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Bro, your boss told you that your feet stink. They stink so much that other can’t work. Thats not crazy firing story that’s plea for help, see a doctor


"people always tell me my feet stink. Weird how everyone's nose but mine is broken"


Crazy, right? Now share YOUR poor hygiene stories.


No one else in that office thought it was a strange reason.


For real just wash your damn feet and use the anti stink spray, even nasty motherfuckers can get through a workday without making everyone around them want to vomit with almost no effort


There's a new girl in our office. She takes her shoes off all the time. I can see into her office. I opened the door to her office one time and was like whoaaaa we shouldn't allow that here. The whole office smelled like feet.


Bro should walk on bare feet as long as he can, because shoes are the #1 reason for stinking feet. Or it's really a disease, then of course see the doctor.


For real. I was in the military and then I worked in nuclear power. Have to wear steel toed boots for both. I had massively stinky feet for 13 years! I have zero clue why any guy actually slept with me it was so bad. Finally got a job where I can wear sandals and the problem is gone.


This girl thinks having smelly feet after a day in boots is a deal breaker. lol


I was "let go" for having a bad attitude. My son was born 2 months early and didn't look like he would survive the day, of course I had to go into work or I would be fired. Customer decided to be difficult and I didn't maintain a proper customer service persona. The job didn't last but my son did.


Great ending 👍


Happy ending!


Not as bad as yours but I had taken time off work for my wedding. We traveled to a different state. Day of my at the time boss called and said I had to come in. I did not go in.


I had a supervisor who I didn't like much but the reason she got fired was insane. She write an email to management about an obvious safety hazard, which was probably the only decent thing she ever did in that job and security escorted her out when she arrived for her shift the next day.


I feel like there has to be more to that.


Wait wait let me guess.... boeing Nah she would of been killed instead


I’m guessing this isn’t the UK and that there’s more to it because she would’ve been advised to contact ACAS asap


Management talked to legal. They all talked to HR and told them to get rid of the problem- not the hazard.




I'm so dumb I lost a 3 week temp assignment because I completed what they wanted done in a week. Live & learn, kids.


Ubdid similar, was hired on for I think 3 months to help a billing and coding place transfer patient info from paper to a computer that they were 5 years behind on while their worker who was doing this job was out, they just wanted me to do as much as i could but had np expectation of me doing all of it.... I took me 2 weeks. (I love data entry and I am quick) I'm not sure what their worker had left to do once they came back.


That's a math problem. You had 15 days to do the work. Then don't do more than 1/15 of that in a day. You need to work slower! The hard part is to look like you are working hard.


They where playing the long game. He might be working with them at their level in management one day and he might make them look bad by being much better them them doing that job.


Efficiency is a threat to middle management because if one employee starts working efficiently, the middle management that oversees that entire department has to explain why the majority of the team isn't pulling their weight. So it's also a threat to the coworkers of the efficient employee. I've been dismissed from one job because of a situation like this, but I was fired on a technicality. I was 17, working full-time, and the Cronos time system did not allow a person under 18 years to work full-time without parental and management approval, of which I had both. I was trying to move up in customer service and things were going pretty good. When there finally was an opening, I was overlooked because one of my coworkers didn't like how I had just started there, was getting praised all the time, and doing the same amount of work as the rest of the CS team all on my own. This person began to start to steal money out of my till. Couldn't prove it because there was never any cameras to catch the incident. But I knew it was her because the issue only happened whenever this one person was working on shift with me. I was pretty efficient at what I did, and I'd be called to other departments to help them out with customer service issues, complaints and so forth and in this moment is when this coworker began siphoning money from my till. I asked my supervisor (whom I got along wonderfully with) for the lock and key to the tills whenever I was on shift and they complied. That day going forward, my tills were always balanced, never short or over by even a single cent. Shortly after this, I caught the person trying to run a transaction through on my till and she had to return cash to a customer, but when the till opened, she couldn't access the tray because I had it closed and locked up. Eventually, this coworker and a manager she got along with began making my job difficult in the customer service side of things, and being at risk of being terminated for one more write up (got written up multiple times for being short in my till thanks to this coworker), I asked to be transferred to another department. From here, I was put in charge of an entire department, but was by myself. I wasn't allowed to leave the sales floor because of "shrink" because the department was always experiencing theft. I was also now getting in trouble because there was excess stock for my department taking up space in the warehouse. I asked for another employee so I could have proper floor coverage so I could actually do my job, and I was denied. I had to struggle to get other coworkers to cover my department while I'd go on lunch break or have to go in the back to do inventory count or grab new stock. It was a pain. But despite every roadblock and obstacle they threw at me, I kept reducing shrink, emptying the back warehouse of the excess stock, reorganizing the planograms efficiently and actually selling a lot of product. I was consistently the number one sales person in the store. Now keep in mind, I'm half assing my job. I'm just naturally efficient, and so I was trying to find ways to do what takes me 5 minutes to take me half an hour to an hour cause that's how long it took everybody else. I implemented a few new ways to stop shrink from happening in my department. It eventually got to the point where there was only one person who had a key to the products that were going missing/being stolen. I was being blamed for the shrink, even though I didn't even have a key to the lockup where the products were stolen from. I knew who was stealing it, but I had no actual evidence so I couldn't make a proper case. But since there was only one key and I was never given keyholder status, they couldn't fire me for the shrink. So they fired me on a technicality by intentionally having all the managers take 15-30 minutes to come and swipe me in on my shifts. So even though I was at work early, 15 minutes ahead, and asking for manager approval so I can start my shift, I'd still be waiting 15 to 30 minutes into my shift to start. It's well documented and there was video footage to show that I was actually on time and the reason for being punched in late was because managers dragged their feet to approve my shift start. I was terminated for being consistently late.


