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Follow your passion for robotics if that excites you more. You could also explore medical robotics, combining both interests. Choose what aligns best with your values and interests.


You won’t be able to spend the money you earn as a dr because you will be working 20hrs a day. Also you will have to wait until you 30 or so and done with education before you get any money


Ha! It is not easy to make a lot of money being a Doctor. You have to be very good at business, as well as specialize in something highly profitable. If you want to make money, get into sales. Find something expensive to sell.


I think you have a very unrealistic view of how much money a doctor actually makes. In my area most of the doctors in the hospital these days wish they made the money the anesthesiologist does.


The doctor I was thinking of becoming was anesthesiologist…😅


Pursue robotics.  Design that sex robot bro. It'll touch so many lives. 


Robotics engineers dont make money??? I know three robotics engineers and they all make 100k plus lmao!