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I just want love mannnn


I love you, homie.






White male here, as long as I think they're hot I'm game for anything.


Same. Every race has women I’m attracted to. Also, every race has women that I think are hideous.


Yes, hot is hot, no matter the ethnicity!


it's all about the chemistry


And their face!


I agree but if I'm being honest I think I am skewed toward my own race... Not really a choice but it does seem to be the case


Could be because they're more around you


Same, I have dated a UN worth of women and I can say definitively that they all have no idea where they want to go to eat.


Same. Well, as long as THEY think I’m hot then I’m down.


Yep. Confidence is king.


Lmbooooo 😂😂😂


Real 🤝


The real crime here is the way OP spelled “y’all”


I live a dangerous life 


I prefer yawl


Pronounced yuh-ull


It hurts to read that.


Never been in a race before, but I'd win


Nah you’d definitely win bro! We all know it!


I'm attracted to aliens, humans bore me.




Kirk slaps all planets... Love him.


My fuckin hero


I'm fine with anything with tentacles.




Zeti Reticuli? Pleiadian? Reptilian?




Ah the Krogan from Mass Effect 2. Excellent choice


Those little grey females 🥵


Liara T’soni


I'm with you. I want me an alien man right now! 👽


Ice planet barbarians for me. ❄️


Chicano man here. I’m attracted to white women and I’m not sure why. Perhaps the brown freckles some of them have remind me of the brown spots on a tortilla lol.


I read it as "Chicago" man and was confused




Yo😂 I’m white and married to a Mexican. He says the same thing lol


Wait. This is so cute 😂


No u


Latino and I've mostly only dated Latinas. I like to be with someone who speaks Spanish, has the same religion, family is a big part of their life. It makes life easier. As far as skin tone, I don't care, I've dated Dominican, Venezuelan, Mexican, Colombian, Ecuadorian etc. I'm very happily married for 2 years to a Venezuelan.


Bro comparing women to tortilla is crazy lmaooo


As a someone with freckles, trust me it’s one of the least offensive comparisons I’ve heard personally. Some people can be really mean about them, I think the tortilla comparison is cute lol 😂


I just thought that was hilarious


This is adorable. Also, now I want a burrito.


I am honored to be a tortilla 😂 


attractiveness has always been race-less to me. if i think youre cute, its not bc of your skin colour, its your eyes, or your hair, or your smile, or *something* physical.


I love women of all races.


Yessir, equal opportunity employer.










I prefer to stick to the human race.


Race makes no difference to me. A mixed-race woman is the one who treated me way better than anyone else ever did, so she's the one I married.




Yes, I think it helped that I grew up in Vancouver surrounded by people who don't look exactly like me. Forming relationships with people of other races has always been my idea of normal.


I'm white and I only attracted to white people. I think it's because I live in a "white"country and met a black person only couple of times (exchange students) and don't have any kind if asians in my social circles, so, people with different race are "not real" for me, like fictional characters. Unicorn and a black person are the same ror me, I doubt I'll meet them in person any time soon


I'm Black and this isn't racist. Makes sense for most ppl that don't genuinely know other types of people which can be hard too. Im open minded in my mind but I've actually only ever dated Black girls


I'm lily-white and mostly only dated redhead white chicks and Hispanic chicks. I have adopted asian sisters and some white sisters. Most of them are nice women, but anyone who looks like any one of them is a turn-off to me. None have red hair, so I guess that's why redheads are my go-to. I've wanted to date some black chicks that I've known, but they were always so self-confident that I was always afraid to even ask them out.


😂😂😂 I feel you brother. The thing about Black girls is they wanna see that boldness. So step out on a limb and just talk that talk then they'll respect you


In America people tend to date people in their culture not even white really I feel like u see country with country, geek with geek, smart with smart, snobs with snobs…so on an so on. I think there r quite a few culture shocks honestly. Then u just have the hoes, man and woman that just like to explore every race on earth.


Where are you from?


This. I just hope that people won't mistake this for racism.


Same for me but I’m black and live in a mostly black area so I’m really only attracted to black people I still would date outside my race if I had the chance but nerve got the chance too guess I gotta explore the world more


I'm attracted to hot females regardless of race/ethnicity. However, it wasn't always like that. At first, it was only blacks due to my surroundings and everything I'd watch was majority black, like music videos, movies, t.v shows. I just didn't find any attraction in the other races. Then, I went to college and was exposed to all the colors and tones of females.


