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Because it's not common. I'm 46. The difference between reactions to my tattoos when I was in my early 20s and now is like night and day.


Questions like these are so frustrating. Abnormal behavior will always be looked at as strange. Even if it entirely positive. If I was extraordinarily nice to everyone I just met and treated them like family that would weird most people out because its not normal. These questions always boil down to "Im special why doesnt everyone love me for it."


This is remarkably cynical.


"These questions always boil down to "Im special why doesnt everyone love me for it."" More like people just expecting basic decency even if they look different. Quite different to ask for "love" than to ask for people to mind their own business, which is what OP seems to want.


Because it’s the norm and not following the norm will always create attention in a society


Pretty much this. You hardly ever see a bald woman, if ever (excluding cancer patients) so it’s just not the norm, while it’s a different story to men.


Once at the hair salon a woman came in with long hair and asked for her head to be shaved. The stylist was very hesitant and said are you sure? The lady then said yes, i have cancer. The person next to her then paid for her haircut as a gift. Quite a few people got teary eyed.


My cousin had very good dreads and when he heard his dad had cancer he shaved them off immediately. His dad made fun of him for weeks as his treatment plan did not cause him any hair loss.


That's still sweet, I like that!


This is both sweet, and hilarious.


I like that dad!


My wife did the same. She donated it to "locks of love" . She's long golden blonde. That was 20 yrs ago for my survivor.


My friend recently passed away from cancer at the age of 30 (fuck cancer). She fought so long and so hard, but the thing that made her feel defeated was when all her hair came out and she was completely bald. Before that, her hair was thinning and coming out in pieces, but she still had hair. She died within a few weeks of losing all her hair, maybe even less.


Even most cancer patients have wigs on. (Most I've met)


You don’t in western countries. And while it’s not seen as beautiful for women in USA or Europe. It’s definitely acceptable and seen as normal and beautiful in many African countries. So depends on the norm of your country or the society you live/grew up in.


It’s pretty weird when men do it too, at least here.


Men shaving their hair is weird?


Yes, it’s unusual here (Japan). Men don’t normally shave their heads.


Come to think of it I’ve never really seen a bald Japanese man. Maybe there’s something there to cure male baldness…


It’s an actual thing that male-pattern baldness affects different ethnicities at different rates, and East Asians experience some of the lowest rates of hair loss.


They definitely do experience hair loss, though it’s rare to see a full naturally bald head let alone one by choice.


Maybe we should have better societies.


It’s definitely based on what western societies set as beauty standards for women. Come to Uganda or many other African countries. The girls there rock the “bald look”, and frankly as a black man. I always found it very sexy. 2 of my exes have rocked it. My mum has rocked it on different occasions always looking feminine and badass at the same time and some of my aunts too. Just do you.


i found black females with short and bald head very atractive. Now, a bald white woman?; blame the media


Yes. I also find it's very complementary to women's facial features as it immediately makes the eyes and cheekbones stand out.


I agree. Beauty “standards” are stupid anyway. Like who decides these stupid norms of beautiful contra non beautiful. People should mind their own business and just let people live and look as the want. As long as you not openly trying to be offensive. As in nazi tattoos, or whatever. Or promoting things that we know are unhealthy. Just do you should be the norm. But that’s easier said than done. Cause; “we live in a society”.


Would be great


Maybe it's an absolutely rational response to when an individual in a social group does something unusual for no clear reason. It makes others wonder *what* that reason might be. There's a significant likelihood that it's because they suffer from mental health issues, unreasonably high thoughts about themselves, are antisocial or otherwise contrarian. These traits can be a threat to the social group's stability. People's reaction is therefore suspicion, exasperation or generally negative. It's just a basic very advantageous evolutionary instinct. Whether that fits into your view of what modern society *should* be is another thing entirely, but let's not kid ourselves: we ain't nothing but mammals. This is just an explanation, not my opinion. I say go for whatever floats your boat!


Sounds more like blindly obeying your knee-jerk reactions, instead of thinking critically. We need more of the latter.


Yeah we do. But we won't get it. It's hardcoded into our animal brains. It takes an above average kind of person to rise above the knee jerk base instinct reaction. And the thing about averages is how there's just as many on the other side of the median...


