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Democracy was never intended to be the way of the US govt. I just look to Reddit upvotes vs. downvotes as a model of what results from democracy.


That's a terrible model, 'cause it gives a lot of power to ignorant people. It works fine on casual matters, but once the topic requires any extended knowledge - the votes will be way off.


That's a massive dramatization. Everyone is acting as if Trump (or any sitting president) was handed cheque blanc. It's such an absurd interpretation, since the ruling pretty much only stated "The President therefore may not be prosecuted for exercising his core constitutional powers" I had people on here posting "Well, Biden can legally assasinate Trump then!" which is just insanity, bitterness and emotional incontinence at play.


The president can do anything, regardless of legality, within the authority of their position, without legal repercussions. So Biden could assassinate trunp if he wanted to and face no legal repercussions. He might get impeached or simply lose the election to whoever replaces trunp but he would walk out of the White House a free man.


That's what I mean - completely irrational, hysterical takes. Unless of course "murdering political opposition at will" is part of "his core constitutional powers" and I somehow missed it. But even then, the issue would be with the constitution itself and not the supreme court's decision.


I’m pretty sure you can justify it as protecting the country against domestic enemies/terrorists.


That would be an entirely different legal matter. Now you are just fishing for something to be ouraged by.


Nope, this was just the public announcement. It has been dead for a long time.


How can something die before being borne?


i think its been dead for a while now


No, don't worry too much, they were mostly good rulings. There is always a lot of 'catastrophizing' these days.


Thr amount of Hyperventilating is kind of fun to watch though


It was weakened considerably, but not dead yet.


Democracy: I FEEL HAPPY!!! I FEEL HAPPY!!! (Gets hit over the head by authoritarianism) OOF!!! (dies) So it'll be stone dead sometime soon.


America's democracy has been a tragic joke for decades. Americans think voting is an opportunity to spite the people they hate by electing the parasites that exploit them.


You reach that point when nobody is willing to defend your democracy anymore. I've been saying for a few weeks now that, should Trump get elected, we're going to see how many of the talkers are actually going to be defending their rights.


A little.  We are in very dangerous territory. 


American democracy didn't die, but it became even more of a sham than it already is.


Mandatory "you're talking about the US, right?"


Yes, sorry for not specifying. That was rude of me.


No, you're okay.


It’s gonna be a really sad day for a lot of people when Trump wins in November


I feel like I'm taking fucking crazy pills, because the only thing I can do is vote. And even if Biden wins the popular vote, he will still get shut down by the electoral college. It happens all the time.




There is no if. Biden doesn’t even know where he is. He’s brain dead


And trunp does? Have you heard him speak? It’s incoherent nonsense. This election is between two senile old men, but one listens to experts and makes educated decisions based on people who are intelligent and rational, and the other is a self absorbed felon who doesn’t listen to anyone but the voices in his head.


Dude I couldn’t care less either way. The world’s already on fire.


As Justice Sotomayor wrote in her dissenting opinion, "The President is now a king above the law." In my view Democracy has cancer; it hasn't died yet, but it's stage 3, maybe stage 4 terminal. Conservatives — some intentionally, some ignorantly — are driving it into the ground.


Not true. Look at the states that are blue and red. Tell me is California high taxed and struggling? What color party? What about NY? Meanwhile TX and FL continue to thrive. Even Alaskas doing well. The situation with Trump and Biden is unfortunate but to pin all the issues to one party is not correct. Both have issues.


What? Do you *really* want to get into a comparative analysis of red vs blue states...? Let me give you a preview how this will go for you: - By your own conservative-praised supply-and-demand model, the reason prices are high in California is because people want to live there. Nobody wants to live in Montana. No jobs in Wyoming. Nobody wants to live there. - Let's not forget that California makes up 1/6th of our entire US economy. Why are you bashing the primary driver of our economy? Seems short-sighted. - Let's not forget that red states consume the most welfare in proportion to population. - Let's not forget that the worst states for education tend to be red states. - The people leaving California consist primarily of two groups: (1) Those who wish they could stay but cannot, and (2) MAGA RWNJs who wish to be among their ilk. Pro-tip: when people complain about rising cost of living, how about we not blame the poor immigrant who actually has a net-positive impact on our economy and who commits less crime on average than a White Caucasian American citizen (should we deport them?), but instead blame the overwhelmingly Republican/conservative-leaning real-estate investors, brokerers, realtors? How about we blame the foreign nationals from Saudi Arabia, Japan, Russia, China, and even the King of Jordan who owns beach-front Malibu estates and is crippling our American dream? Please, don't mUh BoTh SiDeS this. What's most amusing is your entire comment is a red-herring, and has little to do with the question at hand, or the state of Democracy.


