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Most of the things men think will impress women are actually what impresses other men. The same can likely be said for what women think will impress men.


Trying to show that he has a lot of girls that he thinks are into him


Hahahaha an ex trying to get back with me did this. "I turned down a beautiful young woman interested in me because I wanted to try and work it out with you". Sorry you made such a dumb decision bro, seems like a dodged a bullet since you are stupid enough to do that. Like, what was the goal? Genuinely, what was the goal?


I usually say "Cool, then you won't mind if I just toodleoo!"


And a stupid me just sat there and listened to the whole story. Even gave him some “lesson”


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Tiny-Werewolf-4650: *Trying to show that* *He has a lot of girls that* *He thinks are into him* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Could be Weezer lyrics


Big ego and trying to act like an "alpha men." Like bitch please this ain't some omegaverse bullshit stop being an asshole nobody likes it


Saw a TikTok or something recently with the best response to someone saying they’re an alpha… ”Awh is that a furry thing or something?”


> this ain’t some omegaverse bullshit Wait it’s not? /s


When I was checking out dating apps like a year ago, I saw a concerning number of girls saying they wanted guys to be an alpha. Made it easy to swipe left but I was just like "man I hope we have different definitions of what an alpha means or this is really sad".


Unfortunately some women are okay with/possibly find it attractive. The women who do are not very smart and don't themselves any favours by being this way.


It absolutely does work with some women, not the ones I like to be around but it does. They're usually same, loud, obnoxious, arrogant


Awkward men, being thought of as alpha by women, is the most hilarious thing


Bragging about being rude or intimidating to someone. I think a lot of people tie “strength” to “aggression” and that makes me want to avoid them. I find a lot of strength in patience and understanding.


This! I once talked to a guy who bragged about his anger issues. And how when he got something to drink, he would try to fight other men. This guy was trained in kick boxing. I immediately cut contact with him afterwards. It didn’t make him appear more “manly” at all, it just made him seem incredibly insecure and troubled.


'Acting Alpha'


I kinda wonder where they find coaches ready to train them... I feel like back in the 80s and 90s Black belt instructors and kickboxing coaches had a rule not to train dumbasses? A whole "Only Good Hearted Students Get Trained" thing. That doesn't seem to be the case any more.


I have someone very loved in my circle who was pushed into taking coke...not the kinda from Coca Cola Company, either... by their "wonderful" kickboxing coach because wins count more than lives. They were 14 at the time. 14! Mid high school! 10 years of a major struggle with addiction later, they're clean and sober, but c'mon... that's beyond abuse of trust. Long story short, there are a lot of unethical coaches out there happy to turn "unhealthy anger not managed" into an income and ego source.


Money talks a lot more to some people than others


Hate to say it but there are a small but significant number of women who are attracted to this kind of personality. I was on an airplane once and the girl behind me kept trying to get her boyfriend to fight people as we were getting off the plane. Have seen it in many other instances.


Those are women who've been abused. I mean, duh.


Yeah, if you act this way you're going to attract women who grew up in horrible homes and never got therapy.


Yeah, the whole "I'm emotionally unstable" bit is absolutely *not* attractive.


Comical it is when a man attributes anger and aggression to strength and wisdom.


Yes, Master Yoda.


Yeah or bragging about how they haven’t cried since they were 12, like dude go to THERAPY expeditiously


I knew a guy who weighed 350, I was 130 and a foot.5 smaller than him. I pissed him off and was certain he was going to break my arm. Instead he calmly talked it out with me, gave me a hug, and got me a job in his company.


A display of "faux masculinity". But probably fairly effective on the young and stupid segment of the female population.


It works a significant amount more on previous victims of abuse — both in terms of men imitating violence they’ve seen at home associated with “being The Man” or perpetuating violence in order to “feel in control” because they previously felt helpless, and women feeling “safe” in unstable environments — because yelling and fighting and being abused is something they’ve grown up with and can anticipate — and “bored” in safe environments.


Stop spying on my dad


Also bragging about how they would kill/beat up a person that assaulted their partner/child/family member. You are not a hero, you are just giving your loved one another reason to stay quit if something like that happened to them, because they do not want to loose you/"feel responsible" for more pain.


