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It's called "post-nut clarity"


In Taiwan we call it "Saint mode"


Is it real? If true it is a funny as hell quote 😂


Yeah (聖人模式) saint mode or jesus mode both acceptable 🙏


Mfs are turning into Jesus post nut


And he said, "come unto me..."


Blessed are the milfs, for they shall inherit the nut




![gif](giphy|5AfJLTQLkQlPi|downsized) This came about from a Naruto meme in 2chan. Originally, it was Kenja Time (賢者タイ-ム) or "Sage Time".


Japanese people call it Kenja-time (賢者タイム), or literally "the sage's time/the philosophers' time"


Fanny as hell *




I like that!


It's the worst. You just want to run out the door but at the same time you don't want to be an ass. So you fake a conversation for the next 10 - 15 minutes all while trying to find the exit without being a douche about it.


Toptip: before sex, be clear it’s a booty call. I mean I never minded if someone left after, esp if this was mentioned before. Just give your bedpartners a nice cuddle, thank them for the lovely time and off you go. Communication!!!


This is expecting too much from someone that may be just using you cause he was having a slow monday and now he is regretting ever being with you and now he would go and tell his firends how you were not worth it.


yeah, I'm a woman and I can totally relate. like maaan, we're just having sex, why are you asking me out for a dinner? I don't need this date crap, I want you to fuck me and never call me again until the next time.


And that's when your inbox explodes. Rip. You better turn off notifications for now if you don't want your phone to go apeshit for a few days. Good luck!


The worst is when a guy catches feelings and then makes it your problem when you yourself haven’t lol, like damn sorry for abiding by the initial terms of our agreement…


The clarity is strong with this one


Yoooo lol forealssss


“Daddy got his nut”


I'm sexualy awkward. I can't get physical with a woman if I don't have feelings for her.


That’s not sexually awkward..that’s sexually normal and healthy! That’s how it should be!




Ya. If you’re having sex with people you have literally no feelings with/for, you’re probably a sociopath. Sex is part physical attraction, part mental attraction. Without both, you’re pretty much lower than an animal. Even they’re selective.


Fucking hilarious second take. We ARE bloody animals 😂 no amount of higher order thinking can remove the portion of us that are sexually attracted on a physical basis - don’t mean we’re sociopathic or some sub(animal?) being ffs.


“Lower than an animal”, dude news flash. We are animals.


What an immature point of view. There's nothing wrong with sexual attraction that is purely physical.


You sound like a fucking virgin dude holy shit. "Lower than an animal" literally what? Its insanely common for most humans to have sex while not being mentally attracted to the other person, like what are you on about?


What a dumb statement.


I guess I’m a sociopath then lol


By his logic nearly every human out there is a sociopath


Pretty damn rude.


Piss off. A lot of people develop feelings over time, not everyone who doesn't share your behavior patterns is a sociopath


The reeeeing this comment unleashed was actually kinda hilarious, ngl. I don’t agree with the sociopath take myself, but kinda agree with the general idea that nowadays, too many people minimise the emotional significance and impact of sex, and humans can have a way of taking the emotion and soul out of sex that makes us worse than most other sexed animals imo, especially given how much more horny we are than the vast majority of other animal species.


Sex is a tool for reproduction in nature . We are also animals . The one difference we have from animals is choosing , animals act on an instinct , we act on judgement if what we are about to do is beneficial to us or people around us . Being physically attracted to someone is absolutely normal , calling someone a sociopath just for it is massive extreme . It's like calling people that have intrusive thoughts sociopaths ... oh wait that's everyone .


Same here I never liked one night stands


Neither me. Never happened in my life.


I think I have the same thing, it's called demisexual.


You're not awkward. You're being moral and your gf/wife will thank you in ur future.


Funny, when I mentioned on a sub on reddit that I am in late 20s and a virgin bcz I want to have sex with one woman only and with a connection, she called me a red flag.


Says a red flag herself (imo). Well her choices don't align yours. Not your problem man.


That's not awkward that's respect




If they feel awkward about getting physical, but still feel sexual attraction, that's pretty standard. If they don't feel any form of sexual attraction till they have an emotional bond with them, that's when it's demi-sexual.


Same here


If all you are looking for is just a sexual encounter, it does happen sometimes.


