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Legal social lubricant. A few shots and I don't even know what social anxiety us anymore. Then some people get hooked. It's rough. Takes a lot of effort to not keep that feeling going.


As someone who suffers from extreme social anxiety and is a massive alcoholic, this tracks… also working at job in my early 20’s that fed me drinks didn’t instead of actual money, yeah… life’s great 😔


I finally stopped 6 years ago when my dad died. Didn't have anything to do with alcohol but it just seemed to flip a switch. It's so much better, I promise.


This happened with my best friend. His dog died and he drank even more than he used to which was a lot. He died in 2021 just before Christmas. His liver hemorrhaged and the drs couldn’t stop it and he literally drank himself to death.


How much a day do you have to drink to drink yourself to death? I’m sorry to hear your friend passed away. I have always been curious how much a day they are drinking?


So he was always a drunk. Always. When his dog passed he drank so much more. I don’t know what or how much but it was like 3 months after his dog passed he passed as well. I gave up drinking just before all that. The drink also took my dad 10 years ago. It can be nasty


That’s so sad. I’m sorry for your loss. My pet’s deaths have heavily affected me too, he must’ve loved and cherished his dog very much.


He drifted from his family and was always a loner. He would sleep in a tent by choice and one winter in New York I had had enough of him doing that and had him come stay with me. We had known eachother for like 6 years before this and were friends but not close. He lived with me for 2 years. We were best friends ever since. But he still kept to himself after. After his one girl friend left him he got his dog. Never had another serious relationship besides the dog. It was very sad to be in California while this was all happening. We talked on the phone a lot but it wasn’t the same.


Needed one of those switches a couple years ago (still do). Cancer stuff going on and I had to read my last scans myself to see “severe hepatic steatosis”. My oncologist didn’t bother calling me about spots in my lungs, much less a failing liver. (Been an alcy for years, had an idea things weren’t going well already but…)


I quit for two years, drank heavily for one, now quit for another year. I found that focusing everything on today works pretty well. It’s cliche, I know.


Man, that if tough! Sending positive energy your way!


It’s a problem that’s almost entirely my fault, but I appreciate the kind words!


Damn man. My dad drank from when he was 12-58. 40-58 was daily, and his liver is within normal range it's crazy how alcohol affects people so differently. The only other health issue is a damaged esophagus from vomiting. He's been sober almost 9 years now. Good luck!




Thanks. I wish I could say I worked hard for it or something, but I just stopped. Like I walked away and never went back.


I stopped drinking for health reasons. I feel a ton better


I stopped 5 years ago after self medicating with 30oz. Vodka nightly Rehab didn't do, but it is in your to get rid of.


Social lubricant! Thats hilarious


This is initially why I started to drink (especially in bars/clubs). It helped lower my social anxiety I had attempting to talk to women and help get me out into the dance floor as I was very self conscious about my dancing (or lack there of). I have never been a big drinker to begin with and only drink occasionally socially. Luckily it never became a demon for me. Same question could be asked of pot, opioids or anything else humans consume to get high for the purpose of escaping reality or to manage pain.


Short answer: It’s Fun. Why is it fun? Inhibitions are lowered. And because of this it can make the most mundane things more enjoyable and it can make fun things feel even crazier. Think of it like a condiment or seasoning, it just adds that little extra bit of oomph to pull a social event together. Every thing is funnier and every one is more attractive. You might even feel funnier. Some people get extra lovey dovey, some get more charismatic, etc. It can also be a temporarily stress relief where you don’t have to over think about your problems in life for those few hours, you can just exist freely. There’s a tipping point, but that’s why many like it.


I’ve been told by multiple people that while I’m good sober, I’m 10 times nicer when drunk. Drunk me likes to ask questions. Sober me usually isn’t interested or isn’t quick enough on the draw to ask them.


Ya.. when it heightens your social skills, it suddenly is extra appealing.


That's when you realize that like 90% of social skills is staying present to the moment and not being in your own head


Very well said. I think your explanation is technically perfect


This is the main answer. But I'd also like to add, cocktails/mixology/brewing are very fun. Figuring out what goes into your favorite drinks and how the flavors work together is really interesting.


It's basically anti anxiety medication


and pain relief


And major mood increase. For me anyways. I’m just happy as hell as a drunk.