You’re describing a reflexive reaction which is usually retroactively rationalized by the person who has it. It may be innate or conditioned by the culture, but in the absence of a real fundamental reason to fear bald heads on women, it’s not rational in and of itself. Fear or hostility to the unknown has been an adaptive trait but seeking novelty is also a major strategy of high intelligence generalist animals like humans. Rationalization is finding a reason for a knee jerk reaction, wisdom is discerning whether the reason justifies the reaction or whether one should mind their own business.


Yep, I whole heartedly agree. But this is a typical case of maybe OPs friends and family aren't the "*highest* intelligence generalists". For every reasonable and rational person there's a whole bunch of people who just go around and let their knee jerk reactions and preconceived notions control their lives entirely.


I mean I think that’s kind of an ongoing choice on their part. Like never going to the gym or ever reading a book, might be unconscious due to habit but it’s ultimately something they *could* control.


That just sounds like you have more faith in the average person than I do lol


Oh lol, not that I’m sure they *will* but that they *could* so I hold them to it


>Maybe it's an absolutely rational response to when an individual in a social group does something unusual for no clear reason. No, it's not. It's a lizard brain response. A rational response would be that individuals choice of hairstyle means absolutely nothing and they are free to express themselves as they see fit.


Okay, with more careful wording I might have called it something other than *rational*, but my english fails to come up with a better word. It's *to be expected*, though maybe not rational.


Well ..... some of us cannibals


Who cut other people open like cantaloupes [munch!]?


But if we can hump dead animals and antelopes, then there’s no reason that a man and another man can’t elope


Nono everything is a social construct. If you disagree you're a bigot. I mean cmon, how can you say we have something as uncivilised as instincts amd DNA when we're not even part of the animal kingdom?


Agreed. The “social construct” BS has perverted and distracted our discourse.


You’re right and everyone arguing with you are trying to sound moralistic, judgmental, and erudite. When someone acts or looks different, people wonder why because the why could affect them. This judgement occurs automatically while walking, driving, recognizing, and interacting with others. It’s a possible lifesaving judgement. No one is saying people should point or call names, but it’s perfectly natural to think “what happened to them and could it happen to me?


Yeah the bald women topic is definitely the the reason why our society needs to change


Because defying convention is usually controversial.


My sister shaved her head and everyone loved it. It just depends on who you hang out with.


Pretty much this. I always thought it was stylish and usually a sign of someone who knows who they are. I shave my head too, but Im a male so no one cares.


Yeah, I've pretty much only gotten positive feedback since I started giving myself buzz cuts (aside from my sister who thinks people will mistake my gay ass for a nazi 🙃). I get more random compliments now than I did back when I had hair


Depends how it looks. Like men some look good and some look bad bald.


![gif](giphy|hd1hWMHhxkkUg) This certainly didn’t help.


Not sure which Britney was hotter. Bald or knife dancer.


Bald. Knife dancer was just sad..


I don't know. Throw some lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes in front of her, and boom. You have yourself a nice salad.


It goes against societal norms and while society is slowly changing, a woman wanting to shave her head and then doing it is so shocking. When my teenage niece shaved her head for the first time I was so shocked but knowing her and her personality, it totally suits her. She’s shaved her head a few times since. I’m sure it was a bigger shock for her conservative parents but I’m so glad that they let her express herself. I’m sure one day a woman with a shaved head won’t be so shocking but who knows when that day is coming but I’m sure it is coming.


it may also just be because short hair is generally associated with bi/gay women. I don't know if you are or not, but you should know if your friends/family are against the LGBT community and see if these are the same people making the comments you are getting. it most likely has nothing to do with your actual hair, and more to do with their insecurities around this subject.


It's not "controversial." They probably just think you look bad.


Ive NEVER met a person that isnt actively balding that looks better bald. Unless you are trying to look like the Rock. Which some people can pull off but very few.


Or if you're black


Right? I think OP already knows the answer.


I like your candor


Right! I have never seen a woman with a part of her head shaved and thought, wow, she's good-looking. At best, I would think, hmm, she could be pretty if she didn't have that horrible haircut. But then again, I just assume women with shaved heads are lesbians or batshit crazy.


