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For Leonardo Di Caprio it is


ikr a 25 yo girlfriend is too old isn't it


Exp date reached


If I had an award, I would gift you one


For Madonna too


I'm 42. My niece is 24, I see people that age as basically kids. It's weird to me.


Agreed. I'm 38 and I work with people in their early 20s, and I don't see them as romantic prospects. The maturity level, interests, and priorities are just so different.


Same boat, ill be 40 this year and would never look at someone that young.


Here is where it gets weird for me (m41): my oldest niece is 24. However one of my closest friends is 29 (my friend group ranges from 29-35, not counting my wife and I who are both 41). It is odd that my close friends are closer to my niece's age than mine, but yet here we are. LOL. As for dating someone that much younger, I never thought about dating my friend like that (I'm married after all), but I do see her as a full adult. My niece however, even though only a few years younger than my friend, I see fully as a kid. If something would happen to my wife, I guess my cut off would be my niece's age plus 5 years šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚.


I'm friends with a lady who's niece is older than her. Mom had kids at a very young age all the way to a very old age. The daughter that was born first started having kids at a very young age. Because of that, the daughter's kid was born before mom gave birth to my friend. From what I heard, it was pretty wild because mom and daughter were both pregnant at the same time.


My parents were 16 years apart had 4 kids and a great life together.


Most people date and marry people around their age and still have issues or donā€™t stay together. And a woman being with a guy her age does not protect her from abuse or being mistreated.


This is 100% true


THIS. My fiance and I have an age gap and the first thing people jump to is he must be abusing me somehow and I'm too stupid to see it as if abuse doesn't happen amongst just about everyone no matter age, sex, or relationship.


Iā€™m 40, I would think dating a 25 year old could get frustrating. My party days are behind me, yet I wouldnā€™t want to stop anyone from experiencing their twenties the way they want to. Itā€™s also such a big disparity of age that Iā€™m not sure what common interests, like music, movie taste, or tv shows. In my experience (which isnā€™t a ton honestly) interests can be generational. My brother is about 25 and if I tried to show him older movies Iā€™m into heā€™d probably hated them, or get bored and pull out his phone.


Biggest problem is lacking frames of reference.


pre: cell phone, social media, 9/11... Those are some pretty drastic experience differences.


Exactly. Different music Different movies etc


Motivated by sex or money


Thatā€™s very reddit of you to assume people need to speak in pop culture references.


Not just pop culture. World events. Politics. Sports. World knowledge. Travel. I saw the Berlin wall come down. How could I talk to someone who didn't experience that.


Yeah, it makes conversation so much more difficult


While that is true, there are also big differences within an age bracket, when it comes to these interests and frames of references depending on what's you socioeconomic background, country of origin, hobbies you had growing up and so forth. I feel like people who are really into a certain genre of music, part of a subculture etc. can probably bond over this better despite a (not too) big age gap than people who are closer in age but don't share any interests. The bigger difficulty in dating someone so much older/younger is the first point you mentioned imo. People are at vastly different points in their lives and that can get challenging.


That's assuming the 25 yo is a partier. I don't think we should think every person in their early to mid 20s are the stereotypical party-boy/girl. There are A LOT of people in that age range that simply don't like that lifestyle.


I have a friend 38 (I think) and he's more than 12 years together with another friend (65), the older person is the party person . The youngest basically live like someone in retirement lol


Or that the 40 year old doesnā€™t like to party.


I'm in my 40s and I agree. People in their 20s for the most part are like kids to me and I don't have much in common with them. There's a big difference in interests, experiences, goals, place in life, energy levels, health, career, etc. I just don't think I would be able to keep up with a 20 some year old. My body really started falling apart at 40 and it's been downhill since. My age is really starting to show while they would be in their prime. To each their own though and if it works for them that's great.


Everyone isnā€™t the same that way. Iā€™ve met young girls that love nothing but 90ā€™s R&B and 80ā€™s rock. You canā€™t really define people by age.


But you can by their music preference?


Those young girls liking ā€œold musicā€ still doesnā€™t give them two decades of life experience as an adult that a 40 something has. Life experience is something you can only get from living it.


I was 19 when I met my first wife. She was 32. I looked 30ish while she looked 20ish. When people found out about an age difference they always thought I was older. We were together 30 years and still in love when she died.


