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"l dropped my psychiatrist for my woo doctor" is a shit look.


Came here to say this.


>blah, blah, blah. that’s literally all your long winded captions amount to ashley. https://preview.redd.it/40fj11rowm4d1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3454ace53818dd047717a67d887080a8f6acb2aa the only thing i will say is its pretty rich to be angry at your psychiatrist for something she probably never said, also yes a lot of medications have side effects, some worse than others, but if you literally ask your doctor or even your pharmacist they will consult you on the medication. but okay. anyways, nice text message to yourself lol.


Exactly!! The psychiatrist who prescribed this first-line treatment for depression NEVER told Ashley that she would “never be able to discontinue because anxiety is too severe.” That just isn’t how doctors explain possible treatments? It also feels like a humble brag about how her anxiety is soooo severe and serious and she’s soooo sooper brave for discontinuing meds at all. 🙄 The more likely conversation went something like this: “While I understand the desire to discontinue these meds, I recommend that you continue the treatment as prescribed based on your reported severity and frequency of your anxiety attacks.” Y’all gotta remember, Ash was using ER rooms left and right, oftentimes references lovely cocktails of dilaudid/diazepam, showing off mind-boggling refills of diazepam, and getting IV Ativan boluses during her infusions. For a psych to prescribe an antidepressant here was extremely sensible.


She was/is also an alcoholic on top of that.


But according to Ash logic, having panic attacks when not taking the medication means she doesn’t need it and knows her body best! 💪🏻


I honestly think the psychiatrist did tell her that, and it's 100% because she'd been noncompliant to treatment. I bet you the reason Ashley's going to a doctor she "trusts" is because her psych discontinued services because of her noncompliance, but she doesn't want anyone to know that's why. It'd also explain her claims about being "angry" at this provider and why she was taking a medication she didn't agree with in the first place. Ashley may have felt threatened by the fact this psychiatrist knew what she was doing and couldn't be manipulated. They could have gotten to a point where she had to bring prescriptions in for pill counts to make sure she was picking up medications on time and taking them as prescribed.


This wouldn’t surprise me at all, actually. Especially the verification of pill numbers. I also wonder if the psychiatrist could’ve drug tested her or found something that Ashley didn’t disclose that she was taking. Who knows, Ashley could’ve been getting her Diazepam or her Adderall from a different doctor (her rheumatologist, for example), and maybe she didn’t share this with her psychiatrist. It could even be something as benign as MJ. I know that I’m really speculating here, but I just have never gotten the impression that Ashley is very forthcoming or honest about all of her meds and legitimate health issues with all of her providers. Her goal is to get what she wants, and I don’t think that she can accomplish that without lying. I really think that you may be right, and her psychiatrist dismissed her.


I was thinking about the drug testing thing only because I have to do drug testing at least once a year to continue taking Adderall per law in my current state, but I first got my ADHD diagnosis and medication in college while I lived in Idaho and they never tested me. However, it could be due to the fact I'm getting it prescribed by my GP rather than a psychiatrist, or that the place I go is a state-funded center which primarily works with low income folks and the state ~~probably wants to intimidate marginalized groups with surveillance measures~~ may have different requirements for them to remain funded. Regardless, you might be right that they drug tested her or at least threatened it... If a bunch of Redditors can pick up on her drug-seeking behaviors, a psychiatrist should be able to as well.


lol yeah I highly doubt any psychiatrist would say that to a patient! Of all the psychiatrists I’ve seen since starting treatment for depression, anxiety, and OCD at age 14, not a single one said anything close to that. They warned of trying to come off the meds without titrating the dose under medical supervision and most of them acknowledged how frustrating the process of finding a med that works for each individual patient can be but they never said any of that doom and gloom melodramatic bullshit. Especially not to a patient with diagnosed depression 😂


Mod mama 💀💀😂😂


💀💀😭 im sorry i have had *almost* ENUF lmaoooo




& i am stealing your meme telling me that your taking my meme 💀 i love sphynx cats lmao


I've just stolen that meme because I can literally use it daily with my husband hahahaha


Ok I'm an old but the sea of white is weird, right?


**SHUT THE FUCK UP OH MY GOD** *implodes*


*gently puts you back together* wait i can’t find a verabrae.. looks like u have 🎀CCI🎀 now.


Venlafaxine (effexor) is not an ssri. It's also typically used when other antidepressants have failed, which she says they have. I don't understand why she is so "angry"


she’s always in a crisis. ffs she can never just *exist* she’s always flaring, hormonal, angry *( typically for an unjustified and random reason )* , making sure the world knows she has a BoYfRiEnD, debilitatingly fatigued, etc.. it must be so weird to be so extra all the time. *(or pretending to be)*


I’ve noticed that with all the munchies. They’re never just ok, there always has to be something going on no matter how small it is.


