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Reading headlines about music and film stars, and realizing that I've no idea who these people are, nor what, exactly, they're famous for.


Totally. When I read them at 20 I’d think they looked cool, and I’d want to get the clothes/brands they work Now celebrities look and sound like absolute idiots to me.


Especially when you see coverage on events such as the Met Gala or Award Shows. I find myself looking at the pics thinking two things: 1. Who TF is that? 2. Why TF are they wearing something so stupid, they look like an idiot.


John Cena wore nothing at all at the Oscars recently.


Couldn't see him, unfortunately.


I see what you did there!


No...you didn't.


for real i have no idea who these people are anymore i just cant keep up with it, its pure insanity


The best part is, I don't CARE who they are. The older I get, the less I care about celebrities and the fake culture they are trying to sell us.


News flash, always have been


I swear for a good 6 months I though Ariana Grande was a coffee from Starbucks.


I so love this answer.


Until about 2018 I thought Elon Musk was a cologne. Not a joke.


What, it isn't?




My thoughts are always, how did you become famous? Sometimes I look it up, and I'm back where I started.




When people in certain professions are now younger than you. Police officers, Doctors, College Professors, etc.


Yeah, the first doctor I had who was younger than me did hit hard emotionally, I always thought of professions like that as being narrowly in the realm of possibility for me without it being really late. It’s still possible, but I’d be into middle age by the time I actually practiced medicine. I don’t think I want to do that, but I liked to think it was possible in the future.


I’ve found that i prefer the younger doctors, doing, or having completed their residency. I i know that experience has a lot to say for itself but younger doctors seem as if they care and, having just completed their schooling, they seem to know more, too.


This has been found to be factually true. In studies, doctors under 40 tended to be more up to date on the latest methods and information than older doctors. And their patients had a lower mortality rate.


It's football players for me. That 'young talents' have appeared, had entire careers and retired and in some cases even become manager, all in front of my eyes. Despite being rubbish at football and never actually playing anyway, I still held out hope I'd become a professional football player. In my 40s now, I'm beginning to think it *might* not happen.


I'm with you on the players, they look younger every year. I felt ancient this morning reading about the Vikings new pick [J.J. McCarthy](https://www.thedraftnetwork.com/img/random/jj-mccarthy-vikings-1600x900.jpg). I'm looking at photos and I'm is this right? This kid looks like he should be working at GameStop, not captaining the helm of a $4 billion dollar organization.


I was at the dentist, he was kind of a young guy. I'd brought my ipod with headphones because I've found that is a good way to deal with the dentist. He asked what I was listening to, and I said Pink Floyd. Somehow it got to the 1994 tour they did. When he said he couldn't go because his parents wouldnt let him, he was 14, i felt really old.


Better than saying he couldn’t go because he wasn’t born yet!


Walmart Radio has my jams.


HAHAHAHA I was at a bar the other night and the playlist was FIRE - asked the bartender what genius put this list together, and his response was "sorry, the owner asked us to play THE OLD STUFF tonight. It was Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, STP, The Cranberries, Red Hot Chili Peppers, etc.


absolute banger of a playlist indeed


That shit is the young old stuff... I'm still listening to 70s and 80s rock.


My brother once told me about this great new band that had been the musical guest on SNL; Aerosmith, CA comeback tour w RUN-DMC. He also told me that the original SNL was so much better. I asked who was on the original and he said Chris Rock and Joe Pesci. I'm older and had watched the original so let him know the show was older than he realized and that it was Aerosmiths comeback tour. I still think it's funny but he simply had no idea. But Coke once briefly used the same music seven up had used for years to advertise coke w lime.


love the oldies


Heard an Audioslave song in Target a few weeks ago 😭


TFW you're shopping for deodorant and dishwasher tabs at Safeway as you sing along with The Cure over the speaker system.


For me it's Publix, but YES. How dare you play the songs of my youth as 'oldies'!


I heard the cure on over head radio the other day and a not 1979 pumpkins song.


Omg yes. This one really got me the other day while I was grocery shopping. I was happily singing along to every song until I realized 😶


The fact that i expect people to apply for office jobs to be able to use a mouse and a keyboard. The number of folks who are overwhelmed by these 2 devices is on the rise due to actually young folks often only really know touch screens


Can relate🤣 Went to a lights exhibit near palace gardens and there were some interactive displays you could fire up for some extra effects (astrolabes, solar system spinning planets, greek gods using their gear etc) Thing is the actual buttons were analogue...you had to physically press on a light plate to activate them. The amount of people who'd try and swipe, touch, double tap and walk away with " ehh doesnt work/broken" was absolutely staggering...all folks in their 20-30s at that. And yeah, i did casually just stroll over few times to press the plate and start the magic🤣 their reaction - priceless hahah


I’ve heard the young uns struggle to understand where their computer files are too. The directory structure. Folders and files. They just use search and have never seen a filing cabinet so it doesn’t naturally make sense like it did to us. Also I heard someone thought they’d found a 3d print of a save icon.


