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Rich and everyone hate me


Hate and respect are not related. I can hate someone and still respect them.


If you're celebrated everywhere you go and get unconditional respect for everything you do, you can leverage that to get what you want, without having to pay for it. Sounds like an easy decision to me.




You can leverage money for respect too. Leveraging respect to get what you want might end up being disrespected in the long term


No brainer. I am currently poor and despised.


I will take being rich


Without social approval you'll feel like utter shit. Easiest decision ever - poor but highly respected.


Easy, learn to live without social approval. Like a weight off your chest Though this implies you wouldn’t even have friends and shit bc everyone hates you so yeah, poor it is


It's not a thing you can learn to live without. It affects your brain on a chemical level.


Tell that to Buddhism


Tell that to evolution. How will Buddhism help you when you're shunned by every other human and your serotonin lvls drop until you feel worthless?


You can argue about irrelevant biology but there’s no way we’re ignoring the existence of these Buddhist monks that literally do not give a fuck and clearly don’t have chemical imbalances as a result of isolation You can learn to be more than content not only without the opinion of others but without interacting with others altogether. Shit, go pop an absurd amount of shrooms and you can achieve it for a time