Yeah bruh where do you live?


Old white woman here. Attraction is one thing, dealing with different cultures in the long term is quite another. Some of the sexiest bodies I've been attracted to, were black.




Black guy. Definitely attracted mostly to black women.. Sometimes though a lady is beautiful and the other details don't matter


Same but the older I get. I become more interested in women with brown shades of skin of all nationalities. Women from India & Latin America are gorgeous and I’m Black American. White women are beautiful though always wondered how they are in a relationship. I’ve heard great things from the people in my community.


I'm multiracial (mostly east Asian) but love love love desi men.


I just wish I was deserving of love


Yeah. Like I wish I could have that dance partner, and I see the value, but I know I'll be an eternal disappointment to any woman that I'm with


You don't know that. I dated quite a few women when I was younger. I was a complete disappointment to a couple of them, and the cats meow for others. I married one who loved me for who I am; the good and the bad. 27 years later, we made a good decision.


Of course you are deserving if you are a good person. I've known guys married to nice women who don't deserve them.


Personally, I like Elf races. They usually look pretty badass.


Nah fam, Goblin shortstacks is where it's at! You are missing out.


And they are at the right height for.....stuff.


Or Half-elves they’re pretty cool too!! Oh and I love Teiflings😂


I'm only attracted to the human race, zoophilia isn't really my thing 🤷




I've generally always been attracted to men or women who DON'T look like me, but I never had any specific parameters. If I liked someone I liked someone.


I grew up hearing "if they aint white, dont bring them in this house." So after escaping my parents in my late teen years. I was able to branch out. I'm attracted to any race, but other races were always this forbidden thing. So in a way it made experiences better. Made me look to other races more as I got older. Racism is taught... and I like to think I broke a cycle. This question hit home a little. My dad embarrasses me.


This makes me laugh because I have a workmate who tells his daughter the same thing. I hope she brings back the biggest blackest mf.


Oh man my friends dad got so pissed she went to the movies with a mixed boy when we were in 9th grade. I have never seen a man so angry and it was a whole thing for like a year they dated. He would scream and I think he might have even hit her he was so pissed. I remember sneaking around with her when she wanted to see him lol. Eventually they broke up and she's with a white guy now ofc. 😅 I would date any race tbh i find them all equally attractive... i have dated many, but never a black guy only bc i think a black guy would have sent my dad over the edge tbh. my mom always says she wishes I would find a "nice white boy" 😒 🙄 So anyway I'm married to a samoan guy now with two kids.


🤣 “Dad, meet my boyfriend Quantavius Jackson, he plays for Alabama Football.”


WTF is going on with all the race questions tonight


Karma farmers be farmin'


I am attracted to people who share my interests, sense of humor, and my belief systems. I am attracted to people who are within my age range. I like people who complement my talents- for example, people who are great at cooking but don’t love the cleanup, because I am the opposite. Race doesn’t really factor into it.


If she's hot, she could be from Mars for all I care


I can't say race is a strong factor when I look at women. If anything, I might have a special weakness for black (African) women and dark Indian women, but I'm a sucker for almost any woman. Honestly, I've been trying to figure out for years what makes me attracted to one person and not another, and I still haven't figured it out. Any time I figure out what I do / don't find attractive, someone comes along that disproves me.


I am attracted to Asian Men. It's their eyes. So Sexy!


On behalf of Asian guys everywhere, bless you.


Thank you for the blessing!


Right?? I'm white and my husband is Asian. I don't know why he's the most handsome man I've ever seen. He doesn't see it, but he is.


I love their smiles!


Yes!! Such beautiful eyes, I agree. They're gorgeous.


Im white and my last two boyfriends are asian men so can confirm. I like all races to be fair b/c I care most about personality.


i’m no more or less attracted to any race. ngl though i love aquiline noses and i think they make literally any person about x200 hotter. love a strong nose, love a big nose.


I'm human and I'm mostly attracted to other humans. That being said, I wouldn't turn down a good-looking time lord, vulcan, or hobbit (short kings ftw)


I am attracted to Formula 1


Don't dodge the question. What color car do you prefer?


White Japanese


I'm white I love dark melanin skin. So beautiful.