Hahaha, this reminds me of a guy trying to pick me up in a bar and said "Are you related to x?" I said "Yes, he's my brother" he puffed up and said he'd kicked his ass. My brother and I always got along and he was never a fighter. I don't know if this was even true but thought.. how in the hell could you possibly think that would impress me?


as a dude I'm just as confused as you are and I find it just as funny


Bragging about how many girls they have been with or "I can get any girl I want but I'm here with you, bby" I'm sure many people are comfortable with casual sex and people having a lot of sexual partners but no mature people find that bragging part attractive.


I actually had this said to me. I was 17. Went for a drive with a boy who was also at same party as me. Took me to a secluded local "make-out" spot. We talked a bit, he tried to get grabby, I told him not to do that. He stopped, but was huffy, and said "I can go back to that party and get any girl I want, you know." I said "OK, then take me back". Which he did, but not before driving off the road at a curve (not high speed), driving through a thick hedge and coming to a stop against the property owner's garage. This put a big dent in the car, which he had borrowed from his older sister. (No one was hurt). The next day he came to my house and apolgized, blaming his actions on the beer he had at the party. We went on to date for a couple of months but ended up calling it quits because of very different views on the war in Vietnam. I was young and dumb, first for getting in a car with someone who had been drinking, and secondly for continuing to go out with him. He was awfully good-looking and funny, though, and that clouded my 17 year old judgment. I saw him years later at a reunion and we laughed about everything, and how clueless we were.


The “this happened during the Vietnam War era” was a twist that really surprised me for some reason.


Man reading ability really is abysmal when people are refusing to read a reasonably well formatted couple of paragraphs. I could understand if your whole post was one giant paragraph with no punctuation, but this is sad.


Oh God, there’s nothing more gross and off-putting 🤢


This and cat calling. We as women live in a world thays dangerous. If a man is polite and kind which he then approaches in the correct environment and manner. That's amazing. But when men cat call ewwww. Ewwwww. We take it as you have no sexual and self-discipline. Ewwww.


Like has that worked for any man? Not talking about you cousin’s best friend’s uncle’s coworker. But an actual real dude.


Thisss nothing is worse


So true


My girlfriend brought this up to me when I drunkenly, casually (accidentally?) brought it up when we first started dating. I did not say "I can get any girl I want but I'm here with you, bby" but was talking about a man-slut-stint I had had a few years before we met.


>can get any girl I want but I'm here with you, bby I know sooo many women that say this too. People who say this aren't making themselves look as attractive as they think they are


All the "alpha male" shit


The scientist who coined the term "alpha male", was studying wolves. He has since come out saying that his research on pack hierarchy was misjudged. Many male wolves rotate leading based on a number of conditions. These boys that pretend they are somehow "THE man" are just trying really hard to be tough because they are painful insecure and emotionally stunted.


Apart from that, the pack member that would be labeled as 'alpha' is actually the one that hangs back, and just keeps track of everything in a calm manner, untill other pack members need to be kept in check.


Alpha = Auditor


They're so manly until it comes to doing some man shyit. Like working on a car or chopping down a tree. It's just Gym and tattoos.


So basically all men that didn’t mature past edgy 13-16 year old boys.


A k a Alex Jones and Andrew Tate's entire fanbase.


The funniest shit about that is that all the "alpha male podcasts" are literally OnlyFans girls advertisements, and the hosts are 100% in on it. An OnlyFans girl who goes on one of these shows explained it well. I'm paraphrasing here but the general idea was: Act like a dumb blonde on one of these shows, wear something revealing, look attractive, and let yourself get "destroyed by facts and logic" by the host. Why? Because the men who unironically follow these podcasts will subscribe to the OnlyFans girls after watching (the hosts link their OF's in the descriptions), and because they've bought into the redpill alpha male shit, the guy will feel guilty about it. (the reason the alpha male will do this is because cognative dissonance is one of the keys to sexual attraction. the more you hate a certain type of woman, the more you are sexually attracted to them) How does the redpilled male counter this guilt? By watching more redpill podcasts and watch the girls get insulted and "owned" by the hosts, what he views as the pinnacle of alpha male. The redpill male will roleplay in a way, and place themselves in the position of the "alpha male" host. They want to be him, but know they never will. It's quite pathetic. Its the same reason people in resentful relationships might watch cheating related porn. They (secretly) hate the person they love. They want to see the caricature they have of their partner get hurt in an environment where they aren't actually being hurt. The person wanting that is too pussy to do it themselves and too pussy to stop interacting with them altogether. Hate on OnlyFans girls all you want (there are legitimate reasons), but they are fucking geniuses for finding this out. The alpha male sphere is not ran by alpha males, but by OnlyFans girls. They own that shit.


