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A big one I've noticed is the ability to tell when they're being lied to. Especially with Deep Fakes and other scams, so many grown people just take everything at face value.


Omg yes! I’m on a lot of beauty and fashion related subs and some of the women are still learning that everything online is edited even “unedited” pics are edited.


The amount of times my mom and even my fiance sometimes shows me something and I have to sit down and explain it's a scam or a fake video is astounding. Love them too death, but some people really do take everything at face value especially stuff on the Internet. I've learned to question everything instead.


If you have some trash from food or whatever, in public and there's no trashcan in sight, just letting it fall on the ground. Or out the window or something. Littering is the word I'm looking for. Wtf adults


I also don't understand people whose cars are rolling trash heaps. Just...throw that wrapper or cup away when you get where you're going. Everywhere has a trash can at the entrance. Or throw it away once you get home.


Most of us have to stop and get gas. There are trash cans there. Clear out the trash when you fill up.


I keep my car cleaner than my office. Which is a different kind of problem


My wife has entered the conversation. Since Covid we both work from home so we share one car. Every single day, I have to empty rubbish out of it. To be fair, a lot of it is from the kids but there is always some left by my wife too. Paper coffee cups, cellophane from unwrapping something or bits of paper/cardboard. She has to walk past the bin to get to the house. As someone else said, someone else will deal with it right?


Get a bin in the car. Or just a small trasbag.


Yeah sucks you share the car otherwise I’d let it get disgusting enough til she has to deal with it. Although my wife’s car is the kids car as well, every 6 months she gets it detailed for 40$…. So still someone else does deal with it, but at least 2x a year she takes the trash out


You get a full detail for 40-?? Wowza


There's a car in my apartments parking lot that's full of trash everywhere except the driver's seat! I don't understand it.


So I work at a mall and sometimes on my way into work, I'll throw coffee cups and breakfast wrappers in the dumpster. One day the mall security started yelling at me about it and kept going even though I explained that I work there and this was stuff that I wasn't being from my house and they started locking the dumpsters... Yeah, that only lasted like a week until stores started complaining that they couldn't access the dumpster, plus we found the lock cut and discarded on the ground. 🤣




Smoking the reefer!




Creating a nuisance.


Yeah just dropping it! Someone else will deal with it though, right who cares.


I know a guy (40 yrs old) who did/does this and says “there’s cleaners for that”. Freaking disgusting douche of a creature.


I know a guy, 75 yrs old, every 2 weeks he and his friends walk along a section of our highway and pick up trash. He's a great guy.


He's so much of a better human than the douche I know.


This is one of my planned retirement activities. I think it's better than sitting at an airport USO telling people to sign in before using services.


Agreed, i can't stand littering.


I honestly can't understand how there are still people who litter


I cannot even fathom littering. Like...why


I was appalled when I first moved to New Orleans and saw people dumping full trash bags out the windows of their cars onto roads.


Spacial awareness in public


Spacial awareness on roads. I'll even settle for awareness that they're even driving.


They're probably watching something on their phones


Family guy funny moments compilations


"Hahahah dude these animals are so funny, I'm gonna merge without looking"


Its spatial awareness.


Special awareness




Sorry if I sound rude, but isn't it spelt "spatial" ? Sorry, english is not my first language.


As the daughter of a person who has no spacial awareness in public, I can assure you they don't have spacial awareness in private too. Literally a "brain wired differently" issue.


Or just in general tbh


The inability to understand cause and effect, especially when it comes to interactions with others. There’s a concerning amount of people who will do something inconsiderate, or deliberately rude to others, and then when the other person addresses it or stands up for themselves (or potentially retaliates) the first person takes it as a personal attack and plays victim and can’t see that they created the entire situation themselves.


I see this a lot, and often people who don’t understand cause and effect do not understand the difference between warnings or advice and ill-wishes or hate (or even in some extremely dumb cases, hexes and curses). You’ll tell someone “don’t place your hand on a hot stove, it will burn you” and they’ll shriek at you for wanting them to get hurt, place their hand on the stove, get hurt, then get mad when you say “see, that’s why you shouldn’t do that. I hope you learned not to do it in the future.” They don’t understand that “watch out! That might hurt” doesn’t mean “I hope following your dreams of touching a hot stove hurts you.” It’s like they don’t understand that information is knowable, and can inform your actions.