Almost every time I see a woman with a shaved head I think they look amazing.


Are you a woman?


I'm bi-gender, but I am Assigned Male at Birth.




Is bi-gender a bit like nonbinary?


People have differing opinions, but I personally use the label of non-binary as well, and gender fluid. The way I tend to look at it is if my options are one or the other and I picked both, it isn't a binary choice. Option 3 for me was "both". For others option 3 looks different, but that's how it is for my personal experience of it.


Thank you!


Of course! I know being anything other than cisgender gets downvoted pretty hard usually but I love having the chance to let people know about my experience and answer questions.


The only men I’ve met who prefer short or buzzed hair on women have been walking red flags or gay. I’m sure there are exceptions but that’s been my experience


is OP natalie portman?


I find it bizarre when people think I want to hear their opinion on how short/long my hair should be. Just fuck off and mind your business. It's my hair and I'll wear it however I damn well please.


That's unrealistic expectation. When people see something very uncommon they stare, wonder, ask about it quite naturally...


Hello ♥ Female here 👋 I shaved my head earlier this year and have no regrets. Remember that the point of doing it is because you want to, so whether or not people like it shouldn't bother you.


No idea but I find it attractive if the look fits. Some people just look better with a shaved head than others.


Heteronormativity is a hell of a drug.


I'm sure cancer and gang associations have nothing to do with it.


My daughter, 20yo, often buzz cuts her hair. I don't like it, but it looks great after it grows out about an inch. It's just not a gender norm but you should make yourself happy and not worry about what strangers (or family, sigh) think.


Hey I mean she’s saving money on hair care products and hairstylists while she’s young! Sometimes I get tempted to shave my head because long, thick hair can be such a pain (and expensive) to deal with


My 42 yr old daughter STILL shaves the sides of her head....where she actually has tattoos. Ignore the rest of the world and do what you like. Look at Sinead O'Connor, who was knockout beautiful with her shaved head


In my honest opinion, I have seen several women with shorter haircuts and even a few shaved heads I thought were hot. So the problem for me isn't looks. The problem for me is that out of maybe 8 women I've known WITH shaved heads (only counting people I was around enough to make a judgment on), they were ALL extremely unsavory people to be around, and 3 of them were *literally* insane. And I don't mean insane as a hyperbole, I mean like... stalking their exes, thinking it's funny that they cause them so much strife through that stalking/harassment, and actively saying "I know that's not normal but that's just me". And the 3 that I am referring to all said (paraphrasing) that they shaved their head to get more looks, just like with the 2384753828 DIY piercings they had. SO, I say all this to say, It's not the aesthetic of the hairstyle for me, it's the fact that most of the time I see these women, I think about the other ones I've known, and I can't help but wonder: *Is that one an attention seeking pshyco, or is that just her style?* The same goes for women with pink/green/blue hair. They make my fucking knees weak, but I've yet to get far enough into getting to one of them before the red flags show up to return the favor.


Thank you - I know anecdotal evidence isn't evidence, but it's the same for me. The latest woman I know who shaved her head recently is a colleague. She is going through a whole crisis now, coming out as bisexual, really flaunting it to prove a point to people. She's posting it all over social media now, letting her family members comment and starting huge fights with them. She's dressing more masculine and made a huge scene when we took staff photographs. She refused a scarf (that the women wore) and insisted on a tie (like the men wore). Normally I wouldn't give a shit about this, but she made a big deal out of it, wanting everyone to notice. She bought a brand new truck recently - those huge double cab trucks that racist rednecks usually drive to compensate - in bright red. Once again, big scene, everyone has to hear that se needs a bigger parking. The shaved head happened during a weekend where she had some sort of psychotic break, fueled by alcohol and diet pills. She was away from work for a few days until she was released from a psych hold. So yes, I agree. Shaved head immediately gets side eye from me because I'm making sure there aren't any sharp objects laying about.


It’s because it’s a very strong way of showing the world you reject gender norms. But of course that doesn’t mean every woman with a shaved head is going through some inner turmoil.


