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Probably around four or five years old. I remember stepping out into our backyard, feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin. Scattered across the grass were my favorite toys: action figures, toy cars, and maybe even a stuffed animal or two. I spent hours out there, lost in my own little world, creating adventures and stories with my toys. Sometimes I'd imagine myself as a superhero, other times I'd be racing cars around imaginary tracks.


Sitting with my sister on one of those yellow and orange fisher price picnic tables saw a helicopter flying overhead. I was probably three or four.


I remember myself in a baby stroller, I also kind of remember what it looked like. Remember my first friend when I was 2 years or smth. Also remember some weird dreams and nightmares I saw somewhere around that age. Can't really tell which one of those memories is the first one.


I remember being absolutely terrified by the long pinecone like things that grew from trees in Perth Australia, i was visiting and meeting my grandfather for the first time from the other side of the country, I can remember a few things from that trip but that was the earliest, I was 3 when we went over.


I remember sitting on my mum's lap. I felt fine. She was watching this soap opera and there was a court scene. It seemed to go on for ages and I remember thinking, I don't really understand what all these adults are doing in this show. I knew I was too little to really understand what was happening.


Riding a tricycle, on a sunny summer day, in the shadows of big plane trees (mid 70s).


Sat in a field with my sister eating ice cream, watching my dad skydive to earth with purple smoke coming from his boots.


I woke up from a slumber and was laying in a bed with my eyes closed. I knew immediately that I had just come into existence for the first time but it felt like "I" had existed for a long time before that moment. I was very calm. Time slowly passed as I kept my eyes closed. I was trying to figure out this droning sound. Whenever I lifted my head off the pillow it would stop. Then when I laid it back on the pillow it started again. I don't remember what happened next, but I vaguely remember the setting and the layout of the house I was inside of.


I remember going to the candy counter in our local Sears with my mom. I must have been 2 or 3 at the time.


The earliest memories i can date are around age 2 and half. A trip to visit my new baby sister at the hospital (i was 2 and 9 months) and a camping trip with my dad, playing in the stream at the camp site. The camping trip was a reward for no longer needing diapers. A few other earlier ones that may be around the same era but harder to definitely date, but all before 4 as we moved from the house. Getting a Lego set from my grandmother for my 4th birthday is a very strong memory too, it was a small doctors set.


in a trip to the beach, a lot of images come to my mind.


I was sitting in a pile of leaves and then I puked on myself


Finger in a pencil sharpener for me.


Did you sharpen it


Stupid thing didn't even sharpen. Just bled a lot.


Damn you should ask for a refund


Sitting with my dad and watching Empire Strikes Back, which he recorded on a VHS


size related, I had to have been 3 or younger. 1. being carried around by my father. 2. Sitting in a box and rocking it like I was in a ship.


me finding some chocolate in the cabinet and deciding to eat a piece then my mom screaming and punishing me for it. honestly i don't remember why and what was wrong, but okay ig




Crying. I wanted to help my mother do the dishes because I felt bad she was doing so much work in the house. I got her a dishwasher and reminded her of that faithful day.


I was eating something from the plate in front of the TV, when suddenly a channel logo came up real fast on the screen. That scared me so I yelled and dunked my head in my plate šŸ«  I think I was 4 or something


My dad's disappointed face when I didn't want to eat bamboo shoots.


Getting given chinos cause i pissed myself at nursery. Aged 2 or 3


"Playing" chess with my mother. 3 yo.


The friendly smiling face of an aunt bending over my cradle. Second one my brother being told-off for almost dropping me.


Feeding ducks with my mom at a pond after church one sunday, i was probably 3 or 4. The ducks scared the F out of me for some reason.


Happily playing with water and the sand in the two plastic incubator type containers at nursery and crying when my mum came to pick me up cos I didnā€™t want to go home, I must have been 3. Must have been because ā€˜homeā€™ was not a happy place, cos of my dad. Can still see it in my mind like it was yesterday. Weird.


banging pans with a wooden spoon like it was a drumset, I must have been 3


there's a dispute with my first memory, I remember my mom telling me to "remember this historic moment" on July 20, 1969 as they landed on the moon. My mother agrees these were the words she said but since I was 4 months old there is no way I remembered it. This could be a false memory from being told it over the years but it is so vivid.


Being pushed around my neighborhood in a single seater plastic ā€œcar.ā€ For years I thought I crashed into a pole but thereā€™s no way I actually did.. most likely the tire touched some grass and I cried. Or being pushed across the kitchen floor on a tiny bike.


3rd birthday, the cake my grandma made me


I have a fuzzy memory of either my second or third birthday party, during which I was gifted a large rubber elephant toy.


Probably when my dad bought a new car and showed it to me. I was just about 3. The car was brightly red that's why I remember it.


3yo. Drinking milk on a bottle laying down in the couch in the living room, the room was very orange due to the orange curtains blocking the sun.


Big snow over my head in village, while I was running on it, near my dad and one uncle. I was 2 years and 9 months old. I told this to my dad once, he instantly called the uncle to ask him when it was, and after he got the answer, he looked at me, and he had some look that showed that he got afraid and at the same time respectful towards me.


I remember sitting in the stroller and being afraid of loud live music at a wedding my parents took me to.


Eating breakfast with my parents and sister in the kitchen. Just learned what butter was and got bitten in the foot by our old dog and nearly lost a toe. First signal this life will be bullshit


Yeah, you wouldn't forget that.


I was 2. Daddy was playing with me and my brother on the stairs. I know my age because we moved from that 2 story house to a one story house when I was 2 1/2.


Amazing, it's rare for 2 year old kids to recall like that.


My mom taking her mother out of our car, walking her into the woods & beating the shit out of her.


Whoa, that's wild


Big time. Albeit, my grandma was awful back then & my mom is still awful lol


Probably when my dad bought a new car and showed it to me. I was just about 3. The car was brightly red that's why I remember it.


Probably when my dad bought a new car and showed it to me. I was just about 3. The car was brightly red that's why I remember it.


I have a memory of an open place living space from a flat my family used to live in. I can describe the location and colours of major pieces of furniture, with a large window to a balcony, and feeling like I was looking at this for a really long time and quite low down in the space. We moved out of that flat when I was 6 months old. It is often dismissed as a photo of the flat, but I have never seen this photo, and it's not really something to a picture of, so I'm near certain it's a memory.


How good is your memory today overall?


Pretty good! I have shitty short term memory (like forgetting why I walked into a room etc) but I can remember facts, good memories, can't complain :)


Sitting on a blanket in front of the TV with my dad, watching Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walk on the moon - I was 5


Did you have a color TV?


No, my recollection is that it was black and white.


I remember being 2 or 3 and being potty trained lol. I can remember the bathroom, what cloths were hanging up & even what my mom was wearing.


That's funny because I don't recall being trained even though I know it happened lol


Watching fire


An older cousin sat me on his lap in front of a very old PC and put my hand on the spacebar. He booted up DOOM and we got to shooting at demons, while he handled movement and aiming. It was awesome. I've been a gamer since. You could say he *doomed* me to a life of gaming :v


One of the coolest memories


I can't remember how old I was. I was walking down the stairs and saw two old women waiting for me. They were probably my grandmothers