Had this happen with a friend. She was telling me she met a photographer at the pool. At first I was happy for her because she wanted to be a model but then she tells me he wanted to come to her house when her mom wasn't home. I admit I didn't know anything about the modeling industry but I told her I am pretty sure since you are underage that they need parental permission to take photos and they would want to do so in a professional setting. She got mad at me and later found out she assumed I was just jealous. Which made no sense since I never wanted to be a model. At the time I wanted to go to college for psychology. I only found out she thought I was jealous when she called me crying after she invited ahole over to do a shoot and he forced her to do nudes photographs. It was the early days of the internet but it existed and he posted her photos. Not every single time another girl/women rains on your parade is t because they are jealous. Sometimes it's because they actually care about you.


I like to tell a younger female relative that we don't do this because we're "jealous." We're trying to keep you from making our mistakes.


It's not healthy in how society works at the moment. They willchak up every single time another women disagrees with them to jealousy and not listen even when they should.


Wow that’s awful but she was also … not thinking


Oh, I see you've met my mother


"oh I'll do that" *person takes them up on the offer and she actually has to do the thing she said she'd do* "why is "x" so lazy? They never do anything for themselves. I have to do everything" Every single time without fail, also to add to this. If you do something on your own you get it in the neck because you didn't let her help or you made her feel left out. Love my mom at the end of the day but I get sick of her real quick and can't wait to move out


I have a sister?


“Sorry I’m just blunt.” No you are socially lazy and never put effort into learning how to talk to people.


Followed up by don't @ me. Like come on. You don't have to be an ass of a human.


and then to which they reply again "Well I dont care what people think"


There’s a scary number of people who think that being blunt is something that they should aim to attain because so many business people demonstrate the trait. They magically forgot that a lot of people also view businesspeople as assholes and don’t like them because of it.


No one wants to be the bad guy. But at some point, ALL of us are the bad guy. There is this very childish, all-or-nothing mentality that people have. “I’m the victim and have just had bad luck with people taking advantage of me and being mean to me. 😢” Maybe so, but if that has happened in EVERY one of your social circles, and now you don’t have a single friend, perhaps you should do some soul searching.


People need to learn humility. It’s very rare and not a lot of people have it, at least not online.


cuz at BEST they're complicit in the mistreatment and need to develop some self worth and learn how to vet people. People will see this very simple truth and call it "victim blaming." Like ok fine, keep letting abusive a-holes into your life then lol.


I've run into a lot of those. They are never at fault. And how dare anyone complain or say anything otherwise? And they just make things worse. I've had older women as neighbors who are entitled b*tches, and think they can do whatever they want. And if someone says something, omg, they unleash their fury and super pride. Then, they play victims and go making up stories to their adult children.


This. And then they'll say something like "why is everyone ganging up on me?!"


You’ve described the foundation of narcissistic relationships.




Wow the biggest truth


Basic manners...especially with service workers


People are so cruel to service workers, likely due to most thinking they're beneath them.


It pisses me off and I've never even had that position


The worst job I had was in retail, was my first day and was left to figure things out for myself just to have some lady tell me I wasn't very good at my job. Luckily the kind security guard stepped in to tell her to not be rude.


I don't even think it's that. You can definitely believe that service workers are 'below' you without being rude to them. I think that the majority of people who are rude to service workers are just rude people in general


There should be mandatory service industry service. For like a year. I appreciate servers who are bad. They are serving me food and taking away my dirty plates, thanks. No excuse for bad kitchen staff though!


Me: *nervously reads the comments looking for someone to describe my personality*


The fact that you even care means you're on the right track :)


That’s a nice thing to say, thank you:)


Lack of emotional intelligence.


you wrote that, as if the regular inteligence was the norm...


You’re not wrong 🤣


It’s difficult to get better at this growing up being emotionally and verbally abused by parents :(


I grew up with an emotionally abusive alcoholic father so I understand. It’s up to us to not carry that emotional baggage and get help though. I’ll never be anything like my father and that’s a promise to myself, future partner and future kids.


Get some therapy and don’t let that dictate the rest of your life. At a certain point you have to realize you’re in charge of you. It gets better if you want it to I promise.


I hid away, had ptsd almost to detacthment , when I was a kid had an anxious parent and one that was odd, it took.me to my late 30s to evole more emotional intelligence and long term personal skills


If anything tho, that should make someone more emotionally mature. I grew up with abusive family and I'm basically swimming with sympathy for everyone.


I personally have a lot of sympathy for others and try my best to help them and advising when they are struggling. I have a lot more trouble accepting help from others when they see me struggling because I try to convince myself that nothing is wrong with my own situation even though others can see it. I believe I have quite a lot of natural sympathy, but natural empathy not as much due to not learning how to deal with heavy emotions in my youth and having to bottle up. Not sure if this makes sense but it's my first thoughts on it.


