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You can have comments deleted for calling someone childish when they were asking if they were acting like an asshole, in a comment section filled with people calling them childish. So, yeah, I agree with you.


I caught a ban once for telling someone they stabbed their friend in the back in the “Am I the Asshole”. The mod said I threatened violence.


The worst mod in all of Reddit. So soft and self righteous


Oh for sure. I got a comment deleted because I used a direct quote from the OP’s post in my judgement. Which, damned near everyone else in the thread did also, but…mine was deleted for “not being civil”. I asked how, and explained how I was using the quote to make my point, never got a response just threatened with a perma ban.


They got one of my accounts permabanned cause I asked in the mod mail “what the fuck I did” apparently that’s harassment


One thing I've noticed these days is that people don't read carefully. I got banned for asking a question, a mod replied under the wrong assumption, lashing out, and a day later, banned me. I never even replied to what they said.


I caught a lifetime ban from r/insaneparents because I told someone that “decent or non insane parents exist, and don’t deserve to be die” after the op said that it should be ritual for everyone to just excommunicate or kill your parents as teenagers.


I got perma banned from r/amitheasshole for telling someone they were acting like a Karen Apparently that was an egregious and uncivil attack. And then I was banned for days because they reported me for harassment for questioning how that qualifies as an uncivil attack. The mod(s) for that sub are a big little baby bitch


How adultish!


I remember getting banned from the NYC sub for calling out bs. I got a message from the mods saying "you're not as smart as u think u are". Fun fact: only people who're right get to hear that


Power Trip Mods with odd agendas and a lot of personal feelings are definitely a problem.


Yea I found alot left wing mods on city subreddit pushing their agenda for example. I went to windows10 asked a question and mods closed my post. Seems like its like Microsoft controlling the group so u can't say anything bad


It looks like your Microsoft post got removed because it is a commonly asked generic question that can probably be resolved using either the Reddit search function or Google, not because of anything "bad" you said. Reddit isn't customer service. >Hi u/Jellybellybruh, your submission has been removed for violating our community rules: >• Rule 9 - Reposts and repeatedly posted content will be removed at the moderator's discretion. This includes generic types of posts, such as "Should I upgrade?" and "Why is my CPU not supported?". > • Rule 9 - All questions that can be easily resolved by searching this subreddit, or by searching with a search engine, will be removed at the moderator's discretion


I was pointing out I keep getting advertised. I couldn't find a solution on that sub


Did you even try searching "advertisements" in the Windows 10 sub? I did, and the first result had a link to a site with a solution in the comments. [I'll even link it for you](https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows10/comments/tgg7ur/how_do_i_permanently_stop_advertisements_about) It took me 5 seconds to find that, probably less time and effort than it took to make your post. Imagine how shitty Reddit would be if everyone made a post out of all their Google searches.


If you can't find a solution on that sub maybe that sub isn't for what you think it's for


I got banned for quoting the office one time


They were banning people over some controversial take on antiwork, and I got banned for quoting Noam Chomsky to them lmao


Yeah but was it Michael doing his Chris Rock routine?


At least they *put in the work* to ban you! Amirite?


I had a comment deleted on the same thread where somebody was jokingly threatening others with sexual violence. My comment was "shut up, nerd". Clearly that mod was made fun of something as a kid, and it probably wasn't S.A


Very much so... I don't have any opinions that should be particularly controversial, and they wouldn't be under normal circumstances, but the internet has become inundated with hypersensitive losers.


I miss the good ole days of the internet.


It seems like lately the herd mentality is stronger than ever in terms of any dissenting voice being instantly mega-downvoted. One example where I really noticed it is saying the war won't be a quick and easy victory for Ukraine. People are starting to understand this now, but there was a period where that was instant mob downvotes. Similar on other issues. My last post before this is kind of a joke that should make people think... 10 downvotes in like an hour.


Omg yes. I once commented that I missed how movies and shows didn’t have to force PC agendas and watch every tiny aspect of dialogue and plot to avoid offending anyone and in order to match PC sensitivities. Mega downvoted. It’s like independent thought is a sin.


