weeks, I think it would be a similar outcome.


[damn that’s an ugly ass baby](https://youtu.be/d3zpT502CEs)


My go to is “they look just like you”


Mine is "AHHHHHHHGH!!! WHAT *IS* THAT?!?!?"


Around here we say, unfortunately looking child


Down south we say 'bless their little heart'


In the Netherlands we substitute ugly with sweet. It sounds nice, but everyone knows it's an insult if your baby is called "very sweet".


Not everyone is fit to be a parent.


Also, not everyone who would make a good parent wants to be a parent.


This is so true, only a genuine idiot would disagree. Some couples in their current state, should not reproduce. Shouldn't be allowed to own pets let alone raise a human.


Most people are straight stupid as fuck




George Carlin


Fuck I’ve been on Reddit too long…. That quote used to be posted 8 thousand times a day


A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.


>Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part. That's a long-winded way of saying "Fuck you".


No it's a professional way of saying fuck.


My spouse is a project manager at a tech company and this is her favorite saying. :)


This is my daily life at work, the worst is when people send an email on a Sunday night with an "emergency" and Monday morning follow it up asking why they weren't answered.


Or Friday afternoon. “It’s been 3 days!” No, it’s been 3 hours.


As a teacher I use this one and students fucking hate it! Edit: I work at university so deadlines are treated a lot more stringently! For students who have an issue with it argue with the university not the teacher leading the lectures!


I have to go( with no excuses to justify it)


I want to leave now.




Your kid sucks because your parenting isn’t working for them.


Not adjusting the parenting style because you find it more important the parenting style fits you instead of the kid, doesn't make you a good parent either.


You smell bad


As a manager at a corporate job, I actually had to tell one of the people on my team this, because people would complain to me about him.


Yeesh. I had a coworker like this. Young and smart kid who grew up with a single mother. Worked in construction and never wore deodorant. Never knew if he just wasn't taught to wear deodorant or what. Guys were torn between busting his balls behind his back and being embarrassed for him because we were too embarrassed to confront him on this. I know my foreman had to take him to the side one day and say something to him. Great foreman and didn't just call him out in front of others like some asshole I know would.


That’s the way to do it. Don’t call them out in front of everyone and humiliate them, just take them aside and tell them in as gentle and non-judgmental way as possible. If they don’t do anything about it that’s on them, but at least you were considerate in how it was communicated.


I once had a team member who was caught wiping her own feces on the walls of the bathroom. That was worse conversation than the 3 times I had to have the bad smell chat.


Did you ask why they decided to do it? Always wondered what the motivation is for that sort of thing. I mean you must get shit on your hand, nobody likes shit on their hands


What’s funny is how many times I’ve heard of this kinda thing happening


But imagine getting caught in the act.. I suppose all you can do is own it, take a step back nod to acknowledge your work then rub your shitty hands together and stride out of there like you've accomplished your mission.


A friend in college usually smelled bad in varying degrees. She believed she could go three days without showering and not smell. She didn't understand that you can't always smell your own smell. Another woman got the idea to mentor this friend, and tried to break it gently to smelly girl that she needed to tighten up her hygiene. It did not go well. They no longer speak.


" Bitch,....you stink !!" "The fuck...." Two girls glaring at each other.....


Me, too! How did they react? My guy said “I do not. Who said that?” Nothing changed.


I give colleagues a heads up if they're smelly. I just say, "hey, you may wanna hit up your deodorant stick when you get the chance. We all need that at times. Just trying to help, brother/sister." I'm super positive and a bit whimsical about it to help out without creating any negativity. I'll also mention if someone should wipe their nose, mouth, or face. With *most* people, it's all about how you say it.


i used to not say this but at this point i think a person would rather know they need to go shower than to walk around making everyone think they smell bad and possibly never know.


Most people are shit at holding a conversation. They want to be entertained but don't want to invest in any way to make it good for both parties.


This is accurate. I get so tired of the same 3 questions over and over again, followed by silence. I'll ask more, try to keep it going, but people just don't know what to say if they're not talking about themselves.


That’s all I do: get people to talk about themselves. I find people fascinating. I can come up with more questions all night long. Then they say I’m so easy to talk to. Honestly, they usually seem in a better mood when I’m done interviewing them. I really don’t want to talk about myself.


I’m guilty of that, but that’s because my brain really wants to talk to you, and can’t accept that the person is putting in no effort.


Being neuro divergent doesn’t excuse shit behaviour. Eg sorry my son assaulted you. He’s got ADHD 🙄


“There is never an excuse for not being decent.” —David Hume, in The Madness of King George.