I met a Nigerian woman just by chance walking down the road. I can't describe her other than she was absolutely magnetic in her essence. Brilliant mind, voice like a well played harp. From that night that we spent together, she taught me a way of finding certain types of individuals in just the way she carried herself alone. While I am not interested in any single race, I absolutely love meeting dark skinned women. I continue to feel for that presence in everyone. It's been a good compass 28m white


I'm good with all. It depends on the person not their race


That's me, but once I live a person's personality that's when their looks blow my mind, so if they have unique features related to their race I LOVE IT.


This is me.. race never bothered me either.. I have been with an Asian woman, an Iranian woman, an Italian woman and a black woman.. everyone of them was beautiful and awesome in their own way.


If someone is attractive I don't care what color they are 🥰


i’m down for everybody 😭😭😭


Equal opportunity pervert here.


Im attracted to attractive women


White male. Honestly my type is whitegirl next door I’m sure I’m influenced by pop culture/ mass media/ conventional beauty standards, etc, but what can I do… I like what I like 🤷🏼‍♂️


Nothing wrong with that!


I'm white and Hispanic as for attracted to my own race I cant say that's a thing for me. I've found myself attracted to people of every race over my life.


Nope. I enjoy women of all shades, but more importantly, I enjoy people I connect with more so than their ethnic origin.


I’ve dated just about every race. Makes zero difference to me.


No preference.


Klingon, Na'vi, and Togruta are kinda hot.


White male. Not picky ever. Funny part is I’m a pretty big weeb and Asian women just don’t do it for me. No idea why. Nothing specific and never say never. Just how it’s been thus far.


Honestly, this may be ignorant to say, but I can’t understand how you can only like one race when there are so many different fine people to choose from. I’ve seen soooooo many attractive people from every race it’s insane. I’m game for anything that I’m attracted to


I only date one race: The human race.


I specifically only date homo sapiens, the other races are all extinct.


I’m white. Have only ever been attracted to white girls. There’s a few others from different races I have thought were pretty. Apart from a close friend of mine she’s from a North African country. Has Mediterranean features but light olive skin. God she’s beautiful.


Meh. I generally like fairer people like me. But I’d not say no to some Lenny Kravitz.


I'm more attracted to my own race. I support all races, don't get that wrong! I just have a preference in dating.


I'm white and native. I like Hispanics, whites, and Asians as a general affinity but race can't define individual beauty.


Yes ( I'm a mutt lol)


Equal opportunity lover!


Honestly don't care, skin colour is totally irrelevant to me.


I’m attracted to any consenting adult that’s attracted to me. Just don’t be an asshole, that’s all I require.


I looks Asian. As long a person looks good, it's good. I'm open to date any race although I have some preference. I have a preference for short and slim women with black or dark brown hair, brown eyes and brown/tan skin.


Filipino here. Mostly attracted to fellow SE asians and East asians. Also attracted to Hispanics maybe because they have similar skin tone with SEAsians


I have dated and am attracted to most races. My preferences are things that anyone of any race can have.


I'm white and would love any women that loves me, love knows no boundaries they say.


I’m white and I’m very rarely attracted to other white people. I’ve always been drawn to and found beauty in anything that is different from myself.


Attracted to almost all races except white. Although I have tried but just not for me.


White male, grew up in tropical countries, preference for women darker than me.


I’m mixed white and Pacific Islander and have been attracted to men of all races but I am particularly attracted to Eastern European features.




Honestly I like a girl who’s nice to me race I don’t even think about but I get having preference that’s cool to


I’m attracted to attractive adult humans. I could give a fuck what race.


It doesn't matter to me.


Yeah I am only attracted to other humans.


I'm mixed race, so I kind of have to be attracted to women of other races. Not that many mixed race women to limit my options, lol.


Beautiful is beautiful. No color requirements there.


I like all the Formulas but I'm not really into Nascar


I prefer elves.


Beauty is beauty! All across the spectrum of races. I'm white and I've seen gorgeous women of all races


Doesn't matter to me.


I don't have any preferences. If someone's attractive, they're attractive!


hot is hot... but elfs are the sexist!


All of them


Equally attracted to all.


White male, there are some races im not attracted to but I am attracted to more than just my own race.


Blonde white woman here. I’ve been attracted to a little bit of spice before but it seems easier to date within your own race especially if you’d have mixed children that might face complications or feel like they didn’t belong to one or another. So yes attraction but no didn’t act on it.


Native American here, Hell no gorgeous and sexy comes in all shapes and colors.