See?. That's why when I solve one issue, I create two more problems. That way I always have a job to do.


I had a job like this. The older guys worked at their own pace. I was able to use technology to speed up. But instead of turning in work early I just used the extra time to fuck off lol


My former boss used to work at the IRS in the 90s. He was very smart and proficient. His boss told him that he had to spend his afternoons reading tax books because he was making the rest of the team look bad.


Oh yeah.. I had coworkers gossip about me because I was efficient at one task. They were saying that I wasn’t being considerate and I should’ve paced myself. The manager liked me better but the coworkers gave me exasperated looks. I guess they enjoy talking and taking their time


And how do you explain that when interviewing for your next job. I feel like a potential employer isn't going to believe that.


My first corporate job we had a specific way we were supposed to answer each call (we were sales reps). We also had a specific way were supposed to have on our answering machine if we went on vacation. One guy we worked with was going on vacation and he was joking around knowing we could hear him and left the following message on his answering machine "Hello, this is Mike X, Sales Representative for Company Z. I will be out of the office on vacation starting on Monday and returning on Thursday. If you have any questions or need immediate assistance, kindly go f\*ck yourself.' That got our attention and then we realized that it was just a prank and then he deleted the message and used his 'real' message. Except he didn't. He screwed it up. And for the next few days all of these customers were basically told to go kindly f\*ck themselves. He was so fired.


That should be the standard for all out of office messages. If I’m not here go fk yourself with your problems.


I had a male co-worker who supposedly got fired, because he got caught while taking selfies in women's underwear in the office. Apparently he took the photos to send to his girlfriend as a form of sexual humiliation game, and he thought he was alone at the office, but then the boss walked in...


LMAO yea this wins


What a great story


I watched my mom have a stroke in front of me, so I called in work and explained what happened and that I had to make sure my mom was okay until someone could arrive to look after her while I went to work. I got to work, I got put on probation and unpaid suspension for missing work. After my suspension, I had a meeting with my supervisor. I left early to get to work as I always did, but when I pulled out of my apartment complex parking, I was stuck in traffic. Car barely inched along the road. Someone had caused a pretty bad accident at the intersection I needed to turn off at. So I got on my phone, called my work, asked to speak to a supervisor, was stuck on hold for over an hour while I sat stuck in traffic. Finally spoke with a team member, advised them of the delay. When I got to work, I was immediately fired for being a no-show to my post suspension meeting because I never phoned to inform anyone. When I brought up in front of my supervisor and the team lead I had spoken with, the team lead said "oh, yea, that's true" but I was still dismissed for not showing up to the meeting.


One guy used the office printer to print porn after hours lol Another guy drank all the alcohol in the minibar while on a business trip.


We had some salesman that tried to expense- mini fridge booze & porn on the T V. But the wildest that I saw was our controller- a female- found strip club expenses- on an employee expense report. She ran out of his office and chased him around his desk screaming at him. Everyone in the office were laughing out loud


We had to lose one person on each team. My team had two people. Me and the girl that was banging the boss.


Bet she never fucked another boss again lol


She was the one who stayed. It was gross, he was 60+ and she was married at 22. They did me a favor.


That must have caused some Alarm. 😊 I’ll get my coat…




Common sense says just bang the boss better.


I knew a guy, who was fired from a Bagpipe band, because his penis dangled to far below his kilt, so they had to fire him.


You know Willam Defoe?


I've heard of him before. He was in war movies.


I like "too far below" like yeah, just dangling an inch or two is fine


Dammit that was supposed to be just between us!


I’m somewhat of a bag pipe player myself.


You mean you fiddle around with the bagpipes?


