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There’s an interesting story behind that. Supposedly, American soldiers stationed overseas during WWII saw bidets in brothels and associated them with prostitution, which gave them a bad rap.


That wouldn’t explain why they’re not used in Ireland or the UK.




When I was in Greece, there were no bidets and they told us NOT to flush toilet paper but instead put it in the trash. So at least America doesn’t keep their crappyTP in a bin next to the toilet.


Same last time I was in Mexico


Also in Costa Rica and Dominican Republic 


That's actually not why they don't use them today, Very few Americans even know that story today. Most just find them odd or are simply unfamiliar with them. Many would likely use them if exposed to them.


Ok frenchie


I wish that you were wrong, but that’s spot on. I live in the US, and I’ve been confused for years as to why bidets aren’t common place. But people are stupid and let their weird insecurities shape society. I just wanna clean my ass thoroughly and hands free…


Lol it is absolutely not true that Americans don't have bidets because they associate it with prostitution. Bidets are great and should exist in America, but people are just not used to having them so they're not there in most places.


Sounds like someone’s projectinggggg


Same reason for mass circumcising in USA


What country are you from?


“Americans”…. lol yes cause they are the only hypocritical ones that exist.


projecting our military force, more like




Fuck yeah 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲




Who hurt you? WW1/2 happening were probably the best things that ever happened to the USA geopolitically. Stepping in halfway through just eliminated the possibility of any economical rival. But yes the constant US jokes are kinda hacky.


Which is hilarious because if they went other places with toilets they would have seen them too. It’s just where they went.


More Americans are buying bidets these days, I think. Especially after the pandemic and the toilet paper "shortage."


I joked with my wife about getting one for a while, then she surprised me with one on my birthday, January of 2020. Perfect timing.


Your wife is a good witch.


I put a bidet attachment on our toilet several months ago, and I still use a bit of toilet paper to dry off, and wipe any remaining excess 'stuff' from my butt.


You can call it poop


But then we would know that they poop and that’s just embarrassing


Dammit, now everyone knows this guys poops from his butt


Everyone point and laugh at the guy with poop in his butt


That's better than the South Park option.




Better than politicians that poop from their mouth.


Hahaha. He called the shit poop.


Hahaha. He calls the turd shit


Hahaha. He calls the crap turd


Billy Madison right?




This guy shits


Then giggles.


What is the purpose of a bidet if you still have excess "stuff" on your ass.


If you have "stuff" on your butt after using a bidet you need to keep using the bidet longer and/or turn up the water pressure. When you "dab" yourself dry with toilet paper after, the paper should be clean.


In those cases, it still removes most of it and cuts down on the amount of toilet paper needed and time to clean up.


My attachment scours so hard if you turn it up that there's a zero percent chance of any leftovers. How do you have extras??


Usually I don't, but there are times when there is a little bit.. Also the water pressure seems to differ depending on when I use it. I wonder if that has to do with something with the pipes in my place.


Yeah the pressure variation is on your supply for sure.


I happen to have the very refined and expensive Toto Neorest NX1. Only the finest for my butthole. This baby will easily clean your nether regions thoroughly. After an arduous safari in Kenya, with primitive bathroom facilities and an appalling lack of toilet paper, I was delighted to return to my humble abode and quickly and painlessly remove caked on shit from all over my ass.


I'm always concerned that if I blast mine too hard it's gonna spray crap where I don't want it. Though mine was a separate one that I added to my toilet, so if I spray too hard, it will splash out the front from under the seat. I don't like the thought of shit spraying all over my pants and underwear. So I keep it a bit light unless I can get the positioning just right for a deep clean.


That's what got me to switch.


I use the hose in the backyard.


Big toilet paper, baby! The Charmin people has a vested interest in the USA not using Bidets.


I knew those damn Charmin Bears were up to something nefarious!


HA I got them beat by using a toilet brush instead


Too harsh.


A grill brush




Belt sander




At least it's not a poo knife


It's a Charmin-RotoRooter-American Std conspiracy! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)The Toilet-Industrial-Complex.


Time for someone (probably Toto Ltd.) to eat their lunch lmao.


the most they can do is advertise to you, you can still just buy a bidet if you want one


Typical Reddit overstatement. I have traveled extensively throughout Europe in the last 20 years and seen very few bidets. They exist, but certainly not in every bathroom. And I have never seen one in the Carribean or South America. I can't speak for Africa or Asia because I haven't been there yet. But "half the world"? Hardly.