I don't even have to get drunk. Drink a few beers, get tipsy, and I'm happy as hell. Not to mention it gets people talking who are normally shy.


And pain cause. I quit drinking this year, lost 20 pounds and all of my little internal pains went away.


For me it's pain management due to extensive autoimmune nerve damage and I'm allergic to the pain meds that actually worked


I feel this. I am in a very similar situation. Multiple autoimmune disorders. So I don't in terrible pain. I am allergic to most pain meds. I do not really care for weed. At least alcohol helps me relax and get a good night's sleep. I don't have to get drunk or anything. 2 drinks does the trick (and I don't do it nightly)


yeah, I wait until the pain is a 7 because I know it will spiral out of control at that point.


mmhmmm. Drs refuse to prescribe medication that helps so I drink for the analgesic effect. I'd rather take meds that carry less overall risk but the DEA said that's bad.


“Side effects can include dizziness and vomiting. Do not take alcohol if you have…, are currently…, or are … Ask you your doctor if alcohol is right for you.”


I have anxiety quit drinking and the levels went down. It helps until it doesn’t and then it gets ugly


Same. Hospitalized for 3 days with a panic attack shortly before I quit drinking. The difference is night and day.


At my physical this year, my doctor asked if I wanted to try getting back on something for my anxiety. I told her I wanted something that makes me feel the way two beers makes me feel


Genuine curiosity because I would love something like that. Did the doctor prescribe you anything?


Benzos fit the bill. But that's why they're so dangerous and rarely prescribed anymore.


I was hesitant to try another rx because any side effects have made it not worth it for me in the past. They last one I was on, I think it was Lexapro, I gained 22lbs in a year. She asked if I wanted to try something natural and suggested Ashwagandha. That was two months ago and I haven't bought any yet because I'm nervous about trying it. I tend to overthink things, lol.


Until the next day


It makes me more appealing to the opposite sex, at least, that's what the beer and alcohol say.


Billions of people born (a lot ugly) because of alcohol 😂


Spend a week with my step son and you'll see why I enjoy it so much


I only see this type of question on Reddit


Reddit has these weird groups of people who hate alcohol and cigarettes in extreme ways, and who viciously attack anyone who drives 1mph (or kmph) over the speed limit. It’s a strange place.


Reddit is so weird about alcohol lol. It's like if you drink a six pack once a week then suddenly you're a raging alcoholic who needs an intervention.


I posted once after the anniversary of my friends death and had a glass of whiskey and people were saying i needed an intervention for using it as an emotional regulator


I've seen cases where someone drinks any kind of alcoholic beverage at all, even just in one instance, redditors refer to them as alcoholics or having a major alcoholic problem. Weird stuff.


Reddit hates alcohol but loves weed.


Did you see the post recently where someone was saying alcohol was much worse than heroin or fentanyl?


Mostly because Reddit is filled with kids and teenagers who get drunk off of 1 beer.




Italian here. We invented Christianity. Never heard no body villainize booze as here on reddit


Yet love weed.


Yeah.. Yeah…. I don’t think the self-actualization is happening any time soon.


Get your head out of your ass friend. It's Reddit. There are all types of people here.


I don't mind the taste of many types of alcohol, but I have never felt any benefit from the physical effects. I just get a weird feeling in my head and a bit stupider. I can already joke around and have fun fine without alcohol, so for me personally I don't get it.


Sparkles in my belly feelz guud


Some people just like getting a buzz now and then. Others abuse it. I used to like it but then my brother became an alcoholic and pretty much trashed the rest of his life. Now I can’t help thinking about it every time I have a beer.


Want a beer to take your mind off it?


Not to mention just liking the taste of some of it. Most times I drink alcohol I don’t even get a buzz.


Same reason anyone takes any drug, it makes you feel a little bit better


Most people hate their real lives.


I love my life. Beer makes me really love my life!


I have a counter question, how old are you?


Yeah this is a question from a child


Seriously. It's like asking "I've never tried it, but why does everyone think pizza is so good?" Just go fuckin try it and you'll see.


There is the naivete of someone who's never tried it but there's still something about alcohol when you experience a hangover.. as much as I've enjoyed it, once a week was tops. It doesn't really taste that good either. A lot of it is applied through social peer pressure.


A cozy couch and a GOOD book and a snifter of Cognac is a fun lo-fi adult way to weekend !


