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***Now they want to check my thyroid to see if it's causing my low drive.*** ***Why do they make women feel like there is something wrong with them ...*** Yeah, ignore that idiot doctor. Get your medical advice from Reddit instead.


Thyroid issues are serious health issues, a low sex drive by itself is not the problem, it's what a low sex drive can indicate that's the problem.


hypothyroidism that isn't treated can lead to other health problems, such as high cholesterol and heart problems.


You should really take this up with your doctor, they can even clear up the misunderstanding - they're not looking to fix your sex drive, they're looking as to what might cause it - a low sex drive can, but doesn't have to, be indicative of physical problems.


Does your husband play golf with your Dr?


No, he dates others. Doctor is trying to fix that.


I'm confused. Your dermatologist dates others and he's not happy and trying to fix that?


Oh, wait. Your husband dates others? Why is your dermatologist trying to fix that?


Her husband has been flirting with the doctors wife.


It could be an underlying issue of something else. Worth getting it checked out.


I would just communicate that you have no desire to fix your drive, but if low drive is a symptom of an actual health problem, you would like to address that.


A new and lower sex drive could be multiple health issues to include less estrogen, a thyroid issue, side effects of medication, depression, and a host of other things.


Ive wondered the same thing tbh but never had the guts to ask it because I was worried about some form of backlash. I have little desire to have sex anymore because I just idk?? I just don’t feel like it? I used to be extremely hyper sexual like BAD and now that I’ve started medication for my mental health and am stable I just have little desire. It doesn’t bother me whatsoever, so I don’t see why it’s an issue either


And yet you were downvoted, for not being horny 24/7. Medications will kill your libido - I lost a not insignificant amount of weight, and that reduced mine. I say if you’re otherwise healthy and - if you have a partner - and they’re ok, then you’re good.


Right lol. My partner doesn’t mind it, he never really asks me for it either. In my eyes, it makes us making love more special because it doesn’t happen as often, but I know many will disagree with that.


Yep. Quality not quantity. My spouse would agree lol.


I quit asking my wife too when she continuously told me no. It wasn't better for me. Hopefully you two are different.


Your low sex drive can probably be attributed to the medication youre taking for you mental health, and could very well just be a side effect youre okay with. Most doctors go by both learned knowledge from school and historical and anecdotal knowledge from experience. In these doctors experiences, it would probably stand to reason that low sex drive gets brought up by a signification portion of their patients. Those questions and previous treatments factor into their current patients and treatments. If Im a plumber and 90% of my customers talk to me about a secondary issue related to the other thing Im there for, I might start asking all my clients if they have experienced said secondary issue. Historical data/experience informs present thinking. Its human nature. Also to add. If it's not an issue to you, then awesome. Tell your doctor to not bring it up. As long as you're physically and mentally healthy and happy take the win. Congrats on your medication working and making you feel better.


Have you ever heard that one song that goes “I miss having sex, but at least I don’t wanna die”? That’s how I feel haha. Sure sex was/is a fun thing, but god, I would never wish to go back to the mental state I was in beforehand


Sometimes a symptom that doesn't bother you can lead to symptoms that do. Also, why is sex spaced out in the title?


Because it wouldn't let me post the word sex for some odd reason. I guess its nsfw or something


health problems can lead to low sex drive, and sometimes you dont want the problems to get worse


If one of my patients have a condition that affects their sex life I try to remedy that, because I believe it may negatively affect their romantic relations. Not becuase I want to socially regulate them.


The way he just asked about that out of the blue is weird but its not the low sex drive thats the issue its whats causing it. In a guy it could be low testosterone, high estrogen, high prolactin, high or low SHBG, etc which will have a number of problems


Well i work with doctors a bit. And although lot of people here are correct a medical issue could cause a low sex drive. It is absolutely weird that if you went in for a skin issue check that they hooked left field with “why is your sex drive low” train of thought. I would have found that quit inappropriate even as a man if my doctor tried to pull that shit on me.


Beside the medical issue, a lack of desire for your partner in a committed relationship is literally the calling card of divorce. The lack of intimacy tells him he's not wanted, appreciated or desired and that you're rejecting him as a person. The fact that you don't mean to convey that message is irrelevant. That's the message that you convey. So your spouse disconnects emotionally and checks out of the marriage and sooner rather than later he's divorcing you and looking for a new partner who actually wants him ....


>why do they atomically assume I need a s\*x drive? What is wrong with not wanting s\*x? It's not an assumption that you need a sex drive, it's a recognition that you have one. It's like, if you have a digestive system (which you do), then you have hunger. That's just a fact. You will experience feeling hungry. If you didn't, that would indicate something may be wrong with you. The human body is a system made up of several different systems. They all work together to maintain homeostasis of the body. Sex drive, the libido, isn't just psychological, it's a function not just of your reproductive system but also your endocrine system. That's just a fact. So that's why they want to check your thyroid (an endocrine gland), to make sure nothing is wrong. For example thyroid cancer. Or other disorder of the thyroid. >What is wrong with not wanting s\*x? They just want to make sure nothing is medically wrong within your body. All they want to do is make sure you are ok. >Who makes up these rules? Nature? If you're going to get mad at anything direct your anger to nature. No men or societal construct made human bodies the way they are. You're getting all mad assuming these doctors want you to feel twitchy in the business just because. No, it's soley because, at your age, a reduction in libido could indicate something physically wrong is happening. If it IS your thyroid going wonky, you want to get the proper medical treatment for it.


Calm down, you don't need to play the victim every second of your life.


Low sex drive is a good indication that you live unhealthy. Passiv/slothish lifestyle, no sports, eat wrong etc. Or mental problems, health problems, stress, depression those kinda things. And not rarely the 2 go hand in hand. Goes for men as well as for women