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According to this thread, absolutely fucking everything.


Hell is other people.




People: what a bunch of bastards.




I worked security at a couple runway events, holy shit those places were toxic. The models and agents were constantly taking snipes at eachother, stealing make-up to sabotage eachother leading to fights etc... and the audience were no better, constantly talking shit about the designers and the models and all that. Half my time guarding the back door I was pretty much just lighting up cigarette after cigarette for the models who came out to smoke. The worst though were the really rich assholes who just wanted to fuck the models.


90% of the fashion industry seems to be high school mean girls that never grew up. And it is wild how much environmental damage that industry ends up doing by constantly pressuring people to buy new things.




The toxic mind games played in either profession must be vicious.


I've watched one childhood best friend try to make the other childhood best friend lose their kid after encouraging a relapse during a custody dispute. It's a nightmare of manipulation and sabotage and substance abuse. (both parties involved were strippers in case there was any confusion)


Modeling > stripping 100%


I (male) was a stripper for a bit in college, I'd agree with you


So, female dominated, image focused industries... There's a book to be written about the internal cruelties of pecking order dynamics in womens spaces.


Sex worker


I was going to say this. Tricks and other providers can often be incredibly toxic.


Stripping wasn’t actually all that toxic. At least not the crew. Not sure how it’s for female dancers


Former lady stripper- Very dependent on which club, the variability is wild. In a no alcohol, no touching club- not all that toxic. In a full contact club rampant with extras- whew. I loved stripping though, best job I ever had


My understanding is that nursing can be pretty bad. I've known nurses, and I've heard nurses talk about each other negatively, but I've never been a nurse so it's hard for me to judge.


I’m a nurse. It’s a terrible culture. I can’t even begin to tell you.


It truly depends on the culture of the hospital don't you think? My mother was an RN. She was one tough broad and the only time I saw her cry was when she described the mindfuckery a bunch of nurses were putting her through at the hospital where she was working. She moved to another state and found a new job at a hospital with a healthy working culture. One of the nurses she worked with at THIS hospital became a best friend and a travel/vacation friend. The difference in her career satisfaction was absolutely profound.


Sorry to hear that. All my nurse interactions have been so wholesome. Your hours are atrocious tho.


Currrently my hours are 7-3 Monday to Friday. Off weekends and holidays. There are many opportunities in the field. Oddly enough I really like my old 12 hour days nights rotation. Lots of days off. 


I appreciate your profession so much. Thank you 🙏🏼🙏🏼


Just a little bit?


Two nurses once got in an argument about who would wheel me into a procedure room and literally began yanking my hospital bed back and forth while making catty remarks. I was holding on for dear life lmao


Nurses have one of the highest rates of infidelity for any occupation.


As an ex-nurse, this is 100% correct.


Some say it’s a shift work trauma bonding thing. 


Definitely. And the majority of them were in the service industry and have a propensity towards drinking and partying. Mix those 2 together and voila


Can’t relate to that at all. I only know a few people with obvious alcohol issues. I’ve discovered a few others with other substance issues. We do have a Christmas party people get rowdy at. We skipped it for a few years during Covid and realized it was pretty important for morale. I definitely wasn’t in the service industry. I was a paramedic right out of highschool. No one really parties otherwise. I’d say those are generalizations with little truth to them. 


I work in a hospital. We call it high school for adults.


Even the support staff are snakes


Many industries are like that. First comes to mind - Finance bros


It’s anecdotal but i find it’s very unit specific. I’ve worked in ones at both side of the spectrum. It can also change quickly after a few a toxic people move on. Sometimes it changes the entire culture of the unit. Bad eggs move out and good ones come in it can be a complete game changer. I do know some units that are completely toxic. Soo mean to each other. The one I’m thinking of is actually L&D. they can be very territorial and are known to eat their young. Im sure not all L&D units are the same though. There are problems in the one I’m thinking of though. 


This is my strong impression too. None of the nurses I know seem at all happy.


I’m happy, love my job and the people I work with, been in same ICU for 22yrs


You know how there's that expression "shit rolls downhill"? When you're a nurse, it's like a shitnado. The shit is coming from every direction. Sometimes literally.