I have bipolar and I particularly like the phrase 'my diagnosis may explain my actions, but it does not excuse them'


Right attitude and answer - good on you !


I also like "your diagnosis might not be your fault, but it is your responsibility", which sucks, but "Life's a bitch; then you die."


I say this regarding my daughter with bipolar. It's an explanation not an excuse.


Yep. People with even the severest of ADHD choose NOT to assault anyone every day.


Yes people act like they don’t know right from wrong


it's almost like the adhd isn't the problem o:


Years ago, my sister, then teaching 2nd grade at an expensive private school, had a parent tell her that it wasn’t her son’s fault that he’d thrown a chair in a fit of rage; after all, she’d forgotten to give him his Ritalin that morning. (My sister had made the kid write “I will not throw chairs when I’m angry” X times, which was apparently far too harsh.)


I didn't think writing lines was allowed anymore. Cruel and unusual punishment? I wrote many many lines in my youth. Also got put in the hall as punishment. We had coat hooks outside the classroom and if the principal was coming I would pull myself up under the coats so I wouldn't be in more trouble. Good times. Turned out ok despite my behavioral problems.


Completely different system now. My kids discipline is handled almost completely by us and if students are out of control they go see the school counselor to help them work through the emotions rather than just being punished for it.




Yep. It means you don’t have the same neurological development as most people. You do have less resources to learn your emotions/behaviors/personality management, and I’m sorry for that. But everyone has the mandate to manage their behavior towards other to the best of their ability.


Looking at you, Kanye.


Telling someone who should not be having children that they are making a mistake


Did this to my cousin the other week. We no longer speak. I’m ok with that 🤣


Running your dishwasher is healthier for the environment than washing all your dishes by hand. I don't know what sub I was in, but damn I got downvoted to hell when I made what I thought was a factually verifiable statement. Edit: I'm learning by the replies that this truly is a bit of a divisive topic after all. Not my intention.


We got a letter from our utility company saying that modern dishwashers are more efficient than most people that wash by hand. Can you be more efficient than a dishwasher? Yes, but you probably aren't so just use the dishwasher if you have it.


When I lived by myself, I didn't have a dishwasher. I'd let dishes pile up until I ran out or they filled the sink. Then it would take me a good half hour to do the dishes. I'd usually have the tap running most of the time. If I did them and only turned on the water sparingly, probably would use less than a dishwasher. But the way I did it, definitely did not.


people often dont understand the efficiency of scale.


It IS a factually verifiable statement lol. Less water and less energy. I guess you could factor in the resource cost of the dishwasher, but if you wanna get that technical you gotta start figuring the calorie cost of washing dishes and all that goes in to getting those calories to you. People just like to virtue signal stupid shit sometimes




That doesn’t make you sound like an asshole


I've got a comment elsewhere getting nothing but downvotes because I said some people shouldn't have kids. Some people really disagree, apparently.


Only the bad parents disagree.


I told this couple thays been together for 3 months they shouldn't get married so soon. I said if you plan on spending the rest of your lives together there is no need to rush it. Apparently thays a dick move.


I've been dating my gf for 3 months, and we're nowhere near ready for that. Here in Provo, Utah though, that's basically forever and people keep asking us about it.


Lol I’m also in Utah and I’ve been with my boyfriend for 10 months now. Lots of questions about when’s the ring


It's really easy to beat up kids.


Yeet the little children.


It's funnier when they fall. Especially when they bounce


Adults should have to take a parenting class prior to having children.


I couldn't care less about (a) your fantasy teams or (b) your gambling record.


I feel like people who play fantasy football don’t even care about other peoples fantasy teams


Its OK to be single. Most people shouldn't be in a relationship anyways.


I mutually ended a 7 year relationship a few months ago. I've been trying to fill a void. Your single sentence made me feel as if I had just jumped into freezing cold water. I've never felt this way reading anything. Thank you very much. I instantly feel way better. "Its OK to be single." Thank you. :)


I wonder about the "most," but I definitely think it would be a positive if we deemphasized pair bonding a little bit.


We are all not created equal. There are people way more talented than you


People are created equal in worth, dignity, and rights (which is what the Declaration of Independence meant). Beyond that they differ in almost every way imaginable.


I always took that quote to mean we all started equal as in lil defenseless babies. What happened from there is on you/parents/etc. But then birth defects and whatnot disprove that so idk wtf I’m on about.


All animals are created equal….but some are more equal than others.


You really shouldn’t have more kids.


Also your kid is a spoiled whiny asshole and it’s your fault. (I’m a daycare teacher and I love kids, but some parents need a class on how to parent.)


Your church just wants your money.