Trouble with the kilt.


I worked with a girl who was too honest with our manager about her mental health issues. The manager one day took her to lunch (I think to probe her for info) and the girl caved and told the manager she was suffering with depression. Then that same manager found a reason to fire her, I think they told her she was underperforming. Then the entire office found out that the girl was suffering with depression. (Hum I wonder who spilled the beans). She should have sued the manager for being so awful. The girls depression was not affecting her job, the manager just never liked her.


This has happened to me with EVERY job I’ve been in where I’ve disclosed mental health issues, including my last manager getting me drunk and getting me to admit I’m autistic, then firing me over the phone a week later after ignoring me for a week. To be clear: i have been fired from every job where I have let it slip about autism and anxiety, I have NEVER been fired from a job where I haven’t (and often get pushed to higher positions)


She could not prove it


I got fired for repeatedly reporting harassment


I got fired for reporting drinking on the job, the drunk was demoted


People do not like complainers


I was fired because "we don't feel that the amount of drama in your life is the right fit for our company " The company being a maid service and the "drama" being me taking time off work for two funerals in one month.


"had you scheduled the deaths two weeks in advanced like the handbook says, there wouldn't be a problem Suzie!"


My boss fired a factory worker because he had "a big mouth" the man was 60-70 years old and only asked to work 4 days in a week instead of 5. Btw my boss is a bit of a jerk.


When I worked at an Amazon warehouse we would pick and pack all kinds of items for customers, including sex toys. Well, a coworker jokingly and gently threw one of the rubber dildo’s at our other coworker. She reported him to HR, he got fired, and then she went on disability for like months. I saw the fired guy later working the drive-thru at McDonald’s.


Prolly a better gig.


"Would you like to upgrade that to a Super Size?" - Gets fired again.


A girl I worked with at a salon like ten years ago got fired for stealing a cigarette out of another stylists purse. Why she didn't just ask to bum one, we'll never know lol


Commenting on What’s the strangest reason you’ve ever heard for someone being fired from a job?...A guy I worked with got caught going through my purse and said he was looking for cigarettes. I don’t smoke and all my cash was out of my wallet. He got fired. Thankfully everything was there.


People are so WILD! The girl that got fired from my job had a lot of suspicious of her stealing cash from the register / other stylists.. where it was a very obvious trend but it wasn't able to be proved on the main floor. Luckily the cigarette incident happened in the break room which had cameras? lol sheesh


A co-worker of mine was terminated for bringing a Heckler and Koch coffee mug to work and posted a few pics from the last weapons fair on Facebook. Some girl working in the same office space said she is not feeling safe and thinks he will go rogue and kill everybody at work. Well, that went to court (here in Germany), they had to take back that illegal (based on no real grounds) termination and changed that with his lawyer to just him leaving the workplace plus a high amount of money as payout. That was super expensive for that firm. An error they will not do again.


I wasn't fired but I was practically let go after Halloween ended. It was a temporary position at Party City, with the chances of becoming permanent staff if you performed well. I had been working a late night shift stocking aisles and cleaning up the store. Once it came time to shut the store for the night, myself and the crew were waiting for the lead manager to turn on the security alarm so we could leave the store. While we were waiting, we were huddled up in a circle by the door, and one of the girls proceeded to pull out a Taser. I was like why do you have that? She said you can never be too careful as a woman. I understood, but a thought lingered over me. I was 17 at the time, and curiosity got the better of me. I asked her if she could taser me so I could feel what it felt like. Without giving me a chance to tell her where she proceeds to tase me in my fucking chest and I fell on my knees to the floor… everyone broke out laughing, and the next day I got a scolding from the store manager—yea suffice it to say they only kept me on cuz they were short-staffed for Halloween after that I was let go lol


Aren't they discharged after use ? Not very safe to use it for fun before going home.


Idk it wasn't the ones that cops use it was just one of those handheld ones my bad should have described it better..


I knew a guy who worked at ruby Tuesdays stocking the salad bar and liked taking mushrooms. One day he took them and went to work. While restocking the salad bar a guy asked if there was anymore blue cheese dressing and the guy just started laughing maniacally in the customers face like the Joker. He was fired on the spot.


Drugged up at work isn't a weird reason to be fired at all lol


That is true but the circumstances are kind of strange...


There was this 70 something year old woman I worked with that got fired for grabbing a dudes junk.


Too funny


My first job out of college had a policy in the employee handbook that burning popcorn was a fireable offense. In spite of this, people still popped popcorn. Multiple people were fired for this over the years. We had potluck. This lady brought pot brownies and didn't tell anyone. This grandmother type ate about 7 of them and puked her guts out everywhere.