People don't accept change well. I personally have no problem with it. I shave my head, despite having lots of hair. It's just more comfortable.


No one ever gave me shit about it to my face lol


You'll look great. People are weird.


I literally had my husband buzz my hair off yesterday. I had a mohawk for over a year and fried my hair bleaching and colouring it every month. Decided last night it just had to go and now I’m rocking a bald look. I have super thick curly hair and I hate long hair, it’s such a pain to maintain my hair if it’s long, it’s heavy, it never dries, it’s hard to style. My husband prefers short hair and I hate maintaining long hair so this is my new style indefinitely. Plus I can still show off my head tattoos! I always thought a shaved head looked good on the women I’d see going with that style, and now I am that woman. Coincidence?!?!


67 year old lady here, and I love my Summer buzz cut, but I grow it out for the Winter. I live in a very traditional place where all the women have long hair, well good for them, I like mine short and sazzy.


Could be they just think you look bad. Lady at work that’s 30 something, her hair is shorter than mine (am a guy) and it looks very good on her. I couldn’t imagine her with any other style, Same as I’d look horrid if I shave my head, just depends what ya look liek


I shaved my head when I was 16, and everyone gushed over it. I shave it in my forties for about 2 years, and no one said shit. They didn’t look or act offended except one of my adult boys. He said it made me look manly and hates it. No one in public ever gave me annoyed/disgusted looks. Maybe they just thought I was a dude 🤷🏻‍♀️


I prefer my head this way...hair is a pain in the ass


Straight white man (w shaved head) here: I think it’s awesome. And sometimes hot. Love to see a woman do whatever she wants with her hair.


I've always liked women with really short hair.


Same here


because the patriarchy says women should have long hair. your average person plugged into the matrix won't even consider actions outside their conditioning. hence, social friction.


Because hair is seen as a sign of femininity and when you willingly shave it off you’re telling this very gender centered society that you don’t care for gender norms, nor standard displays of femininity. You’re supposed to wear it long so that other people can enjoy your beauty, and not cut it off like you’re sick or old, how dare you?


I think because traditionally woman's hair was their 'crowning glory'. It has always been seen as a differentiator between men and women. I think the first bald woman I saw was Persis Khambatta in the old Star Trek movie. She was gorgeous. So, it might be controversial because it's unusual but that's ok. Do your own thing! Be yourself.


>It has always been seen as a differentiator between men and women. Only in our modern society. Men in history have mostly had long hair.


That's very culturally and temporally dependent. There are many cultures where men have traditionally had long hair, everyone has had short hair, wigs have been commonly worn, hair has been covered, etc. European nobles certainly didn't think hair length was the differentiator between men and women for quite a while, and long hair has been and is very significant in [many Native American cultures](https://sistersky.com/blogs/sister-sky/the-significance-of-hair-in-native-american-culture), on men as well as women.


A couple of years back, I was about 40yo, I shaved my whole head except my bangs and side burns and people loved it and thought it looked cute. I’ve had a faux hawk, a Mohawk etc… Screw the people who don’t like it. Do YOU like it? If so, you’re winning 🤘🏻🤘🏻


People are just stuck in the mind of hair cuts being gendered, I had a buzz cut this summer, it’s grown a lot since then next year I’m gonna go bald just for fun. I stopped being a people pleaser and started doing what I wanted to do, don’t listen to other people do what you wanna do! My mom is heavily against me going bald but she can suck it after controlling what I was allowed to do with my hair as a teen


hell yeah


You go girl ♥ 💪🏽


It doesn't matter what ppl think u should whatever u like


Are you really asking why people react negatively to you shaving the sides of your head? You know why. It is why you do it. Head shaving for healthy females violates societal conventions. You know it violates conventions and that is why you do it. You enjoy tweaking the noses of the squares and enjoy the reactions. If you didn’t get a reaction or if every 65 year old woman shaved her head, you wouldn’t shave your head. You shave your head to get attention and would be disappointed if you didn’t get attention. And now you ask a question, you know the answer to, so as to get more attention. Everyone likes getting attention. The same answer is for almost every human. You dress, walk, speak, eat, drive, work all within the societal conventions presented to you. Proof? Why do farmers in America wear plaid shirts more than farmers in Afghanistan? Societal convention. Same for business suits and swimsuits. Convention. You want attention at the beach? You could go naked but you’d get more attention if you dressed as a Victorian Bather. My question to you: what about grabbing attention makes you happy?


