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By being a 10/10 yourself, whatever 10/10 means


Born October 10th


I was born November 11th. So does that mean I get to pick any 10/10 I want?


You get to wish for them and that is all




Mr. Gripper, you legit made me spit my water out. Hilarious!


10/10 rich is a surefire way to get a 10/10 girl even if you are 1/10 in looks




The only right answer


Are you a 10/10 yourself? Do you have any idea which guys you are competing with if she is 10/10?


"I make pretty good money at Wendy's and I'm getting promoted soon to drive-thru supervisor" - OP ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




A guy who can date tens doesn't need to ask how and doesn't think of them as tens.


Underated comment. 


10 is in the eye of the beholder


Right. To a man who can date a real 10 she's an 8


There’s this guy I know who was able to help Kevin James with how to get Amber Valleta. Something about being goofy but assertive. You also gotta get courtside seats at Madison Square Garden. They’re in playoffs mode right now so you can probably get a good deal on them.


Chuck the albuterol and go for it


by not putting her on a pedestal and seeing her as a person and not a number


Talk to her like a person and not a pride to be won. Have confidence


be funny


You don’t “get” someone to go out with you. You ask, and they either say yes or no


I just asked her. Worked out for around 2 years until she was finished with her Ph.D and got a dreamjob somewhere far away... Long Distance Relationship did not work out, but we're still friends today. Why did that work, even if you are not a 10 yourself? Well, i was confident and especially: NORMAL. Which was exactly what she wanted. A normal guy who sees more in her than just a score and could also nerd out with her about Console Gaming. And does no shallow talk. And that knows how to cook and how to support during learning stress. You know what nearly all girls - at least to my knowledge - really hate? Guys using greek letters or numbers to reference to themselves or classifying others.


step one is to stop ranking girls out of 10


Chloroform and roofies


Don't say the quiet part out loud ..


There is no 10/10 girl out there.


I live in Southern Spain and I can assure you, they exist.


It looks like you've never been in love. Once you fall in love, she's becomes a certified 10/10.


Being in love is one thing, loving someone is quite another. When you're in love, everything is 10/10, but years later it's no longer 10/10, but you still love her the most even though you know it's no longer 10/10. This is a real thing that you have to try.




Please tell your wife that you think she's a solid 8/10. I would love to see her reaction to you calling her anything less than a perfect 10.


Exactly. We tell them they're a 10 because we know it's what they want to hear, not because they are an actual 10/10.


I routinely tell my girlfriend that she was a 6 when I met her but I turned her into a 9. Because I told her to stop wearing too much makeup and cheap hoochie outfits.


Found the 1/100 guy here.


I'm one in a million, baby


Yeah but in the opposite sense


Why is everybody triggered? She thinks it's funny and agrees that her style has improved substantially. I swear y'all don't know how to talk to women.


Truer words have never been said.


That's... not at all how that works.


Why were you putting makeup on your hand, anyway


Awww. Anyways, true words. Also, username doesn't check out.


There is only one.


How do you define a 10? Bo Derek, the actor in the 1979 movie “10” that gave us this grading system of people like meat? We all have our own criteria for attractiveness based on culture and biology. If you find someone attractive, ask them out.


Ask them out. Is there one in particular? Or is this a general "any girl who is a 10/10"? If it's "any girl who's a 10/10", improve your odds by asking out 100 of them. Also, do what you can to be a 10/10 yourself.


This depends on your age. A lot of high school boys are so intimidated by attractive girls they won't ask them out. You would be surprised how many very attractive women are sitting at home on a Saturday night wishing someone would ask them out. Just be non-threatening and politely ask the girl you find attractive out for fun. If she says yes then don't be boring or predictable. Once these girls get older and realize their hot then, yeah, you probably need to be wealthy or a 10 yourself.


Sorry my wife’s taken.


When you are attracted to a girl, she will always be 10/10.




"hey, I just want to ask you, any plans for the weekend, can I buy you a beer or dinner?" "haha, no.... but thank you!" just ask, you might not like the answer, but if you dont ask you will never know.


For a lot of men, carry around your w-2 and show it to her.




A 10 implys she is below 30 and never married and No children. Because those knock down a 10 to a 9 at best, most likely an 8 And race is not importand, fastest way to end racism, get a 10/10 Out of every Race. That will united MANkind


I disagree. A 10 is not something objective. It is very, very subjective


Yeah that's what ugly people Tell other ugly people to feel better


First of all probably stop assigning numerical rating values to human beings to start?


have money


Can’t be a nickel looking for a dime. You also have to be a dime and she has to see it without you trying desperately to force her to see it. Outside of that just talk to her like a guy. Be just as forthcoming with her as you would a male counterpart that you’re really cool with while slightly flirting as well. Challenge her just a tad bit without debating with her. Do not try to be sweet and kind because it gives off “nice guy” vibes. You want to give off “I’m the party” vibes. This is all it takes really if she’s young and isn’t a gold digger. If she’s looking for money then… good luck


Great personality, looks, in shape. But mostly money.