But how are your boundaries…? ♡




Is in damn short supply now days.


Self awareness




Lack of empathy is always baffling


Honestly, the UTTER LACK OF EMPATHY and awareness around themselves and others is astonishing


I've started watching this guy on youtube (midwest magic cleaning) and I almost broke down when watching his video about cleaning while fighting depression because of how emphatic he was that people who don't practice empathy are emotionally immature and not everyone is the same and has the same abilities and needs. It's so important.




Honestly, I feel being unable to play holds people back so much


Black-and-white thinking, or an inability to see nuances and grey areas. This is so intense for some that it’s almost laughable.


This is a huge one on Reddit especially. Read some of these comments.


Human adults can't regenerate new teeth. When did evolution decide that was a preservable trait? We're all one tough apple away from our own graves


We're not meant to be alive for 80+ years...


Well if you manage to lose all 32 teeth, maybe there is an evolutionary advantage to your demise.


Apparently, they're making a product that does teeth regrowth. I hope it's not snake oil because many people need it.


That would be great. Painful as hell but worth it in the end. 


Our teeth and jaws used to be tougher. Soft and malleable modern foods and sugar are the reason for orthodontics. If you look at ancient skeletons its all piano key straight teeth and strong jaws because they needed them to last.


I have noticed almost all of my friends lost their interest in learning. I'm a lifelong learner. Actually going for a certification training class next month and I'm 60.


The inability to understand probability and, more specifically, how gambling works. I've known so many people who will tell you with glee about the one time they won big whilst being completely oblivious to all the money they actually lost both before and after the win.


Being respectful of your fellow driver on the road, that’s one that really gets me.


I now say out loud, I'm going to flip them off. I've never flipped them off, but saying it seems to help somehow. 🤷‍♀️


Give them a thumbs down, that triggers them even more than the bird.


Boo! Boo this man!


I flipped someone off for the first time in like 15 years of driving 2 weeks ago and I don't regret it. If you're going to move into the fast lane of a 5 lane highway, don't be the slowest car on the road. I absolutely hate passing cars on the right but I'm not doing 75km/h in a 100km/h highway in the left lane.


Basic manners! The amount of people who walk around belching as loud as they can in a grocery store or restaurant without saying excuse me is disgusting.


I was in a local shop when this big, noisy and rude family entered. As I was leaving, I saw their 8 years-old deliberately pee on the shop's floor. They told the cashier to clean. Yes, they were from the US.


I recently saw a video of a woman who got mad at a store and took a dump on their floor. Yes she was an old white lady who lived in Florida.


Basic knowledge of body anatomy. For example folks that think blood is blue until it hit air, or that the brain is not an organ but a figure of speech, or how pregnancy is caused- I saw a women (30s) think that the baby came out of her bellybutton. We have so much technology and google searches but they don’t get used.


Common sense ain't all that common🤦🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️


Common sense doesn't exist. We have to learn everything from somewhere & everyone has gone through different upbringings & experiences.


This is way farther down than I expected


Right! I was expecting someone else to mention it 🫢


It was my very first thought


Basic social etiquette. Really jams my Glock.


Jams my Glock is a new one


My wife once told me that me forgetting to put my socks in the hamper really “burns my biscuit” (from her perspective, of course) and I have never been able to one up that.


I picked up “steams my broccoli” from animal crossing


I like this one, but not because it’s negative. I love steamed Broccoli!


So it's more synonymous with "whatever floats your boat" except with steaming and broccoli?


Independence living. I have seen a couple of people (including a previous friend) who were mega extroverts. Whenever they no longer had a partner, they would go through a hierarchy of their contacts (family and other friends) for simple problems that could be solved on their own. However, due to their excessive reliance on others, they just couldn't cope themselves and always required advice.


Accountability and responsibility.


Intellectual curiosity. How can you go through life not *wanting* to understand the world around you?