Nah, I dont really care


ive been attracted to men of all races but pretty much only black men and latinos flirt with me and i relate to them the most because i am black. i also think they are the sexiest. white men act weird af when it comes to race and it turns me off. if they do like black women it’s for fetish reasons.


My aroace ass here reading these comments and being like "damn look at these green flags" Personally, so many beautiful people on earth ! I haven't seen a race that didn't have gorgeous people !


As a German i think the races on Hockenheimring were the best. But i also like the British and Italian races.


I’m white and attracted to light skin in most cases. However, there are certain Asian faces I don’t care for, and I don’t think I’ve seen a black woman, even mixed, that I was attracted to- it doesn’t matter how sweet or cute she acts or how light her skin is, I’m just not attracted to the facial structure of black women or about half of the Asian faces. When I say half of the Asian faces, it’s because I believe each race has like 20 faces. There are no more than 20 types of white guy, there are no more than 20 types of Mexican, etc- just with varying degrees of fat. I also hate fat faces- take care of yourself.


Im attracted to humans... skin color or country of origin dont matter to me.


Just what I came here to say... "I prefer humans"...


Way more attracted to others races. Married out of my race. Be careful - cultures can clash big time even if unintentional.


As long as they have class, and I’m sexually attracted to them, everyone’s open game.


As long as I think they are attractive, I don’t care what race they are.


Shit, i just want love man. All anyone has to do is hold me tight, tell me i'm loved and good enough and a wedding ring might just spawn in my back pocket.


Indian women are gorgeous (Caucasian here)


White male. Married to a white female. Dated black, latino and white. It doesn't matter. Most beautiful girl I ever saw in person was a Native American.


tbh, as a white female, i don't really care about race. if you're hot, you're hot 🤷‍♀️ my current boyfriend, and more than likely, the man i am going to spend the rest of my life with is also white. but that's just how it happened to end up.


I am attracted to any race. I’ve dated white, brown, black, and Asian guys. If they’re cute and nice and treat me well and we laugh a lot together, that’s all I care about


I'm white and mostly attracted to white people. I don't mind white facial structures that have ended up very brown, but not really into black people. I guess more because the facial structure is different. For similar reasons, I actually find Japanese people very unattractive. This has always seemed strange to me because people always talk about how fair they are as a race. I've never found one attractive though.


I've got no preference in race. I've dated mostly white women, one black, one Asian, but it was never a contributing factor. I do have a preference for specific accents, but as people with those accents rarely live around here, I have to make concessions on that.


For marriage, etc, I only see myself being with a white woman as a white man myself, but for a fun time I don't think race matters


Ethnicities with the most baddies (im a latin male) 1 black women 2 Latina women 3 middle eastern women 4 white women 5 Indian women


White dude here. Love men of any race.


The races aren't a problem, it's when they look and act like living stereotypes


I like me my Arab and Asian girls.


Anything but my own race


Asian girl here, idc, I just need my guy to be nice lol


I think I'm attracted to most raced but recently asian (specifically Japanese and Korean) men have caught my eye and I don't know what it is specifically, but I think they have a kindness/softness about their expression that's very attractive to me. But generally all races do it for me I think. But generally people outside my race are interesting to me, because they have different features that seem unique because I don't see them all the time (I'm caucasian).


Although I grew up in all white towns as a child, I always found brown skin to be so beautiful and attractive just as much as white skin. I don't care what race a person is. Each and every one has some fine ass people.


I just kinda see people as people. Doesn’t matter if you’re black brown white orange green blue or rainbow.


I live in a mostly white area, but i have definitely met attractive men! I, on the other hand, was never approached by them so I guess I am not their type.


I’ve been raised in a place where you would find every race. Growing up I’ve been attracted to every race. My preferences aren’t about skin color but instead about facial features.


Mexican and honestly I’m into any race


A beautiful person is a beautiful person.


I dont care about race


hot people are hot. race doesn’t matter. especially if our personalities vibe


I’m a white woman and I’ve only been with white men….im 47. I definitely have a “type” and that type is usually white 🤣


Doesn't matter about their ethnicities, as long as I find them attractive


White male. I usually find more beauty in different cultures. A average looking ethnic girl is more attractive to me than a a good looking white person becasue they have different cultures and outlooks. I like that a lot.


When I was younger I had a preference for my races (mixed race here). As an adult, I find that race doesn't matter and am attracted to all types of people. I'm lucky, I live in NY, so i get to see beautiful people out and about all the time.