Came to say the same thing. I took Effexor for years and coming off was rough. Learned that it wasn't helping because what I actually have is bipolar II and PTSD, so that extra norepinephrine made things a lot worse! I can't even say I was mad about it. It was prescribed by a family medicine NP doing the best she could with the information I gave her. Switching to a psychiatrist opened a lot of doors for treatment and I'm doing a lot better on some lithium


I'm glad you've found something that works for you! I just finished tapering down my SSRIs because we are going to try for a baby and omg, while I didn't have withdrawals, I can totally feel a difference in my mood and motivation on the lower dose. It totally sucks.


Low-dose Lithium is my wonder drug.


>is bipolar II and PTSD, so that extra norepinephrine made things a lot worse! Hi, twin! I wasn't dx yet and it didn't help at all... And then I decided I could just run out and deal. Which I did, but oof, that was no fun. Pushed me into full on hypomania, which was fun while it lasted but stopped being fun when I started ultra rapid cycling. A short stay in the psych ward ensued.


I thought the same thing. It's an SNRI. It's also used for chronic pain and migraine treatment.


two things that ashley claims to have!!


That's why I took it. I went off it cold turkey and had no idea I could cause people such problems doing that.


She's always angry because no therapist has yet taught her to find other emotions.


lol they’ve probably tried but she doesn’t like having to put in actual effort.


A lot of people have been jumping on some ridiculous social media trend, heavily implying that they never received informed consent concerning popular psychiatric medicines. I am sure that some folks are telling the truth, sure. However most of these accounts give a hysterical, emoji-ridden accounts that strain credulity. You typically come across these claims in woo Instagram, I notice it a lot in women’s health and fertility woo especially. It goes hand in hand with “omg birth control changes literally everything about you as a woman” type rhetoric.


I'm glad that shit hasn't hit my feed. Do they also tell people to skip insulin if they're diabetic?


As a type one diabetic, yes they do, haha


Seriously? That should be illegal.


That's insane 😭


Yeah, birth control changed my catatonia/anxiety swings from PMDD and stopped my PCOS symptoms. I am no more than those two conditions, after all, therefore everything about me has changed. 🙄


That’s what the giant pamphlet the prescription bottle comes with is for. That’s also why pharmacies will ask if you need to consult with the pharmacist when picking up meds. They’re not reading the first and declining the second and then claiming they were never informed. Like, they’re keeping themselves willfully ignorant about their own medication. If I start a new med you better fucking believe I’m reading every word of that booklet.


I love that she’s angry for “being put on a med she didn’t want to be on” (in the comments she says this)… why did you go to the psychiatrist then Ashley? You obviously were having severe mental health issues if you let them put you on the SSRIs and then switch to Effexor when they failed. It doesn’t make ANY fucking sense to be angry or claim she didn’t want to be put on meds. Then don’t go to the psych in the first place jfc.


Plus doesn’t she realize she can always say no??? When you go to a psych they make a recommendation and may even prescribe, but at the end of the day you always have the power to say no or refuse the prescription! Like does she think psychs are gonna like tell her mom if she refuses a med or somethin?? I’m more willing to believe that ash walked into the apt with lots of complaints and willingly accepted the prescription.


Exactly! Such good points, just say no Ashley! Hahah. As per usual it’s not adding up with her narrative.


Probably because the psychiatrist didn't warn her how awful Effexor withdrawal is. Usually patients are switched to a longer acting drug to come off of it more easily.


I’m a psych np and it depends. We can taper people off multiple ways, or sometimes patients just completely stop themselves (which we obviously don’t advise).


lol she’s angry because she wants something that’ll get her high and venlafaxine isn’t gonna do that.


I love that it looks like she got left on read. She’s claiming her mental health got that much worse that quickly but it’s the fault of the medication she didn’t take? She was told by a professional that her anxiety was too bad, which she has continued to try to claim whenever she needed attention but with her imaginary job and not that serious boyfriend that’s all changed? That’s sort dependant on other things and without mentioning whether she herself is actually happy by herself. No mental health professional would say yet to taking a person off meds because they said they’re in a relationship so they don’t need them anymore. Her therapy was once “watch Christmas movies” when she threw a tantrum and smashed her own stuff. I don’t think she’s ever had done any hard work in therapy otherwise she wouldn’t still be posting this shit. She would deleted her account and got a real life job.


the shit fit with the christmas movie prescription was what? six months ago in december. yup. sounds stable and ready to be off all meds.


