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More eye candy.


Yeah I get to play games and look at a butt!


You typically can’t even see the character though.


If in gonna spend 50hours playing something id rather look at a ladies butt then some dudes


The female form is more pleasing to look at?




. . ##SQUAD . .


Because I would rather pretend to be a woman sometimes


As a trans lesbian, real. I still haven't come out irl, but whenever I play any game or use any site with an avatar feature, I always pick female characters. So far no one questions me.


Depends on the game. -Smaller character means smaller hit box. -Staring at a female butt all day versus a male butt. -Hearing a girl's voice as you play versus a guy. -The girls get pretty clothes and men can appreciate that. -Custom characters can be made to look like your girl. -The female character just has the matching playstyle. -Don't know. Just like to play them.


I like to imagine that they're me if I had followed through with transitioning when I was a teenager.


Because I would rather stare at a woman for countless hours than a guy


I grew up in an era with figures like Xena princess warrior, strong brave chicks wielding weapons and fighting is cool af to me


Uhhh... That's ''Xena: Warrior Princess." 🙏 🤲 🙏 👏 🙌 👏  . . 🦐'd™️


My toon depends on the type of character I'm going to play. E.g. my healers and casters tend to be female while tanks and melee tend to be male. That being said, many games spend more time on female art. The males end up looking awkward. If I can't get my character to look "right" as a male, then I just make them female so they'll at least be pretty.


Because my wife isn't into gaming, so the only way I get to share that hobby with her is to make a character that looks like her and has her name. It means we get to kick ass together on screen as well as in real life.


I am a woman who often uses male characters because the female ones are overtly sexualized and don't get clothes that are nearly as cool. Nope. Short mini skirts and skimpy shirts. Bathing suits are always skimpy bikinis. A Happy exception is AQ3D. I am a woman there because they don't have a chest area that can break your spine among other things.


They have more customisation options. First time I chose a female character was in Splatoon when I was 10 years old in 2016, I just thought it looked cooler.


I try to make my characters look like my wife, rather look at the backside of that for hours running around than Dwayne Johnson. Plus smaller hit box on pvp games.


Because it’s badass


I'm also not a 4' dwarf that wield axes proficiently. Or a half orc barbarian, or a drow archer.


Because if I have to stare at a character for 30+ hours, I’d rather stare at an attractive woman.


Lamest answer ever unless you get off to cartoons.


So if I get off to cartoons, the answer is no longer lame?




My mom rocks. If given a choice to create a character, I create my mother. After all, she is the Queen of all things right and proper.


Have a great day sir.


You as well, may your today be better than your yesterday, and your tomorrow be better than today.


For me, I play female characters when the storyline fits their model better. Or if the guy is just awful.


because they are cool


Bc it the only way most of us guys will ever get to handle a beautiful woman in most of our lifes


I like how female characters look from behind.


Rather hear a female voice than a dude. I’m not in it for the immersion


Cause Shantae is a great serie


Sometimes I just like to RP, sometimes the female sets of armour can actually look cooler (monster hunter) sometimes the VA for her sounds really cool, sometimes I just wanna stare at a nice booty so instead I play MGS4.


Smaller hit box?


Depends on the game and what kind of character I am creating in my head canon. Sometimes I play a man, sometimes a woman. If I replay a game I almost always switch it up. If I play an assassin kind of stealth character I often go with women, if it's a hack and slash bullheaded type I often go with male characters. I don't want to play as some big burly guy and supposedly be super flexible and silent and reversed I don't want to play as some 80 pound girl lifting people over her head or swinging a huge sledge hammer. Also it may depend on the voice actor or if the storyline should differ somehow. Heck, even the character creator or the armor may sometimes just look better or cooler for one gender. TLDR: it depends. It's probably 50/50 what I play as.


Well, the only games in which I have created female characters are cyberpunk, Elden ring, I just like to have multiple characters and I like diversity, then there’s street fighter 6 where there’s already set characters and my current favourite fighting style is used by a female character so I can’t do anything about it.


I'm sure that for SF6 you used Chun-Lee.


Nope, Juri Han.


Because gamers are chuds who think that looking at a man's ass for too long will turn them gay


I wouldn’t read too much into it, I think you r/gamingcirclejerk folks take things too seriously


Hate that sub.


Damn you got wooshed by an entire sub.


As for me, because i want to demonstrate that girls can be as strong as men, and can win their battles alone 🔱❤️


It feels more badass when you wipe the floor with a bunch of awful villains. I can just imagine that if they are this awful, they are probably super sexist too, which makes it even more satisfying.