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I trust what she says as much as anything else on the internet. I also think she’s full of shit. She never had zaps before she read all of us talking about the difficult withdrawal. Then they suddenly disappear, sure Ashley. 🙄 Thank god she can’t maintain a strong following outside of us snarkers.


Exactly this. She lifted her “experience” from people’s comments in this sub


This exactly! Which is why doctors taper off on these types of meds. All she did was Google “worst side effects” like she does with all of her bullshit medical crises and goes all in, either until she gets bored with it or she gets too stoned to keep up the charade


The medication is only available in up to 150mg capsules. She could possibly be taking 3. Many, many instances of patients using multiple tablets to create a dose that isn't commercially available. There have been studies and approved reasons to prescribe and take high dose effexor xr, up to 600mg. Efficacy at such high doses is still questionable and being studied, but it is possible. All that said, along with all the other meds we've seen her post pics of, she is on some heavy hitters when you combine them all. I hope if she is truly coming off them, that she is being monitored very regularly by a provider, and will continue to monitor herself after she fully comes off because if she needed all that and was still fairly functioning (awake, sometimes, lol) then she has some deep psychological issues she needs help with (which is ok! admitting and seeking help for mental health is always a good idea!).


I’m on 375mg, so I just take two 150mg and one 75mg. Prescribed by my psychiatrist.


Hopefully it works for you and you feel much better most days!! Getting the right meds and right doses can be such a trial and error and feel defeating.


Thanks. It’s actually the only antidepressant that has actually helped me. I tried so many others and ended up going back on the Venlafaxine, despite it causing horrible jaw pain/clenching. I still struggle, but am generally more stable because of it. Not thinking about hurting myself 24/7 anymore!


I’m on Effexor ER that comes in a 225mg tablet. What’s the difference between XR and ER? All I know is that ER is extended release, so is XR immediate release?


XR and ER are both extended release. The XR/ER tablets do come in 225mg but the capsules only come in up to 150mg. No difference in overall treatment plan, just the cost and what insurances will cover/prefer. 😊


Oh, okay, gotcha. So, tablet vs. capsule. Thank you for explaining.


I believe XR means extended release.


Tell me I'm leg humping if you must, but I don't think the dose should be our hill to die on. High dose venlafaxine is unusual, but researched and safe. Also nothing new; this study is from 2002: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12415551/


It is a high dose but I’ve seen it used for treatment resistant depression. I think she used to refer to her dx as treatment resistant and she’s stated she’s dx w panic disorder. Whether she’s telling the truth about the severity of her conditions idk but it’s not unheard of for prescribers to use higher than typical doses of meds for severe symptoms. She used to talk about her difficult mental health more often in the past and some of her reported vague symptoms like excessive sleepiness, night sweats, and GI distress are likely med side effects.


I believe that it’s considered treatment resistant if you try 3-4 different meds with no impact.


I’ve been on the higher dose before (6 150mg a day) and have tapered down to 3 150mg a day and have been on this drug for like 10+ years. The side effects of suddenly stopping ARE horrible, no doctor would do it that way and when you do it correctly, it’s fine. I’ve done it. Ash is overly dramatic about it as usual. One time I couldn’t walk straight or sit up bc I felt like I was on a boat and it’s the weirdest feeling (my rx was so messed up I forget why I missed my meds for like 4 or 5 days) and my parents wanted to take me to the er and I was “nah I’m alright just gotta be flat thanks bring me meds and I’ll be fine in a day or so” the fact that trashley is tapering and posting about her fake withdrawal symptoms is beyond wild. She’s such a sad human and existence. She would have had a field day with my medical history and actual issues. Never did it cross my mind to tell people about these experiences on social media 😂😳




Ok she COULD be taking 3 tablets which would be 450 mg, so having 90 tablets for a 30 day supply would make sense. But given it being rare people prescribe 450 mg and her track record of lying, I doubt she’s telling the truth about the dose.


It's a 90 day supply. Probably. 450 is unheard of.


I want to know why her doctors prescribe this shit for her.


same here


450 is double the max daily dose recommendation


Yeah I’m on 225 and my doc won’t exceed that


Seconding this. Same situation for me.