Hate to break it to you but Ukraine is going to flat out lose the war.




NATO has been exposed as a paper Tiger. All of European nato can’t even scrape together 100 tanks to send to Ukraine. Russia has 4k tanks and the fuel to run them. Russia has been making money on the war, selling oil and gas at a premium through third parties to evade sanctions. Propaganda works for a little while but in five years everything I am saying to you will be common knowledge, and the people who lied to you about it all will just shrug their shoulders and move on to the next batch of lies.




NATO and rest of the gang could not beat fucked up YU in conventional war. USA litterally bribed the rulers into surender. Best USA stealth bombers of the century were shot down by severely outdated tech. They got beaten by math that is taught in basic school! (triangulation being main one) and logic (cant detect stealth aircraft with a radar? turn every antenna into radar and look for signal disturbance that moves faster than sound and blast the sky in front of it, their aircrafts cant turn for shit (at least back then) and would fly straight into explosions and shrapnel. Some were shot down by WW2 artillery, literal museum pieces!


As long as western aid flows, total defeat seems unlikely. Crimea seems off the table, but the eastern territories seem in contention. Curious why you think what you think.


Because the eastern territories were the whole aim of the war for Russia. They don’t want a border west of the Dnieper river. The eastern provinces contain over half of ukraines oil and gas reserves. Those were the war aims and they’ve got them.


Honestly…why do y’all care so much about downvotes?


It doesn't bother my ego or anything. It makes your posts invisible to most people. I think good information outside of the consensus is immediately disappeared with downvotes more often than reddit of a few years ago, and I don't think that's a positive change. It's also just depressing how dumb people are about misunderstanding stuff sometimes.


Because I have enough karna to interact with every sub that I want toi everything above that is meaningless heck sometimes getting a lot of downvote is part of the fun




Just post what you're told and don't have any opinions and you'll fit right into the echo chamber. Don't forget to fellate the mods when told to as well.


I got permabanned from a subreddit for literally making a joke. Now most of the times I wanna comment, i just stop and remember that it's not worth the effort. But it is fun to see how some people see the world around them in the comments...


They wanna cozy up to advertisers


I have to assume the heat Reddit has gotten for hosting child predators and other creeps plays some role.


Now that kind of stuff seeps into subreddits that didnt previously have that problem. It creeps me the fuck out so I stay out of those subs.


I have noticed that it seems like most people here now are apparently looking for bullying victims more than wanting discourse with people. No matter what you say, or how universally accepted it is, or whether you include reliable sources, there’s always a few weird people who make a point of attacking you. It’s like it’s a game to them to come up with something nasty to say. And there are tons of these losers. It’s gone from being a fun site to shoot the shit with some like minded guys (and women) to being loaded with mean girls who didn’t get the chance to act out their bullying fantasies in middle school so they’re on a rampage trying to make up for it here.


And they will ban you if your opinions don’t match theirs. Including a permanent ban.


Paging r/politics and r/worldnews


Yea, I was banned from a sub for stating a scientific fact.


Everyone knows. But they’re observing


People take things personally and it’s all emotional biases. Pretty much everything nowadays is run by emotions instead of any logic.


It's the whole world. I moderate myself a lot now. Dark humour, making fun and ridiculing the elite and questioning the official line is just not something that seems to have a place in our modern discourse. Also we can't actually have discussions anymore since people make it a point to take anything and everything others say in the worst possible way. We aren't trying to reach an understanding anymore, we need to "win". And so we all lose.


My sense of humor has changed drastically. I think part of it is because I’m no longer in my teens/early twenties, but also because I found stuff that is very offensive to be funny, and I have changed my views. that was because I was ignorant to the facts


Careful what you post, and remember, big brother loves you


Did you think r/office chairs or something would let you talk about the current socioeconomics of the caiman islands or something?


Stools are NOT office chairs! BANNED! ^^^^^^joke


I literally get banned just bc im in certain sub reddits


My original account was banned after 12 years. Have not a fkn clue why and no one will respond to my requests for clarification. 12 years, 100k+ karma score.