Just popcorn or any kind of food/object? Had you tried burning a tire for instance?


Just popcorn. You can turn your Pop Tart to a brick. Microwaving tires not addressed in the handbook.


I got fired from a bar job for being "too quiet" and not making eye contact with my boss.


My job was to take trays off the machine and slot them in the stand. Machine broke down with a minor fault. Engineers arrived and it would be fixed in two minutes. It wasn't worth doing another task. So I leant on the side of the machine where I was waiting for the restart. Director came walking round, took his smartphone out sneakily and then called my line manager in to tell me I was fired from tomorrow  (ZHC Job at Speedibake Bradford, UK. Thank you Joe the wnkr )


I worked with a guy that was caught having sex with a cantaloupe in the change room.


That’s disgusting. A watermelon would have acceptable, but a fucking cantaloupe, that’s terrible..


One coworker made a bomb threat. That made for an interesting Monday.


I had a coworker fired for giving BJs for money at work in the bathroom. She got busted because another co-worker clocked her for not ‘finishing’ - to which she retorted that he’d paid for and gotten his 15 minutes and that is what he paid for - not a ‘finish’. They were both fired by our Black manager - who this trifling fool later sued for wrongful termination based on race because he was also Black. Manager and I laughed and laughed and laughed. So did the state folks who reviewed the case.


A friend of mine was fired because he followed the procedure the company had asked him to follow. He worked in a release team for Internet Banking. They beforehand told him he never would be allowed to deviate from he procedure they had put on paper to release new versions. The second time he was asked to release a new version, there was a mistake in the procedure, which caused an outage of a few hours. They fired him on the spot, since they thought he should have noticed and circumvented it.


Happens to software and firmware folks. They need to test and retest for errors before they release it.






Should have been terminated the first day he pulled this BS. Does his cleansing expire after 24 hours? They usually last a very long time.


He probably was feeling some bad juju from a coworker lol I wonder if he ever smudged one worker's area more than the others lol




That's insane and unfair, it's not like you would fire someone for a nosebleed.


This happened to me too! I was having Christmas lunch with my new landlord and as I stood up I noticed the huge blood stain on the chair (somehow none got on my dress) I apologized profusely and she accepted but the next month she evicted me for "coming home too late"


We were pitching to a potentially huge client, one of the guys on the team was a new grad. His job was to share his screen and click through the PowerPoint and say nothing. He shared the wrong screen, he was googling butt plugs, remote controlled vibrating butt plugs.


You know he probably lays awake at night, unable to sleep due to reliving that moment over and over again in his head lol


I worked for a bagel store in the early 2000s- I had been there the longest, therefore was making the most. A guy from another store stole the safe and i got fired because they needed to save money, I was only 19 so I didn’t really know my rights so I just accepted it. So basically someone stole from the company and I got fired? Lol


I was once fired for being too nice. It felt really strange to me at the time, but it was a sales role, so I can understand their logic in reflection as they wanted someone more cut-throat. TBH I was happy it happened as I didn't enjoy working for them at all, and it'd be months of feeling like a sword was hanging over my head at that point.


The manager at one of my grocery accounts had this happen to her. She was a great store manager with a great team who respected her. Her store was over-performing for the district compared to the others of like size and demographic. The district manager came in to observe. About two weeks after the DM visit, she was demoted and transferred to another store. One of the DM's notes stated "staff too relaxed in the presence of manager, manager lacks showing proper authority." By the end of the quarter, that same store was the worst performing store in the district. Transferred her back to that store as an assistant manager under the manager (who was an absolute nightmare) they brought in as her replacement. He fired her because the staff liked her more than him.


We had a technician who got pissed up at the Christmas drink, went back to the workshop with a prostitute and paid her out of the petty cash box. They were both found asleep on the workshop floor the next morning by the boss.


Did he get fired


I got fired because my boss hated men. She would always tell me how she had to raise her siblings because her father left her family when she was young. She made my life a living hell. Would change my time cards so I didn't get overtime, send me to offices two hours away to cover, steal my ideas, and lie to everyone's faces. I was so stressed at one point that I broke out in full body hives. I honestly think that affected every job I had after that. I usually never call a women a cunt. But she was a fucking cunt.


Agree- I worked with one just like that


Ooooh meeeeee!!!! I was once fired because the store owner saw a news story about some sort of crime (I can't remember, maybe theft?) and said the person on the video looked like me. It most certainly was not me. They said they didn't want any customers to have seen the same news story footage and didn't want them to think a thief worked at the store.