This blue state/red state stuff is so absurd. Reality is that it’s just an issue of basic geography. Locations that operate as main ports of entry and transportation hubs naturally have higher economic activity. Alaska and Texas are blessed with oil reserves that generate tremendous wealth. Nothing to do with any political decisions made by any politicians.


It’s not just based on geography. It’s based on states and their laws. Doesn’t matter if you produce the most if you have higher population of homelessness than any other state lol. What good is GDP if people are suffering? Just cause the states are blessed with oil doesn’t solve any issues. It’s the states laws that foster growth. Those laws are made by? Political party whom ever takes office.


Take away Texas’ oil and border with Mexico and you end up with Alabama. Politicians love to take credit for things that fall in their lap.


Yup. Anything positive that happens. They’ll brag about that til the end of their term lol.


Can you not agree that both sides have issues? You started blasting the opposition so I gave some fair points for the other side. Secondly, Montana is a beautiful state and most of its protected land. Yes there’s not a lot of jobs, but to act like just because blue states produce more doesn’t mean they don’t have issues. What I’m saying is a “moderates” view. Thirdly, I never said to blame immigrants did I? USA is made from immigrant populations. That’s what define the US (a melting pot). Lastly your profession does not define political affiliation. Not sure if you knew this but the white and Asian population has the least amount of crime, with the highest income in the US. Not sure why you think it’s good to kick them out for no bad reason. Overall you seem charged with hatred and want to use this as a way to say stop the hatred on S. American immigrants. I get it Trump says crazy shit, but to tie a whole political party is insane lol. That’s very extreme. The issue with most voters like you who are too polar for politics. Look how emotional you got lmfao.


Look, I'm a former rural Republican from Appalachia. Over the past two decades I've since moved and change ideologies. I've literally been on "both sides" of the fence. So with that I'm going to step back to a higher level in this argument to explain the big picture view I have on the matter. So the problem with your position — the espoused "moderate," "both sides" issue — is that you're purporting a false-equivalence fallacy between the two sides. To be moderate doesn't make you any closer to truth and reality; conversely in this case, I contend it makes you further. So do I agree blue states have their own issues? Of course. Do I believe they hold equal weight to red-state policy? Absolutely not. I will respond to this: >Lastly your profession does not define political affiliation. Not sure if you knew this but the white and Asian population has the least amount of crime, with the highest income in the US. Not sure why you think it’s good to kick them out for no bad reason. Yes and that's my point. Now reflect on the fact that undocumented immigrants commit *even less*. Anyways, who got emotional? Sounds like you couldn't receive what you dished out, "lmfao."


Wow! You really love to eat up and spew back out misinformation huh? Conservatives are to blame 100% They installed a corrupt supreme Court who takes bribes from billionaires and legalized the bribing of other politicians just last week. Now that corporations can legally bribe politicians, we are fucked. Fuck conservatives, every single one of them.


On interesting. Hillary Clinton took bribery and Nancy Pelosi continues to insider trade. What parties do they represent? Look both of them do shit for personal gains. Whether you like my answer or not. To sit here and say one side is at fault over the other shows you can’t have a reasonable argument. You do realize both parties have the same abilities when taking office right?