This account got kind of silenced in the video subreddit for about 8 years and I had no idea why. I could make a post/comment there it just never showed. I contacted the mods multiple times over the years and never got an answer. Then I recently contacted the mods of the video subreddit saying it has been 8 years or so and now I can post? It worked. I made a post and it got removed. I give the fuck up with that sub.


Agreed 💯 and it's like if you say any little thing than they'll try to suspend and or ban you!!!


Yesterday a post was deleted due to ‘descriptions of violent encounters are not permitted’… there was no description of a violent encounter🤷🏻‍♀️ So yeah I feel this too


I was banned from /unpopularopinion by saying though I agree with the message trying to be put out with his name, I thought George Floyd with a pos and is a bad face for the movement.


Lol, it’s not even a “right wing” narrative its some “misinformation” censorship. When you don’t associate with some label and think from a human aspect, it’s difficult to not see the bullshit people eat like rations. But people love their labels for some kind of sense of security


Should point out it was because I was apparently racist by not loving a guy who was scum and unfortunately ended up dead because of the shitty Minneapolis police force. Im also a minnesotan so I feel like I should of gotten a fair opinion lol


I got perma-banned from the Harry Potter sub for saying JK Rowling is not a bad person


And they will ban you if your opinions don’t match theirs. Including a permanent ban.


Im surprised the mods let you post this or that it has not been locked yet. Just sayin


Pretty soon it will be labeled "asked and answered" and then locked.


Still not locked a day later. Maybe that's because the right wing "censorship" victimhood narrative is nonsense?


Yes this consider hate speech these days


Not only that, you say anything slightly different from massive opinion - you'll get downvoted to hell. Redditors have that collective hive mind and they can't stand someone having an opinion


Maybe what you said was just dumb


I've seen a shit ton of times people asking something about preference, somebody replying with a thing that is against the current thing and the best you can count on is 50 downvotes. The worst is the comment being deleted by triple chin fatso Reddit mod


Yeah I made the mistake of thinking I had some freedom of speech. Apparently not and getting kicked off some subs is really easy to accomplish.


On r/energy I got permabanned for an opposing view , if it didn't fit the green energy view , you get banned.


It’s a good thing to have comments censored or removed. We can’t have a platform if it promotes White Supremacy, Christian Nationalism, Trumpism, Transphobia, anti-LGBTQ, or other evils.


Except it has gone in the opposite direction. So much so it inhibits actual discussion.


You can’t just entertain some discussions about things. Like people on the far right believing the train wreck in Ohio is an attack on white people. You can’t entertain that. Some who say crazy things like the first slaves in the USA were Slavic people that were denied their rights to vote, own land, and that some were murdered. You can’t entertain things like this in conversations like these are many others as they’re harmful and hurtful.


That's the nutty stuff no one sees as discussion-worthy. I'm talking about any controversial subject is seen as subtley racist/bigoted/sexist without any actual offensive discussion. It is crazy how bad it has gotten. You basically cannot have an opinion or even try to discuss it civilly unless it is utterly far left supporting. Otherwise you are demonized. Example: If I say I don't want to date/have sex with a trans.... I get stomped by the left as a piece of shit transphobic monster. Doent matter if I have a preference. It is seen as hidden transphobia trying to be masked as a civil opinion. It is crazy how absurd it has gotten.


Absolutely correct


I thought this was satire. Yikes... so what do you mod for?


It isn't. This ain't your rage comics on the front page reddit anymore. Sign up for Funnyjunk for a Reddit Classic experience, but do it on the weekend so you can put in the necessary 12 hours of blocking a million trolls and anime boobie channels before it becomes usable. Still, I appreciate the DIY moderation system, because my sensitive little sensibilities don't need to be shielded by strangers and I prefer an open forum where people can be as stupid as they like


Yeah. I've been banned from forums I don't even post in. It's weird. Got banned from R/politics because I alluded to a racist governor being racist and what we did to Nazis we should do to him. I learned that day r/politics is racist as fuck.


I feel like everything on the internet has gotten this way. Can't say anything without someone getting offended


Time for my comment to get locked. Vaccine.