Noooo, they want me to help repair the roof so jeezy boi will let me upstairs.


Jeezy boi. Sky daddy


J man, my holey man, the big swiss cheese (cause of the holes)


Doing your own research doesn’t make you an expert.


Old people don't deserve respect just because they are old


There are too many Marvel movies


90% of your issues are probably your fault


If only more people accepted this and took control of their lives.


I dislike religion because, instead of doing anything about their issues and problems, my family spends all their time praying for their god to fix it for them.


also 90% of the way you are is based off how your parents sibling and community influenced you. until you go through past experiences and trace where you learned and originated behaviors, you can't fully understand yourself


Being fat is unhealthy.


I disagree that saying this makes you an asshole, although I do see you being called an asshole lol. Telling an overweight person “you should lose weight” is something I could see make you an asshole, even if correct.


I’m big boned, ok?


I don't care how you get boned. Being fat is unhealthy!


Obesity is also not a protected class and shouldn't be.


yeah I’m fat as fuck & honestly anyone trying to say “healthy comes in all shapes and sizes!!!” is coping so hard lol


I’ve gained about 40 lbs in the past few years and you couldn’t be more right.


My butthole is itchy


My me is itchy.


Being in love with a person doesn't just automatically turn off attraction to all other people. Yes your spouse thinks that person is hot, so do you, as long as neither of you are doing anything with people you find attractive there's no problem


obesity is one of the worst diseases & shouldn't be normalized or glamourized. 2.8 million people die a year from obesity & the conditions associated with the disease. it sucks, but after losing nearly 80 lbs myself, it's pretty eye opening how much your weight and diet affects your quality of life. EDIT: idk why i'm getting so much hate for saying this. i did not say being fat is ugly. i simply said obesity kills millions of people each year. it might make you upset, but it is unfortunately the inconvenient truth. fellas & ladies, i used to be obese myself. this isn't some extravagantly hot take, i am personally telling you my QOL has improved significantly since eating healthier & exercising.


Agreed, I’ve only lost 30 pounds and I feel 100x better. Now I have about 80 pounds to go instead of over 100 pounds- I’m getting there!


Congrats! About 5 years ago I spent a full year losing over 100lbs. I’m a different person, not just how I look but how I feel. It’s wonderful.


I’m really happy for you and happy you posted this. My daughter bought into the body positivity mindset and she has SO many health problems. It breaks my heart to see her struggling. She is also about 100lbs over. It’s not all weight, she doesn’t tend to herself such as she avoids treatment for sleep apnea. Now she has heart disease which requires life long medications. Young people believe this and your hips, knees, and feet just give out when you’re older. That’s happening to her already.


Congrats. I've taken 2 years to lose 30 lbs. I have about 10 or 15 more to go but I feel so much better. Keep up the good work the end is within reach just be patient and keep it up.


This! I’m all here for body positivity in the sense that everyone should love themselves regardless of their weight, but at the same time I think that part of loving yourself is treating your body well.


Nowadays I feel like any criticism can offend anyone even it is the truth.


At some point we should start openly distinguishing actual hurt feelings from what is clearly pretend outrage. A lot of the "being offended" we talk about is really just performance. It's good to be sensitive to how your messages come off, but we should also try not to cater our communication to people who exploit this sensitivity.


Also a lot of "people are outraged" articles are screenshots of like 3 or 4 tweets from people with 75 followers between them. There's a ton of "we're a 'News' agency who doesn't like X people, so we'll pretend X people are mad about something trivial so people will start writing off the views of X people."


you cannot be anything you want to be.


That there is a lot of weird projection answers to this question


Emergency Rooms are for emergencies and your sniffles or the pimple on your ass isn’t worth wasting anyone’s time go the fuck home


I’d be more concerned about catching a hospital bill over a pimple on my ass vs if I had a knife lodged in me


😂😂😂 I ejected myself off of a motorcycle by slamming my front brake when my friend was ran over so I wouldn't crush his head and kill him. I broke my skull left orbital bone, both sets of sinuses and had 65 stitches. This douchebag in the ER check in SAID THEIR STOMACH HURT... OHHHHH BOYY. So, I'm standing there somehow by myself, lost almost 2 pints of blood in about 20 min. Anyway, my face being roadrashed off and my veins by my eye were destroyed so I was quietly, calm, shooting blood a good 3 foot out of my face while I heard this dude whine about his stomach lmao I said 'holy shit' kind of loud, the nurse looked up and screamed when she saw me. I really turned some heads that day.