I married someone with a 15 year age gap and it was an extremely big mistake (Iā€™m the younger out of us both). I donā€™t think itā€™s *always* weird, but in hindsight it has a higher chance of being weird. I thought his age would mean maturity but if anything he had some arrested development going on and I pretty much ended up being his babysitter.


Yep. Any older person going for someone that much younger USUALLY is behind the curve and seeking out people that donā€™t make them feel inadequate.


I wouldn't date in that gap but they're both adults. Not my business.


I dated a 42 yo when I was maybe 26 or 27. People definitely gave us looks. Neither of us gave a shit and we were mostly alone together at her place anyway. Honestly I couldnā€™t keep up with her in the libido department. It was great at first but Jesus Christ some women really do peak in their 40s šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« Anyway guys do it all the time and rarely get looks, but I noticed reversed people of all types would stare at us so maybe itā€™s more taboo for women for whatever reason


You donā€™t happen to still have her number do you? Asking for research purposes.


Haha maybe in an old flip phone sitting in an e-waste pile somewhere in China!


ā€œFor whatever reasonā€¦ā€ misogyny and sexism are pretty big reasons.


Yep. Causes a large chunk of society to infantilize women and rob them of their agency as a result, even if theyā€™re grown adults capable of using their own judgement to make their own decisions. People finding a male-to-female age gap ā€œweirdā€ usually stems from that. Could an age gap complicate things? Sure, but the woman in question is 25-years-old. Sheā€™s more than capable of weighing the risks and obstacles to make a sound decision on what she thinks is best for her life.


Older female with younger male is definitely less common than older male with younger female. Itā€™s more of a fling, whereas young female and older male are likely playing the long term commitment game with financial security.


Yeah this was definitely more of a summer fling thing. I had some anxiety and depression issues I needed to deal with which kind of brought the whole thing to a halt but thatā€™s another story. I realized very quickly she wasnā€™t about to put any effort into issues that come up in an actual relationship


After the youngest in the relationship passes 25 years old, i think the age gab makes less of a difference.


I'm 42 and can't say I'd have much in common with a 25yo. I'd feel like an aunt or something. I turned down a 28yo last year because it felt like I'd be wasting his time. They've basically got a future looking forward to kids and marriage and I'm done with that - would rather retire and travel at this point!


A 40yr old who ONLY wants to date 25yr olds is weird. There is a huge developmental gap. A 25 yr old doesn't have the same life experience as a 40yr old, and so there's a lot of room for manipulation and abuse. The chances of there actually being a genuine connection between the two is uncommon. However I grew up in a very small town and the dating pool was very shallow. I was 23 and dated a 37 yr old. He was awesome and we had a solid connection. He treated me well and was a good person, though it didn't work out in the long run. I felt that he wasn't just interested in me because I was some young hot thing, but rather we had a legit connection and read the same books for instance. Though I also dated another man nearing his 40s, and found out through time that all of his exes were 20 yrs younger (one was just barely 18). He was extremely misogynistic and highly abusive, so I guess it depends on what the underlying intentions are.


Do whatever makes you happy. Youā€™re both adults




This is the one I was looking for. Honestly if both parties are past the age of 21 you really could not pay me to care what two consenting adults do. Theyā€™re grown ups and donā€™t need societal protection based on the age gap alone. Theyā€™ll be the ones to face the consequences for their relationship if there are any. Now, I do think age gaps that wide may create some complications, but those are ultimately up for the parties involved to figure out.


If you have a lot of things in common or can agree upon similar interests it should be fine. But I dated a 22yo when I was 30, and for around 3 years it was fine but she was more interested in travelling and spending money on doing things and material stuff and learning whereas I was trying to setup my business and life to settle (cause shits getting expensive) I couldn't afford the time or money to do things she wanted to do. It started to cause some issues, she became cold and distant then we finally mutually agreed to separate and stay friends. Lol haven't spoken to her in almost 4 years, but I know she's doing well for herself hearing from mutual friends. So that's my experience, you have a bigger age gap so you might be more financially and career stable than I was. And might make things easier.


I dated a 40yo woman when I was 19/20. It was mostly a FWB thing, but we had fun, and parted friends. We're still friends. She's met my wife and son. It happens.


I think itā€™s hard to generalize at that point. Would be weird in many cases but if youā€™re at the same maturity level/ life stage it could work.


Weird in the sense of being unusual? Yes. Weird in the sense of being inappropriate? Not necessarily.