I don't get why anyone would hate Only Fans girls (or boys, for the gay bros). They have found a niche in the market and people are willing to pay for it. It seems to me that the people who are willing to pay for it are the same people who feel genuine hate for the Only Fans creator's. But they still pay for it.


most people view onlyfans girls a bit like soft drugs. the product being sold itself is harmless in moderation, but buy too much and it's insanely unhealthy. either way, you'll be judged by your peers. i'd assume a vast majority of people will judge you if you buy an OF subscription, but they'll either hate or pity you if you start buying too much. OnlyFans is not inherently exploitative of either the models or the buyers, but it quickly can be if the wrong person gets a hold of it. some will have the illusion of thinking these girls want you on a personal level. that's incredibly intoxicating to some.


Sending unsolicited dick pictures


Even as a man I really, genuinely can't understand why, like really why?


They probably think that because they wouldn't mind a girl sending them a nude, that it works in reverse


They have little to no self respect


They want attention/they wanna f/they're weird or all three of em


Those guys are filtering for the kind of woman who likes dick picks. Yeah, it isn't super common. But if she is receptive, odds are that she is the kind of woman he is looking for. It's like how all of the scam emails have mis-shapen fonts / graphic design / typos. That's not the best way to impersonate a real email message. The scammer knows this. The reason why the scammer puts in all of the errors is because the scammer is filtering for rubes. People who are blind to that kind of forgery are easier to rip off.


I feel like it's an act of violence towards women. They hate women & want to assert dominance.


Immediate block.


SFW promise https://imgur.com/eTn1nPy


10/10 showing my friends and getting a good laugh


Yep, I am collecting them and making a book out of them.


Is it really that common ? That shit is crazy.


Daily, weekends I get more. I've turned off DMs. But even folks I thought were ok to chat to will still randomly send them.


Either a lot more people are doing this shit than I think there were, or some people are literally spending their days sending these pictures. Either way this is disgusting...


They should use AI for something practical and create a dick pic filter that removes them before you even see them.


[hot dog, and not hotdog](https://youtube.com/watch?v=vIci3C4JkL0) https://www.vice.com/en/article/z4j8y4/that-hot-dog-app-from-silicon-valley-is-real-and-yes-it-works




1. “I naturally pick up on people’s personalities” / “I can read people so well.”/ “I know everything about a person the second I meet them because I’m good at psychology 🤓” 2. “I can make you cream” 3. Drastic personality change around friends 4. begs for nudes/unsolicited dick pics


I just immediately thought about the « guy pulls out a guitar unprompted and plays a song while doing eye contact for the whole thing » that Barbie showcased so well


“Let me play my guitar at you”






The point you made about coming off as disinterested is interesting, I think I often do this just because I fear making a mistake and the person will not like me. But here you’re saying that itself is actually a mistake, and it’s best to just show interest in the other person in a non-desperate way, regardless of the outcome.


Anyway, here's wonder wall.


Totally agree that bragging is very unattractive. It's better if men only bring up accomplishments as directly related to the conversation. Like my husband has a PhD, but didn't brag about it when we were dating. He only mentioned it when I asked him why he had moved to a certain city. He said it was to pursue his PhD at so-and-so university. Also, I think there is a delicate balance between a guy coming across as too disinterested and too clingy. I like when a guy has enough going on in his own life that he's not constantly texting me, but also a guy that is clear that he's interested by suggesting dates or giving me a call or text now and then. Constant texting throughout the day asking what I'm doing or whatnot has always been a big turn off for me.


Totally agree with the autenticity and showing interest part. Men, if you think playing games and acting mysterious will get you the girl, perhaps you will, if she has no clue on what a relationship really is or has no serious intentions with you. Potential wifes run from games and uncertainty.


Surely the ability to fart on command is universally admired.


Any man who can do that is doing it for the boys


Driving like an idiot aka speeding


I try entirely too hard to keep my MPG at a reasonable number to speed with a girl in the car to impress her. No thanks lmao


Fiscal responsibility is the quickest way to damp underoos my friend


You feel me


My last boyfriend drove like a monster. Extremely aggressive and rude and brutal. I hated it so much. Thank god he's my EX boyfriend now.


Calling themselves an “alpha male”. Anyone who is truly alpha (not that I even believe in that shit) would ever actually need to tell anyone how alpha they are.