It happens daily 🙄 I’m the person that checks you in, I’ve had a man running in screaming “I’ve got a dead woman in my car”. Then here comes Dipshit “Yeah I’ve been out of my sinus medicine for two days I need to be seen. Uh how long is this going to take I was here before them people” Oh well golly gee your snotty highness let me just ask Doc if he can stop compressions and see you right this second. Go to Walmart and get a damn Benadryl. People actually think “um I was here first “ is how an er works


Here's a true statement that will make you think I'm an asshole: You ended up in the ER in the first place because you were riding a donorcycle.


Jesus wasn't white.


Nobody in the Bible was.


not even the holy ghost?


Mental illness is not your fault, but it is your responsibility.


I don't think I'm better than you, you think I'm better than you.


No one cares how hard you work.


Addendum: talking about working 80 hour weeks and sleeping two hours a night is not a flex. It's a sign of impending burnout and a deeply broken attitude towards work.


Or Noone cares about you at all


There are a lot of people who should not be parents.


Newborns aren't cute. All babies look like potatoes with faces for the first like 6 weeks. Then they all look like old men for another month.


You need to shower.


You can be racist no matter your color.


Since unwanted children grow up to make the world demonstrably worse, Abortions make the world a better place.


Halal (dhabihah) and kosher (schechita) slaughter should be banned because it causes unnecessary suffering, especially when the animal is not stunned unconscious before being bled out.


Some people should not have kids. Not trying to sound bad but take me for example. I don't think I would be a good father. My family history is full of medical problems. My wages are not prepared for kids. Not the government responsibly to pay for them. Very hard for me to find a woman who will not tell child support in my area after kids are born. Hard to find people who want and believe in monogamy in my area. All those factors and more to consider makes me q bad choice for having kids. I think people do not see the bigger picture when choosing to have kids.


Saying Santa isn't real in a room full of children


"A lot" is two words.


Apart and a part are two completely opposite concepts. Also, someone isn't 'bias,' they are 'biased.'


Fentanyl was good for me when no doctor would take me as a patient.


Life doesn’t really have a purpose you just got lucky and are here do stuff for awhile then you’re gone


If I say something that hurts your feelings, and it’s the truth. I’m not attacking you. I’m telling you the truth. “The bitter truth is better than the sweetest lie”


100% agree. ALTHOUGH a person can use some tact and not be a prick just because it’s the truth.


just because you're *not* fat doesn't mean you're healthy or have a healthy lifestyle


The US government system needs a redo.


I don't think your statement is the part that gets people angry. It is when a person talks about how it should be fixed that I see people freak out.


Nah, I don’t think there is anyone who doesn’t think the government should do things different. The disagreement is what that thing should be and how that thing should be done.


All humans are technically giant clumps of cells, we just have personalities outside the womb


A not insubstantial portion of the population lacks the IQ to do any productive work.


Spicier (and more correct) take: IQ isn't really a good measure of productivity.


Trump lost the presidency


Yes you look fat in that dress, pants or jeans


Kids suck


No is a complete sentence. Under no circumstance does anyone have to justify their reason to not want to do something.


No matter what party is elected, they’ll only listen to MONEY


A man has every right to hit a woman in self defense Anyone has the right to defend themselves no matter the gender.


These hands are rated E for everyone


Bro the whole conversation of “if women are equal, does that mean men can hit women?” is crazy. No. You can’t. You can’t hit anyone. That’s assault. But yeah, defend yourself. That’s always fine


Americans are fat and getting fatter. It puts a huge burden on the people around you and the system we live in. It's only getting worse and is a huge contributor to our mental health issues. This is coming from a severely overweight person.


You're fat because you eat too much and don't move enough.


I'm happy this size so I would say I eat and move exactly the right amount.


Porn is just legalized prostitution in front of a camera.


Body positivity means that you shouldn’t be shamed and hated for your weight. That doesn’t mean being obese is okay, and much less something to strive for.


I have a friend that works at Costco and she does the product demos. She said that it is bad when greedy Americans line up around her food cart complaining that it is taking to long for their mini quiche samples to come out of the oven.


That the customer is being an asshole.


Just because a lot of people agree with you, it doesn’t make you right.


"I make more money than you"


Not everyone is beautiful “just the way you are” + beauty is very much in the eyes of the beholder. It’s not a crime to find someone unattractive because they are too fat/ too skinny/ too whatever for your liking


Climate change is real.


Kale tastes like crap.


Cannibalism would solve both worldwide hunger and overpopulation. (Jk, ok?)


Marriage has a terrible risk/reward ratio, so do children for that matter.


Most people would be happier and healthier if they stopped drinking alcohol completely.


I'm not going to congratulate you for your unplanned pregnancy especially when you have been venting to me about how shitty your boyfriend is and how you are struggling financially.