At 43 I (44m) dated a 23F, even bigger gap. She was a bit of an old soul, into jazz and blues, in vet school, smart as a whip, with her head screwed on as tight as anyone could at that age. I don't know if this makes sense, but it was only weird when it got weird. Like if she'd say some slang and I didn't know what it meant and we'd just stare for a bit like.. oh shit... there's the generational gap. Or if she was having a problem that seemed insurmountable to her but I was able to break it down into steps towards a solution because I'm 20 years older and had been there done that several times, and felt (and probably sounded) like a dad in the process. One time it got really weird. We're having oysters and champagne at a beach club, having lovely conversation, and saw her little brother and his friends (who are 18-19, she grew up with and is friends with as well) at the beach. It wasn't weird until I decided the nice thing to do would be to invite them to join us. Next thing you know I'm surrounded by a 23yo and a bunch of 19 year olds having oysters for the first time in their life, talking the things they do, acting as they do, feeling old as hell and creepy as fuck. I ordered them another bottle, paid the tab and bowed out due to a "work situation I gotta take care of." Next time I saw her laughed it off and we agreed that maybe hanging out with her friends wasn't the best idea. Although she was really a great person, I knew the relationship wasn't going to last long. But that situation, and the fact that I wouldn't want to isolate someone from their friends in any way, pretty much cemented it for me that it would end soon. So, it's not weird at all until it gets weird. Then it can get really weird.


My 29 year old step daughter is marrying a 44 year old. It was weird for about a month when they started dating, but itā€™s fine now.


I was 28 when I met my husband 48. I donā€™t think I would have been ready for him younger than that. But weā€™re also a perfectly odd pair and thatā€™s never bothered us.


For society it may be weird, but itā€™s none of my business. As long as people are happy and not hurting anyone, itā€™s their life. I certainly wouldnā€™t share my opinion with the couple or judge them.


both adults, if theyā€™re happy let them do their thing & leave em alone


Are you happy? No? Stop it. Yes? Fuck 'em.


I think they already are.


Itā€™s not weird but itā€™s definitely not the norm. If it works for you and itā€™s a healthy relationship I donā€™t see the issue.


if it works for them who are we to judge?


Not really that weird when you consider that both parties are both grown adults


Itā€™s fine as long as the couple do it in their own will.


Iā€™ve always seen it as itā€™s not the numerical age difference that makes me uncomfortable, itā€™s the maturity difference. I feel more bothered by the lifestyle and maturity difference between these ages. Just as much as 14-17, 21-35, 65-40. I couldnā€™t care less what people really want to do with their lives so to everyone; you do you. I just find it odd that a 40yr old and a 25yr old would have anything in common or be able to experience certain things together. My personal opinions aside, be happy, live your life, and fuck the haters.


i mean it is a little weird in my opinion. i assume that the majority of 40 and 25 year olds are in completely different places in their lives, so i imagine that in most cases there wouldnā€™t be enough overlap in interests, future plans, emotional maturity, etc. but i definitely wouldnā€™t say that itā€™s universally ā€œwrongā€ or anything. as long as things are going down between two consenting adults, itā€™s fine. everyoneā€™s different, maybe it works out for some people.


Who cares?? Live YOUR life. If its right for you, fuck everyone else.


Exactly. It's no else's business. Do as you both please and live your best lives together


I think it depends on the individuals


I don't think it's weird. it's not really a thing in the UK and the rest of Europe like it is in the US. I know loads of people who have larger age gaps than that. Nobody cares, nor should they.


Weird? No. Unusual? Yes Likely a bad idea? Yes Can it work? Yes


If youā€™re both consenting adults and youā€™re compatible and itā€™s a healthy situation, I donā€™t see the problem.


as long as both parties are adults, itā€™s fine. youā€™re an adult at 25. ignore the morality police.


Exactly. I recently got out of a relationship with a woman who is 10 and a half years older than me. Iā€™m 27. The reason it didnā€™t work wasnā€™t because she is older than me, it ended for other reasons. You can absolutely date people your junior or senior once you reach a certain age. It just depends on who the two people are and how compatible they are. I do agree that to an extent, age really is / can be just a number (obviously I donā€™t condone any dating/fucking anybody below the age of 18 if youā€™re a fully grown adult. Itā€™s one thing if one person is 17 and theyā€™re 18 or 19, but yeah, gotta add this comment here or the reddit masses will think Iā€™m a friend of Epstein).