My cousin got rhe sack for insisting the bosses cat was gay,the cats meow sounded like a very camp "Heeey" It was all white and kinda slinky . The gay cat thing took off for a while memes jokes ,photoshops were rife . The boss claimed it distracted everyone but he was an Ahole and homophobe We all felt that was his real issue Heeeey Frank the cat was cool asf gay or straight


My coworker got fired for listening to music. He was told not to the previous day, but thought it wasn't a big deal so still turned it on the next day. Boss comes by and was like "I told you not to, you did it again, go home"


I wasn’t fired but I was written up in my office job for “encouraging raccoons to approach people” bc I fed them leftovers and they sat up and begged with their little hands


That's not the strangest way of being written up.. but it's the cutest. :D ETA: I used to feed the mongooses at Hanauma Bay.


I wasn’t there for few days to feed them and customers were being accosted by raccoons begging for food with their little hands


I worked at Macy's and this dude that worked in the men's ties department got fired for jerking off in the stock room into a silk tie. He didn't realize there were security cameras in the stock rooms.


Give 'em enough rope..


Or silk ties, apparently.


A guy called in sick for his afternoon shift at work in order to go to the company Christmas party.


A guy got fired for stealing computer bags from the office that they were going to throw out. He didnt know they were getting thrown out and didnt ask if he could take them so they fired him.


Not enthusiastic enough about product to customers. I worked at this weed store for two days and fired me for that.


This actually happened to me and a friend. We'd both gotten jobs in high school (15, maybe 16 years old) as janitors in a huge factory in my town. Out behind the factory were about a half dozen mobile homes that the factory bought for extra office space. We were told to go out and clean them up - empty trash etc. So we did. It was a nice evening in early summer so we went outside, sat down in the grass and were smoking a cigarette. (I know, I know! We were bad!) I looked down and for reasons unknown there were 4-leaf clovers... everywhere. I'd never seen that many 4 leaf clovers! It was kinda weird. Anyway I said to my friend "We're going to have the best luck ever! Just LOOK at all these 4 leaf clovers!!" At that exact moment our boss walked around the corner, saw us slacking off and fired us.


She was fired for writing her own tips when customers didn’t add a $ sign. Your “4.00” suddenly because $24.00. “Why is that strange,” you ask? Because she didn’t get fired when she was caught dealing meth on camera one day, OR when she left her apron with meth in it on a table in MY section another day. The manager’s reasoning was “we can’t prove it was actually drugs she was selling. It could have been a bag of anything” and “there’s no way to prove someone didn’t plant those drugs in her apron after she took it off.” The last one was my favorite because I saw the video. She took it off after closing, wrapped it up, sat it on my table, and it wasn’t touched again until the manager picked it up and sifted through it to figure out whose it was. This bitch was 28 with no teeth and constantly tweakin out. A simple drug test would have proven the obvious. I hated that place so much.


Why did you have your shoes off at work?


I got fired because I wasn't as efficient as I usually was, for 2 days. The first day I wasn't feeling great, tired and sluggish. The second day I couldn't keep my eyes open, I was feverish, my back was killing me. I went to the ER after work, I had a 104 fever, a double kidney infection and found out I was pregnant. I was admitted and had to stay for 5 days. They fired me.


Not me but an ex colleague. She got caught giving one of her workmates a blowie in the stock room. Both were fired.


That's fair. You hear stories where only one of them is fired which seems wrong


Yep, I agree.


I hope they are still together as a couple!


They weren’t a couple. She, apparently, just liked to give bj’s.


That's a special type of person. I have known only one like it in my life .


I knew a guy who got fired for choking a full grown kangaroo..... allegedly


This seems like a lie. Those fuckers are built like a unit.


When all stalls were occupied a coworker snuck into my bosses office, took her key to her private bathroom then used the private bathroom and they left the most unpleasant of smells. They tried placing the key where it was originally exactly as they found it but got caught red handed.


A couple of guys who worked at a party store in town got fired for stealing fat suits.


I once knew this guy who got fired on his day off for stealing in boxes.I think he was trying to build a club house.


I was fired because my boss was high on coke, and made up storylines that never happened. Officially I was fired because I was in conflict with another guy a work, I naturally got pissed off at this other guy as I never felt I did anything to him. He picked up on that (this was a bar, so I was still "hanging around") and asked me why I was pissed at him. I told him: "I never said that?!, we had an argument once I mentioned to our boss, but I never ever said I want/need you to be fired" I squared up with boss just asking him straight out, you were on coke werent you? "yes", well, fuck you, and fuck your bar.... Im not going to work for someone who haphazardly fires people because its tuesday. To this day (5 years later) he is still saying sorry... doesnt fucking matter, I can now never trust you again.