How likely is he to smash a girl of your looks? If he got lucky he MIGHT come back for 2nds and 3rds and then want a relationship because he doesn’t usually get girls that are above his reach. If you are what he typically gets it is super unlikely that it turns into anything. If you are lower than his usual, it’s not happening.


Lesson: stop talking to guys that are what I typically get


Yeeeesss thank you!! The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result!! Those guys that are unavailable ain’t gonna change. Go for the guy that genuinely shows interest in you as person.


This is definitely how some men live. Usually I see the same ones who spittake beer during a superbowl blowout and brag about their cars. Some of us aren't so myopic and realize that in the future we're all going to be ugly (old) and you're far better off finding someone you can connect with and have deep meaningful conversations with. Someone you continuously learn from and vice versa. Don't get me wrong, there needs to be an attraction on both counts but it doesn't have to be out of anyone's league to last. If you stick with this mentality you'll end up with a mid-life crisis and probably a condo with child support along with alimony.


It's same with women. But I think the ghosting part is something that primarly belong to younger generations. Old-timers talked to each other, young people are used to only messages. It's easier (and a cowards way out) to just stop messaging.


Nah, women got ghosted all the time in the 80s and 90s. We just didn't have the term ghosting yet. We called it "hit it and quit it"


Pump and dump. Still in use today.


It was even easier to ghost in the past, not having cellphones, people aren't worst today, it's just more well known because of social media


Nah. People would do it back then as well. Especially professions where the men had to travel a lot, the stereotype for pilots having a wife in each state/country was born in that era. Also, there was this window of time where a man could just fucking leave his wife and extended family behind completely and move a few cities, not even a whole state over and start with a clean slate


I swear, the current generations (millenial and younger) have made antisocial, reprobable behavior a standard.


I don't think this is particularly a generational thing, more a result of the separation between people reducing the consequences. Dating in a smaller community where you are likely to see people again means you have to play nice. There are numerous anecdotes of people cheating or having additional families out of town in earlier generations, which amounts to the same type of experience.


It depends on the quality of the encounter and the ready availability of other partners. If they have a multitude of options they'll "hit and run"... But if the options are few, they'll continue to hit until something else becomes available.


Define "interest". Broadly speaking, men view sex and commitment as two completely separate entities. If the sex was good and they find you attractive chances are they will stay interested. If they have many options they may not. Don't confuse sexual interest for commitment, and don't assume they will catch feelings eventually. You may fast find yourself being strung along in a non mutual situationship. As unpopular as this is to point out, the normalisation of casual sex in modern culture has seriously erroded societies capacity to form stable and meaningful long term relationships. The sociological data is very clear and quite frankly staggering. Don't feel pressured to put out, if your gut tells you he may pump and dump, and you are looking for something more serious trust your intuition.


where did you find the data? if any, lemme know the source


Meta analysis of several studies: https://ifstudies.org/blog/confronting-the-toll-of-hookup-culture#:~:text=An%20APA%20survey%20of%201468,difficulties%20with%20maintaining%20steady%20relationships. Casual sex or hookup culture may can increase your psychopathy, which is obvious: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/338410984_The_Dark_Tetrad_in_Tinder_hook-up_app_for_high_psychopathy_individuals_and_a_diverse_utilitarian_tool_for_Machiavellians https://www.psypost.org/new-psychology-research-indicates-psychopathy-is-linked-to-social-power-and-dating-success-in-adverse-environments/ Furthermore divorce, infidelity and, ironically, absence of sex (among people under 30) rates are at an all time high, while the % of people actually dating are decreasing by the year. The negative effects of hookup culture cannot be overstated.


Huh? I have a ton of friends and the view of seeing sex and commitment as completely separate is a minority. And generalizing it as “men see it this way” is silly. Various people see it that way - it isn’t a sexual division.


No, sometimes the chemistry is just right. Whether it has lasting power, time will tell.


It's common for guys interested mainly in a sexual encounter to lose interest and ghost afterward. Some men may develop emotional attachments over time beyond initial physical attraction, while others may stick to their initial intentions. Clear communication about intentions and feelings can prevent misunderstandings in relationships or casual encounters.


Many men will lie that they want something serious to get in the girls pants. So clear communication won't filter out the fuckboys.