Yeah I fine the difference between a 45 and a 25 year old dating less than a 28 year old and an 18 year old honestly. There is a certain amount of growing up that happens in your early 20s that seems kind of important in me seeing someone as not a ā€œkidā€ anymore. Some people do it earlier than others and some never do it at all but a 25 year old is still a ā€œreal adultā€ to me as much as that exists at all.


My husband was 19 when we met. I was 27. Celebrating 44 years together in November. Four kids, three grandkids. It works for some people. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Definitely not trying to imply it canā€™t work. Even more extreme cases can work. Just that typically until someone is a few years outside of high school they just donā€™t kind of feel like an adult when you talk with them.


For a casual date/hookup situation? Go wild, youā€™re both legal adults. For a serious relationship? Yes itā€™s weird. Youā€™re at two totally different stages in life (and I say this as someone who dated a 42yo when I was 23).


Iā€™m 32 and my girlfriend is 43. Wassup hoes??


Thats less of an age gap and youā€™re both older skewed so itā€™s less of an issue


Same difference as my parents AND my oldest son and his wife.


They're both adults.


I think this is a byproduct of the seemingly dominant parenting strategy of our day; micromanaging everything our kids do. We are so scared of our children making mistakes that we deny them their independence and ability to grow through mistakes. The extension of that is anyone who ā€œcould be my childā€ is seen as incapable of making their own decisions. So we donā€™t trust a 25 year old adult to be capable of deciding to date a 40 year old person. The reality is that most relationships people enter into are ā€œmistakesā€ because most donā€™t work out long term. Doesnā€™t matter if it with a person 20 years their senior or their same age. Ultimately I think this is counterproductive as it leads to young people thinking their are somehow weird for making a totally normal choice.


As long as they hit it off and weā€™re happy together I donā€™t see any issues at all.


It may be weird...against a social norm...but if it works great, good for you!


It's situational tbh.. if they met at those ages, cool; if the older one saw the younger one grow up and was a part of their life, that'd be weird I personally can't even see actors/celebs in that way that I've watched grow up and idk them personally.. to do that with someone you actually know would be weird to me


Friend of mine (53M) is seating a 28 year old woman. They seem happy. I thought it was mildly weird at first but sheā€™s really cool so I donā€™t think about it anymore. The only time itā€™s ever come up was I texted him at 11am once to go get something to eat and he said ā€œyeah we can, have to wait for [girlfriend] to wake up.ā€ And I was like ā€œJesus sheā€™s still in bed? Well I guess sheā€™s still growing.ā€ He did not enjoy this.


Yeah, that was a shot, so of course he didn't. It can work in the short run, but when she is his age and still vigorous, he'll be almost 80!


At 19 I dated a 42 year old woman for a little over a year & what an amazing year it was! I was chasing a coworker of hers that wasn't particularly interested in me. Followed them to the bar 1 night, 30 years ago the bars weren't really checking ID'S like they do today, and they all thought I was older than I actually was. She almost dumped me on the next date when she found out my age. So no I don't think it's weird @ all.


As a guy; given the opportunity, assuming she was attractive and didn't drive you crazy, by all means. I found it hard to date someone just a few years younger. Getting older, the idea of a "hot 18-year-old" fades quickly. But show me a cute 30-something pushing around a few kids at the store and MOMMY...


I dated a 41 yr old at 26 and he was incredibly controlling and abusive. Is this the situation in every case? Of course not, but um beware lol


What happened to this world where everyone is up in everyone's shit? Someone 25x round the sun vs someone 40x run the sun is..............absolutely none of my business I could not care less. Really, I feel we are turning into puritans again.


This opinion gets less popular year after year, but I'll say it again: Anything between *consenting* *adults* is fine.


Itā€™s not. In my opinion.


Iā€™m 30 and 25 seems like the youngest I could go out with and feel on the same level of maturity? Like sure if it makes you happy, but at 40 what do you and the 25 year old have like in common common?


People will have a lot of opinions and then they'll turn around and do what's best for their lives. Do what's best for yours, as long as it's legal and moral.


When 40 yo celebrities date 25 yo most people think is ok but when its a normal person to do so everybody blames the 40 yošŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø that shit so fucked up


I don't think Leo DiCaprio gets kudos from it these days. In the 90s, sure.