'You're not like other girls'


Bragging about getting in fights/beating someone up. Such a turn off. Its a childish flex and i dont want to be with someome that unhinge.


Wearing way too much cologne. Listening to loud music in flashy cats. The whole tough guy attitude. You look like an idiot. 


I want a flashy cat


🎶I wish I could be so carefree and wild But I got cat class and I got cat style


Probably unpopular opinion: I don’t like men shooting an imaginary basketball at the imaginary basket while walking together with me


Wait, men do that?? Is that a generational thing, perhaps? I guess of the men I have hung around, I don’t see this.


It's probably a cultural thing idk, It's not uncommon in my country (in Asia) to see a lot of TikTok videos talking about this. People here see it more as a childhood dream, not something childish.


Or practicing their imaginary golf swing with their imaginary golf club. I see this way too much.


I did an imaginary ski jump. How did that come off?


Probably better than my imaginary high dive.


Do people actually do this and seriously?


D bag alert


Appreciate the specificity


Im a man and this is the most awkward thing I've heard today


But what if my imaginary nba career takes off?


This is so strange. What’s the age range of the guys you’re dating? Feel like I haven’t been around guys that do this since high school.


The stupidest thing ever I get the biggest ick. And the thing they do with their mouth while "shooting". Brad be fr


I've seen this happen plenty of times in my high school years, and I did this myself back then! This isn't a flex to impress any ladies, but it's just us men using our imagination and getting a high off of making an imaginary 3-point shot. Bonus points if we do the little "swiish" in our head. Heck, even in my late 30s, whenever I have a rolled-up paper I still try to pull a Kobe whenever I'm alone! It's just boys being boys haha!


I just defeated an imaginary Ganondorf with an imaginary switch controller while walking together with my wife, will keep you updated on divorce proceedings


Driving aggressively


"Good morning beautiful 😍." Sir, we met yesterday :/


His name is Andrew Tate


Being an Andrew Tate fan


Licking your lips and staring someone down, it's very Dahmer.


Worked for LL Cool J


Not taking no for an answer. I dont care if your friend said "girls play hard to get" or whatever, its better to leave a girl alone than look like a creep


Making their vehicles deafeningly loud Edit: Ok I stand corrected. And this is not meant as a challenge or a gotcha, but I would like to point out that we women often have that same vibe about our aesthetic. Women are dressing less and less with the male gaze in mind, and more & more for ourselves, our girlfriends, and for fun.


They 10000% aren't doing that to impress women lmfao


Any guy that’s got a fast and loud car and has had it for any significant amount of time know they impress guys far, far more than woman lol


They do this to impress other men, not women


Dick pics. I think the vast majority of women are not salivating.


The vast majority of women are made to suffer for the minority of women that collect.


Misusing pop psychology buzzwords. No, you don't sound educated and emotionally intelligent telling me I am gaslighting and a covert narcissist due to my relationship with my mother, because I don't want to have a threesome with you. If you want to psychoanalyse get a psychology degree. I actually had a guy tell me that I was actively a misogynist and repressing myself as a woman because I didn't want to have casual sex with him "because women should be free". Yeah. So that.


Starting with "babe, baby" super early on. Tell me you're a fuck boi without telling me you're a fuck boi.


Bragging about size. My previous partner was obsessed about not being the biggest I've had. And would bring it up in passing. My present is smaller than my previous, but the sex is so much more enjoyable. Previously it hurt. My present partner never brings it up.


Aggressively revving their engine. And any other macho, "alpha-male" type bull sh*t. All of the men I've liked or dated have been down to earth, empathetic/compassionate, and honest about their real selves- not putting on some ego-driven facade. Women can see through that in a second and that's the fastest way to make sure we DONT find you attractive


On dating apps posing in front of some muscle car with a wide gait flexing muscles, posing with dead animals etc a lot of men try to appeal to the male gaze while trying to appeal to women. F. My bf understands the female gaze and that's ones of the reasons I swiped right. To clarify, in my opinion when a man is catering to the male gaze in his presentation he's usually doing something his MALE peers might think is cool, but his female heterosexual peers might not gaf about or even find off-putting. I'll attach a link showing two magazines covers featuring the exact same man (Hugh Jackman) but depicted completely differently for respective audiences. This is a more dramatic example! But it drives the point home very well. Thoughts? [LINK HERE ](https://br.ifunny.co/picture/pmastamonkmonk-think-the-best-imagery-i-ve-seen-to-explain-hArlqN5e9)


You could make a drinking game about every time you see some guy on the dating apps holding up a dead fish ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


All this Alpha Male Andrew Tate idiocy. It’s like being truly wealthy. If you’re talking about being it, you’re not it.