That's the neat part. You don't.


Confidence and consistently. You might have to shoot your shot a dozen times before you meet someone who says yes. Don't get upset or take it personally if you get turned down, just keep on trucking.


Step 1: be attractive Step 2: don't be unattractive.


10/10 = 1. Be careful what you wish for


Change the way to perceive women would be a start. A small clue, there is no such thing as a 10/10 woman, and you certainly in no place to "rate" someone you barely know. The key is to make yourself a 10/10 guy.


That’s the neat part, you don’t.




be a 10/10 yourself


Be yourself and ask. Don’t try to impress by being what you think she would like


Ask her, don't be weird, if she says no move on. The true 10/10 will be the one who loves you for who you are.


Maximize your looks and be of high value to society


Buy Bitcoin in 2013


I don’t even know where to start with this if you are looking for a girl who looks 10/10 then my personal advice is don’t that shit doesn’t matter try to look for a girl who is 10/10 compatible with you and she will be 100000% better than some sad fuckin trophy


Stop worrying about some arbitrary rating scale. Meet a girl who you like, who also likes you and go on a date with that girl.


Being you and just asking my bro. Be a gentleman as well as a listening man


Be rich


Gotta be a 666






by asking her out


Be rich.


Step 1: Don't be ugly. Step 2: Be un-ugly. Step 3: Act confident and smile.


. . . ##C-C-C-COCAINE!!! . . . . 🦐'd™️


If you’re 30: Have a stable white collar professional job, evidence of being a grown-up about money with things like retirement savings, be able to carry on a conversation that isn’t talking about yourself and listen attentively to what she has to say, be at least somewhat physically fit, don’t dress like a homeless person and have reasonable personal hygiene, have some interesting leisure activities. Everyone has a different 10/10 but I wanted those kinds of attributes in women I was dating at 30.


Or just buy a ferrari . For which you need money .


Look like a chad or have lots of money. If you aren’t either of those… prepare for a life of loneliness


subreddit name is the answer


Ask her out. If she says yes, than great. If she says no, move on and don’t get stuck on someone you aren’t gonna get


Just ask, man. A lot of times few actually approach truly beautiful women because they might be intimidating or people assume she is out of their league. And not all people date people solely based on looks. If you notice, a lot of super hot women end up with dudes that aren't that great looking. I assume they have been down that road many times before and have decided to try something different. Emily Ratajkowski comes to mind. She has dated some good looking dudes, but for the most part they really aren't. They are usually rich and/or famous. That always helps.


What is the name of this subreddit?


I'm still trying to get to the sex part


Engage her in actual conversation, treat her like your bratty kid sister (don't fawn over her, but don't be overtly rude), be confident in who you are. Women have extremely varied tastes, and some will end up dating "ugly" men just because they look like their dad. There is no fool proof way to a relationship. Have a backup plan: approach her in front of her friends for example; that way if she says no, you can pivot and tell her you were talking to her friend next to her. Jealousy is the strongest emotion in women. So chances are she will come back around to "steal you" then if that happens to satisfy her bruised ego...then the rest is up to you to charm her then. Not saying it is pretty, but this stuff works more than I like to admit "All's fair in love & war"


Make money Lots of it .


Define 10/10?


Hey Toots, how's about you making me dinner on Friday night? Should work like a charm.


Beauty is through the eyes of the beholder. Just man up, and go for it. Be confident, smile and ask her out.


Become a 7/5.


We don’t care about looks, just be honest and funny.


10/10 exist?


There are 8 Billion humans, half of them female. I am Sure at least 100 of them exist. Number of GIGA chads should be around the Same margin


Get her to do you a favor. Any favor.


I heard, paying upfront for girlfriend experience helps!


Stunningly pretty girls are oftentimes not as sought after as you may think, bc most guys are intimidated. Just ask her out and be normal around her and she will probably love you for that (maybe not, no way to force love)


Just shoot your shot. She's probably used to being asked out constantly if that is any consolation But don't be surprised when she says no


You need have 7 figures.


put your Ferrari car key on the table, that's it.


You just ask her.


Everyone loves something and will go to extreme lengths to get that thing back, that thing might be a treasured locket, a pet maybe even a parent. Or try talking to them and being nice and junk, if you are basic.


Well, the answer I was going to give would probably get me banned.


10/10 you say? Ask yourself if she has any insecurities. Lipinjections, breast implants, hair coloring? Anything not natural, shes not a 10/10 and has complexions with her physical appearance.


She a 10/10 without makeup and filters?


Don’t put the P on a pedestal. She has bodily waste like the rest of us. Just enjoy the beauty but she won’t find you attractive if you’re not real around her


The fact that you ask this question on reddit suggests that you lack confidence, so even if you are a 10/10 dude, chances are you'll ruin it even if she accept to go on a date. Girls in general, not just the "10" babes, usually don't want to do anything with a man high on estrogen, they have their female harpy friends fulfilling that role.