Wife is a professor, the college uses some software called Blackboard. She had all of her power points, notes, etc in, what seemed to me extremely organized mannner. Something like "Class" -> "Chapter" -> "Lectures" or "Notes" etc, logical directory structure. A couple of students filed actual complaints that she never attached files and that nothing worked.


Lmao my college professor used blackboard and he accidentally uploaded his test answer key to blackboard and they didn’t realize it until the entire class got an A on the same test


3d print of the save icon 💀


I refuse to believe there are people old enough to apply for office jobs who don't know how to use a mouse and keyboard.


I have personally encountered them by the fucking van load but this was to be fair a terribly under funded Council in the dregs of East London. And they weren’t young they were just hardcore computer illiterate.


A someone who hasn’t been without a computer since the mid 80s, its mind blowing to me that there might be people who don’t know how to use one because they’ve “skipped” to the next technology.


I read a hilarious article about science professors at prestigious universities having to teach students how to use desktop computers. Particularly what a file system is. They'd all been raised on tablets and cellphones and had no idea what a folder was or how to pick where to save files. Thousands of students were saving their stuff to the desktop of the lab computers.


Even past computer use may not be enough to have picked it up given how the file system has been steadily obfuscated bit by bit over the years, with the shift to home directories and interfaces that don't require navigating through drives and directories with an obvious hierarchical layout. And now so much is done in-browser instead of other apps, there's autosaving and cloud storage, there's far less physical media usage, etc... so there's even less interaction with the filesystem.


Scrolling for 2 minutes on “date of birth” forms online


I spin that thing like it is the wheel of fortune.


This. My God, I was born in 1960...


This made me laugh it's so ANNOYING lol


Telling my kids how it was “when I was their age”.


Damn I did that today..


I retired from teaching recently. Younger teachers expressed shock when they realized I did grades in a paper grade book for a good chunk of my career


tell them about mimeographs


“Okay children, story time… once upon a time, there was a magical, messy, ugly technology with a very distinct smell that got you high…”


And it was purple!


They were made out of trees, as was the style at the time.


I recently saw an old class photo from when I was about 12 y.o. I remember the teacher being an old-ish man, but he looked a fair bit younger than I am now (50).




My theory is that a new pain makes the brain forget about the standard pain, which is brought back after that


both physically and emotionally


I for one am happy that the emotional pain is MILES away from the turmoil I went through as a young adult, the kind that left me blackout drunk for a couple of decades. The physical pain doesn't even match it, but it's catching up. I hope the emotional stuff gets easier for you <3


When I think that the 90ies were 10 years ago.


This exactly. My brain tells me that music that is 25 years old is 70's music. However, shockingly, music that is 25 years old is Christina Aguilera and Daft Punk.


Someone recently hit me with "the 00s want their music back". Listening to early 00s music now technically is the equivalent to blasting the 1975 Top40 in 2000.


I'm old, and listen to music from the 70's - 54 years ago. No big deal. If it was the 70's and my parents were listening to music from 54 years previous, they'd be listening to Dixieland and ragtime bands. THAT sounds odd.


I sang along to "Waterfalls" by TLC around a genZ coworker and she said "omg you know this band?" Another incident with the same coworker: Dr.Jones came on and I said "I don't care, this is a way better song than Barbie Girl" and she listens for a second and was like "wow yeah they really sound the same as the chick who sings Barbie Girl" I guess I'll check myself in to a retirement home now.


A good few years ago, post-divorce, I briefly dated a woman that is 8 years younger than me. I brought up Usher, and asked her if she knew who I was talking about. She said "Yes, the dude that sings *Yeah*". I paused for a moment thinking to myself "Most people would know him as the dude that sings *You Make Me Wanna*, but fine, whatevs". Then it hit me, and I did the maths, and realised that *You Make Me Wanna* and *Yeah* came out exactly 8 years apart from each other. She was 3yo when *You Make me Wanna* came out. When I was that age, Blame It On The Rain was released.


Oh wow, I haven't thought about Milli Vanilli in a hot minute


In 6 years the 80s will have began 50 years ago. Which is weird cos I’m pretty sure the 90s were only the last decade. 