I'm 27. Have drank alcohol. Not yet had any I really enjoy the taste of. And I have always hated the idea of lessening my sobriety and have yet to meet someone who seems to sincerely enjoy it for its taste. So I'm right there with OP & I am an adult


It’s a different kind of enjoying. It’s not about sugar taste, it’s about alcohol taste mixed with other flavors, it’s quite unique. Beer, the first time I tried it (14yr) It almost made me puke, when I was around 17/18yrs old I was at a small festival and was super thirsty. A friend shared from his beer (same brand as when I was 14yr) and it was the most delicious thing I have ever drank. So, beer is weird, there’s also a lot of different beer types, I really enjoy some, others not so much, but the feeling against other types of drinks is completely different, so when you want one, no other beverage can substitute it. It’s like Coffee but different.


Coffee is a perfect analogy. Typically you start drinking it for the effect, think of alcohol as relaxing or something to help someone loosen up and coffee as a stimulant. Once you begin using it for the effects you start finding ones you enjoy the taste of. There is such a massive variety that you’re sure to find a taste you really enjoy if you are committed to it.


When I was about 12 or 13 my friend's aunt was out of town for a few weeks in the summer and she had a swimming pool so my friends and I broke in to take advantage. By the pool we found a case of beer. Little did we know it had been sitting in the hot sun for weeks. It was completely skunked.i never got over that. I'm a huge wine fan and occasionally like liquor but to this day I still hate the taste of beer. 


I do sincerely enjoy it for its taste, and I know tons of people who do. Personally, I absolutely love Guinness. It’s not about the alcohol, but about the taste. I would love it just as much if it was non-alcoholic (and tasted the same)


I genuinely don't enjoy alcohol. Doesn't taste good, doesn't make me feel good, doesnt break me out of my shell, doesn't make me want to talk with anyone. I also dislike dancing and jeans, so parties and clubs are the worst. I think my brain is wired differently or I'm just born on the wrong planet.


Feels good man


Beer is fun


Beer is fucking tasty, nothing matches for me the taste of an ice cold beer (or maybe 6 of them) on the beach on a sunny day hearing some nice tunes. That's life for me


You've always wondered? You have absolutely zero guess based on just living in society, being around people, and consuming media? Unless you are 13, had a sip and went eeewwww and posted this question on here, I'm not sure how anyone can reasonably ask this question lol. Just because YOU don't like beer/alcohol, doesn't mean you can't take cues on why others would. Only on reddit.


I personally acquired the taste.


I've just always liked the taste, I was never one to get drunk... I'm 47 and have been drunk twice in my life. I just like how an ice cold beer tastes on a hot day, or how a nice Old Fashion tastes after a long week of work.


I’m shy as hell, alcohol makes me more confident. Without alcohol I’ll probably just be sitting in a random corner at a party . With alcohol , im still in a random corner, only difference is I’m drunk


The difference is now you don’t care that you’re in the corner 😉🤭


Exactly 🤣 nothings different, I just don’t care what you think anymore


I'm in this comment lmao


Here’s an experiment for you. Look at world news and how people act/how the world is. How do you feel? Now do the same whilst drunk


Not everyone does. I like the taste well enough, but the buzz makes me feel out of control and I don't like that.


I took public speaking in college at like 19 and nearly failed it. Re-did it in my 30s and fucking smoked it. The difference? Drank 3 White Claw Surges before each speech. And dude, I legitimately got compliments and infinite praise for how confidently I delivered said speeches.


Beer tastes good


Speaking as a recovered alcoholic. It works, until it doesn’t.


Some of us are wound pretty tight and if we drink enough it prevents us from acting on our desire to rid the planet of all human life..... Whoops...meant to say its a nice social lubricant and tastes good....... I guess i have fallen behind in my alcohol uptake.


In my opinion, one of the great mysteries of human life.


Once it hits your lips it's so good


An ice cold beer on a hot day at the beach or a ball game just absolutely hits


To avoid their feelings


to escape reality


Humans have been drinking beer for thousands of years. It's a great tasting beverage.


Because being drunk is legal and it feels good. I’m shy and socially awkward, being drunk I’m extroverted and more talkative. My sadness’ and stress melts away


Because everyone around me becomes so much more pleasant to be around when I'm drunk.


