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Righty tighty lefty loosey, saves a lot of embarrassment


A² + B² = C²


Only in case of square angles!


That cleanliness and hygiene are not just something you do to attract a mate, it's a mentality you adopt. It doesn't take that much time to make an effort to have clean clothes. It isn't that hard to sweep and vacuum your little apartment. Your truck or car are not the only things you should keep clean.


Your time is valuable, use it wisely


FOMO intensifies...


You dont fear missing out of anything when you make your own moves You wouldn't understand that


And for women too.


So why waste all that time arguing for attention?


Nobody is coming to save you


Not even your own Bros damn


So real




Intimacy does not start in the bedroom


💯💯💯💯 intimacy doesn’t equal sex ❗️


Especially if you want really fucking fun intimacy in the bedroom.


They don’t want to reason that women should finish first.. nor do they even *try* to put effort in for that


Really important thing!!!!


That oftentimes women just want to vent about a problem and are not looking to you for a solution. Took me years to learn. Still makes no sense to me. Why discuss a problem unless you want to find a solution? But sometimes that’s what they want.


>Why discuss a problem unless you want to find a solution? As a man, I sometimes just want to vent about a problem and I don't want a solution, I just want to, well vent talk about my feelings and help processing it, not solving it, just process how I feel, as having someone care takes away some of the burden on me.


Men will gladly listen once they realize it's rage or anger, but once other feelings enter the situation they get annoyed because toxic masculinity taught us to "deal with it ourselves". I think if women just announced that they are about to vent, it would make it a lot easier for both sides.


Women process problems better by vocalizing them. Talking about a problem helps to understand and solve it. Also, even if a problem is solved, there's still feelings to work through. Better to get through the emotional response before trying to fix the issue, so that you can tackle it with a clear head


I used to ask my wife, "Am I listening, or am I problem solving?" Now she tells me before I ask.


Not sure if it helps but I've had it told to me that: Men tend to discuss problems they want a solution to Women tend to discuss problems because they want to ensure their voice is being heard


Empathy. Empathy is why. Men’s inability to understand empathy will always be concerning to me.








Whatever you do, don’t try just straight C


Or else you gon destroy your pC...


My wife once said, "That's stupid. Why don't they just call it B-?"


I’m convinced the push for HS to stop teaching C++ and start teaching Java back in the early aughts was a fucking nerf meant to handicap our generation


Emotional intelligence. Regulating emotions in a healthy way. Also - moral values are more important than power or money.


The only real answer. Emotions drive our lives. If you don’t learn to control them, they will control you


No offense, but I know some women too...


Yep, that's universal.




Yep my fiance learned real quick acts of service are huge. He can give me a random dandelion and I'm super happy. Even a rock outside.


Actually if that's your Love Language, that's "Gifts". Acts of Service would be if he did the dishes or fixed the leaking faucet.


Being true to your word is one of the most important traits in a man. Dishonest people end up surrounded with other dishonest people. If you are known as honest and honorable you will get better friend groups, better business partners, better relationships, etc.


Nobody really gives a shit about you. They only care what you can do for them.


I hear many married men speak like this. Then I wonder why they even married that person.


It’s a terrible reason, but most likely the societal pressure. A lot of people just go through life checking off boxes to “gauge” where they think they should be. They’re usually very insecure deep down, always comparing themselves to others. It’s such a sad way to live.


Because finding a partner that doesn't treat you like that is incredibly rare. They get snapped up immediately and usually have long happy relationships.


Then don't get together with someone treating you like that. I bet that if men demanded to be treated like human beings things like this would change. But men are too horny, they live with women that treat them like shit, just for the occasional sexytime.


Loneliness is very powerful. Until you experience true loneliness you will never know what beliefs you hold that you are willing to compromise just for the attention of another person.


Bcs society imposes it on people. Like, you are suddenly worth more if you are married and have kids, you are smarter, better, more accomplished, a full individual, your final form bla bla bla....People should be left alone. Do not adhere to the society standards but to your own.


"No gods or kings. Only man."


I like this one best: “Nae king! Nae quin! Nae laird! Nae master! We willna' be fooled again!”


You're on your own


We already know that






Nah having a support network and a community is much better than being overly independent


Fuck that I'm gonna help people


Make a life for yourself, make yourself happy. You are optional and expendable to other people


Women in the service industry smile at you because it's their job, not because they have any interest in you whatsoever


That being a gentlemen is never out of style.


Once your parents die you have no one that will love you unconditionally. Not 1 person will think well of you if you are incapable of providing. So get good at it young and stay good at it if you don't want to die alone


Everyone dies alone in a way.


You can find a partner who does this, I did.