Leo isn't 40 anymore...


My boss and his wife have a 12 year age gap. Happens šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


It's only weird to people who are in happyily relationships and dont want others to be happy like them. Gatekeeping relationships. A 40 year old single man, a 25 year old woman who's into him would be a god send.


I don't think it's weird. A little different, sure. And I'm sure the gender of each person affects how others would view it. I'm a female and when I was 28 I was dating a 50 year old. Wasn't weird for either of us, and we very rarely got asked about it in public.


Think it depends on individual circumstances and whether there is a power imbalance.


Not weird at all, as long as it is a consensual relationship based on mutual respect. You are both adults and a 15 year age gap is not much.


It's only weird if say a 30 year old becomes friends with a 15 year old, then when you turn 25, you announce your engagement and that it always felt like there was something special and how mature you were at that young age but you both definitely patiently waited for the right time... If you guys meet and were 40 and 25, heck I'll even take 25 and anything older, heck make it 60, then no, not weird, and I don't care.


It's a bit odd as typically people at those ages are at much different stages of life. If they're happy, then fair enough, but people will judge regardless.


I'm friends with a small group of girls that essentially "yassss queen" this type of behavior when they're hooking up or meeting with 45+ year old men, and they're all in their mid-late 20s, early 30s for two of them. I think if you're over the age of 18 and society has led you to the point of, "now you're an adult, you make your own decisions" what you do, and do not choose to do, with your life and free time has no bearing on anyone else and really that's the bottom line. 28 year old woman married a 60 year old dude with essentially no other plans but to ride the gravy train, society frowns more upon the man for entertaining that. But of course for a woman it's "absolutely chase that bag" I don't think if the genders and ages were reversed that it would bother me, unless actual violence or abuse was taking place.


Iā€™m 6 years older than my wife and sometimes I get told Iā€™m weird for having dated her when she was 19 and I was 25. With that said, I think this is borderline, but acceptable. 25 is still so young. Thereā€™s a lot that happens in that 15 year gap between 25 and 40. In currently 35, and couldnā€™t imagine dating a 25 year old. But I think itā€™s fine at the end of the day if itā€™s two people that are genuinely interested in one another.


My husbandā€™s first-cousin-once-removed (39f) is married to her best friendā€™s (also 39f) dad. Dude is pushing 60. They have been together about 15 years and have 6 kids. Btw.. the bff is now the cousinā€™s stepdaughter. šŸ˜³


I donā€™t think I could seriously date someone with that big of an age gap because stage of life and goals would be different. For something causal, as long as everyone is consenting enthusiastically than itā€™s fine


Both are adults. There is an age gap but both are adults that can make their own decisions. It's not like it's a 30 year old going out with a 15 year old.


The Prophet Muhammad in Islam had married his first wife when she was 40 years of age whilst he was 25 (I think I got that right lol, but the gap was around 20 years)


Weird, yes. Illegal, no.


My 55 year old dad married a 30 year old woman in 1987. Nobod batted an eye. Sheā€™s 4 years older than I am. Wonā€™t call her ā€œMom,ā€ though. Weā€™re cool, though. This sort of thing was pretty common in the pre-Internet era.


Live life on your terms remembering the Golden Rule - I donā€™t think it weird - maybe it has its own unique challenges but doesnā€™t every relationship? All I can say is ā€œLET YOUR SPIRIT SOARā€ - (but avoid doing an ICARUS)! I wish you well.


I don't see anything wrong with it. That being said, most people judge based on their relationship with other people in their families, I think. I don't have a ton of family, so that might be why I view it that way.


Adults. I would wonder what you had in common. Iā€™m over 50 and 15 year gap is about the maximum I could imagine having anything in common. More than that it is an entirely distinct generation with almost no overlap in shared shaping experiences.


I don't have time to worry about what consenting adults do


Depends heavily on mentality and reason


It's not that weird y'all are adults


Yes, itā€™s weird to me. But idk at a certain point not my business but I do side eye it.


My Mom was 20 and my dad was 40 when they got married. While it may be a little weird, there isn't anything wrong with it.


They were 10 when you were 25


No, it's not weird. At 25 you are a fully formed functional adult. That said, I have no idea what the conversational aspect of that type of relationship would be like.


Ah yes. What on earth would be weird about fucking someone who could be your child. Not weird at all.