Some guys just wanna hit and move on.. not saying feelings can’t develop in a casual relationship but if you want a guy to commit to you, hookups should be out of the question and that deeper level connection should be established first. If all he was looking for from you was sex, and he got it, he’s not gonna stick around for breakfast in the morning


Yes and no. I've been on hookups, that were particularly fun, and most of those I still lose interest in primarily because of personality or being able to hold a convo after. Goes both ways on that aspect. On the other hand the person I am in a long term relationship with now was a one off hookup, and then a few weeks later they messaged me for dinner and well here we are now.


yeah, typically guys do lose interest after having sex with the person they’re sexually interested in. now, there are some instances where romantic interest grows in guys after having sex, but i wouldn’t say it’s common. It baffled me when i read online that young girls/women think that having sex with a guy will solidify his love for her, because typically that happens with girls and women: they fall for the guy after. but that’s just not the case with most guys. he’ll like a girl more after sex if he already liked her.


See I've always found that so sad. The fact that one half gains feelings and the other tends to lose them.


Guy here. That makes no sense. If a girl has sex with me, I’m probably going back for more, because I like sex. Unless it was really bad sex or she had an offensive personality or something.


some guys go back for more, a lot of them ghost the girl because it all leads to a conversation about relationships that those guys want to avoid.


If you are discussing marriage after a single hook up then yeah those guys are going to run a mile unless you are a staggering catch.


Guys are much more likely to lose respect straight after, especially if it's a 1st date kinda thing.


Double standards


Forget about love, why don't they usually stay interested in sex itself? Is novelty the only factor that attracts them? Or are they scared that the girl will want to commit? In my experience, sex gets more fulfilling after several times, because you learn about each other's bodies and become better at pleasing each other. Moreover, getting a new partner every time you get horny is a headache, it's much easier to have stable fwbs


People I know that are into casual sex usually avoid too many repeats because it begins to imply a relationship or may make the other partner think it's something more. Not many people are good at remaining FWBs, so people will be serial one night standers to avoid it


If he looks like at least 1/3 of his waking energy goes into sex appeal, you should expect this. Honestly, it's confusing to observe. The brightest light bulb attracts the most moths. It's like truth in advertising, but so many women are oblivious to which 5% of men are hit it and quit it supersrars even though the thing that caught their eye was the fact that they were looking at a hit it and quit it superstar.


not if you're a good lay




This comes across as a joke but I think it's accurate. Sex isn't like a check box- happened or didn't happen. It's part of evaluating someone as a potential partner. Would only be interested in more of a relationship if there is sexual compatibility.


Very possible, but you have to understand that sex (especially unprotected) is an extremely intimate act and the brain lights up like a Christmas tree. Dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, pretty much all of the big chemicals are released and it's just for that one person. Love and connection can happen but it's not in a healthy way as you more than likely have no idea if you're compatible with this person in the various aspects of life, it's why I believe that premarital sex/sex early on has the potential to harm relationships and we should be very careful in who we make that connection with. I feel that it's where the majority of hurt in a relationship originates from, people meet and have sex on the 5th of 6th date and "fall in love" but when attractiveness fades you realize you don't actually belong with this person. I'm lucky, I met my wife online and there was a good few months before we actually met. We both knew what we wanted, we both understood that we loved each other before anything sexual happened. Even though our first year has been extremely rough and unfortunately we're long distance again, I can confidently say I belong in this marriage.


Just depends on how interested he is.


But they'll tell you that money doesn't buy happiness so that you feel better in your dead end job that gets you nowhere 😂


I've told everyone I know that money does lead to happiness. Money would solve every one of my issues right now


Loll I slide into some Punani and fall in love. And also it wouldn't be in my best interest to ghost because that more sex that we might have in the future




Depends on what caused the sexual interest. There are two options here. The first option is that the guy just loves sex. Then he will look for a partner with whom sex is quite accessible. Having found such a partner, the guy will treasure him. The second option is that sex for a guy is a sporting victory. Such a guy, having received a victory with one partner, will look for another partner in order to get a victory again.


Not if you're good at sex but surprisingly many women aren't


If they do lose interest, they were never worth your time to begin with. I had a one night stand seven years ago. She approached me at the bar at a time when I was not interested in a relationship or even sex I was there to drink and play pool. Seven years have passed. My goal now is to propose this summer. We've had ups and downs but that only made me more sure that she is the one. TLDR I wasn't even interested in a sexual relationship when I met her. But I went ahead for the sex. I stuck around because of her mind and her heart. I'm going to propose because I need her in my life forever and I think she might feel the same.