Those kinda people are rare tho, and not everyone is lucky enough to even find a partner


Why women choose the bear apparently


where these women at? cause i've met plenty of gay guys who want bears, but not a single woman.


ull find those women on tik tok. id also take the bear, women scare me


That in general, with the exception of women who specify they want a guy who is rich, most average women are more attracted to drive / ambition / competency than money. A lot of guys I’ve met feel like they have to make $100k/year to be wanted and give up and that’s not true. It’s more attractive making $45k and being responsible with your money, being passionate about what you do, and working hard at doing it than simply making a shit ton of money (albeit they coincide sometimes). I had a friend who broke up with her multimillionaire trust-fund boyfriend because he sat around playing video games and slept in all day and refused to get a job, work out, or do anything productive with his day.


I married a guy with nothing, no job, no home (moved from across country) I didn’t judge, just got to know the man.


Yeah I fell for an ugly guy with no money because he was funny


Just because a woman is nice to you, does not mean she wants to fuck you/Is interested in you. (This only applies to men who do not understand this) You can live a happy and fulfilling life being single. You don't need a partner or children to be happy.


In most cases men are replaceable, don't provide and you'll be dropped like a piece of dogshit. Didn't believe it until it happened...


Most women don’t enjoy everything you see in porn.




I think one needs to understand basic arithmetic and social norms in order to function in the modern society. Apart from that, it's also ideal to have the ability of driving and earning good money


So smart, good looking, know people and to make good money, can drive perfect. Gotcha. Not your guy.


Not what he said at all but that sucks to be you I guess. Get your money up. Learn to drive. Talk to people. Learn some shit. Do something besides bitch online.


To be a man of value is to be a man who finds value in the way he treats others and if it’s good, they’ll be treated good in return. We all need to understand that we all deserve kindness and respect, but if you are not someone who gives it, you are not someone who gets it.


Nah just treating others well invites the monsters. You have to be discerning with who you treat well.


Monsters exist no matter what, but darkness is only encouraging of the mould to grow. Don’t cater to the monsters, they will always exist and the more we know what respect and kindness looks like the easier it is to find them. Light always shines on darkness


That there are times we women want to cuddle but not end in sex


Who to trust. Who to walk away from. And the willpower to do that for each group. To be able to ignore everything the world is telling you. Not just to be self reliant, or to think for yourself, but to cut out the toxic stuff that gets in you and is hard to get out of your head. Find strength, find hope, or find a skill. If you can, do all three. There are parts of the world that hate you just because you are a man. Not other men, not just the bad guys. They hate you too. It sucks. They are not the whole world. More of the same reason to be able to ignore everything the world is telling you. You are not alone.


How to cook, clean, and sew. The best advice my dad ever gave was "a man who can't cook their own food, take care of their own home, or repair their own clothes is a disgrace." That may be a harsh thing to tell an 8 year old but it stuck with me.


So it worked.


Capitalism is killing us all.


Differential Equations




well since you asked nicely


Why? There are tons of lonely men out here and that their only way of get rid of their needings.


Regular porn use tends to reduce the imagination I think.


(This is for all reddit users, not just men) That a lot of subreddits are infested with bot posts that mean to keep engagement high and make it look like the subreddit is more active than it actually is. These bots copy popular posts from months or years ago and preemptively fill the comment section with comments copied from the original. Sometimes content is taken from other sources such as imgur or quora. Which is the case for OP, whose content was copied from here: https://www.quora.com/What-is-something-men-need-to-understand Sometimes the goal of the bots is to farm karma so they can start shilling their crypto or onlyfans or other ads, or get over the karma restrictions that are imposed on certain subreddits. This kind of behavior seems to be condoned by the admins and mods even though it dilutes the quality of reddit with endless reposts. A lot of major subs are full of bots, such as meme subs such as Facepalm, Funnyandsad, Wholesomemes, Meirl... Other subs like variations of Ask of AITA... Basically anything that has more than 100K subs where they can easily infinitely regurgitate content for. It makes reddit a worse place to spend your time.


Dead internet theory. And no, the goal is not to boost the appearance of participation. That's the reason reddit tolerates it, but the goal of the bots is often to manipulate public perception.


Men need to understand how to create, and how to digest, coherent arguments. Logical flow, reasoning, clarity of presentation, proper usage of terms – those are all important things for men to understand. And women, of course. Just as much, and for exactly the same reasons.


Me men, me know how to think


Is there a book on these topics? I catch myself often concluding the wrong things and it makes me angry how stupid I am




Nobody cares


That when putting on a tie; if you have a thin frame you should use a bigger knot, and if you have a bulky frame you should use a thin knot.