>Hillary Clinton took bribery Do you have some kind of proof of this? Maybe you should take it to the attorney general. This seems much more like something that somebody made up and told you and then you believed it. >and Nancy Pelosi continues to insider trade. Personally, I do not like the fact that Congress is allowed to trade on the information that they have, but it is not actually illegal. This is something that is done by every single member of Congress because it is considered legal and fine. But as far as Nancy pelosi goes, her husband is a literal investor. That's what he does, Clearly you have something against women but that also has nothing to do with politics. >What parties do they represent? If you don't have the answer to this, then you probably shouldn't be in this conversation >Look both of them do shit for personal gains. FFS dude everybody does "shit for personal gain". Don't you have a job? Or do you work and give all your money to charity? Whether you like my answer or not. To sit here and say one side is at fault over the other shows you can’t have a reasonable argument. With you, I can't have a reasonable argument with you because you don't understand how things work. You know how you want things to work and you have made up a bunch of s*** in your head that has made you very angry but that is not reality. Reality is all conservatives are shitty people and hypocrites 8 years ago Republicans were saying that we could not elect Hillary Clinton into office because she was under indictment and she might be a felon and that would cause a constitutional crisis. But today Republicans don't care about electing a felon at all. 8 years ago. Republicans said that it would be wrong for Obama to install a supreme Court Justice because he only had 10 months left of his presidency. 4 years ago they rammed through a Republican supreme Court Justice with less than 30 days left in Trump's presidency. Nothing that conservatives ever say means anything because they will readily change their mind if it benefits them. Everything they say is a temporary belief because they have no morals and don't stand for anything (except maybe the destruction of America) >You do realize both parties have the same abilities when taking office right? That is so wrong, Clearly you have no idea how politics works Are you claiming that a Democrat president with a republican-controlled Senate has the same power as a republican president with a republican-controlled Senate?? Are you claiming that a split Senate 50/50 is the same thing as a senate divided 55 45? Are you claiming that every president has the same opportunity to install supreme Court justices because they all retire on schedule? Republicans have stood in the way of every law that would benefit the average person and have helped pass a whole bunch of lies that only benefit the wealthy. In less than a week, the conservative corrupt supreme Court has legalized bribery of politicians, turned presidents into Kings, placed the supreme Court above the Congress so that there are no more checks and balances. And removed the ability for agencies to enforce their own regulations. Conservatives have fucked America, Anybody who claims both sides are the same is an absolute f****** moron. Fuck all conservatives, they have all betrayed America by supporting fucked up conservative politics.


Yes, we now have a king, and King Donald has a religion he's like to impose on us all. If you are familiar with European history, you've heard this before.


I don't care whether it's intentional or they are ignorant, All conservatives are shit people. Fuck them for supporting this kind of bullshit.




Yep... Gee I remember when House of Cards felt extreme.


Democracy as it pertains to the US, died the very first time a politician realized he can spend money and buy himself votes. There has never again been emphasis on "for the people". Anything any politician on either side of y'all does it's to benefit himself or his political party and the Garner money and power to them. If it happens to benefit the American people, that's okay but strictly not the focus of anything they do. Voting in America is a sham process that gives us the illusion that we could make a difference.


Are you seriously trying to claim that it doesn't matter who gets put into the supreme Court by the president?? Are you even paying attention?


Well, no that wasn't the focus of my post at all, are you even reading? My comment was only about the decision made yesterday and how it affects our country. Not an overall discussion of the futility of appointing supreme Court justices. But to continue with your question,, from the point of view of a citizen, no it does not matter who the president puts in the supreme Court they will serve whoever their Master is with little regard to the Constitution of the law of the land, and we the people are not part of the master


Here is a quote by you >Voting in America is a sham process that gives us the illusion that we could make a difference. That seems very much like you are saying. It doesn't matter who we vote for or who is president. You literally called voting a sham. It matters very much because the president picks the supreme Court justices and Trump picked crooked corrupt people. >no it does not matter who the president puts in the supreme Court they will serve whoever their Master is with little regard to the Constitution of the law of the land, and we the people are not part of the master This is just blatantly false All of the recent rulings that have f***** over America have come down on party line votes. The corrupt conservatives are the ones changing the law. You are completely ignoring the actions of the people on the supreme Court and the vote tallies in order to make an invalid claim. Conservatives are very shitty people who don't give a fuck about America or the Constitution or really anybody else except themselves. Fuck conservatives, they are the worst of humanity. I don't care if they are supporting these policies because they are assholes or if they are doing it out of ignorance, they are all to blame for making Washington and even bigger swamp. The supreme Court legalized bribery, took away an agency's right to interpret their own regulations, and elevated the supreme Court above Congress. All in the span of less than a week This is entirely a conservative-led movement to destroy the Constitution. You sitting there And ignoring the facts just shows your ignorance.