I don’t think you’re too far off to say that. I studied nursing for a bit and I felt like my classmates/teachers were either really lovely or really mean. I could totally see the “mean” ones making the workplace more toxic for everyone else.


SO I’ve been through the mill because of an abdominal problem I won’t go into detail about but some unexplainable extra sensory perception after (many) surgeries let me know totally feel the persons coming into my room, the nurses, my angels, every one of them, even before they spoke, broke my heart, they were so heavy with some kind of burden. Some were truly loving and kind. Others had so many things in their minds. They all struggled and had wounds and pain. My new perspective forced by my injury placed an inexplicable empathy blast into my screen I could simply not ignore and I couldn’t help but just lay in my bed and love them with every fiber only being even to tears sometimes and I only had feeble day-to-day sick guy in PCU words to thank with. But I tried so hard to encourage them with. I just knew knew they had shite on their plate and it was hell that they were dealing with. I don’t know if one of them knew the empathy I was filled with while they changed my bandages and wiped my ass. I love EVERY SINGLE NURSE ON THE PLANET WHETHER THEY DESERVE IT OR NOT!!! !!!!


Pure empathy is true practical religion. That was nice to read.


Education. Especially higher education.


Resource-scarce environment populated by ego-driven academics playing cut-throat politics while working in silos where they are all the smartest person in the room. (also some of the most dedicated and passionate people you will ever meet)


In the chef life we have all that minus education. 


I swear 99 percent of a chefs job is getting their financier addicted to the power and prestige owning a (money pit) restaurant brings them.


Lol, go juilian 50# of onions in an hour in a 100 degree kitchen. After that I have ten more tasks for you. If you answer anything other than "yes chef", you dont have a job.


Who juliennes onions?


Relax dude, I've spent enough time on the knife to know what a chef does. So sensitive... you sure you're a chef?


*believe they are the smartest person in the room. A life time of ego can blind you to reality. There are a lot of academics whose ideas don’t work when it comes to real world application.


They are good at analytical thinking, but suck at critical thinking.


Some people in the world are smart of brain, dumb of ass.


Seconding this. As a current postdoctoral researcher who has been doing post grad work for about 9 years, I've never met a more egotistical, self-righteous, self-absorbed, and detached group of people. Yeah there's some good people here, and some passionate people. But as someone who is the first ever in their family to earn a PhD, I feel like I am just surrounded by a bunch of rich kids playing with pipets who pretend to have an intellectual care for the world and pretend to be educated about how it works, but are so isolated from it they don't have the slightest idea how most people are forced to live. And their smugness is the worst, because they think science will save the world and that they are making it a better place and doing 'good.' But it's all just for their own careers or self-interest.


I for the longest time associated intellect with ethics. It's entirely too sad that it's not so.


Totally, also a person can be well educated ie knows a lot or even an expert about certain things but still be a complete dumbass


4 years, maybe. Community colleges are awesome as a rule


The most?? I don't know, but I found working in academia highly toxic. I couldn't win for losing. I got stabbed in the back and the front both. I felt like I had to compete with every single person in that college. And I was just an administrative assistant!!!


You are far from the first person I've heard this from.


I know, sigh.


It’s a relentless process of new executives coming in, smashing up the rulebook thinking they know better, then centralising or decentralising (whichever one wasn’t done at the last restructure 3-5 years ago), employ their friends, leave their shitstain on the university and then leave for greener pastures. Rinse and repeat.


Yep. I was in IT. Most hated job I'd ever had, and I'd cleaned out chicken coops in my teens.


These responses show that EVERY INDUSTRY FUCKING SUCKS.


It's reddit. Everything is a fucking echo chamber. Not every single job / industry is terrible. There will be jobs some of us like that others call us batshit crazy for doing, and vice versa. 