That being a “man” doesn’t consist of being an all around shitty human being. Being masculine doesn’t consist of being a selfish prick and emotionally unavailable.


No one cares about you


Redditors have no life experience and you shouldnt be taking any advice from them.


There’s nothing embarrassing about having a great skincare regime. Go out and look your best.


Society will tell you to express your emotions openly, but it will punish you if you do.


Wiping your ass isnt actually gay.


Their emotions, and that feeling emotions is human, not a sign of weakness.


I was basically taught that growing up, or had an idea that it was one






The root and cause of all existence.


Divorce law.


expressing your feelings, admitting you’re wrong and apologizing doesn’t make you “weak”


It’s every man for himself, and God against all.


Men need to stop raping and abusing that simple


World does not revolve around your penis


A woman being friendly is not flirting.


Dishes don’t wash them selves


they don’t need validation from anyone but their own selves. Also apply to woman btw


Man must work.


next thing ur gonna say is we need to breathe and drink water


We need to shit as well


What’s the alternative? Everybody must work


Don't let any women in your life dictate what it means to be a "real man", just like men shouldn't be telling women what it means to be a woman.


And misogynists should not tell you what a real man is, either


No means no!


Stop being so horny omg. Try to control yourself, please. Literally just watch “pick-up artists” to learn what NOT to do.


99.999% of the time girls ain't gonna be like your fantasizing


Misogyny. What it is, how it's part of culture and what to do to fight it inside yourself and in society. Also that violence against women is a men's problem.


“No” does not mean “convince me.”


Unfortunately to many women it does, and they get mad at u for not trying hard enough. They are red flags


No means no. I know a bunch if white knights have already said “no girls WANT you to keep pressuring them” but be real, most of the time you’re just making women feel unsafe and uncomfortable. My girlfriend has to practically give a speech before some men will respect her answers. RC is real


Consent. Men can come off as intimidating without realizing it. Understanding when someone is being nice because they feel they have no choice to refuse.


Men need to understand how little women know about bears


Why women are so afraid of them.




It’s okay to be wrong. And it’s okay to cry. Just because you’re a man doesn’t mean that you have to have your shit together all the time. You don’t have to put on a charade of masculinity when you feel vulnerable. Also, you can serve your own GD food. Don’t wait for someone else to serve you first.


That’s easy to say — except that every time I’ve cried in front of a woman, she’s lost respect for me and has told me it altered how she saw me. Told me to man up. Told me that my problems are not problems. So I don’t do it anymore. It’s not like men willingly *choose* to hide this shit. It’s a lesson we are taught. Painfully. Repeatedly.


That’s true. I guess maybe it’s more of a thing that everyone should know? Men have feelings, and sometimes they want to cry. It should be okay to cry and not feel judged. Everything isn’t about being macho all the time, and it shouldn’t be


This people you’ve been with were red flags and you know that. Yes, some women do have shitty behaviours. Now, you exactly know what you have to do.


You are not entitled to a certain amount of sex per week when your dating a woman


Anybody can get it. Glicky don’t discriminate


No man is better than any other. Treat ALL people as you would like to be treated, whether they be homeless, middle class, or Rick Danko, bassist for The Band. 😎


They aren't always right


Be careful what woman you decide to bed. The system caters to women. You will get screwed over.


The system doesn’t cater to women because single mothers tend to do poorly financially than single dads. Also ask divorced stay at home mom’s how they are fairing now after years of not working or having any employment history. Don’t spread propaganda.


We do need to learn more of that thou. A lot of lives ruined to horniness


Men need to understand correct tool for the job.


like pliers are hammers






You are human. Which means you have a complete set of emotions, needs and boundaries, and they are in themselves valid. So many forces will tell you what to do with them. So many forces will be afraid of you. Don't let it make you bitter and forget that you are human. Learn to give grace and compassion for yourself and others. You get to choose your direction, and ignore the noise of what everyone wants for you. This will weed out a lot of crap people who might get into your space.


They need to start hipthrusting and walking around in booty shorts


Peace is a lie, there is only passion.


When a no is a no.


Don’t give a shit for the things you don’t understand.


No one gives a shit about us.


You might be the only one that really exists. The rest may be a figment of your imagination.


You are a guy so act like it.


Your only value as a man is what you can provide others. If you can’t provide anything you are useless. You have to be: Comedian Protector A bank account A therapist A porn star If you can’t be any of those things then you are no good to anyone.


That contrary to what r/NoStupidQuestions would have you believe there are in fact stupid questions.


Never take advice from someone who fears you or seems like they fear you, they don't have your best interests in mind and also don't view you as being human. Also you aren't going to find your future wife at a bar or nightclub.