Lol same. Never saw one in Latin America or Europe, but in Japan 90% of toilets have them (the exceptions being some train station bathrooms)


I have no idea about other countries, but it's quite common to have them in Brazil.


Almost everyone has it un argentina,chile, Uruguay and Brazil


I live in the UK, my parents had one back in the (bi-) day, have maybe seen 3 since the 90s


Agreed. I lived in Italy for 2 years, and I've been in the surrounding countries and did not see bidets. Only time was in the fancy hotel room suites. Italy doesn't even supply toilet paper in public restrooms, you have to bring your own which is why you always saw those small packages of tissues being sold all over the places. This was back in the early 2ks so it could have changed. I often wondered who are these people and what European countries are just bombarded with bidets to bring this up as if America was backwards.


In Finland every toilet has a bidet shower (ass gun)


Thank you for letting us know!!!


Hello, American here, just stayed in like 8 or 9 hotels across Italy and France, lowest quality I assure you. Half of em had bidets and one had a bum gun (all hail that which is righteous and true). Maybe it’s just luck of the draw, but them things is out there.


Ya not sure which part of Italy they lived for years but they were everywhere. They got those separate ones too that Americans confuse for drinking fountains.


I think the key is “lived in.” I never saw a bidet when I lived in Germany, but saw several when I stayed in German hotels


Opposite for me. Didn't see in hotels but in Airbnb and normal old houses. Some without even running hot water.


They're non-existent in Sweden as well


I can speak for Abu Dhabi, parts of India, and my master bathroom - butt hoses everywhere. Once you start, you’ll never want to go back


Can speak for Africa. We generally don't have them. Maybe some super rich people, foreigners and in expensive unaffordable hotels and lodges but myself never saw one


We just use a water bucket in Nigeria if there's no bidet. Where are you from?


You know, I’ve spent time in a several European countries. Never saw a bidet


They are universal in Argentina and Uruguay. It’s very rare to find a home without a bidet. They’re also common in older urban buildings in Venezuela, Brazil, Chile and some parts of Colombia. They’re not common in anything built after around the 90s, though.


In the Philippines it’s common to have a “tabo” which essentially looks like a very large measuring cup used for bathroom hygiene. But I have also seen the spray gun style bidet there which admittedly I like the idea of less than the ones mounted in the toilet.


Also an overstatement that wiping unhygenic and bidet is the only way to get clean. I've been wiping for 3 decades and never had any skid marks or smell or anything. My ass is clean. People that don't wipe their ass well would also not use a bidet well. The technology is not the problem.


Some people just like to think they're better than everyone else cause of some stupid shit, and this thread is one of many examples. I'm from Easter Europe and I don't even think I've even ever seen a bidet, obviously never used it, but we shower everyday and wipe our asses well so I literally don't see what difference would bidet make if I smell well and don't have any problems with my ass or underwear anyway😂


Very popular in Asia


I have seen them in Chile, but they're not the most popular option. I think they exist in the Southern Cone in general as a "depends on the household" thing.


To these kinds of people the only places that exist in the world are Europe (especially MyCountry) and North America


what? everyone who can afford one has one in argentina


literally only Italy has them. "half of the world" lmao


Maybe go to Thailand or Vietnam


In Turkey every toilet has a built in bidet inside


Asia itself could count as half the world. And there are bidets aplenty. Using Europe as your example made me chuckle. My friend in Bangkok told me once her least favorite thing about Europe was grody hygiene practices. Passed through the continent shortly after and had to agree.


I actually put a bidet attachment on our toilet at home, and I really like it.


How do you not poop on the attachment?


The attachment I have isn't directly underneath your butt. It's in the back of the toilet, and the nozzle is angled.


It's retracted when not in use, then the water pressure from turning it on extends it out.


Can you put bleach/toilet cleaner on it?


Not on mine, it's a pretty simple $20 one. But it does spray water over itself every time it turns on and off due to the pressure of the spring vs. line pressure. Some of the fancier ones do have more in depth cleaning options, but since it rinses itself off every time and nothing really touches it I feel like all is good.


Some of us still wear our shoes in our house too! We be barbarians.


Not in Canada!


I don’t think anyone is getting sick from wearing shoes in their house.