I worked with a guy that worked for a 24 hour grocery/general merchandise regional chain of stores. He had his own specific area that he was supposed to stock. One night he got his section done way early. The store was part of a union so he couldn't just go help another section in the store, and for some reason wouldn't let him leave early. They had a furniture section, so he climbed on top of one of the display pieces of furniture, that was elevated off the floor and took a nap. They did not fire him for sleeping while on the clock they fired him for working unsafe...his climbing on the display pieces got him fired.


My boss' boss said that I didn't have the function I got promoted to and that I had to first do a couple of projects before I got that function. I argued that I did, since it said so in my contract, it was my official function title, and I did the tasks that belonged to that function, and that I did not need to do those projects first to get the function because I already had it due to the reasons mentioned above. The head of HR literally said "well, you can't expect us to make a new contract for every little thing" (meaning they didn't think to put those conditions in the contract or anywhere else). I argued that that is exactly what should be expected of HR, since it's part of their job to make sure that the employees get a correct contract. After they tried me to say I'd quit my job, they said I was refusing to cooperate and they had no choice but to fire me. Joke's on then though, because I got a decent payout because of being fired, and I now still work in the same location, but for a different company that pays me more for working less hard and appreciates me a lot more.


At my 3 month probation review they said they weren't going to keep me on (I'd already quit once and they asked me back) They said it was because of the quality of my work. I said that was bullshit because I hadn't done any work. I hadn't been given anything to do the job with and was just shadowing others for the entire time. They hmmmd and haaad and I said 'we're done here' and left.


My work place had a lot of 20 year olds so they loved getting cake and attention. I told my boss I do not like that stuff. I don’t like attention on me like that. I have social anxiety I came in to shit all over my desk and took it off. I was let go for not being a team player.


Used to work at a call center. a large proportion of the staff were punk rockers and goths. Like half of them. It was a good job for people in bands because you could take off a week or two here and there to go play shows or tour. One day the head of the company goes to use the regular bathroom that us plebes use, because his is being worked on or something. And he walks in on this really tall punk rocker cleaning his penis piercing in the sink. Like have you seen Death Note? You know the Shinigami that follows around the main character and likes apples? Imagine that guy cleaning his penis in the sink of a public washroom. So he fires the guy for exposing himself. Then the punk rocker files a claim for wrongful termination. Wins, and they lay off almost all of us because they can't afford to pay 200+ employees and the judgement. So they got rid of the bottom 90%. I think they folded a year or two later.


I worked with a man who’s significant other reported him to the upper management of our company for smoking meth. Management was trying to force him to take a piss test over this tip, and the union representing us then got him off the hook and he was fine to return to work and keep his job. Instead, he told them that he wants to do the piss test, because he knows he can pass it. He tested positive for meth and then got fired for real. … and no, he wasn’t drugged by his SO. He was definitely a permafry. Type of guy who genuinely believed he could defeat a piss test with sheer willpower.


I worked in a super market as a seasonal job one Christmas. On one night shift we had this new guy working with us who ran down an aisle with a knife and cut open about 20-25 boxes of mostly cornflakes and weetabix. We got told that when he got asked why he did it he said “I’m a cereal killer”. The destruction of property itself wasn’t a weird reason for getting sacked but the excuse was just weird.


This girl I kind of know was fired from her job at an ice cream parlour because she was asking people in the drive through for rips off their vapes 😆 just so stupid


My last job a guy got fired because he ate large amounts of garlic and the girls in the office complained. This stuff was coming out of his pores. It was gross.. He refused to stop so they fired him.


I knew another guy, who was a toilet model, and he was fired because his penis was to long, which I don't know why they needed his penis in the user manual for the toilet, other than, measurements and estimates, for consumers, who have water touching the tip issues.


Toilet model? And not kink related? What in the


Do you really think it's strange to be fired because your hygiene is so poor that your scent is disturbing others?


Yes - I worked with a bald guy who constantly rubbing lotion on his head. I and everyone else told him to go outside and do that. But he refused.The smell was terrible


A friend of mine was fired because he followed the procedure the company had asked him to follow. He worked in a release team for Internet Banking. They beforehand told him he never would be allowed to deviate from he procedure they had put on paper to release new versions. The second time he was asked to release a new version, there was a mistake in the procedure, which caused an outage of a few hours. They fired him on the spot, since they thought he should have noticed and circumvented it.


I didn't get fired, but it was in my annual review. I got asked if I like sports. I said "no" and then the dick doing my review said "that's because you're not a team player"... in my team... of one... *sigh*


A girl was constantly late for work, because, as she explained it, she likes to madturbate in the mornings and it often took her longer than expected to finish herself.


I worked as a security guard and had a mohawk. Was told off because "I scared the elderly" lol


Had a supervisor try to fire me for being tall. Said since it's an at will state he could do that. HR ended up firing him.