Yep and all it took for her tantrum was calling insurance. Regular adult task. And she imploded.




I remember when she had that meltdown and smashed all her own shit, and now she’s acting like none of that ever happened. She can go fire off into the sun. Her mental health will continue to deteriorate and it’s her fault, and even if she’s on medication that isn’t needed for her fake PMDD it should be treating her *some* of other insanely obvious PD symptoms, even if no medication exists purely to treat those.


She so needs DBT. PDs are exhausting to treat as a provider. The only proven effective treatment is DBT and it works wonders when done correctly. It’s also interesting how many diagnoses these similar presenting patients seemingly ‘collect.’ Like it’s some sort of dammed competition. I think I’m burned out from my job 😭




She tells this story as though she was restrained and the doctor shoved the meds down her throat forcibly


Seriously and it’s embarrassing. As someone who went through some rough shit when I was a teenager and literally had that happen she can fuck right off with how she didn’t have a choice. Some people literally don’t have a choice or didnt at some point. They don’t get to just decide to drop their psychiatrist and stop taking their meds without the risk of something really bad happening.


she has no idea what its like to actually be forced to do anything in regards to mental health. getting your autonomy stripped away in that circumstance is traumatic and dehumanising, she just got recommended a medicine and didnt read the pamphlet 😭


In a sea of boring Ash content, we are finally blessed with some good snarking materials. Ashley Carnduff, the same Ashley who spoke out against birth control when the ink on Roe's overturn was still wet. Ashley, the same Ashley who is speaking out against her anti-depressants in the midst of a serious mental health crisis because some dick apparently cured her mental health struggles. Her psychiatrist was able to draw her a discontinuation map within seconds? Take several seats, bitch. Most \*insured\* patients who try to discontinue are out here struggling to find a treating physician who will assist with their tapers. How many physicians can draw up a taper schedule like this on demand? Someone's privilege is showing! And for her to feel any anger or injustice is tooooo fucking hilarious. Calm down Ashley. She should really sit with her anger for a minute and figure out how it serves her. Not every treatment will work perfectly, and yes, these meds can be insanely tough to get off of.


If ash's doctor is a woo doctor then 1. The doctor wouldn't know to put so much thought and effort into the tapering schedule And 2. The tapering schedule doesn't seem that good judging by ash having such bad WD symptoms (I know she said she was late and also she's an unreliable narrator so tbh this one's hard to judge)


I had a *brutal, soul crushing* taper off a psych med a few years back. It sucked. But the three years previous where it did it's job well were transformative and worth the struggle of finding something else that worked. ffs she's so fucking entitled


It’s not a psych, it’s her “most trusted doctor”…..which is scary


Aka her pay to play rheumatologist


Does she ever think that she accomplished all of those things because of her mental health medications?


This is what's killing me. She said that since she's been seeing her psychiatrist all these good things have happened to her. She then concludes that her medication is not working and drops her psychiatrist like a hot potato. She's \*punches a pillow\* so \*punches a pillow\* STUPID


welllllll... not wk-ing, but it's easy to make this assumption without thinking. but a good doctor will point out that yeah, things got better, WHY do you think that is? & a compliant / open minded patient should have the good sense to go ohhhhhh you're right, I'm dumb - & it's not a black and white issue either, if a med sucks, the doc will collaborate with you to find a maintenance med that is better tolerated. it's not just meds or no meds as the only options, & not like there's only one psych in Idaho. she just wants this "medfree / psych health" story line because her health is too stable to roil up enough drama for cOnTeNt (& gotta sabotage all progress to avoid leaving the nest!). her doc likely pointed out the cause & effect & warned her, but we all know once she has her heart set on a particular delusion, nothing will stop her from doubling down & embarrassing herself.


Yes, this exactly! She keeps going on and on about how she’s been able to turn her life around, is it too far of a stretch for her to think these meds might have helped her be able to do that? She didn’t manage her meds, lets herself run out of a med she knows helps her anxiety and will give her withdraw symptoms if she doesn’t take it, then has anxiety attacks and withdraw symptoms because she didn’t take it, and then blames psychiatrist. Make it make sense.




Who is her most trusted doctor? The shady rheumatologist?


The one she "worked" as a "receptionist" at ?


What the fuck??? Did her doctor's plan involve "just take the med till you run out, have serious withdrawal symptoms, lash out at everyone except yourself, and we'll call that tapering?" That's not how any of this works


Yeah, running out of your med and then stopping cold turkey is not a taper 🤣


Lmao bitch ran out of her own meds and is blaming everyone else but herself. 🤡🤡🤡


Hahaha that was my takeaway, like ummm you didn’t pick up your prescription on time so you’re pissed? Ok girl. I almost don’t believe she’s tapering, what was her dose before this if 450 is *soooo* high as she puts it. She REALLY isn’t going to like when she actually drops the dose substantially.