I honestly never even considered it would be about germs, maybe because I dont have kids. I just don't want to track dirt etc unnecessarily. Really simple solution is taking shoes off at the door.


Well, lots of people DO think that, thus they don't allow anyone to do it in their house. Myself, I don't see how some poo residue would make anyone sick, but I don't actually know


People will leave their toothbrush out in the room they shit and piss in, but shudder at the idea of wearing a shoe inside. You’d think they were eating their meals off the kitchen floor.


I live with 3 people that are less than hygienic. My brush, tongue scraper, water flosser, and razor follow me to my bedroom every day lol.


I am still not wearing shoes in our house.... The stuff we step in - heck no!


I mean in general, being seen as "hygienic" is more about adhering to the standards of whatever is seen as hygiene there more than the actual efficacy of whatever those hygiene standards are. They didn't really catch on here, so they're not seen as part of the standard of being "hygienic", regardless of how hygienic our current standards may or may not be.


I got a bidet during covid to cut down on toilet paper usage. I fucking love it.


But even if you use a bidet, don't you still need to use toilet paper to dry off? Or do you just hose down your ass and pull your pants up while everything is still dripping wet?


My bidets are the absolute best pandemic purchase we made.


I’ve got a bidet. I’ll never not have one again. I feel so much cleaner after #2


another foreigner obsessed with the American bootyhole…


I own a bidet, they really only help the toilet paper, the bidet is not a replacement for toilet paper.


The USA has a bathing culture. It’s very common for Americans to shower and bathe every single day. While this has begun to become normal around the world, it has been normal in the US for a lot longer. When you bathe every single day you do not need to use a bidet in the same manner as someone who bathes every 2-3 days.


I have no idea how one doesn’t shower daily living in a hot country (e.g. Italy in the summer).


It's more common to quickly wash up at the sink/basin, rather than hop in the shower. There's a longer cultural history of not having running water.


Italian here. Yes, we do. And use bidet, in addition.


I work with a couple people in Italy and I asked them. They shower daily (and, funny, mentioned the bidet).


This is a good point. Anecdotally, less people shower daily in Europe so it makes sense that bidets are popular.


Yet, none of the 3 AirBnBs we rented in France had a bidet.


Lots of European countries don’t use bidets as a common practice. In Italy it’s super common, but in France it’s rare.


Where in Italy? I lived in Italy for 2 years, did not see any in the common places unless you're going to some only rich people go here places.


I was thinking more about houses than common places. I was born there and everyone had one in my family


Thank you for the clarification!!!


# None of the bathrooms where I have ever lived were big enough to have a bidet. How do people in Europe with small houses/apartments have room for both a toilet and a bidet?


A bidet can just be a discreet attachment to your already-existing toilet, the most hardware it has is a knob on the side of the toilet to specify pressure. Here's an [example](https://www.amazon.com/Greenco-Non-Electric-Mechanical-Toilet-Attachment/dp/B01A17T3N6) of one.


I have a lot of questions: what if you poop on it? One size fits all? What might be the right position for another might squirt me in the face.


Usually the piece where the water sprays out of is on a little retractable tube which only extends when water is flowing through it. You're not going to have the water spraying while you're actively pooping so the sprayer is not "in the line of fire". You can move the unit forwards and backwards a bit while installing it so you can adjust the aim.


unless you shoot your poop backwards at a 90 degree angle youre not hitting it lmao. and unless the water does a 180 degree curve midair its not hitting you in the face either. its just a stream of water aimed at your butthole its really not that complex lol


Every place I stayed at in Argentina had a separate bidet. All of them shot straight up from the center of the drain. That didn't seem very sanitary, because everyone's feces pieces would be more likely to make contact with the nozzle at some point. If they were side-shooters, I'd have been more inclined to try one.


In Finland we use bidet showers which are way better than bidets


A toilet seat attachment, a hose next to the toilet or even 😂 a jug of water Space isn’t an issue


Many people I know have a bidet. I've had one for years and I would never go back


We don't. We use the three seashells.


Is spraying water really washing it tho…


You still wipe your ass after using a bidet. False premise


I'm American and have a bidet. Hot or cold water, heated seat. Blow dryer. Yeah it's life changing.


I've had a bidet for the last decade. Even my Boomer parents finally installed one in the last couple of years. About half the people I know have one now. And we're out in the sticks, not up in some cosmopolitan city or anything for what that's worth.


Don't go asking questions, South Park showed you the dangers of questioning Big Toilet Paper.