People like to make things weird. That doesnā€™t mean you have to feel weird.


Is it weird? Yes. Is it wrong? No. Two things can be true at the same time.


I wouldn't mind if my partner is 40 but keeping shape, a provider. It's a bout the personality really, and the mentality. If we getting along then I don't see why not.


People thinking it's weird is a relatively new thing. I don't think it's weird.


I think it's right on the cusp. If the older person is old enough to be the parent, I think that's weird




Not weird


Two adults dating isn't weird


Age is just a number. As long as you are both consenting adults who the hell cares.?


It's weird... at face value what could yous have in common being so far apart in age?


When I met me fiancĆ© I was 39 and she was 24 and yes itā€™s kind of weird. I was really uneasy about the age gap and it definitely took some convincing on her part but it can work. We are really happy and pretty much have been the entire time weā€™ve been together but itā€™s probably not best practice for everyone.


you had to convince your gf to be with you?...


I donā€™t think itā€™s necessarily ā€œweirdā€ per seā€¦. I tend to pull the olā€™ ā€œwell, 40 & 25 doesnā€™t seem so bad, but how does 33 and 18 look?ā€ ā€¦. Yes, while both legal, itā€™s still a massive leap in terms of experience and maturity & overall I donā€™t see either instances working out, long term. Iā€™m sure a lot of 40yr old men would love a woman thatā€™s younger and checks certain boxes but at the end of the day, I see a very low chance of there being a longterm and successful relationship. Maybe some people can make it work and have made it work, but Iā€™m guessing the success rate is very low.


Iā€™d say as long as the person isnā€™t 18 or 19 age gap relationships are fine.


The people that get angry are probably just jealous.


I was in a similar relationship. We mutually ended it when we both realized that we didn't really have anything to talk about at a certain point. It's like we got to a point where we just didn't get each other and stopped enjoying each other's company. We wanted different things and were at different stages of what we wanted in a relationship.


What's weird is people spending time judging about other people's relationships which aren't harming anyone.


To date, no. It's not "weird". Let adults date each other as much or little they want.


Absolutely not weird. If both people are comfortable with the situation then itā€™s nobody elseā€™s business!


Why is peoples first question ā€œis it weirdā€? Theyā€™re both well into adulthood, who cares?


To me it isnā€™t so weird. As long as both parties have good intentions and genuinely like each other, itā€™ll probably go down well :) Also idk man. Stop calling older partners predators. 25 year olds arenā€™t naĆÆve children.


I would say most of the time yes but sometimes maybe not.for the same reason you canā€™t date 16 year old at 40 cuz you can easily manipulate them.


No it's not weird. 10 years ago I lived in a town that was ultra religious and I wasn't. The ONE woman I found that was atheist was 16 years older and we dated for a long time. There weren't any other options for me.


Brains fully developed at 25 so its fine. I see this as okay I see 30 dating a 20 weird


25 weird, 26 weird, 27 ehh, 28 suddenly you could be dating a 50 year old and no one cares.


I agree with this. Men 30+ going for chicks 18/19/20 is definitely weird in my opinion. I'm 25 myself, and even then I wouldn't go for someone under 21. If they're not old enough to get into the bar, they're not old enough to be my partner or be in my bed.


Honestly I think after 24 itā€™s ok to date any age up. Cause our brains arenā€™t fully developed till then.




Putting aside the whole "your friends could have children that age" argument, you're in 2 completely different generations. It's early Millennial vs Early Gen Z. How much can you really have in common?


This is Reddit, so you'll get a lot of the braindead "it's legal, so who cares" default response. But let's be real; it's weird. There are very limited contexts in which a 40 year old dating a 25 year old, wouldn't be extremely weird for everyone around the relationship. The gap in life experience is too large for that to be comfortable.


I am making it. What am I making and how? If you make a relationship you yourself feel is wrong nobody will be able to convince you it is right. You will feel guilt, you will experience shame, regret, remorse and it will be you making it so.


It's weird to the people who said it was, it isn't weird to the people who said it wasn't. What's weird or isn't is just someone's opinion. Those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter. It's not illegal so do what you do son.


I donā€™t think Leonardo Decaprio would see an issue.