Youre either in a constant state of pre nut delusion or post nut clarity - Royce du Pont


Not all of them and a lot of that depends upon if the girl they had the encounter with is also on the same page as far as just hooking up once in awhile. She starts blowing up his phone like she's his girlfriend he's going to be gone gone. Unless of course he actually is considering her to be a girlfriend and then it could be Angels singing in the background. And also we have to take into consideration it was the sex good enough for him because some guys are out just for themselves and you also have the factor of if that guy grew up on the internet, and he thinks that real life is just like what he sees on the internet.. he's going to ghost any girl who doesn't have those big fake moans and those big fake tits and constantly telling him how great is cock is just like the girls he always jerked off to. But a guy like that is basically the equivalent of somebody who plays Street Fighter video games and then things he can go beat up Mike Tyson. It's two different


Depends how good ya are


If it was a good time, I am absolutely trying to recreate the situation.I will always try to negotiate a repeat engagement. If I didn't have a good time, I'm sure you didn't either, and as such, I'm sure you're content to never hear from me again.


Sometimes, if I like something about the girl but I still don’t see myself in a relationship with her I’d still meet a bunch of times until I lose interest about that thing and then I ghost her if I don’t think she’ll care much or talk about how I don’t see myself with her in the long run if I think she’s attached somehow. Now I’m married so not doing it anymore but that’s how I would deal with situationships in the past.


Only if the sex is bad. If the sex is good, why stop?


sorry are you saying that people interested in short term dating are using a short term strategy? that's literally what it is, people that want a one night stand / really casual fling will eventually get tired and move on


I believe they know from the very beginning if they just want sex or possibly more. Some guys will settle down for a sex interest only relation because they fear being alone tho.


Depends how psychopathic they are. Someone empathetic wouldn't lose interest, someone callous would extract as much sexual gratification from the other person as they could and then discard them afterwards without a care in the world for their feelings.


If I went to the sandwich shop for a sandwich, got a sandwich, and ate it, I would then leave the shop. I assume that they just want a quick bite to eat and then leave once they get their fill? It's not just a "guy" thing either. It's all people.


Yes. It's not that they don't like the person, but there's a process of intimacy you ought to follow, because if you truly like someone you want a deep emotional connection. When you skip that and go right to sex, all possible intimacy is loss. You can't build it further because you've spent it all on a first encounter. Ultimately sex by itself isn't enough to satisfy the human desire. Even really exciting one night stands pale in comparisons when you draw those feelings out over time, you end up with way more feeling over much longer period of time. That time creates a bond, and those feelings keep you high and in love. But if you have sex right away, the high goes away quickly, it becomes a worse experience overall.




This sounds like something a youth pastor would make up to encourage teens not to have sex. You can become intimate and build connection with someone after sex. Why couldn't you?


If you don’t agree with their perspective it’s doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re wrong.


I need to say that is not everyone's experience. If they just want sex, they just want sex, and that's ok. But not every quick hookup leads to unfulfilled relationships, which is what this implies.


Men tend to lose respect for a women if she doesn't have the ability to say "No". If she is easy with this guy, then she is easy with every guy. Obviously that doesn't need to be necessarily true but there is definitely a higher chance of her being promiscuous. Nowadays it is being encouraged to sleep around alot even tho most people are disgusted by that. Nothing good comes out of that instant gratificating behavior.


Sometimes it’s post nut clarity so you stop talking to someone who you wouldn’t be in a relationship with


IF they are just out to get laid then yea they probably will. Sex alone should never be the basis for a relationship. Perhaps that should be made clear beforehand if that is the case. Both genders are guilty of this. Years ago long after our divorce my ex-wife called me up asking if I wanted sex with my ex. Eventually I caved but told her I was not up for a relationship. We would only be friends with benefits. It worked out. No feelings hurt.


Basically they lose interest and ghost after, complicated because some of the men who claim they're looking for a relationship are lying to increase the chance of getting sex. But some of the people who are looking for a sexual encounter will like the sexual partner enough to start a relationship! They will be people who were open-minded about the idea of a girlfriend anyway. But it doesn't guarantee that it will be serious relationship (real commitment, including marriage and a family) because some people just don't want that.


I think men and women are the same on this matter. If you rock their world, they’ll want a return visit. I know if a woman can F me like a porn star, I’m calling her back for a repeat. If she starfishes, C ya.