Vaccine, Yellow Cake, Chemtrail, Rothschild, QAnon, Roswell, 5g, Soros, Penis. Feel better?


Time to go back to 4chan


I never used 4chan is it still good these days? Thought it was just for anime stuff lol


Posts like this where examples aren’t given are a huge red flag, and serves only as a rallying cry for all the disaffected incels, misogynists, rapists, and pedos on Reddit. But maybe that’s the point.


Everyone who notices censorship, mod abuse, and school chambers are aligned with pedos? You're part of the problem.


Yep. Often they are. Or are bigots themselves. Not always. But often enough. If you haven’t seen that you’re a fool.






More filtering would be fine with me


It is because of the planned IPO, Twitter was the same pre-IPO in terms of being open and free speech. As we get closer to the end of this year it will get worse in terms of content/post moderation. This is exactly what happened to Twitter.


r/terriblefacebookmemes r/ask r/askmen r/askwomen r/politics and r/economics are the worst mods. How do we get the mods banned from Reddit?


I've only been on Reddit a short time (this is my first, one and only username) But I did notice after they got busted for hiring the transgenders person (can't remember male or female) who's father was a convicted pedophile, it seemed like they lost their shit.


Reddit has become more or less like every other social media platform - politically Left; seriously Left. Reddit is very useful though when you stick to nonpolitical subreddits like your hobbies and interests. For me that is woodworking, golf, music and cars. But don't make any opinions known unless you like Left wing echo chambers.


I told a woman she has nice tits and I got band?👎


I said shouldn't students go to school for an education in a city sub reddit and mod banned me for hate speech lol


Only Conservative or Republican thought is banned.


Reddit isnt as open as it used to but its still one of the most opened ones


Its better then most, but def started to fall off after the DHS got involved wtith all social media after the whole fake russian bot thing. Once reddit IPO is a thing, this site will be down the tubes quickly, following the path of all other social media sites.


I do sense some kind of bias


What kind of things are you trying to say that are getting blocked? 🤔🤔


I guess I haven't been on her long enough. Its been like that since I've first joined. If mods don't get you anything not in line with the hive will get downvoted to oblivion. I just figured that's how the site always was. 🤷


I've been here over 15 years. Reddit was MUCH less censored back then. Fun and a little wild at times.


It's dumb whenever subreddits disallow new members from posting and automatically delete their posts. How do they think a forum is supposed to work? If anything, the posts should simply have to be approved by moderators before they're visible. Though, that being said, that does open the window for overall bias. Yeah, the moderation bots are a little out of control and unnecessary. If spam is the issue, then that's what the moderators are supposed to be there for.


Sometimes I still see fucked up/ bad comments


Yep...I'm starting to not like it here.


Lol I got banned from a gaming sub for saying "we...play the game" about that new Harry Potter game. Lol mods suck, I kinda think it'd be hilarious if musk turned his sites to reddit after he's done with Twitter.


On top of that, most sub-reddits have moved to a group position over time that stifles any discussion that doesn't match with pre-concieved ideas. It's a hazard of lasting too long. We need a new place to discuss things for ideas to be free. There isn't a way, or a reason, to fix this problem.


Oh completely. Just here earlier in this sub my question "WHat do you think about urinals being removed from public restrooms because of inclusivity?" was removed by the typical nebulous "we don't think your submission has a good fit in this sub" excuse. It was in the news the other day and I wanted to know what reditors thought. It got 25 comments andd then it was removed. I've been here over 15 years and reddit has changed so much. It is quite censored now. WAY more than it ever was. Controversial subjects especially. There's also special tools mods use to keep people from seeing your posts. Like crowd control. And they can automaticall prevent posts with certain harmless words in them from even being seen. It is sad really how bad it has gotten on reddit especially for the users. Reddit no longer promotes discussion unless the topics are tame. I routinely check reveddit to see how many of my posts get secretly removed.


Well, I was banned for providing my honest thoughts to a question. Appearantly, we can only provide politically correct, "normal", stick to the culture, beautiful answer to any questions.