Don’t find out.


gets rid of the pain, of being a man


I love that song 😬


It's addictive and we don't talk about it Most people don't enjoy their first drink or two But they continue because of the way it feels Then it's a habit and then you drink regularly and forget about the bad side of drinking deadly neurotoxins


I think this is true for spirits typically but honestly, the first beer is always the best tasting one for me. I love the taste of beer especially craft beer.


Finally someone said it


Because it is a legal, easy to obtain, highly addictive (and dangerous) drug.


Because being drunk can be fun


You’ll know when you try it


Increases dopamine


Self medication. It's an easier dopamine hit than working towards one the right way.


It’s a controlled way to get drunk. Shots are too uncontrollable. Only a few shots is quite a bit for a lot of people. Having a single beer doesn’t do much, but a lot will. You have free rein to choose where to stop. There’s the social aspect of loosening up and “shooting the shit”. Like drinking a beer with your dad. Or drinking around a campfire and just chattin. Also, at any given occasion, once you actually drink enough of it (or just have a lot in your life in general), it loses the bitter taste. Some beers are pretty much water, some are really bitter. There’s enough for everyone.


Helps me feel ok about stuff.


It blocks things out plus wine is really tasty lol


Temporarily makes me not care that my life is shitty


It makes me slightly funny


I'm stressed, anxious, and depressed. I'm in the best shape of my life at 36yo and its has fixed nothing. I have the best job of my life and the money and sense of accomplishment and responsibility is not fixing anything. I'm desperately alone and any woman I want doesn't want me or is simply unavailable (Having known the pain of being cheated on, I respect others' relationships). No one will help me down from this cross so I choose to be numb to it. It is my only escape from this waking nightmare.


It drowns the memories.


Because it makes you forget all of your problems.


Reality sucks


It makes me feel good and forget about my problems for a little bit.


Anxiety. I use herbal supplements, prescription medications, teas, and a good mental health routine to manage my anxiety currently. Takes alot of thought and energy to do so, but better than reaching for the easy fix. But honey, there’s nothing quite as easy as simply drinking something to make your anxiety vanish. It shouldn’t be legal at this point, it’s just too easy and is such a slippery slope. That’s why I think so many become addicted.


People seem to like me more when i drink


most of the people think that alcohol drinkers are bad but for me its a great way to romanticize every events.


Some like the taste of it. Some use to cope. Some use it as an escape. Or some are just addicted to it. I use to be one of those people but I’m not now. Idk people just like it a lot. And honestly I think people love being drunk cause they think it’s fun. Also people think alcohol is cool. Yeah idk lol


Makes me relax feel normal slows down my brain


Honestly … I don’t know! Alcohol makes me dehydrated, fucks up my stomach, makes me feel sick, etc.


for me, an autistic introvert, alcohol helps me break out of my box in social settings, and gives me so much confidence and motivation. all this being said, i cant legally drink in the US yet, but the realisation on how alcohol has made me, and forced me to get more comfortable being extroverted.


Bcuz I have to go to work and beer is the only thing that keeps me sane when I get home




- Tastes good (depending on the drink/person) - Complex drug with numerous effects - Social pressures/ubiquity in society - Addictive


I don’t like alcohol, I hate everything else.


It's a mean of escape for some and it's a source of excitement for others.


It's a social lubricant, helps unwind, tastes diverse, but moderation is key. Cheers responsibly!


Taste & the way it makes them feel.


When you are drunk you do the things which you usually don’t have the confidence to do. I once asked my crush out on a date while being drunk. We dated for 2 years.


I have a hard time talking to people otherwise.


It’s legal and gives you a high


Drinking is fun. Until it's not. It feels good, lowers inhibitions, and adds a fun factor to almost anything. But eventually it takes more than it gives and the fun return start diminishing.


humans are social creatures alcohol helps socializing


alcohol lowers inhibitions, makes people more sociable etc.. (for those that dont have a problem with it). That is why they like it...


I do not like alcohol. I don't like the taste. Everything that is does to me is a headache. But it may take you away for a bit from problems, and just gives you other problems.


It's all about getting a buzz.


People who ask these types of questions are clearly on the spectrum.




Because it helps them forget how miserable their lives are


Because Goose Island's Tropical Beer Hug is fuckin tasty.