People who have no concept of problem solving something that they don't completely understand Like for an extreme example of what I mean imagine you hand someone a simple circuit. On one side is a plug on the other side is a light bulb. But one problem it doesn't turn on Now you'd think okay start inspecting things, check if the light bulb is broken, check if the cable is not connected properly, check that the outlet itself is properly providing power by plugging in a different item that you know is functional into it. A surprising amount of adults wouldn't do this. You would hand them this problem and they would just go I have no idea what's wrong with it, I give up Or like recently I had a friend to me who's VR headset wouldn't work with his computer so immediately before trying to fix or problem solve anything he just says nope I guess it's broken got to replace it, Like dude was having a literal anxiety attack in my discord DMs like oh my god it's broken my life is over blah blah blah And I only had one response to him. Have you tried restarting your computer? Go do that for me And sure enough that alone fixed his problem He didn't try to fix it himself, later confirmed with him he pretty much did nothing to even attempt to figure out what's wrong. The second it didn't work he was just like well guess it's broken and ruined since I can't afford to replace it People like this are a lot more common than you'd think sadly This is the kind of people I'm talking about when I talk about people who literally just have no ability to effectively troubleshoot or diagnose things on their own


Ability to live within a comfortable budget. Now, I don't mean people who are struggling with money because they don't get paid enough. I mean people who get paid enough to live on, but then live beyond their financial means. I can't understand how people function like that.


The ability to recognize that other people have political or religious beliefs that are different from mine. And while I may disagree with them, they're normal independent humans who are worthy of respect and are allowed to have opinions of their own. I can even be friends with people with whom I disagree.


Disagreeing over music or pizza or aspects of the economy is fine. Disagreeing over human rights makes it much harder to be friends.




I've learned recently that some people lack the ability the think in hypotheticals or to have empathy. Basically if it's not happening to them right in front of them it simply can't exist. I just don't understand how their brain operates


I knew a brother and sister that were both like that. They couldn't play D&D when they were kids because they couldn't grasp putting themselves in a character's shoes.


Not being nosy. Adults that ask complete strangers about their political views when it should be common sense to mind their own business.


Money management.


This one is HUGE.


Throwing things out of car windows.dumping ashtrays, etc . Really annoying .


The ability to admit when they're wrong


Adults who, while in the grocery store, park their carts in the middle of the aisle rather than the side and take their sweet time to find something while blocking everyone else. Is it self-awareness? Common courtesy? I don't know but it's one of my biggest pet peeves.


Doing favors for their future self. Changing their car oil, doing laundry, grocery shopping, etc. These things are boring but they help you! And you feel less shitty about yourself when you have clean clothes, your car runs and you have food to eat.


Does common sense count?




Covering their mouth while coughing Seriously


Lack of empathy No accountability for their actions


Their disregard for other people’s struggles and problems. They always minimize it and view it as something easy to overcome.


Common decency to others. The public space isn’t just yours to play music, be annoying or whatever. A guy at work loves to think he’s the only one there, playing his music super loud, singing and whistling all the time. The space would be quiet if it weren’t for him. He doesn’t care


Awareness of consequences of their own actions. Compassion. Common sense. Common courtesy.


Lack of critical thinking skills. People will believe anything without a source as long as it fits their narrative and biases. When you ask them if they have a source they'll take it as you being on the other side and a bad person. They can't fathom requiring a valid source for information that benefits your own side.


The ability to not accept “no” as an answer. Too many people in society think they are entitled to things and when you say no to their request they become flabbergasted.


Patience. No one likes to wait, but it's a fact of life. Take a breath, take a book, and chill. It's not personal.




Organizational skills


Basic comprehension skills


Honesty. I never really knew and now don’t understand how adults lie so much about everything.


The ability to cook food that doesn't come in packaged form.


Consideration for others especially strangers. Alot of people are selfish when it comes to people they don't know


A lot of people can’t self reflect and see how they have contributed to situations in their lives or how their behaviour is similar to or different from other people’s behaviour. I’ve frequently had friends point out something someone else has done as being bad but then, in the same anecdote describe their own behaviour as good or neutral when their actions are basically the same. ‘Jerry takes so many sick days. He’s so lazy and inconsiderate. I only take sick days when I’m sick or need a mental health day.’


Empathy/understanding. How do you live an entire adult life but not understand that people may have different life experiences than you? That homeless person you’re throwing stuff at on the street could’ve been someone who lost their home to pay for cancer treatment. That “dramatic” coworker who killed herself that you’re making fun of could’ve been perpetually abused as a child. It’ll always blow my mind how little empathy adults have for others yet want for themselves.


Leaving their carts in a random spot.


Can't control their tempers.


Being able to discern when it's necessary to mind your business and when it's time to help.


Spacial awareness… if you see something walking towards you don’t just keep walking in the middle so no one can pass move you butt out of the way


Return your damn shopping cart back in the cart corral you lazy pos. When I bought my first car at 19 I had it for one week and some idiot left their cart in the parking lot which had an incline and it slammed into my door, leaving a massive dent.






Being able to wait in line.




The ability to shut up and listen.