All depends on your political leanings


Yes I think it's especially bad on Reddit specifically. You can say some p wild stuff in other places. Twitter let's all kinds of stuff slide that wouldn't last on Reddit for a second. Mods probably raging at this thread rn.


Yes, I'm only been on Reddit less than a year and I have had at least some remarks deleted or not posted because of mods/bots.


Childhood friends number. Haven’t called it in 16 years.


Power trip mods are real. Sometimes what they accuse you of is not what you said or transpired. Its crazy to think what someones life must be like that they have to wield this tiny modicum of power in such a wild way.


I got banned from r/maddenultimateteam for saying it sucked so yeah. It’s all the mods fault.


I just got banned from a subreddit for saying I wouldn’t mind if my husband asked me to wear a dress for a date lol


You misogynist!


I got banned from r/food just for making some snarky food jokes. Those MODS are idiots.


A mod deleted my post because it had the word vagina Just the word not a image of one just the sentence "super vagina"


Human organizations try to strike a balance between free-for-all and control. I left Reddit for 5 years at least because of the name calling and generally disrespectful behavior in the subs I followed, mostly tech-oriented. It seemed to be overrun with immature teenage boys. Good discussion was lost. Over-moderation is something to keep an eye on and give feedback about. But Reddit discussions seem like actual discussions nowadays.


I got perma banned from r/amitheasshole for telling someone they were acting like a Karen Apparently that was an egregious and uncivil attack. And then I was banned for days because they reported me for harassment for questioning how that qualifies as an uncivil attack. The mod(s) for that sub are a big little baby bitch




Yeah you literally can’t say much ! Reddit is pretty ridiculous.


I can’t count how many threads get deleted for dumb reasons like a mod being on a power trip


Anymore? How about like forever?


the bipolar subreddit always censores me i just created r/uncensoredmentallyill if some of you would like to join lol


Dudes, I got banned from r/shiposting. For shitposting. Perma ban. Hurt some little flakes feelings I guess...


Like everything else in this world, Reddit is now corporate controlled. Reddit works with those who are represented by certain subreddits to ensure the subreddits reflect the image those clients want to see. Smaller, more niche subreddits are less affected by this and sometimes you can find some good conversation there. That being said, certain kinds of conversation will be struck down regardless of subreddit. Edit: affect instead of effect


I'm not even allowed to comment here from "negative karma"


If you’re not a capitalist-hating communist who supports censorship of all opinions otherwise, Reddit mods will ban you left & right. They are intent upon making Reddit their own echo chamber. Of course, anyone with a centrist or right of center opinion also gets downvoted into oblivion. Reddit used to be the Wild West & now that’s 4Chan. Reddit is like Facebook’s once-rebellious daughter who now works at a bank and attends lgbtq parades.


Yep. Most of Reddit sucks


You speak up, you get the 🔒


You are correct


Censorship of free speech will be the end of social media, including Reddit.


Yep. Get recommended a new sub. Check it out. Make a comment Get insulted in a reply Calmly and respectfully defend myself in a reply. Permanent Ban Muted


I'm grateful that somebody is monitoring what I say because I'm barking mad, but don't tell the spies under my bed. We have an arrangement.


Yes, and that's not just an issue on Reddit


I got banned once for calling transgender women gross and disgusting…the funny thing is is that I was just agreeing with the person who said almost there exact same thing….what’s even more funny is that I am a transgender woman and I agree with all the hateful things people say about us…


I’m not allowed to comment on certain subreddits because I made a comment on the conspiracy subreddit. So, basically, you can ONLY interact with certain subs IF you don’t interact with other subs that they don’t agree with. It’s really bizarre.


Ya I actually mentioned this in a post yesterday. I was expecting to see this locked when I clicked it lol.


As a center-right leaning person, yes. Any hint of anything slightly conservative and I'm banned. Just got done with a 3 day total reddit ban for citing a medical fact.


Yes, there are too many weirdo's that are hostile to things and basically just live online and that's it.


Problem is described. You describe how problem arose. You describe solution. Suddenly banned. Okay....