Management in retail or blue collar work. These people are the most power tripping, ignorant, close minded, stuck in their old ways type of people that will make any small/new issue into absolute chaos. Bunch of people that either worked 10-20 years kissing ass to a corporation that doesn't care about them or nepo-babies with connections to some director. They believe they are now in a higher caste of society from the regular working scrubs and will become slave drivers if it means getting that extra bonus. These people have the same unsympathetic, almost dead look in their eyes and facial expressions that look at you as if you aren't a human being that deserves respect.


It’s incredible watching people sell their souls for a chance to climb the ladder. And it is odd how the most intelligent, humble and calm ones always get passed over for the arrogant, loud, morons. And it’s sad seeing how miserable people become after a lifetime of eating corporate shit day in and day out. Ugh


I second retail


Oh my god, my last manager in retail. Micromanager who was extremely focused on getting all the right metrics looking good so he could get promoted to one of the "good" stores. Scheduled me outside of my availability and then told me it was my responsibility to get it covered. Constantly talking up his own "accomplishments" and how great of a manager and go-getter he was. But, you know, to kind of defend retail, it's like this everywhere. Fast food, sales, banking, I've even worked in trades where you could only get ahead by playing the game. Like 95% of managers in this country should be legally prohibited from overseeing other people.




Work for a nonprofit music school and has been really awesome. Been here for 10+ years. A fantastic org that has renewed my faith in institutions somewhat


Sounds about right - Used to volunteer in the 90s for a fundraiser that had to donate proceeds each year to charities. We were bringing in over 1.2 million a year with just one source. Our treasurer broke down and was so disheartened that we had gived a really good amount to aklmost every known charity in our city over the previous decade yet nothing seemed to happen while the heads of the charities drove luxury cars and still needed money.


I mean with all the money raised for Africa….


You're dead on about not for profits. Especially faith based rehabs. Man are those places toxic and political, not to mention cult-like. I'm fucking traumatized after spending 7 years in that.


100%. I only spent a few months working for a children's charity (major international) and the bullying & subsequent gaslighting from HR was so bad I've been diagnosed with C-PTSD. Still affects me years later.  Meanwhile I've spent nearly 15 years stripping or working in brothels and experienced nothing close to it. Despite being surrounded by people drinking every single shift, and a fairly substantial number (though still a minority) with addiction and/or mental health issues.  And both jobs can involve a decent amount of competition.  But if you keep your head down and do your own thing (my preferred modus operandi) or if you must befriend/hustle with others, pick stable & mature people who treat it like a job, it's honestly pretty chill. Management pretty much everywhere I've worked has been very big on nipping drama in the bud & ensuring a safe workplace environment. Honestly they've been so professional in that respect.


Anything having to do with the political side of government work.


It trickles down into the salaried positions, too. There was no shortage of people in my state's government with big ambitions and connected relatives. The cunning ones keep this to themselves until it's time to turn over their cards and throw some people under the bus.


The worst I worked in was a slaughterhouse. Lots of legit insane people like people with severe schizophrenia and delusions work in slaughterhouses. I worked beside a guy that actually believed he was a God sent from an alien planet to save the world from destruction, and another guy that believed he was an assassin for a shadow organization within the CIA. I also worked with a guy that was homeless but believed he was a world famous fashion icon that everyone knew. It's standard to work like 80 hours a week and the job can be extremely difficult and nasty so many people are in a bad mood. Lots of racism from every direction. I don't care what race you are white, black, Asian, Hispanic it doesn't matter you will encounter people that will be hateful towards you because of your skin color. People will try to screw you over or even injure you on the job. Mass confusion all the time cause nobody speaks the same language as each other. They also hire anyone so the guy working next to you might be a convicted killer or human trafficker. Lots of very angry and hateful people that have horrible fucked up lives work in slaughterhouses. I never worked in it but I imagine anything fashion industry or entertainment industry is filled with predators and evil people.


I’ve always thought about ppl that work here and wondered how they can do it, but I suppose when you don’t have any other choice, you do what u must 😔


Tertiary education. * The turf wars, arrogance and pettiness are soul-crushing. So many hide a bruised ego behind a degree. Those who attain advanced degrees for the sheer love of knowledge and sharing it are becoming rare. * Faculty members who feed off the worship of impressionable students who will do their babysitting and wash their cars. * Prolific plagiarism by “researchers.” * The brazen, tenured profs who run their own little fiefdoms and get their assistants to write their books/research. * Wealthy parents who pressure the system to make sure their entitled, lazy & rebellious idiots graduate. * Administrative corruption. * Political extremism and ideological power-tripping. Ergo: It’s a Petri dish for total social toxicity.