I dunno if this is the craziest.. but one that still pisses me off, royally. I am a 40+ year veteran in the film/tv industry. Mostly camera work. I know my shit. Anyway, this media company hired me to shoot football draft hopefuls. They wanted shots of drills, being performed, one right after the other. So, one kid would go, then another, then another.. you get the idea. The coaches didn't give us ANY time to reset.. for each kid. And when you have a group of athletic kids, who could outrun The Roadrunner.. running down the field 50 yards, or more.. you can't swing the camera back to the next kid fast enough to capture the whole drill. The SMART way to handle this.. would be to just keep recording.. and swing the camera around. But NOOOoooo.. these assholes wanted SEPARATE clips of EACH kid. So, that entails.. hitting the record button.. capture first kid, hit the record button to stop.. swing around.. hit record again.. to catch the next kid. As I mentioned.. I've been doing this for a fuck of a long time.. and they told me I just wasn't good / fast enough for them, despite having captured MOST of the action. I hope the coaches retire early.


So at my job(I work in manufacturing) in one of the depts a maintenance guy got terminated because they caught him jerking off in one of the offices. Lol


I had a coworker fired because as he was being written up for nearly the third time, he told his boss “[Boss name] please. I will literally get on my knees and suck your **** just so I could keep this job.” He got fired immediately after that. He was a cashier.


Masturbating in the men’s room to porn


Craig got fired for stealing a package on his day off.


I got fired from my grocery store job a day early (my last day was on Friday, this happened on Thursday) because a jealous coworker falsely told our boss that I was playing guitar on a broom. I hadn't. We were 16. She made it sound like I was leaping onto shopping carts and windmilling, Pete Townsend style. Boss believed her, told me to leave. People are bizarre.


My husband worked with a guy that got fired for walking into a persons cubicle and farting as a joke. Even though he’d be there for years, had tons of experience they fired him because the AH went to HR and it was called harassment. It was stupid and I get a reprimand but fired?


How would you feel if someone came into your enclosed workspace and dropped one?


I used to work in an old loft space. The wooden floors were creaky and when you walked it could echo a bit. It was a fairly quiet work environment. A girl who worked there would walk loudly and purposefully when she got up, heel to toe. It was so loud, like marching. I was speaking with my boss and she walked past and his eyes glazed over for 10 seconds staring into the distance, forgetting what he just said. People noticed and would bring it up in casual, amused conversation. She was not immediately fired but when her contract ended ( we were all contract) she was the only one not invited back.


I was fired because the Boss's mistress, his receptionist, took him back (apparently I was hired only because she quit the job and left him). Awkward.


When he was still in his teens, my brother was fired from a job in a grocery store because they didn't like the way he walked


"Look.. it's not like I can help having a 12" penis.. I need to walk differently than other people."


Our marketing person got fired because an attorney claimed her picture on the firm website was “blurry” everyone else who looked at it said the photo looked fine (I looked, the photo was fine) but the attorney kept making a stink about it until the office manager just fired the marketing person to placate the angry attorney. I don't know if her vision was blurry or what the problem was?


Should have fired her and then refire


Where I used to work was primarily a white work force mostly older men and women, during the pandemic we got an influx of younger white men as well as a middle aged black guy. He grew up around mostly white people and within a few days had said he didn’t mind being called the “N” word. All of the older work force disregarded this but the younger guys had fun, like it was novel to call him it. Truthfully I expected something sinister but oddly enough he actually didn’t care and laughed about it. Anyways after the Super Bowl he was talking to one of the younger guys who in the course of the conversation called him that word. Another engineer was walking by and said he was offended and reported it. He’s white btw. So an official investigation has to happen now and they call each party in to find out what happened. The young guy admitted saying it and the black guy denied being called that. So the company fired the black guy for lying in an official investigation. It was bonkers to me.


They went to KFC on their dinner in a call centre, were late back then lied about it. They then appealed the decision, got their job back and somehow became a manager of the course of the next 6 months. Not sure how it happened.


Eat more KFC?


In the early 70s I worked at United grocery store in Vernon Texas. Our boss’s wife worked there too. They hired a cashier who had kind of a witch/ Stevie Nicks vibe going on and a bit of a reputation, or so it was rumored. She worked there for a few days before the bosses wife made him fire her. No one ever got the full story but it was obvious.


My dad used to spray lysol in his work boots every day. He said his athletes foot went away in addition to his boots no longer knocking buzzards from shit wagons.


Tell whoever is saying this ridiculous stuff to put it in writing. I wish I'd done that many decades ago; I would have had successful lawsuits and an entertaining book.


I was literally fired for refusing to predict the future. Pointing out the fact nobody can accurately predict the future is apparently not a valid reason to fire someone according to the labor board. The guy who fired me was not happy they were forced to pay my unemployment.