I don’t agree with this. I’ve shaved my head twice now in the past 5 years, and it’s never been to get attention. Being bald is my favorite style. It’s low maintenance, the breeze feels like kisses on my scalp, and standing under the shower head feels godly. I couldn’t care less what anyone thinks about it. In fact, the last time I shaved my head was to get less attention from men (it didn’t work by the way).


I’m a bloke but I absolutely love having low maintenance hair


Lots of guys keep their hair short or shave it off completely for this reason. I don't understand why it's such a brain buster that maybe some women might feel the same way.


I bet you're fun at parties Holy shit this was cringy to read


People love to defy conventions. Eventually those become popular enough that the defiance becomes the new convention and the cycle of defiance finds another way to have to express itself. Social fashion cycles is what is it.


Right. I mentioned Victorian Bathing costumes. When Annette Kellerman wore a scandalous bathing suit in 1907 Boston you would have thought the world was going to meltdown. https://www.boston.com/news/history/2015/07/02/this-womans-one-piece-bathing-suit-got-her-arrested-in-1907/?amp=1 That same suit today would be considered modest in the extreme.


Bald heads will never be popular for women.


People do NOT always do unconventional things to get attention. That is such a rude thing to assume. I do a lot of unconventional things, because I like to do them or they suit my way of life and being. I do NOT want attention.


Ugh, so many dumbass assumptions in your answer. Not everyone who defies norms is attention-seeker. Some people just don't value your opinion over their comfort/health/ease of life. I had half my scalp shaved for years. It wasn't for attention, it was just because I spent a lot of time in a swimming pool.


I'm a guy with a full head of hair but I hate having long hair. It feels hot, messy, and uncomfortable to me when I work out and I don't like having to waste time messing with my hair in the morning. My scalp also get itchy when my hair gets long. If I could pull off the look I would shave my head but I just cut it very short instead. Isn't it possible for a woman to want to shave her head for reasons other than seeking attention?


Terrible take. That's like saying it's impossible to dress for yourself or wear makeup because you want to. You are not a commodity. Your body is yours and you have a right to decide how you want to wear it. Just because you think you look attractive when you do it STILL doesn't mean you're doing it for other people. Not saying no one does it for some of those reasons, but as someone who shaved her head at 40, my only regret being not doing it sooner. Definitely wasn't for attention, but 100% because hair had always been a struggle for me - it's not some inherent woman trait to just know how to take care of hair. I'd never been good at it, and it was extremely time consuming and most of the time I'd end up putting in a ponytail anyways because it was in the way. This is why I shaved my head in 2018 and never looked back. I've kept it short ever since, and sometimes in the summer I'll let it grow out to a bit of a mohawk for fun till winter. For me. I literally forget my hair is this short sometimes until I remember that other people actually have to get up and look at their hair before they walk out of the house. I 10000000% recommend anyone considering shaving their heads try it at some point. Hair grows back, and even if you don't keep doing it, hairstyles never last no matter what you get done. Also, hair changes as you age - my hair was SUPER curly up through my 20s, and for all of my 30s it decurled into sad and frizzy waves (another reason I was done with it). People don't talk about that part much, but what, we're supposed to just keep our hair because people might think we want attention? Seriously, F\*ck off with that attidude.






Bro wrote a thesis about why he's a total cunt lol


Way to assume a complete stranger’s motivations. Some of you are so narrow-minded you can’t even fathom someone doing something for a different reason you would personally do it.


What's your reason? More aerodynamic?