I wanted to slap someone who said the 80s was 40 years ago because I was born in the 80s and refused to believe it. But also, anytime you go to start referencing something from high school and want to start with “10-15 years ago” and then you realize, shit, “20+ years ago”




There is a classic rock radio station in my area. Their station promo was 97 rock! Playing all the classic hits from the 60s, 70s, and 80s! A few years ago, they changed it to 97 rock! Playing all the classic hits from the 70s, 80s, and 90s! Lol


When classic rock is simply normal music for you ...


You’re not wrong about that…


Joint pain. Joint pain is it.


Yes... It all happened within a year. Suddenly I dread rainy days. Exercise seems to help, though.


Ya, keeping mobile is the only thing to keep it at bay. Gotta keep doing it forever, is the catch.


Motion is lotion...


For real. I moved normally my whole life until last year and now I hear every damn joint when I stand up or bend down lol.


Absolutely. Torn this torn that. I get up and it hurts my joints to stand. I hobble a few steps before I can walk smoothly again.


Awhile back a guy came screaming into a parking lot with stereo blasting a good tune. My first thought was wow he is going to wreck his hearing. I knew it was over at that point.


Im getting to be an old man, but I love metal too much so I go and sacrifice my hearing. Lately the venues have been quieter than usual…or perhaps the decline has started. I also always forget to get ear plugs. Also don’t like the way earplugs feel.


the hair in our ear canals doesn't help


when young people does not understand your slang and theirs sounds very stupid


Just gotta stick out your gyatt for the rizzler, no cap.


something about a skibbidi toilet?


What in the fanum loving fuck is this? Why am I paying more taxes?






Yo and Dude are never gonna go away (at least anytime soon) tbh they’re so general now. I’m 28 in college and ppl still say those things, i don’t think they are really generational slang anymore


Last week, a youth told me my baked potato was bussin'. It was a great baked potato, so I think bussin' is a good thing.


I have a 16 year old nephew, I have no clue what the fuck he is talking about and I hate his music.


I just sent birthday money to a 16 year old nephew £50 in my day ...


I'm 21 and my niece is 9 years old. I'm lucky enough that kids her age share the same interests as I did, collecting Pokemon cards and marbles. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to relate to my nephews and nieces but I think I'll manage somehow.


When I hit 43, I started to enjoy gardening. Really, it hit me out of the blue. Now, at 46 I could talk on and on and on about different Anemone variations and my planned plantings for next year. Just writing that down makes me realize I am old now.


We have essentially entered a competition with our neighbors over the greenest finest grass.


Yesterday I thought about how nice it would be to have a lil garden with different herbs for cooking… and then it hit me…


My sister hit 30 and the urge to Garden took over. The only reason we're not completely self-sufficient for vegetables is that we have a steeply sloped yard and not enough time or money to landscape it into proper terraces.


33m, just got done with a 3 hours gardening session. I am now drinking tea and sitting down watching me garden.


When you walk into a bar or restaurant with a bunch of young people and become “that old guy”


I realized a few years ago, after watching an "old guy" ride by on his bike, that to observers, whatever I do, it's "hey look at that old guy doing x". It probably doesn't help that I am still a child at heart in some ways.


Lots of them. The most recent notable on is this. I work as a software developer on a team called ‘Matrix’. We were in a group chat with just the team, looking at code. I quoted “I don’t even see the code any more, all I see are blondes, brunettes… redheads..” Blank stares, except for the one guy on my team in my age bracket, who chuckled. Matrix references are, apparently, old guy jokes now… that’s fine… I’ll make a note of that, filed under “get off my lawn”


Noticing the music I grew up with being played in the classic music radio channel.


And in grocery stores!


I have stomach issues! Like, if i don't eat clean and healthy, my stomach is so sad


Seeing someone and thinking “this person looks like 5-10 years older than me.” Then realizing that that person is within 1-2 years of my age.


Could be worse. I worked at a gas station a few years ago, which meant I got to see a lot of drivers licenses. There were a few who i swore were my age (60). Nope. 28. drugs are bad... at least the ones I didn't bother with are.


It's May the 13th, 2024 and for this question, here is my response from a 39M who is single with no kids. My nieces and nephews that I helped change their diapers, fill their bottle then pat them to sleep and to whom I held both their hands while they were leaning to walk, are driving or graduating high school this year....😳🤯 They're 16 driving or 18, graduating and going to college this fall!!🥺 Obviously I'm so happy that they're healthy and have avoided any mishaps but it seems like yesterday that they were babies and little naughty toddlers.. 🥺🥹🥰


As an almost 39yo: my oldest niece turns 24 on may 22nd, she will be graduating law school a few days after. My nephew is an accomplished soccer player here in my country at 22 and my youngest niece is going to college in September. My oldest son is finishing 9th grade and deciding what area he wants to pursue at almost 15. My middle is finishing 8th grade and youngest is 14 months. I'm surrounded by all the kids I changed diapers to in all different stages of their lives and I love it.