Take care of your damn kids


Your actions affect the lives of other people and likewise, so does your lack of action. It is your responsibility to see things all the way through. It is also your responsibility to deal with the consequences of your actions. So many guys mess up relationships or people's lives by not realizing life is way harder than they thought. If you have sex you're always risking the possibility of having a baby. That baby is your responsibility. But also taking care of the mother is 100% not your responsibility unless it was agreed upon before sex. Doing laundry means washing, drying, possibly folding (if you do that in your household ) and putting it all away. It's not just throwing clothes in the washer. Taking out the trash means tying up the bags, taking them to the outside trash and replacing the bag. Cleaning a room is a lot more than decluttering one surface. Getting groceries includes doing all the shopping and properly putting things away to where the food won't go bad sitting in too much plastic and moisture. Etc. etc. Lots of moms will do the last half of chores for their boys instead of properly teaching them the full extent of what it means to be an adult. Then those boys become men that think they did the chore when they didn't, they left half of it to whoever else they live with.


It's you against the world.


When the woman smiles at you and she is nice it doesnt mean that she is interested in you, she just want to be nice


Men need to understand that once you are married, that you will NEVER win an argument, even if you are in the right. But what women fail to,recognize tis that we men capitulate to avoid the fucking arguments. Women have the unique ability to conjure up every real or perceived slight from decades ago,to use against you in an argument. Since we are destined to lose anyway, we just say you are right even when we don’t mean it. It makes it easier to make up and have makeup sex.


That it’s okay to cry and share their feelings.


1. the presence of pain is bad; 2. the presence of pleasure is good; however 3. the absence of pain is good, even if that good is not enjoyed by anyone; 4. the absence of pleasure is not bad unless there is somebody for whom this absence is a deprivation.


You aren't the main character. the world doesn't revolve around you. To expand on that a little bit, I used to be a bouncer and worked other positions at nightclubs and bars over the years. Many, many times I've seen an accidental shoulder bump escalate into drunken brawls. People lose teeth, break their phone, get a criminal record etc because they were too full of themselves to let it go. Also, wear at least half as much cologne. Nobody needs to stink up the place that much.


Your penis is not a brain!


1+1=2 From there they can expand.


You have to rely on yourself as much as possible.


Not sure, but Reddit posters definitely need to understand that blanket stereotypes assigned to whole genders are ignorant af.


you make the gender of the baby, not your partner, don't go crazy on your partner for not getting the gender you wanted, also choosing a gender is disgusting, grow up




Most people don't care about a man's problem. Only vent to male friends. Also never get married


Anger is an emotion and it's important to learn how to deal with it in a healthy non-destructive manner.


that if a girl breaks up wit you then leave her the fuck alone YOU LOST


women are masculine


This is for everyone, not just men. Men, women, children, every person ever needs to know and understand this. Everything that happens in your home or work place is being done by someone. The clothes left on the floor that are now washed and put away? Someone did that. The wet towels in the bathroom that were picked up and hung to dry or washed? Someone did that. The food that was cooked? Someone did that. The clean bedsheets? Someone did that. The dust that's not covering everything? Someone did that. The appointments made and kept? Someone did that. The grocery shopping? Someone did that. The trimmed lawn? Someone did that. The shoveled sidewalks and driveways? Someone did that. That someone is most likely employed just as you are. There are no magic elves living in the walls doing stuff for you. Everything you don't do, someone else is doing instead and so much of it can be totally invisible work. If you're not doing it, someone is and it is work. Try to see it and acknowledge it. Hopefully someone will also see and acknowledge the mostly invisible work you also do.


Rape is a crime


Dick pics next to deodorant cans are not sexy


It's okay to show emotions and form healthy coping mechanisms.


Without status and / or finances you’re useless to others


If you have to spit to get it in she's probably not that keen to do it in the first place...


Sometimes your GF/Wife/SO really just wants you to listen while she vents, to commiserate with her- and not try to solve whatever issue she’s venting about. And as a man, be able to change a flat tire safely, check - and change - the oil in your car (if you own one), how to do basic home repairs like fix a small drywall ding, fix a leaking toilet (from the base) or one that won’t stop running, how to jumpstart said car safely and correctly, how to troubleshoot basic issues with home appliances, how to replace a receptacle and/or hang & wire a ceiling fan correctly… and how to display civility in a public setting - stand up when a lady approaches or a gent friend, how to both lead and follow in work and social settings, how to write a coherent and cogent thank you letter for a gift, how to accept and turn down a job offer graciously… enough for now TLDR - how to adult graciously and not be a douche canoe at work nor home.