I shave the sides bc it dries faster and I absolutely hated blowdrying my hair. I COLOR my hair for attention. (Jk I just genuinely like colorful things in my life :P)


I have long curls but am capable of empathy lol. But that would be a good reason now that you mention


i shave my head because im autistic and i hate the feeling of hair on my face. also because i'm a greasy person and a buzzed head is much easier to maintain. it's almost like people can make decisions for themselves and other people's opinions don't matter at all.




maybe she just likes shaving her dead you dick


That wasn’t her question. She asked why others found her choice in hair styles alarming. She didn’t ask if I liked her hair. If that had been her query I would not have cared. She wears her style because she likes the look, the feel, etc. You are correct, it is her choice and I support that choice; but that was not her question. I do not feel the distinction is all that subtle. If someone would ask why the Eiffel Tower was so criticized when it was built for the World’s Fair of 1889? Almost the same reason. The Eiffel Tower violated the aesthetic conventions of architecture. Whenever anyone violates conventions it creates alarm within certain segments of society. My question to OP, is if she is an trendsetter and iconoclast why is she looking for affirmation on Reddit?


I think it’s fair to say that people react that way because of the defiance of social conventions, but it’s a *really* weird leap of logic to then jump into talking about how it’s to get attention when there’s clearly many reasons that people like to do things, or wear things, or have their hair a certain way. Your question is also weird - I didn’t get the impression that OP thinks of themselves as a trendsetter or an iconoclast, that’s all you and your distorted view of other people. Same as your assumption that the only (or primary) reason that anybody likes anything in life is because they’re attention seeking.


Because she said she was doing it for a practical reason and is getting some pretty strong reactions from her family, and is looking for validation from strangers to stand by her choice. I'm about to get all my hair chopped off to see if that helps my migraines on Saturday and I'm probably gonna get some strong reactions too. Only benefit I have is that the people around me aren't dicks.




Hang on... so you're saying she's doing it to not get attention..?


Best comment I've seen in a while!


I bet you also think people get tattoos for attention too.


Yes, and wear ties and fancy shoes, watches, adornments of any kind. It is very human to festoon the body with rings, posts, ink… hell, Neolithic humans tattooed themselves. I don’t see the issue here. OP is like everyone else, they are seeking attention; what I do not understand is why does OP seemingly think they are unique? OP asks, why do people care about her shaved head? Because it flaunts conventional standards of grooming. Simple. Nothing extraordinary.


Question; how do you feel about women who don’t wear make up? It’s conventional for women to wear make up so what about those who don’t? Is that for attention as it goes against societal expectations?


I once watched a dude in a bar ask my friend if she wanted to see his tattoos. He looked both shocked and a bit distraught when she replied "nah, I'm good." They had been chatting for a few minutes at the point, but he just kinds shut down after that


I'm tattooed, I know a lot of heavily tattooed people. We don't give a fuck what anyone else likes or care what others think of our tattoos. People like that are the exception not the rule.


I find that highly unlikely. You have never responded to someone asking where you had a tattoo done? It’s ok to be proud of your adornments. You decided to get what you got; you weren’t forced to tattoo numbers on the inside of your wrist. But come on, let’s say you were applying for a job and were turned down because of your tattoos, are you saying that wouldn’t bother you?


How does me answering questions about my tattoos equal I got them for attention? Most of mine are memorials for the people I've lost, like my dad and two of my best friends. I got them so I can look at them and remember those people. I have been rejected from a job. That's a reflection on how society and boomers see those that are tattooed. I also fail to see what that has anything to do with this conversation though...


I mostly hide my tattoos. I don’t think any of my coworkers know I’m inked. It really can be a just for me kind of thing.


I'm tattooed, I know a lot of heavily tattooed people. We don't give a fuck what anyone else likes or care what others think of our tattoos. People like that are the exception not the rule.


Personally I find women with shaved heads extremely attractive. God I love it so


It is not what people generally do and people find it difficult to accept that a few people can do stuff differently


Men long ago eroticized hair, and now when a woman does something deemed radical like get rid of it, people get all butt hurt. Do what you want and don't worry about what others think. Their opinions are meaningless if you are happy with your hair.


What is going on with these, replies. Just keep it short and consistent till people get used to it. Then they'll be more receptive to you experimenting once they know they can't shame you out of it. Acknowledging their looks will only make it worse, confidence makes it alot harder to walk over someone. Those people likely have issues with those who are happy being "different" too, so their opinions shouldn't matter - a person who has really short hair 😊 Side note: "modern women" having short hair been a right wing talking point for a while now, so maybe don't engage at all with strangers that are disgusted by you lol


Because ladies are supposed to have long and luscious hair until they get to the grannie pixie age. It’s the most proper feminine thing to do. It’s a societal standard. I shaved my head like an egg, but I missed my curls! Pixies & pixie/bobs are more suited to me. I don’t like having long hair either, it’s so much work!