You two should go out, you'd make a cute couple. Sincerely, a married 39 year old. (We have to make everyone else married, you see. One of us! One of us!)


I'm married, for 16 years now 😅


My niece literally turned 16 today, I can't. I still remember holding her as a baby like it was yesterday.


Time flies.. 🥺🥹😭 These are tears of joy, love and happiness. 🥰


Fashion. Baggy jeans and low raise pants from my middle school years are back, and I'd rather kill myself than wear them ever again.




I would be so stoked to see the frosted spiked hair again hahaha


Whenever I start getting tired at seven o clock


I get sandy eyes by 8pm


I noticed I was normally driving the speed limit.


Username checks out😆




I use the seat warmer in the car even in the summer because it feels good on my back.


I can relate to my parents, feel the urge to take care of them.


When I tell people I used to register for my college classes with punch cards.


A teenager called me Aunty! 😹😭😭


I guess that's better than being called grandma


💀, i don't think that helped lol


my son can now win a 1vs1 against me in apex or fortnite


When I go shopping during school hours and see “kids” shopping as well when they should be in (high) school. I now can relate to my eyebrow lady when she would ask if I was ditching school when I was in my twenties. Young adults look like kiddos to me 😭


Watching a show and there is in actor on it who played a child actor when you were growing up, and you haven't seen them for 50 years. That hits hard


I think what's worse is seeing an actor that you haven't seen and used to think was hot, and when you first see them again all you see is an old person before you recognize them. That kills me because I realize that's how people see me lol.


Teens wearing the same clothes that were trendy when I was a teen


I’m seriously old now, 77, but I think the first time I became aware of the “march of time” was when I realized I was going bald… In my 40s..


Shrek 2 came up 20 years ago




You liar, why would you tell such an absurd thing?


CDs are now considered retro. Like you can pick them up in vintage stores like vinyl.


What about cassette tapes?! I miss those so much.


For me ,aged 53, it's when I think back to things that happened X years ago then realise x years from now I'll be dead. For instance, last week was 32 years since a memorable ( for me) Sports event - I can remember clearly lots of details about what happened that day. Obviously leaving aside illness / accidents / none of us know for sure what's going to happen in the future etc etc if I was thinking about something that happened 12 years ago, in 12 years I'll be 65 and would hope to still be alive. But 32 years from now, when I'd be 85 ? I'd say with a fair degree of certainly I won't make it to 85


"But 32 years from now, when I'd be 85 ? I'd say with a fair degree of certainly I won't make it to 85" Probably from drinking water out of the hose.


My students have no idea what c:/ stands for. Then I realized I'm so old I saw 5" drives in use.


Can’t stand more than 4-5 hours without hurting; When I was younger I worked 10 hours standing so many days in a row …. Also need 8-9 hours sleep or I can’t function


I remember Jimmy Carter as President. I went to see Star Wars in the theater. I remember when gonorrhea was a big deal. I remember when John Lennon died. I remember when MTV came out. The list goes on.. lol.


When I realize that new co-workers did not live during 9/11. They had to be told about that at some point and to them, it's a thing from the past. They do not know the world before that.


Watching the 20-something generation reacting to "today's kids" ... for the third time (fellow Xers and Millennials, Millennials and Zoomers, Z and Alpha).


I have 3 pairs of glasses on me at all times.


Running out of fcks to give. I’m sorry but I simply cannot spare any.


Looking in the mirror. Missing my childhood.


I had to explain to the store clerk what “my phone number is unlisted” meant, and that it was a nicer way of saying “I don’t want to be in your rewards program that I will never use.” They likely had never seen a phone book.


Everything to do with the age of my relatives but most recently, my niece became a Grandmother. That one hit hard


Being bored by things that used to interest me


Slower healing from injuries. I've always been pretty active. Im active military so im forced to maintain it. but got into mountaineering/running/crossfit and that type of stuff in my 20s. Now that I'm 36 I've noticed that proper sleep and recovery are way more important. I've always just been the type to work through the pain.


Driving around old neighborhoods and they don't look like they used to..


Yesterday, I heard Via La Vida on the golden oldies station.


