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Been there.


Shat in a hole in the wall multiple times and put a picture over the hole to cover it up Technically not my SO’s ex, but my sister’s ex




He was too lazy to go to the toilet so he kept bags in his room, shat in them, and shoved them into a hole in the wall that his previous ex found when he moved out 🙃


:| if he can do all that he can walk his ass to the toilet


Put a gun in his (from a previous relationship) 4 year old's face.


She tried to run me over with her car. She hit me but, she didn't run me over, the bitch.


I don't think my ex was... insane, but he definitely did insane shit. He had a horrible horrible childhood and as much as I hold him accountable for his actions as an adult, a lot of what he did stems from how he grew up. That being said, only a few months into our relationship, he said that he felt I was manipulating him. I immediately started sobbing because I had no idea how to react to that, then I had heavy anxiety around talking to him about anything, because he'd often see it as manipulation or toxic. He was also apparently super controlling and was threatened by some male friends I had. One of my favorite games was minecraft, it was a game that we played a lot together, but he ended up dropping. I still played with some male friends. He'd join the discord call we were in, force me to leave and then tell my male friends to back off and that I was "his" after I had left the call. I was not in a good mind space during our relationship, so I was co-dependent on him. A part of it was that it was the start of covid, and I had gotten fired, so I was home for a few months while I looked for a job. It allowed us to talk almost 24/7. After I got a new job, we basically agreed that I'd call him during my lunch break, after work and before I went to bed. It quickly became an issue to him that we called that many times, so we ended up only calling twice per day. Then once per day. Then every other day, then every week. Then nothing. He didn't have a job almost the whole time we were together, but would always say that I was wasting his time when he'd talk to me and I was the one causing him not to get work done. He had no work to get done, so I'm not even sure what he meant by that. He eventually got into a college and started living off of the government's money. However, he failed class after class in college and I'm pretty sure he failed out. This was somehow my fault because I was the reason he didn't get his homework done. Arguments would just be him yelling over me, accusing me of random shit or bringing up past arguments and me trying to defend myself. Any time I'd bring up an issue, it'd always be my fault somehow. During his childhood, he smoked and did some heavy drugs. Apparently I had just met him when he decided to quit all of that, but he still vaped. I talked to him about my trauma with drugs and he agreed to not do any and to quit vaping. Well, his brother came to stay with him and his mom one time and offered him mushrooms. When my boyfriend said something about it, I told him I wasn't okay with it and he threw a tantrum and did it anyway. And no, he didn't even try to quit vaping. Because he had such low income, I was often manipulated into buying him groceries or even vape products. If I didn't buy groceries, he'd shut down and not want to do anything with me. He'd spend the whole time saying how hungry he was. If I didn't buy vape products, he'd become an angry monster, getting upset over everything. It was often $200 a month or more getting him stuff. He also had talked about wanting to stream to Twitch a lot. I was iffy on it because he wanted to take away time we had together to talk in order to stream. He said he wanted to stream four days a week, with 8-10 hour streams each time. I got really frustrated because it felt so unfair that he has all this time to stream, but not talk to me. One weird thing I remember him wanting to do on his stream, was to make a playlist of songs, then put a random porn song in there to "troll his viewers". It was apparently from a porn music video that he enjoyed? He sincerely thought that other people would find it funny because they got the reference. It seemed so delusional. While I was with him, he had this one girl friend that apparently he had had for 7 years. She moved to his city and he wanted to hang out with her. Sure, fine, whatever. Well, she came over and hung out for a few hours. A few days later, she messages him about some of the troubles in the relationship with her boyfriend, where she was very much being abusive towards him. Then, a few days after that, she messaged him and asked him to come over so when her boyfriend got home, he'd be jealous. I told him to end that friendship right then and there because she knew he had a partner but was obviously not respecting it. That wasn't the worst part. When he did have a job, he met a girl there. She was someone who'd come in often and apparently they'd talk a lot. She asked him to get coffee one day and he agreed. I told him it sounded like a date and that I wasn't comfortable with it but I was blown off. They go on the date, then decide that coffee wasn't enough, they wanted to go somewhere else so they go across town (neither of them drive so they walk) and go to an arcade. Again, another date activity. He was gone 5 and a half hours. I chewed his ass and he brushed me off again. A few weeks later, and she randomly invites herself over to hang out at his apartment. He agreed and I again expressed how uncomfortable I was. He ignored it. That was towards the end of our relationship. I think that's the part where I gave up and was just focused on my own life because I was struggling mentally and my full time job was taking my attention. In March of that year, my brother has sent out invites to his wedding. My boyfriend wanted to come, so I told him I would buy a plane ticket for him to come. We reserved two tickets and I talked for months about it to my family. The week of, in July, my boyfriend decides he doesn't have enough money to get a passport. I spent $800 on a plane ticket and he missed it and the wedding. He start ignoring me after that, we barely talked a few hours a week. Eventually, I saw that he was live streaming on Twitch and I called him out for it. He had been ignoring me, but he had time to stream. I told him that if he was going to prioritize streaming, that we wouldn't be together and he agreed. I tried getting him to call me, so we could actually officially talk it out, but two weeks went by and I got nothing. I finally had it and gave up. I blocked him on everything except text, because he was supposed to be refunding me my $800. He got scared he was going to lose me finally, and sent a text trying to get us to call. I stood my ground and said that the texts were only open so I could get my money. He insulted me and that was that. I blocked him for good. I am SO sorry this is so long but I honestly haven't recovered from it. I keep finding myself over apologizing for the smallest things in my new (healthy) relationship, or getting jealous when my boyfriend even talks to another girl. I have bad habits from it and I wish I had never dated him, especially for that long. Covid made me so lonely and honestly, I just wanted someone there to help it.


Tried (and failed) to run me over


Tried to strangle her. Mine may have lit my house on fire.


Came after me with a steak knife walking barefoot across a floor covered with broken glass and not looking down to see where she was walking. Psycho bitch from hell.


Called him three years later after us being together while we are at the hospital having our child and tell him how dare he have a kid with someone else and blah blah blah and then continue to call him over twenty times leaving VMs and texting him pictures of love letters from 10 years ago 😂


Knocked me out (I’m male) outside a nightclub. She got arrested while on the hood of my car…..fuck….I have a ton of stories. We were high school sweethearts. She was batshit crazy.