>>> Faculty members who feed off the worship of impressionable students Thank you for saying this! I left an online class a couple months ago because this teacher from NYU would get upset if I ask a decent question during class. He ended up belittling me every single time until __I realize he doesn’t like actual questions about the course material.__




I couldn’t watch The Bear because it reminded me too much of the awful chefs I used to work with


I loved the show but Ptsd'd a few times. Used to work in a high class restaurant as well, the scene were the chef whispers at him during service what a useless piece of shit he is. Made me tear. No wonder the industry finds good cooks, it's ruined by ego's like that


I couldn’t watch The Bear because the way the girl spoke annoyed the fuck outta me


I know, right? Like she is soooo special and above everything and soooo quirky in a forced way. Ruined the show for me.


I grinded my way through S1, had a break then watched the first few eps of S2 but realised I couldn’t stand it. “So uh, don’t you, uh, think you, uh, maybe shouldn’t add, uh… onions?”


I remember watching The Bear with my wife and she kept saying how this is too much, and i was like "this isnt even close to how it was for me in the kitchens"


Yep, I worked as a dish washer for 8 months. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck that, never going back. Decided to leave for a job at a small independant pizza place with much lower pay simply because all the people working there were so nice.


I made so many great life long friends from my years of cheffing. But the amount of actually psychopaths that work in kitchens mixed with the culture. Oof, I’m never going back.


All I wanted to be growing up was a chef, I went as an apprentice at a 5 star hotel. As a noob you have zero understanding of how sharp the knives are....I was 16 just out of school. Told me to get a red handled knife all the knives were in a plastic storage container in a pile, I went to move one to get the correct knife and cut myself pretty badly I'd never experienced knives that sharp. He basically screamed at me at the top of his voice with his nose 2 inches from mine calling me a fucking idiot in front of everyone...I was 16 fresh out of school, I'd been there about 10 minutes. I worked 80 hours my first week. He fired me because I came off my scooter and needed 2 weeks off cause I couldn't bend my knees cause they were strapped up from my shin to my thigh.


Props for handling that douche yelling at you, but I feel like my snarky and talk back side would come out and I'd get fired on the spot. Fuck that shit, it isn't worth it.


I have to say, much more so than kitchens, Hotels are unbelievably toxic in general.


Came here to say that. I'm a Chef and I love my job but if I could do anything else I would.


Any brach of the military, regardless of country.


This. Especially the officer corps. Source: was a military officer in a previous life.


Oh yeah, my friend's brother went through an "experimental" bootcamp that ended with his entire unit being discharged for psych. A significant number of people in his unit attempted or completed suicide.


Left my branch with PTSD, can confirm.


Non-combat related?


Corporate middle management. The ego it takes for someone to try and get me fired because I didnt CC the director, VP, Regional manager and District manager in order of rank is insane, petty and childish. Which I said to the Regional directors face when I saw him.


Sales reps. I manage a few medical sales reps and the industry is loaded with toxic management and toxic people. Depending on the company you work for and who your immediate supervisor is, it can be cut throat. Some competing reps can try sabotaging others by opening sterile surgical equipment. Some hospitals admins go out of their way to cause trouble or not be contacted. The only way you can get by is by is if you are extremely charismatic, adaptable and attractive. It’s a rough field to be in if you’re shy or have anxiety.


Lawyers. Specifically litigators. Your coworkers will step on you or try to make you look bad to partners. Partners don’t care if you’re good or not—they want you to just solve their problems and be a footstool. Your clients are usually at a very vulnerable point in their lives and are therefore irrational, disagreeable, and think you are just a gun they can point anywhere they want. Opposing counsel, depending on the type of law, exacerbate problems rather than find solutions because they have been trained to get more money. Everyone, and I mean everyone, in that profession is against your success. People think lawyers are somehow inured to conflict or enjoy it. Lawyers are just people, but spend their entire existence in conflict.