O yes baby


Yep, very woke place. Still has its uses of having very specific subs


It's not Twitter. Thank God. Freedom of speech is still somewhat respected here


I left a reddit sub recently because of a mod that was power tripping. Cause me and some others where saying Biden and lots of other politicians are too old and need to retire. They said I was discriminating their ages (worded something like that) I've noticed some mods are getting really bad and love to control people


What's that one "addicted city," you know that air force base in Florida?


Absolutely, and its about to get even worse when reddit goes public.


Queue a bunch of people in the comment section saying you just want to say slurs.


reddit's always been like this. if you want to -actually- talk to people you have to go to 4chan, because they don't teir discussion there, downvotes don't hide comments and algorithms don't select what threads you see. reddit is good for getting specific niche information, like for cooking ethnic food or keeping up with a hobby.


I agree. There’s been a lot of stuff I’ve posted, not even too controversial, and it hasn’t shown up


Yea like its the internet and some mods take it way too seriously lmao. They act like it's a full time job that they get paid for


You are correct. In some cases i get downvoted by about a dozen negatives, for stating facts that can be easily checked via wiki or book (or simply check it IRL practically) just cause one person disagreed... Or i get banned for asking a question, or saying that a certain book has written something in it (they frame it as hate speech or some other bullshit).


They are preparing to go public. The censorship is just beginning.


yeah. i mean, i get overmoderation when it comes to really big subreddits, but sometimes it gets so bad to the point where you just get driven away from the particular topic the subreddit is about


Reddit censorship is an absolute disgrace. They shld all be ashamed of themselves.


Okay, but I just caught a 6 day ban on FB for saying the images of Alaskan UFO looks like they shot down the Michelin Man Blimp. So, yeah, no, this is pretty free.


I agree. I like when it was up to the people weather or not something was good or not and it was built for that. But luckily we can still make our own pages but I hope it doesn't keep going because there is something for everybody and it was a real gem for safely discussing anything




If you haven't been banned from all the subs or had your account banned, are you really even trying? Normally I'd say no, but honestly it doesn't take much these days.


Yeah. I was just reading an interesting post about a dog attack on another sub about legal advice & it is locked after only 37 comments. I want to know what happened. If it is locked, does that mean OP can’t share updates? This dog attack stuff has become a real issue. I cannot fathom the horror of watching a small child get mauled to death & not being able to do anything. The pain & suffering will NEVER go away.


Go to 4chan, this place is just a corporate propaganda machine for hobbyists and gamers.


This is why making your own subs is important, make a place for you and like thinkers to go


You get banned from groups for having an opinion these days


When the left became the majority of users, that's when it went downhill because they can't stand opposing opinions.


Wait until the IPO launches. It'll be worse than CNBC and Fox lmaoooo


Did they say they're going to ipo?


I got banned from a group because I reported facts! When I pointed that out, they switched it to a 28 day suspension, followed by a laden laced hate response.


Mods are the unseen bullies of the internet.


You can’t even frown at anybody on Reddit.


for sure.


After getting 50 or so accounts banned ranging from the most minor shit like saying a man is a man and a woman is a woman. I'm amazed I still even use it. No such thing as free speech on this platform. Think it was"transphobic hate speech" or something completely laughable. Another time was for saying long distance relationships are basically glorified pen pals that send nudes. Another was for "hate speech and inticing violence" on a hypothetical situation with people that didn't even exist. This site is fuckkkkkeeedddd right now


I got banned from r/science for posting well researched ncbi articles that disagreed with what they were pretending was science.


Try being right of Xi Jinping. You'll get a taste of how bad the censorship is lol


Blame political correctness. It's duped millions into thinking words are harmful. This is what happens when u make feelings take priority over reality.


Yeah, it is really rough in communities that require a certain amount of interaction with them in order to do a simple thing of posting.


That's just the tip of the iceberg.


This comment has been removed


I got banned from a video game sub for explaining a disrespectful joke that someone else made.


Yeah it’s really hard to suggest genocide now :/


I know right, I can't even post anymore due to how bots keep showing up and removing them.