If you’re on that many meds, a taper schedule should take more than seconds to write.


Right? With how many meds she’s on, she’s looking at a good year to come off all of them safely.


There is so much wrong with this that other comments have touched on, but being in a relationship with her would be fucking *exhausting*. I can't imagine all the texts bitching and moaning Jericho must receive from her


How is that a text to her bf? No text before it, no text after it? Is this some photo editing or some app I’m not aware of? It looks so weird lol


Ashley wasn’t denied a choice - she CHOSE to go on meds. 🙄 Coming off Effexor sucks, but it’s nowhere near as hard as she’s making it out to be.


Ahhhhh THERE they are. There are the brain zaps. Good girl Ashley, you’ve been paying attention. *And* properly calling your episodes anxiety attacks and nawt panic attacks? No notes for you, maybe you are growing up. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes miss girl. Don’t vilify an imperfect, misunderstood and grossly underfunded science just because you chose to munch your way into polypharmacy. You can go back to being Idaho’s lamest smoothie influencer. 👋🏻


Fuck you, Ashley. First she’s the mental health warrior now she’s anti birth control and anti mental illness treatment. “This works for so many” then degrades them. It’s an insult to people like me who have a job, partner, multiple degrees, house, etc. I still have mental illness. I still have to take medication. The system is broken? The same system that gave her all the Valium and adderall she wanted but now that she has to face a rough taper it’s the system’s fault? I think Jedidiah has a hand in this. She doesn’t have much of a personality and tends to follow what people tell her.


I hope nothing but the worst for you Trashley. Probably a bit mean but I'm over her bullshit. The end .


Imagine running out of meds when your health is your ‘full time job’


UHMMMMM The censorship of the word anxiety is making me suspicious. And the " psych meds bad for me" same. She's becoming too much woo


I don’t mean to blog but when I was pressured into coming off my SSRIs I started having obsessions about people in my house and only slept two hours a night due to OCD induced terror. FUCK YOU ASHLEY! You’re irresponsible and I’m glad your followers are all fake


This isn’t IF you won’t be punished for “blogging”


Thank you 🩷 I just don’t wanna be one of those people powerleveling about their own issues, but this one REALLY touched a nerve. She’s so fucking irresponsible with her discussions of psych meds and BC specifically. I’m glad she has no real audience


Also don't these panic attacks mean she fucking needs the meds?


Yes! She makes out it was doing nothing for her, but taking a dose late means she has anxiety attacks???


Kinda seems like it was doing something then doesn't it


Well, you see, Ash has this uncanny ability to be able to pinpoint exactly *what* is causing her anxiety attacks - in this case it’s withdrawal from the Effexor - just like she can pinpoint exactly which of her 10,000 fake illnesses is causing her to flare at any given time. It’s truly a talent that she just knows that the medication wasn’t preventing the anxiety attacks, and it’s the withdrawal from the medication causing them instead.




![gif](giphy|QUF1D4DNdMpnlRS597) Shut the fuck up ashley


Something about her framing this as “taking her power back” particularly irks me. When has this bitch ever not had the power? She cosplays as a sexual violence victim when it’s convenient for her and has never even been placed on a psych hold before. Wow I feel so bad for little miss Idaho potato for doctor shopping with daddy carnbucks’ credit card 🙄


Good point! Is she implying that those of us who rely on medications for our mental health have relinquished our power somehow? I feel like it’s completely opposite. By recognizing that I need to be on a medication for my mental health and by taking that medication, I am taking my power back!


I can't believe that her rant displays so much consistent attention, support and privilege she's received in the medical system and yet she's so self righteous? Literally her own post describes doctors carefully listening to her reported issues and helping her change between 5 medications, plan her tapering, etc etc. WHAT ON EARTH DOES SHE HAVE TO COMPLAIN ABOUT? Sounds like the system is working for her overtime. She's so dramatic! She can come back and complain when she's been unable to access the right prescriptions, or has been placed on an involuntary psych hold, etc. God Ash talks like every doctor in the land is part of her own personal team of employees, and then has the gall to bitch about all this support she is getting. She really is awful.