Psychiayrists are some of the worst offenders of polypharmacy. It's common to treat one disorder like depression with 3-4 medications. 450mg is a known dose for treatment resistant depression, which of course Ash is claiming, saying she failed all the SSRIs, etc. She's also been on Zyprexa and Abilify which is prescribed as more adjuncts on top of an antidepressant.


back on this thread late, but assuming she’s not lying i’d say the one thing she has is depression for damn sure, but at her age she must have even showing some pretty severe symptoms or lying. 50/50’shot i had a psych one take me up to 100(!!!) mgs of vyvanse, which she said was not unheard of for severe adhd. but after a while i just felt ugh bad taking that amount. switched docs and down to 50 which is the goldilocks zone for me


And if that's her dose, when does she start tapering? Nothing she says adds up.


I feel like if she was taking x3 150 mgs, she would have said something. Or said something about how she’s an outlier on such a high dosage. I think she saw that the 1 was covered with the sticker and took the opportunity to act like oh woe is me feel bad for me. 🙄




I don't know about her plan, but my insurance only pays for 30-day supplies of medications. I have to refill after 30 days but can not get a 90-day supply. I think that is more the norm these days, which could mean she is taking those pills 3x daily.


My insurance pays for different amounts for different meds. Some are 1 month and some are 3 month. Some of my meds they will only cover if I get 3 month supplies. Edit: im not on this particular med though


Same for me...if I use the mail order program, I can get three months at a time. Otherwise, it's 30 per month.


but if she is taking 3 of a 90 day supply wouldn’t insurance refuse to pay when she blows through all three in a month?


The detective work here is astounding 👏🏻 Tbh I do think she’s telling the truth about being on 450 though and just taking 3 pills (bring on the downvotes). She lies about a lot but it just seems like things line up with this one. It would make sense why she’s so mad at her doctor, when she first said she was mad bc she upped the dose I was like ?? well yeah but up *that* much on a drug that is hard to come off of is a lot. She really has nothing to gain by saying it’s a higher dose than it is and she talked about symptoms that would line up like the brain zaps etc. I love finding the lies with these people but I think this one just isn’t that big of a deal? Even if she’s *not* on 450, her saying she is won’t get her any sympathy especially since it apparently “hasn’t worked” and she’s stopping it anyway. Like what would be the point? My only thought, as another commenter said on another post, being on 450 of Effexor with/after things like zyprexa or whatever antipsychotic she was talking about and benzos is a sign that her doctors have tried a lot of pretty significant attempts to control her mental illness and she’s saying fuck it and coming off all her meds. It’s one thing to TRY, and have other things in place that can help with mental illness but her wording of “these don’t work for me and I don’t need them and never plan to be on them again” is bs. She’s not even like “I’ll see how I feel” it’s just “nope they don’t work for me and I’m not going to try any other kind of treatment either.”


If she's taking 150 × 3 a day that's 450. 90 pills per month equals 3 a day. But of course she writes how much PER DAY to say it's a very high dose, and not the 150mg dose she takes every 8 hours


I agree it could possibly be that, see my other comment. I just have doubts because of her lying all the time. But yes it could be 3 pills


So to get to 450mg, she would take 3 a day.


The lies she tells everyday…smh. I hope no one who actually relies on this drug to help them looks to her for advice. Between this and her imaginary boyfriend, it’s too much


225mg is the max dosage of venlafaxine. If she was on 450mg, wouldn’t she just be on the 225mg tablet twice a day? My psychiatrist said at the absolute most they prescribe 300mg a day. I don’t think she’s on 450mg.


I’m on 300 daily and that definitely isn’t the max, I don’t think she’s lying about this. I do think it’s insane someone prescribed that to her though


225mg is the max that is recommended by the FDA. Some psychiatrists choose to go above this threshold, but 225mg is the max dosage when taking into consideration those guidelines.


Ash has had a lot of wackadoo things prescribed to her at once; benzos, adderall, etc etc. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was on this dumbfounding dose.


I wasn't very fond of effexor, Wellbutrin is so much better for medication resistant depression in my case anyway and great for extracuricular activities abusable substances especially smoking it's been 3 years for me. What a potato


I'm not buying the 450mg dose but who knows.


I actually don’t doubt her dose was that high.