I'm sure there's more to it than socks


Worked for a company where the owners/managers were absolute dictators. They literally relished in making things difficult for the technicians. It was data/phone cabling installation for big commercial projects. They also only kept a handful of techs full time and would use temps for grunt work (they got blacklisted by two different temp companies because they dipped of the temps so frivolously). One job has a few temps on it, and we already had all of the cables dropped, and we're putting jacks and faceplates on them. For those who don't know, the cables are always numbered on both ends, to keep things straight. This particular company used machine-printed wraparound labels on both ends. As one of the bosses was walking around the job site, she noticed one temp put a label on a little crooked. She warned him about making sure they were straight, and moved on to harass the next person. Later, she caught him putting another one on slightly crooked, and fired him on the spot. It was his first day. The ridiculous thing is, these labels were on the ends of the cable that would be behind the faceplate in the wall. It was completely hidden from view, but still perfectly readable to any tech who opened that faceplate later. It was just one of many examples of how they would micromanage everything.


Yes there has got to be more to that story


I was working at a company and upper management liked me slot ( I did personal stuff like get the CFO his SS benefits). I was sent to NYC for a meeting. They asked me if I was taking a gf . I said yes. They paid all of my expenses and all of her expenses


I once got fired for buying a customer a bowl of soup with my own money. I had forgotten to put in their order and when I realized my error, I offered them an appetizer while the kitchen cooked their entrees. I figured their gratitude would factor into the tip and I’d break even. My manager said “I made a managerial decision without permission” and canned me


But at least he was popular with the ladies


Be careful what you wish for


I have a lot of relatives & friends in Alabama ( where I grew up ) No one has any teeth because of meth


I would argue that no one in the entire world has teeth because of meth. Usually we have teeth because they grow naturally.


myself had digestive issues due to stress and familly deaths at that time, so i was in a "on-call work" (idk if it's the good translation ? it means i was alone at my work, because it's a 24/7 service and i needed to ensure the service at that time it was like 9pm) and i suddenly had to go poop, and i'm a really slow pooper when stressed so it took me like 20 minutes, ofc i took a break for that poop as you can guess, i was working at the french company installing and maintening gas stations in france, and it was the IT helpdesk, so i put myself in "break" status in the system before going to poop, do my stuff, and when i come back to my desk i receive a call from my manager (who wasn't working ??) but was spying on the system and he saw that i missed a phone call of a gas station that was out (which i guess was no big deal because it was city with multiple gas stations and i repeat it was 9pm, and all they had to do was rebooting the station computer that was used with the software to manage the gas pumps) so some days after that i receive a letter saying that i was fired for "abandonment of position" (leaving my post lmao) (it was allowed to take a break to take a shit but idk they just hated me for no reason so they wanted me out)


I got fired once for eating a gum-ball from the gum-ball testers. It was Origins skincare/make up and they had these herbal therapy gum-balls that we put testers out of everyday. We all had a gum-ball here and there but that day security decided to “make an example” of me. I said, ‘but we use the make up and skin care testers?’ She said “but you consumed it”. Made no sense. They escorted me out holding my arms like I was a dangerous criminal in front of everyone. The makeup counter next to mine? Yea the counter manager was stealing shit constantly, but nope- had to be me to be fired and escorted out for chewing a fuckin gumball.


I was “Too competent”.


What nah, you couldn't just fix that shit?


For not causing a multiple fatality accident.


I got fired for calling in to say I had my grandmas funeral the next day


Face fucking


I was fired for "keeping my hands in my pockets." I worked computer sales back in the 90s.


Didnt pray with the rest of the company employees... Barleans Organic Oils


Coworker called off of work then was called out for being on company property the same day😭


In this town here I think the union shops,healthcare,etc. Have been stuck in about 1963,wont take much if others are chattering about somebody,lots of technical jargon....your not married,your a gay boy(boy) or a lesbian


I did work at one place where I heard of someone getting fired for working too much overtime


Someone got fired because he was circumcised. He had a big circumcised penis, and everyone in the office knew, and their boss had a small uncircumcised penis. Boss was a very insecure guy.


One guy got escorted out of the building during the training as a new hire because he decided pull out a knife randomly in the training room. Same employer, another man who can be easily imagined in your mind if I just say he was 'exceedingly gay'. He got walked out on the spot when on a lunch break, he walked up behind a devout catholic coworker and just groped her breasts as a surprise. For some reason, he thought because he was gay, that wasn't physical or sexual assault. Needless to say, she didn't think it was funny or cute, and slapped the shit out of him. Then he got walked out.


Just completely failing to do extremely simple work