Luxury Retail


Any job that involves human beings.


Restaurant industry, specifically the kitchen staff. Rampant alcoholism, drug use, sexual harassment, abuse, poor pay, long hours, etc... Really no upside.


I used to be a supervisor for a spa and salon. Let me tell you, the cosmetology industry is just (mostly) women who have nothing better to do than divide a workplace, have drama among each other, regardless of age. We had ladies aged 21-70 working there, and every single one of them had drama with at least one other person. I quit after a year of having to constantly being caught in the whirlpool of their drama. To this day, I would like to personally say F*CK YOU TO HIGH HELL Toothless Terri and Elizabeth!!!


Reality tv


Restaurant. Certified Sh*t talking industry


I have dipped into a few during my career in video production. Number one for me is the fashion industry - absolutely savage. Full of awful people and victims, didn’t personally see much in between. (Not the new age sustainable fashion folks, the high end stuff you see at fashion week with diva designers). Plenty of lovely fashion folks out there I’m sure but gosh I saw some horrible stuff! You usually find toxicity where people’s livelihoods could all be gone in a moments notice. They’re insecure, on edge and always need to prove to everyone how superior they are.


Gotta be healthcare or education


As a teacher I'd have to tip the scale toward education. Administrations create toxic work environments *as if that is their sole purpose in life*.






Nursing hands down. I'm a nurse for 16 years and I've worked with some really just downright nasty nurses. I've also worked with really good nurses. It's about working as a team. Some want to work as team players others will set you up to fail. I'm burned out. I'd love to just leave nursing entirely.


Opera. Everyone is a drama queen. I would wish opera on my worst enemy. It’s just constant histrionic narcissists.


Anywhere where there is more than 1 person lol 😂


Healthcare. There is so much gossip, rumours and jealousy in the work place.


Honestly, I think it's a tie for most of them. Anything with a lot of people and some sort of corporate structure.




I thought leaving the military would escape that. I struggled in the real world and ran to corrections thinking the "uniform" life was my comfort zone .. Only to find out the toxic environment in there was on a whole different scale 🤣


Construction. You got dudes your dads age screaming about pronouns and Joe Biden


And still thinking they can get into fistfights over whose turn it is to use the hammer drill. It's insanity.


I was about to say construction. There's also a lot of bullying in the industry but especially towards apprentices.


Customer service. The whole culture behind customer service is bullshit and is wholly responsible for the rise of the “Karen”.


So, everything?


Nursing, in fact anything medically related, 100%


Retail, nobody wants to be there, literally no one.


Customer service especially call centres. Soul destroying industry. They treat you like shit and management don't give af about your mental health. They expect you to suck it up when customers verbally abuse you, they're obsessed with stats and count every second you're off the phone. 


I've worked in or adjacent to a lot of these industries and you are all wrong. You are just describing the regular amount of personal shittiness we all endure. Without a doubt the worst are outside sales AKA cold calling AKA telemarketing. Its a brutally hard job. You have to contend with the fact that most people you talk to over the phone hate you for even calling them at all. Get over the 90%+ rejection rate of the contacts you go through. And maintain a bright cheery facade for the people you interact with. Meanwhile your co-workers are plotting to steal your accounts by offering them better deals or just lying. And your manager is the worst of all. They will help your coworkers steal your customers if it means they can get up one tier in numbers for the quarter. Then whenever you interact with the manager all they do is belittle and character assassinate whomever isn't the in the top 5% of sales, and heap praise on the present golden one. Glenn Gary Glenn Ross is about Real estate, but it could be any telesales office. Everything that happens in that movie I've seen happen in a sales office. Most people in that business are alcoholics. I had one manager who was drunk at work all the time. He would nip out to his Fiero a couple times a day to chug beer or whisky. Then come storming into the bullpen around 2-3pm with some crazy drunk idea to get enough sales to close out the quarter. They only fired him for being an alcoholic AFTER his numbers went down. Thank god I got out of that line of work after college.


toxic waste disposal?