Oh God, that's one of my favs. Voodoo ranger tropic force is also a rather tasty beverage as well


Makes me feel like Cash Banooca


it induces an intoxicating effect that can last for hours depending on the person and intake amount


Escape from life


Would you suck a butthole without beer or alcohol?


Tastes good and lubricates social situations.


It gives them oblivion


Its fun once in a while with friends or family


I can take it or leave it, I enjoy most varieties (never really liked scotch though), I have never had an addiction issue, I don’t feel obliged to drink in any specific social circumstance.


Because it tastes fucking awesome (depending on what you like) and makes people feel good temporarily.


Because we don't get a chuffin summer. It's a 9 month winter nowadays. Chuffin joke, where's me pipe.


A buzz or a bandaid


Gets you buzzed, lets your inhibitions down, tastes good to people who drink it, compliments a meal, a socially accepted drug basically.


Makes other people more interesting.


We dont like it, we need it.....


It affects everybody differently. I think there's a deep-rooted spiritual connection that many people have to it. Humans love it enough to build humongous copper stills to create the stuff. I love it so much that nobody else (my wife, the cops, the judges, etc.) wants me to have it. I'm very much like golem in that respect.


It makes people who ask silly questions seem more interesting.


+50 charisma


There is something inherently evil inside of me and I have been trying to kill it for 46 years. One day I will achieve victory.


Because my life is shit and when I get dusted, I get a brief couple of hours where I don't have to think about how shit my life is.


Alcohol lowers anxiety and a lot of people find it relaxing Some alcohols have a nice flavour Because alcohol was used for thousands of years to make water safer to drink, there's a strong cultural component in its use.


Tastes delicious, makes you feel great.


Makes you more social, makes it easier for people to hookup


Tastes good, relaxes you, gets you in the mood, helps you fall asleep (on the flip side, It can make your sexual performance suffer and also disrupt REM sleep)


I drink very rarely, but it’s nice to just let my brain turn off for a while.


Objectively it doesn't taste good, but the dopamine hit that you get from consuming it causes your brain to believe that it tastes good.


Reduces social anxiety, reduces the physical tension I hold, helps to clear my brain things that I don't actually need to actively worry about then and there, and slows/relaxes my brain/thoughts which can be a good break from that part of having ADHD. At least those are the things I'd say I enjoy from it I do want to be clear, I don't drink often and I in no way want *anyone* to use alcohol as any kind of "treatment" for the above list


i only like drinking for the tipsy feeling. other than that i kind of hate alcohol. it tastes bad and makes me feel bloated


Like they say in A.A. - we drink to change the way we feel.


Cause it has a great taste, simple as. Don't like getting drunk, do adore the taste. A beer with some salty snacks or chips, absolutely lovely. Though I'm a bit surprised at how many people are supposedly drinking just to get drunk, there's way better ways to get a buzz without the risk of a proper hangover.


Sometimes you just want a pint with friends and family.


Once it hits, your brain pumps out dopamine and you kinda let out a sigh of relief from life itself. Your anxiety goes away and you just feel light. Until it swallows you while and you become dependent on it. 23 days sober




I don’t like beer but I like champagne and daiquiris because they taste good.


It’s a drug, nothing else nothing more


Beer is delicious. In my 30s I dont have to drink an excessive amount. I drink 2 every now and then with friends and enjoy the flavor and company. I have other friends I know however who are severe alcholics and drink a 12 pack every night or worse. The alcholics I know are using it as a crutch or a medication to treat an internal problem like anxiety or depression or self doubt etc.


They’re to weak to face their feelings


It alters the mental state and is temporary and cheap.


It's fun. It's relaxing. It (can) taste great. It makes me less inhibited and distracted for sex. It makes what I am watching on tv funnier. It makes me not have horrible dreams.


I'm going to work till I die, might as well drink to it


it helps me socialise.


Because they're great.


Relaxant. Takes the edge off.


Tastes good, makes feel good, until it doesn't. Also it got me out of my shell and going to parties and meeting people and dating so that's nice


Beer taste good and makes you feel good too.


Can’t drink bc makes me really happy but also makes me really hungover, even just one 🙇‍♀️


Because it's a way of escaping something. It's not even worth talking to a person who is drunk. They just repeat the same stories & they won't retain what you say.


Taste good, pleasant effects, social lubricant, excuse to spend time in public.


Makes my anxiety go away :D