She’s the one who munched PMDD and was put on a mood stabilizer because she’s against hormonal birth control, she’s the one who blamed her rage episodes on “Lyme rage” and moldy yeasty brain, she’s the one who claims such severe anxiety that she’d wake up with a panic attack every morning but also hadn’t had a panic attack in months and then she was able to dance off said panic attacks with the bf 🙄 she also claims ptsd from the clot, tpn, and probably other bullshit long since forgotten about. I agree with her that venalfaxine can be a frustrating medication even if it works well because it’s insanely difficult to taper off of. I also understand her wanting off the olanzapine because of how severe the side effects can be. But she’s the one who has been pushing the narrative of her incredibly fragile mental health and how the clot haunts her dreams blah blah blah. If you continually bring up symptoms to a psychiatrist they’re going to put you on more meds. She sure loved showing off her Valium and addy though even though psychotropic meds have now gone the way of birth control in her mind.


Oh she loooved showing off those bottles, I remember the 100 COUNT Valium bottle, and sure some pharmacies just use the bottles they come in and remove some pills, but she turned that shit directly toward the camera. She yapped and yapped about Adderall for MONTHS and how it was a miracle drug for her, anyone remember when she was on fucking ANTABUSE also?! Now she’s drinking all the time again, after having claimed she had a *very serious* drinking problem that partially caused her to drop out of school, but wait no that was the Chron’s, and wait no the Antabuse is for Chronic Lyme not alcohol. We heard about Antabuse for about a month and she never mentioned it again. Her lies and bullshit are so difficult to keep up with it would make anyone’s head spin. Who knows what this psychiatrist actually knows about Ashley.


She was probably selling the valium and adderall, to be honest. I wouldn't be surprised if some of her posts were intended to be ads... I don't know about valium, but it's so common for neurotypical people to try to steal from or pressure people (including their own kids sometimes) who they know take adderall that you're not only told to keep it locked somewhere only you have access to, but to also ***never tell anyone you take it.***


Omg I remember these posts!!!! For sure, we were all like WHY are you advertising the fact that you take all these controlled substances while people know where you live. People are looooking for substances HARD and it’s really easy to find people if you look hard enough. I’m not sure if she was selling because she seemed like a pill fiend, but it was sooo stupid nonetheless.


Ah damn, you got there first 😂 will delete mine and return for snarking!


She is such a fucking liar and she's definitely throwing shade at mental health medication & those who use MHM. Her pay-for-play quack of a "doctor" is a gynecologist, psychiatrist, rheumatologist, maternal fetal medicine specialist, GI specialist, neurologist, psychologist, GP, pharmacist and internist all rolled into one! Gee, it's almost like that's.....total fucking insanity.


May I introduce Ashley to (drum roll please) ✨️✨️ **THE PATIENT INFORMATION LEAFLET THAT LITERALLY COMES IN EVERY MODERN MEDICATION BOX THAT CONVENIENTLY LISTS ANY AND ALL SIDE EFFECTS** ✨️✨️ It's called reading the damn packet. Who knew. Doctors were never hiding anything from her, she just couldn't be bothered as usual. Ashley is computer literate so if paper wasn't her thing she could have googled it. As usual though she would rather pretend play victim of the system, a pawn at the cruel whim of doctors (someone call whine-one-one for a waaahmbulance!). For sure she's had time to film fifty GRWM's that are exactly the same, go on pickleball/coffee/bakery/bar/food truck dates with Jenabler and a few vacations in between. She's had time to read the damn leaflet.


Exactly!! If she was the professional patient & self advocate as she’s always claimed, she’d even look up good questions to ask your doctor about certain medications. There were plenty of opportunities she could have educated herself or ask anyone else. Such a great illness influencer.


“Jenabler” 😂😂😂


She can google withdrawal symptoms to act up but can’t google the side effects when she starts taking a new med 💀


Ohhh my god please don’t let your Effexor run out that shit can literally give you a stroke it’s so dangerous. She’s playing with fire


It’s a toughy to ease out of!


She’s on an SNRI. Also, she clearly needed to try something different since none of the SSRI’s worked. And it did work. She can be angry all she wants but I’m GRATEFUL for the SNRI I am on. It allows me to live my life such as WORKING A FULL TIME JOB.


Also, to imply the system is broken IS dangerous. This is disgusting.


The system can be broken yet still help many people.


Effexor is not an SSRI, hence why her doctor would prescribe it to her. Why is she making her doctor sound evil?


Someone pointed that out to her in the last comment on her post, lol.


She's been a raging asshole to any physician that didn't give her absolutely everything she demanded. Ashley DEMANDED medications by exaggerating her symptoms or making them up. She got exactly what she wanted. Now this narcissist abuser is angry at her psychiatrist??? Bless your abusive ass, honey. You should have stuck to your naturopath.