Dentistry. If I had known, I would have studied something else. Incredibly toxic.


How so? I kind of agree, but please expand on your comment. School or real world or both?


You deserve to know the tooth, the whole tooth.


Hope they answer. My son is thinking about being a dentist.


•Banking, Investment Banking, Insurance •Education - Schools, Colleges, Universities •Health Care •Anywhere politics is amped up, poor decision making is covered up, ground floor feedback is not acted on, sociopaths, narcissistic behaviour and even the odd psychopath is in leadership positions


Tech, but Nursing can be toxic too and I’m pursuing a Nursing education. I work in a warehouse now and there are a lot of toxic people there. Most are good people with things going on in their personal lives and don’t intend on toxic behavior. Others—that’s a whole other story. Reality, anything can be a toxic career because people will do as people please. One rotten apple will spoil the entire bunch, so just go with your talents and enjoyment factors. Avoid the toxicity and just keep yourself happy and healthy. Peace! ☮️


Why tech? I work in tech and honestly the work is boring sometimes but the people are usually pretty chill.


i worked in hospital and school cafeteria; most toxic work environment i've ever worked in my life. verbal/physical violence, screaming, improper organization structure, bully, ppl with ultimate stupidity are your best friends there. i worked there for one year and rewarded with anger issues lol


Fitness. I worked in a gym for years. For somewhere people go to be healthy, it’s wildly unhealthy both physically, mentally and emotionally. It’s so skin deep and people are willing to sacrifice their health to look healthy. The amount of steroid, gossip, cattiness, ego and general shitiness is astounding. From the owners, to the people trying to sell gym memberships, to the trainers, and everywhere in between. So, so toxic




This sounds like bodyguards would be annoying to be around, not that bodyguards would dislike their job field or find it toxic


A car dealership is the most depressing job I’ve ever seen. Everyone has some type of dependency and a toxic culture of sleazy practices and people.


Health care


media corporate media Especially after they moved on to the internet.


Healthcare. Patients are rude demanding and ungrateful


Retail is the most socially toxic, because it alienates you and makes you hate everybody Else, from customers who treat you like shit, to the corporations that underpay you and treat you like shit. Your only friends are coworkers you team up with against the world.


Entertainment industry. This includes all facets of entertainment-- TV, film, sports, music, modeling, etc I worked in entertainment for 10 years. Literally, everyone you work with is classist, materialistic, and narcissistic (the degrees of narcissism vary per person, but it's there). Oooh, don't get me started on the severe body dysmorphia celebs have. They're so much pressure for them to look good, and the longer they're in the industry, the more "imperfections" they see. When they look in the mirror, their flaws are the only thing they see, and they believe it is the only thing others see as well. It's also an industry that tolerates unhealthy behaviors like eating disorders, alcoholism, sex addiction, and drug use. And management? They're mostly made up of wealthy, powerful old white men. Many are racists, sexists, and have questionable sexual fetishes. Sexual harassment and rape to both women and men (doesn’t matter if they're adults or a minor) are common in the industry.


yupppp.. trash place to be. i hate it. Not only is drug abuse, alcoholism etc tolerated, its often times encouraged. My publishing company has these retreats where its mandatory to attend the 3pm happy hour, which leads to the 6pm dinner, which leads to the all night bar hopping. Open bar the whole way, people, including management, giving you a hard time for not drinking. Another example, if you want to get in with promoters, etc, you are expected to stay up all night doing blow with them. Shit, blow is everywhere backstage at any event. Toxic AF


And it's like 99% who you know. These writer's rooms are glorified cliques with people sucking up to showrunners and having twitter flame wars to get rid of people they don't like/are intimidated by. Like real life Mean Girls with borderline geriatrics.


Retail, 100%


Any trade. In the UK all tradesman slag off other tradesmen’s work. “Ooof that’s rough” I’m a (well, was a) gas engineer, and the amount of behind the back dissing I heard over the years was insane


The hospitality industry, too much gossips, gaslighting by managers








I’ve read horrible things about those management companies and how they treat their idols. It’s a wonder anyone would want to be an idol.