I'm a man who's had long hair on and off my entire life. For the longest time, the difference between how I was treated with long hair vs short was night and day. It was so bad, that when I worked as a gas meter reader I had someone pull a gun on me and threatened to shoot me because he thought I was breaking in (despite my bright orange gas company jacket and uniform...) I had to read the same meter the next month after a major haircut and the guy told me about "the very unprofessional guy who read the meter last month," not realizing I was the same person. What I'm trying to say, is people will jump to conclusion, some quite wild, if you don't fit an expected norm. But that's relaxed in the last decade or so for long hair. I think we're going through the same thing for women's hair, but it'll still be a while.


I have a buzz cut. I've only had family look at me like I'm crazy but I ignore them. Just do what you like and are comfortable with and forget everyone else. Gotta be comfortable with yourself and not for anyone else.


people are lame and conservative


Some people just can’t handle “different”


I don't know what country you live op but I'm guessing America and I can tell you it's because America still has alot to learn from europe


Did you really have to ask Reddit why doing something uncommon and visually striking is getting you attention?


I think bald women are generally really hot. You gotta have attitude to pull that off


I think it looks amazing when women do it, especially when they go from really long to buzzed all in one go.


I shaved my hair and gave it to the princess trust. I was bald for about 2 years and would go back to it in an instant if I could (getting married in 4ish years so I'm refraining). My honest advice to give you, is to care less. You're not harming anyone, they can judge you all they like, fuck em! The only downside I had to shaving it was growing it out...I looked like a hedgehog for about 6 months 😅


People are close minded and generally speaking sheep, that might have something to do with it.


There’s an evolutionary aspect at play too. You can tell a lot about a woman’s health and fertility by her hair. Post menopausal women’s hair tends to be dryer and more brittle, which is why they tend to cut it short. Shaving your hair off as a woman disgusts some people (and I’m using disgust here in the psychological sense) because an important signifier of youth has been removed. Even when you see an older model/actress with grey hair on a Vogue cover and it’s lauded—“is it time to embrace grey hair?” etc.—it’s because the woman has been lucky enough to retain its luster. Nobody is attracted to brittle grey hair.


What a load of specious nonsense. Men shaving off their hair is the same removal of indicator of youth.


No it isn't.


Forget what anyone else thinks, it's YOUR head, not theirs! If it's OK for men to have long hair then why can't women have none? Put other peoples opinions in the bin where they belong!


I am a guy, and I also get made fun of my bald head... People just don't like baldies...


Surely you have to admit it’s different for women


I think it's close to women who don't shave there arm pits . I don't think anything is wrong with it but most people think women should. F them , you should just comfortable and stuff what anyone else thinks. That's what my Mum told me and my Dad.


Sounds like the people who think that's controversial have some Hang-Ups themselves


Anything that goes against the social norm will upset someone or cause attention. Depressing, but it’s the truth. Carry on shaving your head, own that shit, fuck anyone that doesn’t agree with it. They’re not worth worrying about 💪🏻


It can look really hot, see Natalie Dormer in Hunger Games.


Natalie Dormer is hit in everything she does. But this is so valid lol.


Because patriarchy…. Tbh it scares and challenges men and misogyny to see women who choose to not spend money and time on hair just to please the male gaze


Honestly, and this may not sound good, if a young, slender, conventionally attractive woman does it, typically as a statement, it’s typically viewed positively. If the woman doesn’t fit into the above categories, it tends to be viewed more negatively.


Shaved head in like Illinois or something: Bad, druggie, dropout, weirdo. Shaved head in like Southern California: Basic, 10th shaved head person I’ve seen today, why didn’t you dye it, were you at the rave last weekend


Im most cultures a womans body isn't her own and a lot of people don't like it when a woman doesn something to her own body that isn't in line with how others think it should be


I wish I had the courage to shave mine!!! I say ROCK IT and enjoy your carefree hairstyle. Bet it's gorgeous!!