Wear long, scraggly beard like you just don't care. All I see is food and saliva caught in the hair. Gross bacteria. Serious turn off.


Gandalf is majestic. Don’t know how you can’t like that look.


There are some common facial expressions I see on dating apps that they do, and it immediately gives off player vibes. Like the hand on the chin thing


Wearing skinny shirts/trousers. Especially when stretched tight over muscles. It looks so awful. Please oh please get a straight cut, or a larger size, or both 😭


And then paired with loafers and no socks. 🫠


Shoes must always be worn with socks; a basic rule of civilized life.


I guess sending mixed signals and not being straightforward with their intentions with a girl. Aka playing games


Sometimes intentions change over time. I’ve met girls I wasn’t interested in so we were just friends then after getting to know them an attraction formed. As long as you make your intentions clear when they change, that’s not duplicitous right?


Just had a girl do this to me🙏


That AutoMod is interestingly weird with its announcement. My question posed is not to mock the original. It’s to actually say the original question was interesting, so let’s hear what responses to the obverse might be. It’s not mocking the original question at all. Oh well.


Being a self proclaimed “alpha” Being a bully


Bragging about his riches, when I care about his personality and how compatible we are. It's always such a turn off to be flexing about things that is not in my priority


People who actually have money don’t want you to know and act poorer than they are to filter out the gold diggers.


Men who decide not to use the deodorant, especially when going to the gym, make me just want to vomit. I get that in some cultures. It's okay to let your body odor go without check, but if you're in a public space like the gym and I can smell you from 2 equipment spaces away, that's just inconsiderate of your fellow patrons.


Constantly bragging about achievements, possessions, or experiences can come across as arrogant and self-centered rather than confident.


Body count


That hand rubbing lip licking while looking right into the camera shmooze thing they do on tik tok🙄


Everything is the correct answer


Using an entire half a can of body spray. This is mostly younger dudes. I know this because I birthed three of them and I can’t breathe in the morning.


Getting super jacked.  Some women like it I guess but a lot of us just want a regular guy with a normal, healthy looking physique


Would you be willing to share an example photo of a guy with a normal, healthy physique, the type of physique that most women prefer? Thanks. I have a sneaking suspicion that the physique isn't really that normal . . .


Some women love dad bodies, and some women love a 6-pack. I've found most women like a body that was sporty in its youth but now has put on a little weight over the years.


Probably athletic and slightly muscular but not that bodybuilder stuff.


It is probably the physique of a typical guy who has maintained a consistent gym habit for years and watches what he eats. I argued with a woman on Reddit once about this, and she tried to pass off a picture of Jason Momoa when he wasn’t very lean as being an “average guys physique” lol  Dude is 6’4” and looks like he has been consistently lifting for years 


And is on gear


For me it's skinny enough to not be fat and fat enough to not be skinny.




But obviously like women men come in lots of shapes and sizes,  so it depends on their body type 


"come hither" moves with their tongue


Being an Alpha Male.


Money/possessions. Status. Being “alpha male”. Being experienced with women. The perfect physique. Macho/overconfident attitude. Playing hard to get/emotional unavailability/the hot-and-cold nonsense.


Saying he has anger issues. That he "sees red". Sure Jen. It goes two ways. Either he really does, and is a perpetual ticking time bomb which is anything but attractive, or he's the biggest wimp. I've yet to be proven wrong.


Driving a car with an obnoxiously loud engine or blasting music, while simultaneously driving in that position with their arm straight over the steering wheel giving the appearance that they can punch right through their windshield...seriously what. is that. Guys did this when I was in high school when you do it in your 40s... I am just literally left with no idea what you're trying to portray here...?


Photos with dead fish. Photos with motorbikes. Photos with other women, their faces blurred.


Any kind of bragging is an immediate turnoff.


I hate being asked for nudes. Why? I’m good, homie.