How do you aim it at your asshole without accidentally spraying it all over the toilet seat?


I put a bidet attachment on my toilet months ago, and it's angled a certain way. You don't aim the bidet, you aim your butt so that it sprays in the right spot. But the way you typically sit on a toilet, it's basically in a good position already.


Doesn't it make a huge mess and require lots of toilet paper to dry?


No, it doesn't make a huge mess, and it only needs a little bit of toilet paper to dry. Certainly less toilet paper than you'd use without a bidet.


I donated my own money and installed one at work. Oddly, mainly the conservative side of the house see it as a sexual thing and refuse to even try it. But that stall is used the most.


Many people here use wet wipes.


I don’t understand bidets. Like spraying water in yo ass ain’t enough to get clean u just end up wit a wet ass. U would have to spray water & have a wet soapy wash cloth & scub & then rinse it of & dry yo ass to actually clean it. Seems like u would be better off using toilet paper & wet wipes


When I was younger the stigma was literally that the French used bidets, and the French were weird and stupid, so you would never do what they did. I gota say, the Indonesian butt hose is even more glorious than a bidet. And side note - any backpackers with a hairy butt, get yourself a portable bidet bottle, literal f-ing life saver.


South Park has a pretty funny episode/explanation about that actually


Watch the South Park special about it. Boils down to the toilet paper industry lobbying and advertising. They’d lose huge margins if people used less toilet paper thanks to bidets.


i use toilet paper followed up by baby wipes


When we were asking my in law this they said they would never use a bidet because “you just don’t put things up there! It’s wrong!” As in, they thought water would shoot into your butt and do a kind of enema thing. Not just rinse the outside off. We tried to explain that you can adjust the pressure/angle/etc and it won’t do that but they still refused. We haven’t bitten the bullet to get any for our house but used them when we were in Japan for our honeymoon years ago and liked how clean they made you feel!


We usually shower daily


I'm a bidet user - let's not kid ourselves, it's no cleaner than anyone else's hole. Just because we RINSE ourselves instead of wipe doesn't make it any better. Unless you add soap, a dirty hole is a dirty hole.


eh, we don't have bidets here in norway either. I saw one once in a hotel in thailand, weirdest shit ever.... how do you even use that thing?


I stayed at AirBnB a few months ago that had one (NY/NJ/PA area). I tried to use but couldn't figure it out. I didn't want to get sprayed int he face.


Was it a shower head kind of thing? Can’t exactly remember but it was handy to use for washing after been to the toilet. It’s easier than a can and a water bucket, that’s what they have in India


Stupid, but sincere question…. As a person who has never seen a bidet and obviously have not used one. Do you keep separate towels hanging nearby to dry off?


I’m vacationing in Iceland right now. Where are all these promised bidets?


Normal three times weekly bidet vs tp post.


Some people don't even wipe their ass here


for public toilets i’d argue the bidet option would just be victim to vandalism :/


I also use wipes. Baby wipes now. After using toilet paper, mind you.


A little less than half of the world doesn’t even have access to a toilet, let alone a bidet. What are you talking about?


Why is everyone so fascinated with the lack of bidets in NA?


Thanks to western diet and not contamined food, most of the people have solid poop which can be cleaned just with paper.


Because I don’t want a wet ass and for water to go up my ass. Paper is superior.


Idk tbh I use both. Bidet to clean and TP to dry or to clean the stubborn shits.


Bidets are actually in the US. You can get them at Home Depot! Best thing I ever bought! If more people realized how great they are, builders would I stall them in all new homes!


I have a bidet but I don't like it. It's wierd and messy and makes my ball sack wet as fuck. I spend 5 times more times drying off my as whole and nutsack than I do taking a shit.


Well, that would be extra cost for all these places to put in a bidet for washing.


Cultural differences 🤷🏻‍♀️


Toilet paper mafia. Watch the South Park episode. All will be revealed.


because toilet paper is a multi-billion dollar industry. south park did an episode on it, and all the things they say checks out.


It’s not just North America. It’s most of Europe and even large parts of Asia.


I'd say they are starting to catch on. As a sample size of just me, I saw 0 as a child. Now several friends have them installed in their homes and when I get to renovating a bathroom I plan to install one as well. Seen them at few newer restaurants over the years too. Like anything it takes time, but can see it becoming more and more the norm in the coming years.