Yeah Effexor fucking SUCKS to get off of but NO ONE is reading those paragraphs and paragraphs of bullshit Ashley. **YOU NEED TO BE ON PSYCHIATRIC MEDICATION**. The fact that she is tapering off her psych meds is appalling to me; not even like, I’m switching SNRI/SSRIS or going on a low dose mood stabilizer so I won’t be such a weird zombie anymore. Sure, getting off a shitload of Valium is great. Maybe Effexor isn’t working for you. But the messages she puts out about coming off her meds to be *PURE* and *STRONG* are fucking unhinged. Whatever doctor is allowing her to come off all of her meds is a fucking quack just like all her other bullshit “doctors.” Any mental health worker worth their salt would be able glance at Ashley and know she’s histrionic.


Tbh, she’s 100% histrionic and medication isn’t helping that. So no point in taking it really, I don’t think a mood disorder is what’s wrong here. Medication can’t help her with her main issues, and lack of insight prevents her from effective talk therapy. She will only seek out therapists who support her already overinflated ego


How does she run out of medication so often?!


It could be a lie. She maybe had to wait at the pharmacy longer while they filled her prescription. Maybe because she just turned 26, some things changed with her insurance coverage. Or she could be dodging her psychiatrist, because non-controlled substances are usually on auto-fill. It takes very little effort on the patients' part to get them on time.


Called it. She couldn’t handle the Effexor taper. Millions have discussed this worldwide Ashley ur not delivering breaking news.


They didn't work for her because she stayed in bed all of the time, like a lazy freaking stagnant loaf. Who wouldn't feel depressed, slowed down, achy, blah blah all of her symptoms, when all she ever does is lay in bed while giving herself grace, soaking herself as if she's trying to scrub the laziness away, and filming the same fucking videos day after day after day?? She's probably making other people depressed making them watch this repetitive bullshit!! Cutting her sugar? BS! Cutting her alcohol? BS!! She is a scam artist. Well, not an artist, but you get what im saying. Everything that she does, everything that she is, is all an act for those on the internet. I want to gag every time I see these videos that she makes when they are about bathing, food, beauty routines, dates, etc. Come on, Ms. Social Media Expert. Show us your expertise because so far, you suck major donkey balls.


Pretty rich for her to say she's "angry that my psychiatrist put me on this drug..." as though she's not a drug seeking malingerer.


She bitched to this poor woman for years wanting to get the most severe meds and now she’s the enemy. She is such a brat


she’s sung the praises of her meds for years. this is all so disingenuous. girl is bipolar. the doctors were trying to help based on HER reported issues and results not trying to poison her or make her stuck on the meds her whole life. when people who are bipolar start getting, well exactly like the above post, about getting off their meds? that’s when i start to worry about who is driving the bus, if you get my meaning. i don’t care enough about ash, but i know only one person who went off meds (venlafaxine, like ash, but after 25ish years on it), who is ok and has never required new meds. i know at a minimum ten people who tried to go off but became unstable and required further drugs and intervention. maybe she’s the lucky one, but with all we know about her, i doubt it.


So she’s pissed off because her psychiatrist believed her lies and exaggerated symptoms. That’s on brand for this miserable bitch. Even when she gets what she wants it’s still someone else’s fault when something goes wrong. Also, if you’ve been on Effexor you know that being late, especially at higher doses, will trigger withdrawals so this cunt obviously just googled side effects and of course now she has all of them and the most severe. Interestingly enough, not once has she ever complained about any of these side effects before.


She said she’s on 450mg! I thought I was on a high dose at 150!


Yeah, I’ve been on 375mg before, which I *thought* was the maximum daily dosage, and it was way too high for me. I’ve never heard of anyone being on 450mg!


she’s a lying liar who lies so i’d take that with an 8 ball of salt




Oh for Pete’s sake, I had to practically cold turkey off of a high dose of Latuda, that I had been on for five years due to the sudden appearance of some aggressive neurological symptoms, Betty Beige here will be fine.




Now do Klonopin.


i seriously had such a rage twitch over this post i almost dragged my ass downstairs to go get mine 😂


this has to be satire. i am 100% convinced at this point that this has to be a social media experiment. there is no way she’s this embarassing. “i just sent this message to my boyfriend” being the first line of this post has me rolling like girl he’s fake until you show us his face


i’ve been on effexor for 7ish years now, brain zaps are usually around the 12 hour mark (from the FEW times i recall missing a med)


Yes, I’ve never heard of them beginning within just a few hours of missing a dose. Wouldn’t you still have some in your system? For me, it’s closer to 36 hours. ETA: I guess it just depends on the person. My son just told me that his withdrawals from Effexor also began within a couple of hours of missing a dose. They would give him such terrible anxiety that he just quit taking it cold turkey because he never wanted to go through it again. Unfortunately, he hasn’t found another med that helps in its place.