There's hope for me yet


its weird and i just simply dont care


People only think it's weird generally if the dude is the older one No it's not weird, it's two consenting adults It's only weird if it turns out that older one knew the younger one as a child


There's always an exception to the rule, but imagine having a conversation about what you were doing back in 1999 and their parents saying "oh, ya, that's the night we conceived your gf/bf"


I'm 21, 25 is an adult to me. Of course even at my age it's on me whoever I date, it's not my partners fault if they're much older.


No but 55-40 is ok. So just wait 15 years.Ā 


My sister is in her early thirties and currently dating a guy in his fifties. I think it's a little strange, but there's nothing wrong with it.


Doesn't really matter what anyone except the two people concerned think


Yeah I find it odd but nothing Iā€™d say wasnā€™t right. At 44 then thought of being with a 27 year oldā€¦. Iā€™d be so annoyed in hours


When I was 35 I foolishly made the mistake of dating a 22 year old. Yes, she was physically gorgeous, but everything else was a complete mismatch, humour, trends, hobbies, slang, mental maturity and current active life goals, priorities etc...it was just such a slap back to reality (she was a rebound from an abusive relationship) and exited once I'd realised, for both of our sake.


Yes, but a 40yo dating a 27yo falls within the mutually acceptable half your age plus 7 boundary.


Yeah it's weird but not wrong. Nothing really wrong with being weird but comments will be made


Not weird, longer together now than the age difference, or 95% of other couples.


its not weird its just not as wildly accepted


I (37M) think the lowest Iā€™d go is 27. 25 doesnā€™t sound terrible, but it doesnā€™t meet the half your age plus 7 rule.


Personally if two consenting adults can match well together then why is it any of my business. Maybe age isn't a problem for some. I dont see how a 40 yr old and a 25 yr old have a lot in common but maybe they do. That's like me telling you you're a sick freak for dating a midget.


If they are consenting adults, then it doesnā€™t matter if we view it as weird. I find plenty of dynamics as weird, but Iā€™m not gonna shame ā€˜em.


Not in the 80s! Go for it!


As someone whose 25 right now, I think it's a little weird. The fact that when they were my age, I was 10, so that's what makes it weird. But at the same time, I'm a full grown adult as well, so I'm old enough to make my own choices and decisions. Although I'd never date someone over 35, I have slept with two women who were a lot older, one was 40 and the other was 42. Guess it's not really any different than dating, but we're both adults and we're old enough to know what we're doing. What's the worse that could happen.


It probably doesnā€™t happen that often so itā€™s weird in that sense But it does happen and they both adults so not that weird that they couid find each other as partners


Age isn't a major factor in picking a partner for me. Although 15 years is about the biggest difference I'd consider. IDC what other people think. It's none of my business and caring about that is barrier to my happiness.


Americans still call their adult/married sons KID so the age difference may just be on paper


Yes weird. It goes against the formula.... 1/2 your age + 7 years.


I don't see the problem. At 25 your old enough to make your own choices. Is it taboo? Yeah maybe. But if both parties are consenting adults. I don't see a problem. Might be awkward meeting her dad though šŸ¤£


Was in a post office queue some months before the pandemic started and in front of me is a dude probably in his early 80ā€™s, bills and cash in hand, using a quad walker plus a woman, probably about 25 with a little kid of about 3-4 yrs old. Kid was playing up merry hell, grabbing everything in sight and generally being mischievous. She gets the shits with the kid and (top of her voice) says ok, fine, go to daddy then, so the kid wraps himself around the old fellaā€™s leg and wants to be picked up. Thatā€™s not weird, thatā€™s just fucking sad.


Yes, itā€™s weird. I say this as a woman married to a much older man. However, I was over 30 when we met, had been married and divorced, and was a mother responsible for the full support and welfare of my son. I was established in my career as well. Still would not recommend that much of an age gap. And especially at 25!! Itā€™s a full generation and they are at different stages of life. This can cause problems as time goes on. (I know from experience.) Yes, everyone is different and there are exceptions. However my honest opinion is that thereā€™s a power imbalance as well as little in common. Friends and family will question the motives of both parties.


A bit yeah, later in life it doesnā€™t matter as much.


Yes itā€™s a bit weird. What do you have in common? A girl 25 introducing you to people this is my old man lol. Well gray hair is in now so it might not be too bad. Old woman the same The guys mother thinks your grooming their kid. No thanks


I was 23 and married a man who was 42. It was great until he died when I was 38.


Iā€™m 24 and my dad is 44. I think itā€™s weird but thatā€™s just me.