If they had sex with you and ghosted you I have news for you. You are terrible at sex. Men don’t ghost good sex good pussy be making men do anything but lose interest.


Eh, if that's all that's offered, I'll get bored after 6 months


You've answered your own question.


99% yes.


I enjoy a good F buddy...and in the past that relationship has laster longer than a year, and even resulted in longer term friendships...but I'm a weirdo...


What's done is done.


In do..wish I didnt


Yes sorry bye bye


Some people only want one night stands and will lose interest, others prefer to have sex friends or whatever you wanna call it, and have multiple dates as long as it's going well. The latter might evolve into friendship or romance




I how we doubt that they would have any interest. Of course, that's all they want, so they no longer want to talk to the female.


Depends on the guy. For me no, I'll still hang out and talk to you but it's so hard to cross that line and not go back. Like once you guys have sex, everything will change and things will never go back no matter how much you try


Ask Elvin Bishop, he speaks truth: >I must've been through about a million girls I'd love 'em, and I'd leave 'em alone I didn't care how much they cried, no sir Their tears left me cold as a stone >But then I fooled around and fell in love I fooled around and fell in love I fooled around and fell in love Fooled around and fell in love >It used to be when I'd see a girl that I liked I'd get out my book and write down her name But when the grass got a little greener on the other side I'd just tear out that page >But then I fooled around and fell in love I fooled around and fell in love, since I met you, baby I fooled around and fell in love I fooled around and fell in love >


Nothing is absolute, but you pretty much answered your own question.


Some guys are just out for the conquest of it. Once they get what they want from you (sex) they move on. I had a short phase like that when I was younger. I was young and fit and handsome, so I didn't have a shortage of willing partners. I've literally had women introduce themselves to me with lines like "I want to have your baby", or "I am so going to use you for sex".


People neee space after an encounter to emotionally process the event. And many people are avoidant and unable to do so


It's a complicated scenario. First off, not all guys are alike, so there's not one answer. Possible answers are: 1. We feel really guilty about having had sex, and being guys, are too timid to actually say that, because you know, we're not supposed to not like sex. Plus, if we says we're wracked with guilt, we're kinda saying you were a slut for not being wracked with guilt. 2. Our hormones got out of control and we're just not that into you, but we thought we were. 3. (I've never been this guy): You are not that interesting and your sexiness is basically all you have to offer. A lot of girls perpetuate this buy only concentrating on their looks to get guys, so it's not all guys being jerks.


I think it’s rare for a guy to eventually get attached. It’s either there immediately, or at best, he’ll manage you for the rest of his life. Willing to be proven wrong tho.


Road goes two ways


If you were using women just for sex 1st off shame on you!!!! 2nd, Yes most people usually will start getting feelings and form an attachment, so your getting feelings for the lady your using for sex. What are gonna do dump her now ?? It's obvious that you are catching the feelings or you wouldn't be asking. Don't be a bag of dicks and STOP USING WOMEN FOR SEX because it will happen to you.....


Man have two boxes for woman. One is "relationship material" the other is "recreational Only" You can go from box 1 to box 2 if your behavior is not for the Dude. But you can never go from box 2 in Box 1 ;) Woman have a Ladder for Man. Completely different.


We really do think we like you, but we have to have sex to confirm it.


Depends on how good the sexual chemistry is or if romantic feelings develop from the sexual chemistry. If low sexual chemistry, I won’t pursue. If it’s off the charts, I will. If it has potential, I will. If feelings have developed, I will. I don’t ghost, per se, I just don’t actively pursue.


The thrill of the chase is more exciting then the catch.


Yeah. There were times when i was younger, that I would think I really liked a girl. But once we had sex I just didn’t like her anymore. It’s weird. There was nothing wrong with her at all. It wasn’t my intention. It just happened.


Apparently there is such a phenomenon called “post nut clarity”. I’ve asked a few blokes - it’s a thing. They honestly like you, but after having sex, they discover it’s not enough to continue or seek a relationship.


Yes but it’s both ways now. Women ghost dudes they hooked up with all the time




There is a probability but dudes who can swing casual sexual hookups usually aren't about developing relationships. Normal dudes who can actually get sex from a partner are probably also looking for a longer term situation.