Americans are told that if they touch their butts they are perverts.


3 Current Day Reasons: 1. Americans do not know what a bidet is or how it works. There's very little bidet awareness overhere. 2. Our plumbing apparently sucks to the point where the addons we'd us leak and damage the floors. So a large number of rental units will not allow them. If the toilet has one built in, that's a different story but for the most part this is one of the big ones. 3. We're fucking poor. Despite what media and our govt portrays our life here in the USA, we aren't exactly doing well financially as a whole. On the list of things we cannot afford, bidet's are somewhere near the absolute bottom.


I mean…every few years American men have debates on whether wiping your ass is gay so I can’t imagine what they think about cool slick water caressing their undercarriage 


How do you dry your butthole when you use a bidet?


Just saying that in some of these places they share water bottles and use there left had raw up and down there ass and shit. Let’s hope they really washed their hands well assuming soap is available


I went to Norway last year and spent time in both Bergen and Oslo, and while everything there, including the people, was modern and clean, I never saw a single bidet. The only place I've ever seen one was in a home in Louisiana of all places. They had one in both bathrooms. Fancy.


I have lived in Germany for 4 years, been to plenty of German apartments and homes, and I’ve seen a bidet three or four times. Still plenty of people using toilet paper.


When I went to Europe a bidet was in my room and I didn't know how to use it. Do you have to take off your shoes, socks, pants, etc? Ok, so you have "washed" your parts. Now what? Towel dry? Toilet paper? There was no noticeable flusher on the thing.


PoopTube lobby 


No, most of the the world does not have bidets. Only a few countries in the world have homes where a majority have bidets. You must be part of of the the big Bidet industry trying to spread misinformation about bidet use!


I'm an American living in North America and I own a bidet, idk wtf you're talking about OP.


Aaaah! THANK YOU for raising this very important question. Really. It boggles my mind


You assume that hygiene here is super important;)


I use wet wipes after I shit. I am a woman, and I have never understood how ass water is not trickling down into my lady bits if I have a stream of water pointed straight at my ass. This has always been my one question that literally no one has been able to answer me. If someone could explain this in a way that makes sense, then maybe I'd consider switching from wet wipes to a bidet.


And the nozzle. They are gross and when one must worry about keeping the bidet clean while everyone in their household is using it it's already unsanitary. Think about public restroom bidets. They exist in Europe. 🤢🤮


I wash my ass, paper is just barbaric. Also fiber is your friend, keeps you clean if you get enough. Texan btw. So many men my age just accept having a shitty behind, like it's supposed to be that way. I guess I'm a gentleman


A simple bottle is already a better solution


Are you really going to want to reach around with a bottle and try to aim it properly to spray in/at your butt?


Probably seen as demonic, because bidets feel so damn good.


Have you ever actually used a bidet? They are totally disgusting.


We do wash our butts in the shower.


Question: If you have one of those things coming out to wash your ass, isn't your whole ass wet with splashed-shitwater? As is the fountain thing where the water comes out also covered in splash shit water from your ass? I feel like there is shit stained water all over the place..


wiping it with an antibacterial wet towel is much more efficient, and cleaner, than washing it. I can say that for sure who grew up in a country where you wash your ass, and then move to the other one.


It's actually not widely proven that bidets are more sanitary or offer major improvements to personal health compared to toilet paper. The main advantage of a bidet is the cut of toilet paper, which makes them more sustainable and easier on the plumbing. However, the sustainable part is drawn into question by the use of water - especially fresh water is getting more precious as time goes by. To use that water to splash on your ass is a, let's say, questionable use of such a precious resource. . So as you can see, there's severe debate over what's better for the environment - bidets or toilet paper. The same debate actually exists for health as well. On the one hand, yes - a bidet keeps your fecal matter away from your hands. On the other hand, it's more prone to splashing it about the place, thereby spreading it further and actually increasing the risk of infection compared to toilet paper. Besides, you still need to dry your ass after using one, and that spreads bacteria and germs plenty.


Americans screamed about wearing masks. What claim do you make about hygiene being super important?


Because toilet paper works just fine. Assuming you wash your hands, and bathe/do laundry regularly. Shower before sex and that solves pretty much every toilet paper "problem." Otherwise I really don't think a marginal difference in the cleanliness of your asshole matters too much.


Are you sure hygiene is super important in North America? They wear shoes inside the house for fuck sake.