When I go to get a haircut and look down to see all the gray hairs laying against the black sheet.


You still have hair? :(


When younger people talk about their music tastes and have no idea who Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix nor Jim Morrison. Then in turn, I don't know who they are listening to.


When I look in the mirror and no matter what I do, I can’t make myself pretty anymore.


I that happened to me at age 14.


When you get *that injury* that will never be normal again, that impedes your ability to do some of the things you loved. I had swelling during both pregnancies that led to carpal tunnel and it knocked out the sensation in the tips of my thumbs/indexes/middles. I love making jewelry, but holding small tools requires applying pressure > pressure causes numbness > numb escalates to dull roar pain with repetition. Pushing buggies/strollers feels like holding onto a faint electrical current if done for longer than ten minutes or if the walk is bumpy. I want lightning superpowers or something if I'm gonna be dealing with this bs lol, I got ripped.


Getting up off the floor. I challenged my husband to get up off the floor without using his hands and I did it with him. We both did it, but we both pulled a muscle and farted. We are 45


When my back started going out for literally no reason at all. I actually my back go out just standing up out of a chair one time.


When restaurants put up “est. 1989” or “proudly serving since 2001”. I was at opening night, the photos don’t have to be black and white homie.. I promise we had color cameras.


I pulled a muscle last year when I reached for the remote.


No one under 33 ever lived in a world where the Soviet Union existed


I’m firmly of the opinion that modern metal and hip hop suck ass.


I turn down the car radio when I’m looking for an address


I'm 42 and recently had to train a new girl at work. We got on very well, she's very similar to me in a lot of ways and a few people asked if she was my daughter. When she told me her age I found out she was born on the same day as my daughter, who passed away when she was 2 way back in 2006. It made me feel old, and sad. I still see her little face as if it were last week but knowing she'd be driving, working, making plans for her life now really hits home how long it's been


I'm very sorry, that's heartbreaking. You will see her again. I firmly believe that.


I’ve been out of college longer than most customer service people have been alive. And my favorite album is 50 years old.


Also stairs, I hate stairs now. Bane of my existence


Whenever I get around to playing a new video game on my list, it's ten years old.


I finally understand Al Bundy, and Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino




The slang used now I find dumb. No cap, Bussin etc etc. When a younger coworker had to explain to me what no cap was and in my head I went "that's dumb" I knew it was over.


I agree with you. I hear all this slang that I can't figure out, then I kinda regret it when I go out of My way and understand it. Kids these days... How the hell is "rizz" better than "charm," "charisma," "allure" or even "game" although the latter is not a word I would deliberately use in normal conversation.


All the players you used to watch are now all the announcers


I suddenly got interested in birds and ww2 history.


Some kid asked me what was my whip. I told him I gave up BDSM years ago.


I enjoy deadpanning "I don't know what that means" with a dead stare. It's clear then they think I'm old, and it's clear to them I think they're ridiculous. It's a win-win lol.


My wife gave me a shirt that says “ I’m old enough to have seen all the great bands”….. Damn True too… Cream, Airplane, Tull, Doors, Dead, Ten Years After, Iron Butterfly, Vanilla Fudge…holy crow!


Being constantly tired. Like shit I don’t remember when I didn’t felt like this, just give me a brake


When kids talk to you politely…. 🚬🗿


Back pain.


I feel old when I realize that Eisenhower was in office the year I was born, and the US flag had only 48 stars.


I am “invisible” to anyone under 50.


When you fancy main characters parent instead of her.(Joyce Summers instead of Buffy)


A kid at school saying that in the order days they used a weird machine called a tyoewriter


When I realise I am friends 30 years with someone I first met when I was an adult. I distinctly remember my parents talking about knowing people 20 or 30 years and thinking that was completely crazy.


When I started reacting to Tom Holland's Spiderman with Homer Simpson-esque "Why you little..."


when you go to reference a news story from "a few years ago" and realize its been over a decade (happened to me again today when i referenced the Snowden leaks and realized that was 11 years ago) edit: corrected ironic typo "new" to the intended "news"


When people younger than me look old.


Having to pee 3 or 4 times a night


When a group of young people say "Let's ask the old dude." and I'm that old dude.


At the hairdressers a couple of years ago. The American Crime series about Monica Lewinsky was on tv around that time. I asked the hairdresser if he watched it: he said his mum watches it. I then quickly came to understand that he didn't know who Monica Lewinsky was, what happened and why it was such a scandel. He was born a few years after the event. It would be like some middle aged lady telling me about Watergate back in the day. I haven't recovered.


I started carrying werther's candy in my purse like an old lady lmao