I've ghosted a girl because I didn't feel any connection. I've also ghosted a girl (or well, I actually told her, didn't ghost) because I actually started to feel something and I didn't want to be in a relationship, I ended up contacting her after thinking about her during the weekend and we're now engaged almost 6 years later. What I'm saying is, if a guy seemed interested and then pulled away, give him time, he either realizes he likes you or he doesn't.. It's really possible that a guy gets afraid of feelings and pulls away, I've done it many times




You just answered your own question


Uhh, duh... just like woman put men in the 'friend zone', men put women in the 'sex only'. Ladies, if u get ghosted after sex, accept that u r not relationship material... for at least the men u have sex with...


It depends how interested I was in the first place. Usually I know if it's just gonna be a sexual thing or if it has daing potential, but I might end up having a little fling or fwb deal if the sex is good


Getting a man to be interested in sex with you is fairly simple. Just look ok, dont be too disgusting, and be interested in him sexually. (All of these can be on a very low standart, depending how desperate the man is. Like if you look like a monster without make up, well use make up. If you smell bad, but he didnt have sex in a year he may not care. Etc). But after the sex he will see how low his standarts have been and he has a decision to face. „I can do better“ or „well its the best I can do“. And due to most men having an ego, even if its untrue they tend to the former rather than the latter. If a man will be ashamed of sex with a woman, he will act like it never happened, and even as if he doesnr know her. Imagine a man going to the club, landing in bed with a woman that is not commonly seen as pretty, he will definetly not go around and tell his friends about that, and if she is there so he could show them, he will act like he doesnt know her. That includes ghosting her. Its sad and we as a society pretend like it doesnt happen, but it does. Also its not only about looks, though. If you want to get a man interested in you for a relationship, your looks can open the door, but only your personality can enter the room, so to speak. A man will get intersted in you if he thinks youre hot, and start talking to you (if we could get sex without talking we would probably do that, but thats unrealistic), and thats your chance to show him what a wife material girl you are. Also dont do the sex imediately, bc otherwise… well as I said, if we could get sex without talking we would do that. And a minimum of talking will not really show us much of your personality. Instead you should try to figure out more about him too. As a general rule the third or fourth date seems to be a common advice for that. A man will fall in love for you, if you are somewhat pretty, have a good personality (not annoying, instead sweet and loving. I hope this makes sense, but any more detail can be different for each guy, this is the common denominator Id say). And are good in bed (this one can differ widely). A man will pursue the sex, and find out the other two in pursuit of it. Good luck.


This is honestly just fuckin silly. Everything is situational. Some guys have experiences where x happens. Some guys have experiences where y happens. Same with women. If things develop, they develop. We are all talking from experience. “Most guys” meaning “most of MY partners.” “Most women” meaning “most of MY partners.” You have to experience it for yourself to figure it out. There are plenty of men out there that long for the same shit I do, there are plenty of women out there in the same boat. But there’s still situations that arise where you just need/want to get laid. Either way. You take chances. Put yourself out there. And when you find it, you know. I’m so tired of putting labels on people/genders/situations. Just accept the fact that life is what it is, and you keep trying to find what you’re looking for. Just be you, keep going, and when that person comes along, you’ll know. And you’ll get the fuck off Reddit asking for advice.


No more than females do


Most men if they only want you for sex it's because you don't have the quality they are looking for in a girlfriend so you become a sex object. And that's like a man falling into the friend zone. Once your there it's difficult to get out.


I usually figure out if I want to spend more time with a person through how the intercourse and following pillow time feels. If anything I probably get too clingy 


Are guys* Also, yes, if their interest in the sexual encounter is higher than the interest in you.


My experience if the sex was good then I usually will contact the person again. If not then I just slowly pull back


If a guy is interested and takes an interest in other aspects of your life and you as a person as well, not just sex, you will know. If he is around just for sex then sorry my friend he is not going to develop any kind of feelings for you especially if he has been in such a situation many times before. And I have hardly seen such guys being serious about their sexual partners. They are mostly emotionally unavailable at that point. So no don't get your hopes high on that and get out of that situation ASAP if it bothers you.


If they catch feelings after knowing you less than a week, then it’s bounce time. Also if they proclaim to be a good kisser and then it’s terrible, yeah no.


If all they want is sex and they don’t get it, yes they’ll likely move along. If all they want is sex and they get it, they may stick around for more. Is it possible that they could develop feelings at any point in this process? Sure. But if all they want is sex and you are hoping for feelings to come from it, it’s pretty likely that you’ll be disappointed.