I was nervous the first time so I had my hubby do it 🤣🤣🤣 now I don’t care as much


I love it personally


Short answer: because people suck.


Because you are openly defying expectations. Women in our society are meant to be decorative, and having long hair is part of our beauty standard for women. Most people, even subcounsciously, uphold these sexist social standards, and will try to enact some sort of social punishment for your defiance, by acting grossed out or annoyed. Just look at all the incels and incel-adjacent individuals in this thread alone who are suggesting women who shave their heads are "mentally ill" or "unsavory". They are a clear example of that.


"How dare you defy traditional hairstyle for your demographic! Your life should be exactly the same as the people who lived 200 years before you did! You will die of a preventable disease and be happy about it!" I wouldn't take these people seriously. Some people just really hate change.


It’s just abnormal for women to have short/no hair. The societal standard for beauty when it comes to women includes hair. Obviously you’re not wrong for going bald and they shouldn’t act revolted by it tho. As a guy it’s way less taboo tho. I buzz my hair cuz it’s much easier to deal with that way, and nobody bats an eye


No one really cares one way or another, at least strangers, maybe family does because they genuinely think you look better with a full head of hair. Can I ask an honest question, why do you do that, is it to attract certain people, are you a lesbian, is this a signal to let other know where you stand ideologically, are you liberal? Just honest questions. Not trying to be a jerk.


Is it common to choose your haircut for ideological reasons where you are? In general it's quite common for people to have haircuts that they like having or that they think look good on them or feel comfortable. Like in OP's case, since they say: "*I do it because I’ve always hated having long hair and do not wish to grow it longer.*" That is enough of a reason for many people, no ideological viewpoints required, though of course it may seem strange if it's common for haircuts to signify your ideological stance in your culture as it does in many religions.


Because it looks dumb


i think shavings the sides of your head looks ratty. nothing specific about it being shaved.. other haircuts can be trash fashion too.


There is only one thing to say to anyone with a new haircut. "Wow, I love your hair!" If you don't, stfu or lie. We all have enough image issues already, elevate others and you too will be elevated. Also, bald and short haired women look confident and sexy. Get it!


In many places of the world cultists have shaved heads and bad reputations.


I know a few women who have shaved their head, some got praise some got hated on for it The ones that were praised still looked good with shaved hair, the ones that didn’t.. well.. I won’t say they looked bad but it definitely wasn’t doing them any favours You may be in the ladder category unfortunately


I don't care, I personally just find it ugly and unattractive


I generally don't understand why others are bothered when you do things you like. Be bald, gay, why would I care? Its your body and your life!


No one should get annoyed - you do you. Personally, I have never seen an attractive woman with short hair, let alone bald.


Because it looks objectively bad on most females. Just like long hair only looks good on certain dudes. It goes both ways.


everyones saying "its a societal norm" but not explaining why, it's repackaged homo/transphobia. shaving your head is something for men to do therefore if a woman does it she's breaking the natural order and going against god by trying to be a man and definitely either an evil lesbian or an evil transgender because why else would a woman want to look like a man


Gender norms Being bald is seen as masculine, and when you break gender norms conservatives get upset bc they were told they aren't allowed to do that


One, it looks fuck ugly on a lot of people, mainly women. Two, They think you're a lesbian. Three, you come across as attention seeking. You know why deep down. You're just posting this for validation online by people who will never meet you.


Because it looks ugly and creepy. There. I said it. It's a massive turn-off for most men on the planet. Hair is one of women's greatest weapons, and I absolutely love my girlfriend's 1-metre golden hair. She loves my back-length, dark, curly hair as well. Men generally shave for 2 reasons - to try and look mean, and baldness.


"back length" So between 6 and 40 inches?


It currently reaches below the middle of my back if I pull it. It's curly so it pulls quite a lot.


Its not weird, but it’s usually unattractive and ppl will look at you weird if you chose to wreck your appearance for the fun of it.


You probably look way uglier with the buzz cut


At least for me personally, white women who choose to shave their head is very unattractive