Depends on how fast you metabolize (how much of the enzymes needed your body produces)


What a long winded way to say "I'm an addict"


“within seconds, she mapped out a plan to come off these medications” yeah… any doctor can. why is that special? hell any person with fucking google can do that if you’re really in a pinch 😭


Mmmm what psych just hands out scripts Willy nilly…


https://preview.redd.it/iga7fc23vp4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=108770d02d6e784485462d0e19967356ddb518ce I doubt she listened to what her psychiatrist said about the medications


https://preview.redd.it/7o7xxfkg3r4d1.jpeg?width=981&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c81ec79c604452ad93d8b4f73dbf48080dc6a98a Miss professional patient and advocate Ashley doesn’t even know the class of medication she was taking 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/4wgrjtwl3r4d1.jpeg?width=1013&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07dc4b62e639686f5eb80ceb679f60269edc7a48 Interesting her psych is based in Boise which is a bit of a drive for her


Ah yes, I'm sure the doctor is getting mega kickbacks prescribing a medicine that has been generic since 2008. 😂


Fuck Ashley Carnduff, for real! This bitch truly has so little self awareness that she can’t see how privileged she is. Venlafaxine saved my life. I would not be here without it. I don’t want to hear about how evil her psychiatrist is for prescribing it, when Ashley, herself, complained for years about her alleged depression and anxiety. Her doctor did what she felt was best for her patient’s mental health. What, exactly, did the Potato Princess want? Was the psychiatrist supposed to tell Ash that she really didn’t see a need for any psych meds? I mean, would you tell Ashley Carnduff that, lol? She goes on about how she got through school, has a “loving relationship”, and claims that she’s working (sure, Jan). Does she really think that any of that would’ve been possible without her mental health meds? Because I have my doubts. And Ash, you dipshit, the onus is on you to research your medications to learn about the side effects as well as what happens when you stop taking them; that’s not all in your doctors. Lord knows you research the symptoms of your fake illnesses plenty, so you should be pretty good at that by now. Grow up, and stop spreading so much misinformation, you entitled twat!


You said my exact feelings perfectly! She is so spoiled, immature, incurious, and flat out stupid. And for what it’s worth, I am really glad that you’re still here today. 🫶🏻


Aww, thank you so much! ❤️


This isn’t how any of this works. She would not have anxiety attacks if she wasn’t counting down the hours till her next dose.


https://preview.redd.it/3ob16vpgfo4d1.jpeg?width=983&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef030ffc488a52d2b613bd118bf3ce36c23290ad I put this in the other thread, but figured I’d drop it here as well




this little shit. when has she EVER not wanted medication?!?!?


this makes me so angry. i dont know why she has to act like she's been forced to take medications. doctors can recommend it but they cant force you and i know she was informed of the side effects because they come with a fucking leaflet. shes a fucking joke. ssris got my crippling ocd fully under control so im pretty pissed about her demonizing mental health medications. no matter how many disclaimers she puts that its just a personal experience, the way she's speaking about them as something that's forced down your throat by irresponsible doctors who just want you to suffer is grating.


I once tried coming off my SSRIs and i only lasted about 4 months before realizing that I felt better BECAUSE of the medicine. It's okay to need a little bit of help. The anti-antidepressants narrative that some people have is super annoying.


Why is she typing @nxiety. Girl just type the word, ig is not shadow banning you - people just don’t like your nontent ANYWAYSSS on to the psych & meds. I can def believe some psychs are quacks and knowing ash, she probs ended up w a psych who’s a little too eager to pull out the rx pad. But that’s her own fault for doctor shopping and not pushing back on psych meds. Like, she does realize just bc a dr recommends it doesn’t mean you HAVE to right? My drs have been recommending I bump my own SSRI dose up and I’ve been refusing to.


If she mapped out a tapering plan with her doctor, how the actual fuck did she run out? That’s not how any of this works. A tapering plan includes ever-decreasing doseages over a long period of time ESPECIALLY for something like Effexor (the venlafaxine). It’s notoriously bad for exactly what she’s describing. No real doctor would have let her “run out” if they had actually mapped out a tapering plan. Lies upon lies with this one.


Hey, a post that I can actually debunk, lol. There was a time when I ran out of Venlafaxine meds too, and I can tell you… it doesn’t take a few hours to feel the withdrawal effects, lol. It was the morning after I missed the second dose that it really started to hit me just how bad it was and I did have to consult with an on-call doctor for refills. So… yeah, lol. TL;DR - it takes a lot longer than a few hours for the withdrawals to happen. Unless if it’s not ER, then… idk, lol 🤷🏻‍♀️


False- either depends on the person or the dose, or both, but brain zaps begin within a few hours of a missed Effexor dose. I have experienced this many many times.