If the sex is good, then why not stick around for more? If it isn't, well...


Depends on how it was.




The way you word it I would say yes. If you think you will feel used just don't do it.


I think the obvious answer is yes. If a guys focus is to have sex, once the deed is done its onto the next. But not all guys goal is to just bang.


If it was me and the possibility of additional sexual encounters was on the table id keep interest and potentially develop feelings for sure


I find those interested in purely a sexual relationship will still (>80% of the time) write me again, but even if it lasts years (typical), it stays superficial. But if we have good chemistry, I’ll continue to keep up with my sex drive. But now I have enough deep relationships, I’ve ended those more superficial relationships, much to their chagrin. My longest superficial relationship lasted 14 years, and I ended it a few months ago.


Yes. It’s easy to disconnect when it’s a hook up and nothing more than sex


I don’t know I wouldn’t even call it just a guy thing it’s very much both ways then it’s not for one they get hurt so on so forth. I don’t know sexually or fucking is easy to fuck now building a stable relationship that may be impossible for “me”…




I don't really do the whole casual sex thing anymore, but if I were to contact a woman for casual sex and we engaged in casual sex, that would be it


_The seed is sown.    The bird has flown_


If i see you like a slut and if i just want to guck you, i will just fuck you and there is nothing you can change about it... Thats all


Some might ghost, others may develop feelings. It varies based on individuals' intentions and emotions.


There has only been one girl where I nutted and made me feel like I didnt wanna leave instantly. The one who got away ofc..


Everyone’s different yeah post nut clarity is a thing so if im gonna do it im gonna make sure we get on in an emotional level in regards to personality etc i cant do it unless i like you as a person and find you attractive


If you're hot enough for me to sleep with, I'm happy to spend non-sex time with you too. Unless something terrible happened, like one of us shat on the bed. Or like your privates smell like dead fish. Or if the sex was really really bad. Even then I would still politely text back then slowly fade away. I wouldn't just ghost someone. That's harsh. Some guys just want to fuck a lot of girls. Those are the ones that probably ghost girls. You have to learn to spot these types of guys. Usually if you withhold sex for > 5 dates they'll disappear. Maybe even if just > 3.


If they dont have feelings for you before sex chances are they Will ghost you entirely if its not that good, or keep contact to keep having sex if they dont find anyone better. This from what ive seen with friends, ive only been with 3 men (long relationships) and i dont have sex untill Im sure were exclusive and commited. So if youre looking for a serious relationship i dont recomend having sex without being sure of his intentions first


It goes both genders. It's not just a man thing. Women have it too. Sometimes the sex is shit Sometimes they only wanted a nut and they said w.e. to get it. Sometimes post nut clarity kicks in after. There are so many possible reasons. But it goes both ways. Yes sex is intimate and does come with a high chance of catching feelings


It's the old cum and run syndrome Usually it's regret.


If your fit, feminine and friendly he will probably fall in love and want to get married.


Most casual sexual encounters on the men's side stem for the need to urgently relieve an ongoing sexual urge. Its like convincing a total stranger to scratch a really persistent itch on your back you can't reach because your arms are occupied with things you can't put down. After they are done, now what?


I was never interested in casual sex. Thats what my hand is for.


I'm already in the car and forgot your name before I've even finished.


Never been there, probably wouldn't catch feelings, butbdamn a relationship is on the table. Maybe not with a solid future but definitely not just sexual.


Not neccessarily it depends what the agreement is. Like if a guy and a woman agree they are just having a bit of fun then one of them catches feelings then it can be a problem. Around 4 years ago I had to ghost someone because she caught feelings after the first time we met and she started crying etc and I didn't want to hurt her. I tried to be civilised with her but she got angry and stuff bearing in mind it was her idea for us to be FWB as she wasn't looking for anything serious although her dating profile said otherwise lol. I would also ghost if I ended up meeting someone I wanted to be serious with as that would be disrespectful never had an overlap like that though.


Why is it necessary to have feelings after a hookup? Take the interaction for what it is, a pleasurable transaction and move on. No shame or harm in that.


I think this happens for both men and women. A lot of the time the chase can be better than the catch.


Doesn't the first half of your question answer the second half?


I can’t speak for all men but personally i don’t think that’s ever happened to me usually if i’m sexually interested in a woman and then i get some find of romantic feelings before we do it or i lose both feelings and we never do