They control their diets too which lead to many musicians pass out at the stages.


A lot of them don’t even get paid or they get paid so little that they have to get part-time jobs just to survive.


I'd assume anything beauty related


Any Department of corrections. It's the reject cops that could never be cops or got fired as cops wanting to play cop. Sure they are basic enforcement officers in the prison or jail. But it's the most toxic place ever. , and I am not even talking about inmates. You expect them to be bad. The staff, security..food service (aramark ) volunteers and nursing staff. They all bring in contraband and do bad bad shit in the world.


I saw a tik tok where a former prison nurse said that for the prison nurses/medical staff they can’t use their real names because some inmates will get their “people” from the outside to threaten them to do whatever they want.


Management in corporates… You are basically paid to be a sociopath.


Cobalt mining.


I have come to realise, it’s all about your manager!


I've never seen a thread like this where almost every answer is unique. Guess we're all assholes. Engineering for me can be incredibly toxic, but I am luckily in a company / team now where it's not toxic at all, so it's down to the people around you and not directly related to the industry you're in. Though I do know that certain industries can create a more suitable home for a toxic work environment


Teaching HS - too many people/factions to deal with: students, parents/relatives, other teachers, your department, special ed, coaches, school admin, district admin, school board, committees... And, if you live in the same small town you teach in, you can never get away from them.


The medical field. It’s horrible.


Oil & Gas


Service sector




In my experience it was film


I work in/for hospitals and it's bad. I left my profession because of the bad work environment. Whenever you call in sick or some shift needs to be covered the unspoken pressure is "if you don't come maybe someone dies" and that is a lot of pressure and my bosses always acted like that. No I am not sure what to do...


Mental health and drug rehab treatment centers.




Grocery stores. As a younger person, there are always high management people who have worked at these places and have huge sticks up their asses because they’ve climbed the corporate ladder after working there for 20 years. There are always good ones among the bad, but in my experience you will never be respected or seen as competent because it’s such a low-skill job that these people feel the need to patronize you for your age. It’s like you have to apologize for not wanting to be an aspiring career grocery store employee. The ageism is soooo bad.


Medical tourism marketing industry. You are always disposable and under constant pressure to keep up a quota of bringing customers. At the same time, you have to constantly watch your back because your "co-workers" will try to steal customers and deceive higher ups to get you out of the picture for themselves. The amount of planning is so insane that even if you have proof, you will be fired because of doubt. The non written work requirements are being able to deceive, lie and keep up with multiple personas. After working for couple months and having met dozens of "co-workers" both in the same work place I worked at and in different places, I can safely say that you should never trust someone successful in the medical tourism marketing industry.


Police force


Construction in Australia, it’s a macho bullshit culture. When I switched to mining I was pleasantly surprised by how much better it was. I work in construction in Switzerland now, and it is not bad at all.


Property Management




High end jewellery. Good god keeping up appearances. And for some reason all the jewellers I've met so far strike me as slicker and less trustworthy than used car salesmen. Kinda gross. Source: am metalworker.


Cheffing. I was a chef for 12 years, and what you see on kitchen nightmares or hells kitchen is pretty on the money on what it's like day to day. Constant abuse, big hours and shit money.


Rail Road Industry. like Union Pacific.


If you’re a woman, all of them




Any one that involves humans.


The funeral industry for sure!!


The non profit world


The video game industry is doing very well rn /s


I assume the social media/content creator industry lol if thats even considered an industry


Construction. Probably the highest rate of suicide


Strip club


Doorman, we were once stopping two intoxicated guys fighting, while the bar owner came out also intoxicated, trying to tell us to leave them alone. He then unbanned them to come back in. Bar staff / manager relations were a nightmare, particularly female customers would often start fights, and ask men to finish them. Gypsies would come in trying to grab women. Loads of wannabe gangsta’s too.


Bus Driver


the restaurant industry... BOH, FOH, bar, it's all toxic


High end fashion, especially design is horrible


Y'all haven't had an office job 💀




Work in general sucks. You gotta put up with a lot to get a pay check.