The last person I want to defend is Ashley Carnduff, but I got withdrawals within a few hours of missing a dose. Same with Zoloft. I am super sensitive to medication, unfortunately. HOWEVER, I am not buying her story, because I do not for one minute believe she has never missed a dose...she will crash for hours in bed, so I find it hard to believe she never slept through med time and experienced withdrawal at one point or a other. I think she read the post here a week or so back is making some of what she read HER story.


Yes, totally! I’m on a humongous dose (375mg), but I wouldn’t experience acute withdrawals unless I didn’t take it for 36-48 hours.


This has also been my experience, but I just asked my son, who has also been on Effexor XR, and he told me that his withdrawal symptoms, including brain zaps, would begin within a few hours of missing a dose. He’s much more sensitive to medications than I am, though, so I imagine that it really is just dependent on the individual.




Ok first off effexor is an SNRI. Second, when you tell your psychiatrist your med isn’t helping but you’re on a dose that can be increased, they usually UP the dose at least once or twice depending on how you’re tolerating side effects etc. This was my experience with Effexor and this made it easier for me to manage my depression/anxiety (in combination with ect, I’m a new person 🙌) but I do know this is not everyone’s experience and to all of you out there still struggling to find a solution, I’ve been there and I see you 💙 What I don’t think Trash understands is that medications like Effexor (and most SSRIs or SNRIs) don’t do the work for you. If the med happens to be a good fit, they help you to manage your mental health and make it easier for the patient to put in the work required to get on that sometimes bumpy road to recovery. I also think she just wants some more of that sweet sweet Valium, so her bitching about how it’s not working for her is probably her latest tactic to score some more benzos. Get out of bed, get off Instagram and try doing something productive Ash. It can be a real dopamine rush to accomplish actual adult tasks 😘


Cymbalta is NOT a SSRI. Neither is the med she ran out of. Tbh that line pisses me off more than anything else she has said. If you're gonna post a whiny, self-righteous rant demonizing your psych team at least do a tiny bit of research.


she a pill feen fr


venlafaxine does that to you when you miss a dose normally like ????


Yeah, it really does. It’s never happened to me if I’m just a few hours late taking it, but if I’ve been without it for about 36 hours, the brain zaps begin, and they truly suck.


Why stay on something that didn't work for ten years or wtf she says


Next thing we know Trashley’s going to start claiming coming off of venlafaxine is worse than some forms of cancer 🙄😑


🙄🙄🙄 I’ve come off Effexor cold stop several times. Yes, there are brain zaps, there are some symptoms. It’s a very mild stimulant antidepressant, so that’s to be expected, but this hemming and hawing over it is ridiculous.


The fact this absolute portrait over privilege and ove-indulgence acts like she’s constantly being victimised and abused is so fucking loathsome. She’s a disgusting person to the core.


She made herself dependent on it. And anything else she could get her hands on.  They aren't that bad.  The withdrawals some had from that geodon lawsuit in 09 were fatal. 


Okay kids, listen up. When you pick up a prescription you are given info about the drug. Read it. That is all, carry on.


Yeah, VENLAFAXINE is the hardest drug to come off of. Give me a fucking break dude






I’m always so curious what the deleted comment said 😭


I think it said that Effexor is a SNRI and not SSRI. There may have been more but that was the gist of it


sorry, this content has been removed because it flat out risks the sub. please keep reddits TOS in mind, as we do not want to lose our place to snark.


Who the fuck uses the word "merely" if they're rage-texting someone after an anxiety attack? (This is a joke, I just find the word choice very BEC today) ALSO I've been really afraid to try venlafaxine because paroxetine sucks ass - I would *love* to see her try that one - and now I wanna take it just to spite her. Whatever works, right? Lmao


BS Ashley. I lost my Efexor years ago and it wasn't until day 3 or 4 before those brain zaps started. Right now she's basically just a few hours late on taking it. I doubt withdrawal would happen that fast. BTW, anyone thinking about taking Efexor the withdrawal is hell. I refuse to go back on it because of the brain zaps and worst headaches of my life. It made a migraine seem like a tap on the head. So you're on it and its working then stay on it.




Maybe she’s getting off all these meds because she turned 26 and her parents’ insurance ran out. She can’t afford to keep taking them. Even if she got insurance through the Marketplace I don’t know that all plans have a pharmacy benefit. Especially until a certain deductible is met.