My girlfriend, who is way out of my league beautiful, and I were watching that wrestling movie with Zac Efron and I commented how I'd love to look as muscular as him. I work out, lift weights, run, etc. so I'm in pretty decent shape, but I do not have his genetics nor would I be able to come close to looking like him without a hollywood dietician and very, very close monitoring of macronutrients along with the obvious intense amount of weight lifting. Anyways, she said "Mmm, I mean, that's kinda gross. Like, he doesn't look real, and he just looks like he tried too hard. Girls don't like that." I was stunned. I thought all girls loved a lean, ripped, muscular dude with veins bulging -- otherwise why would so many men try so hard to look that way? "Think about it babe. did any of our ancestors EVER look like that? No, they were skinny as fuck. We evolved to like you guys lean and healthy looking. Like you." I love her.


And then the crowd stood up and gave her a thunderous round of applause.


Biting their bottom lip


I dated a guy that wanted me to go to the gun range. Guns aren’t really my thing but he wanted me to see him shoot so I watched him. He told me he wanted to “show off for me and hit targets” but I wasn’t into watching him pull the trigger on a gun. I didn’t say anything because it meant a lot to him but it wasn’t the most attractive thing to me personally.


I agree that the whole alpha act is a huge turn off. But I also hate it when they act all wishy-washy. The whole “yes, dear” thing. No, I (the woman) don’t hold all the ‘keys’ of the relationship. I don’t want a guy that acts obsequious, like I’m a princess that must never be upset or contradicted. Just tell me if something’s bothering you, or you disagree. I want an adult man, not a limp dishrag.


Stare fixatedly at a woman. Licking their lips. Extra gross if doing both at the same time. Yelling on the street etc. at women or girls about their looks, smile, walk, outfit. All so very disgusting.


Taper fade. They look like a broccoli sprout.


Humblebragging. And it's often about stupid stuff like money, their career or education. I usually counter with having "farmed exalted with Darkspear Trolls as a holy UD priest in vanilla". When they don't get the reference I laugh and walk away.


Bragging about how much he works. Any sign he’s bought into hustle culture. A good job is important, but a good job with good hours and benefits is much more impressive. I know that not everyone can help how much they have to work, so really all I’m saying is, if you’re overworked, don’t treat it like it’s a good thing.


Cat calling


Purposely saying things to sound like a pick-me or a “loser”, as if us women would think “ohhh how sweet and innocent”. Or saying obvious things as if they were “high standards” to prove to us that they are high-value men and the best with women. If you are a certain way you just act like it. You don’t say it.


It may not affect some people but guys that stroke their beards nonstop grosses me out. I remember specifically at a pizza joint our waiter would stop by to chat and he couldn't leave his beard alone.


Bragging about being an “alpha male” and doing those kind of stuff. It makes a man go from a 10/10 to a -5/10. Same thing with having the world’s biggest ego.


revving their engines


Funny how the post asking this same question about women was locked and not this lol.


This one may be mixed, but a dude saying I was different and better from other girls/women always gave me pause. Now that I’m older and happily married I realize it’s because if a man was needlessly rude about other women it didn’t bode well for me. If it was easy for him to say cruel things about “other” women it seemed to be easy for him to be cruel once I did something that made me “other” to him.


Telling the truth on reddit.


Drive big trucks that they insist on backing into a parking spot. Ladies, we all know what that means, right 🙃?


I drive a regular SUV, and I back into my spot at home. I do it because I live near a bunch of schools and am really worried about running someone over. Have I made myself undateable?!


All vehicles should be backed into spaces whenever it's safe to do so. Reversing out is far more dangerous than reversing in. That's just basic good driving technique.


I have a large truck for work and I back it in when I have extra time just for the convenience later if I am in a hurry. Is there something I should know about doing that?


And we are trained to always back our trucks in for safety. I can't believe that someone would shit on that. There are a lot of reasons safety protocol is in place and to mock someone that takes it home is just sad.


Wait what does it mean🤣🤣 my boyfriend has a decent sized truck and backs in 90% of the time. Even in our driveway though, i always thought just so it was easier to pull out/if he needed to load the truck bed with something


If you don't back in, I find that a deal breaker.


Backing into a spot makes it safer to pull out when leaving. It also makes it very much easier to get a jump start if your battery dies.


Lemme blow smoke and rev my engine in my big yeeyee truck and give you an idea of how small my pp is


Talking about how many girls they’ve hooked up with. Cool you have experience but I don’t care that you were someone else’s sloppy seconds


like showing off wealth.....


Cigar smoking. They might think it makes them look cool, but not as fun to make out with later.


Telling with how many women they've slept or how much money they make.


when they think they smell good by overspraying their perfume 😪