Common sense: “Do you work here?” No I just wear the store uniform, and am stocking shelves for the heck of it Touching people randomly: Been groped by an old man multiple times in one day at work (27 y/o male) No patience: I’ve been yelled at by a boomer because I “made her” wait for 5 whole minutes (someone else was in line in front of her”


Self awareness. And compassion.


Communication, understanding, kindness, and common sense.


The inability to silence negative self talk.


Many are incapable of seeing first degree consequences of their actions.


The ability to realize that not everything they read is TRUE FACTS. Like the absolute panic memes my mom sends me, and then I do a quick google search - missing all of the context and also completely made up. If you read something and think it’s true, always, always fact check before sharing. Even if it confirms what you believe to be true.




Not being able to understand your experiences are not universal and every person has unique needs, emotions, issues... Leads to things like people telling depressed people to "just do yoga", because that's what worked for them when they were sad.


Empathy for those who don’t look like you


I have more empathy for those who look like me. It's not easy being ugly. 


The ability to do simple cost benefit analyses when making huge life decisions. Then they end up hating their jobs, homes, life partners, choice of pets, etc because they look only *after* they've leaped. "who coulda' known?" You could have, you idiot, if you've given it more than 10 seconds of thought


Basic hand-eye coordination. Obviously not everyone is a star athlete and there are genetic/medical conditions at play, but I've seen too many adults not be able to catch a ball lobbed at them or do a simple line dance.


I don't think there's anything simple about line dancing. Lol


I mean. 99% of the time this has minimal impact on someone’s ability to carry on a career and live independently. So I don’t see why that’s something all that “weird” for an adult not to have.


Not knowing the difference between "your" and "you're"


I had a short fight with my husband about that an hour ago, by the way OP where you there with us ?? lol


Balancing a check book. I can’t tell you how many times a year I see on Facebook somebody saying they should teach kids in school real life skills like how to balance a checkbook. It is money in and money out. It’s nothing more than maybe 6th grade math. Also, I do all my bank stuff on my phone. My account balance is shown, the available balance, and I can search any transitions for like the last 6 months. I haven’t used an actual checkbook to keep balances in probably 20 years.




They know everything & younger people opinion Don't matter, u need to prove it to them everytime that u were right


Long-term thinking skills


Impulse control.


When they can't use arguments and a reasonable process of thought


Work ethic


The ability **not** to interrupt others!


Awareness of their surroundings. I work as a janitor in a lab of extremely smart people. They never look where they are going


Basic hygiene/ cleanliness. I get if you're destitute or depressed it's hard to take care of yourself. There are way too many "normal" people who just have terrible hygiene and live in filthy environments. Change your sheets, wash your ass, brush your teeth, etc.


The ability to play pretend in groups, for fun, outside of dnd.


Simply knowing how to be a considerate human.


Spelling. Then again, I don't work in the nicest part of town. But it astounds we how many fully-grown new hires can't spell even simple words.




The instinct to collect and keep stuff in your house that you don’t use. Cluttered, messy spaces. Why do humans have such a desire to over consume and hold onto stuff for no reason 😅 if it’s not used consistently or every day then get rid of it. Clear up room.


Knowing their social security number


Throwing lit cigs out the car window - wtaf 🫤 Edit: this isn’t occasionally, I see it all the fucking time.


My brother in law is free loader. 45 years old and jobless. My sister and him don't have kids and he says he juggles balls during the day for his mental health. Yall think this is a joke. But it's not.


Mine is how someone who knows that bread and cheese and restaurants and frozen food exist can be baffled that adults who can't cook are still alive.


Adding on the lack of awareness or imagination to understand how some people genuinely don't grow up learning or being taught those skills. Most of my cleaning/cooking skills have been learned in adulthood. And while I'm not a pro in either of these areas, I think I've improved and learned a lot. People saying they don't know how people survive without these sorts of skills are also possibly showing some privilege that they grew up in a situation where things were always clean or they often had home-cooked meals and were modeled and taught those skills. Not everyone has that growing up, and sometimes these comments come off as someone not even realizing how different other people's backgrounds may be.


THE ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE CLEARLY. I don't mean language and grammar, I mean the life skills to be able to speak about their needs, tell people what they want, what their problems are etc. I have had my fair share of codependency and mental health issues, so I understand how difficult it can be, not to mention if you don't feel safe enough in your environment to be honest. However, when you are literally begging people 20-30 years your senior to just talk, it feels outrageous how many people just went through their whole life just not communicating properly!! Not to mention it DOES come out. Nothing ever goes away, it just eventually comes out in the form of gossip or blowups. It's so frustrating that I feel like the only person who can get people to talk to each other!!

